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从语域理论看从语域理论看生活大生活大爆炸中的幽默爆炸中的幽默 A Study of the Humor in The Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of Register Theory 从语域理论看生活大爆炸中的幽默 A Study of toutline.Introduction.Review of Humor.Register Theory.Study of Humor in TBBT.Conclusionoutline.Introduction.Review Reason Significance.IntroductionTheoreticallyPractically.IntroductionTheoreticallyPrv 2.1 Humorv 2.2 Humor in TBBT.Review of HumorDefinitionTraditional ViewsIntroduction to TBBTHumor in TBBT.Review of HumorDefinitionTr2.1.1 Definition of Humor “the quality in something that makes it funny or amusing;the ability to laugh at things that are amusing”.Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary2.1.1 Definition of Humor “In Plato and Aristotles days,three famous conventional theories were crucial to the study of humor.They are the superiority theory,the incongruity theory,and the release theory.2.1.2 Traditional Views of Humor In Plato and Aristotle Plato defines it as“malice or envy at the root of comic enjoyment and that we laugh at the misfortunes of others for joy that we do not share”.The superiority theoryThe incongruity theory Aristotle once said that“an effective device leading to laughter is to establish a particular expectation in the audience,and then to contradict or subvert it”.The release theory It proclaims that humor is generated by the relief from the tension of people and suppression from others.Plato defines it as“m The Big Bang Theory 2.2.1 Introduction to The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory 2.2.1 In Two Features Classification2.2.2 Humor in The Big Bang Theory content:conundrums,riddles,wisecrack,jokes,epigram,gags,anecdotes effects:red humor,gray humor and black humor scope:universal humor,culture-specific humor and language-specific humor Two Features2.2.2 Humor in Th 3.1 Register “Language varies as its function varies;it differs in different situations”(Halliday).Register TheoryField of Discourse Tenor of Discourse Mode of Discourse 3.1 Register.Register Theor3.1.1 Field of Discourse Field of discourse refers to what is going on:the area of operation of the language activity.It is concerned with purpose and subject-matter of communication.It answers the questions of“why”and“about what”of communication.3.1.1 Field of Discourse 3.1.2 Tenor of Discourse Tenor of discourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question:who the participants in the communication groups are and in what relationship they are to each other.It answers the question of“to whom”the speaker is communicating.3.1.2 Tenor of Discourse 3.1.3 Mode of Discourse Mode of discourse mainly refers to the means of communication.It is concerned with“how”communication is carried out.3.1.3 Mode of DiscourseE.g.a lecture on linguistics at a college could be identified as:Field:scientific(linguistic)Tenor:teacher-students(formal,polite)Mode:oral(academic lecturing)3.2 The deviation of Register(mismatches)E.g.a lecture on linguistics The Violation of Field E.g.Sheldon:All right,for the sake of argument,lets say thats true.Why doesnt Penny just end the relationship?Amy:She is not sure how she feels.Sheldon:How can she not be sure how she feels?You know,when I have a feeling,I know it.Trains?Love them.Swordfish?I love them,too.They are fish with a sword for a nose.Study of the Humor in TBBT The Violation of Field.Stu The Violation of Tenor E.g.Leonard:I did a bad thing.Sheldon:Does it affect me?Leonard:No.Sheldon:Then suffer in silence.The Violation of Tenor The Violation of Mode E.g.Sheldon:Why is that funny?Leonard:It is a joke.Sheldon:I dont think so.I believe that a joke is a brief oral narrative with a climatic humorous twist.For example,Wolowitzs mother is so fat that she decided to go on a diet,or exercise,or both.The Violation of Mode I dont Humor exists everywhere in our lives and it in fact has a great impact on human beings.This thesis mainly studies humor from the perspective of register theory.It can be concluded that the violation of any one of the three aspects can contribute to humor.This thesis can not only provide a new insight and perspective in the study of humor,it can also improve peoples appreciation of American comedies.Conclusion Humor exists everywhere in ouThank you!


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