(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第1部分 专题3 完形填空 技法4 利用词汇复现解题-人教版高三英语试题

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(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第1部分 专题3 完形填空 技法4 利用词汇复现解题-人教版高三英语试题_第1页
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(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第1部分 专题3 完形填空 技法4 利用词汇复现解题-人教版高三英语试题_第2页
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(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第1部分 专题3 完形填空 技法4 利用词汇复现解题-人教版高三英语试题_第3页
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技法4| 利用词汇复现解题完形填空的文章虽短,但却是一个意义完整、上下关联的语篇,所讨论的是同一主题,所以行文中的替代现象和词语重复是不可避免的。词汇的复现是指某一词以原词、指代词、同义词、反义词、概括词等出现在语篇中,句子通过这种复现得到了相互衔接。完形填空的某个空白处的答案可能就是上下文复现的相关词,据此可快速找出正确答案。例1(2016四川高考)“No,its too long and it doesnt have any 49 ,”complained Lainey.“Oh,thats where you are 50 ; there are lots of pictures.Every page is full of pictures; you just have to read the words to 51 them.Its like magic.”“Nice try,Aunt Dede,” Lainey replied 52 from the back seat.Another 53 was in order.“Well,if you dont want to read it,give it 54 Maybe your mom would 55 hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.By the end of the first chapter, 56 were coming from the back seat: “Please read a little 57 ”49.A.picturesBstoriesCadventuresDconversations50A.crazyBfoolishCwrongDdifferent51A.seeBmatchCshowDrecognize52A.sourlyBpatientlyCeagerlyDshyly53A.ideaBtryCbeliefDbehavior54A.awayBoutCin Dback55A.enjoyBadmitCmindDfinish56A.decisionsBrequestsCcommentsDpromises57A.more clearlyBlongerClouderDmore carefully解析:49和53题可使用词汇复现法来解题。由下一段中的there are lots of pictures可以看出,Lainey 抱怨书中没有插图(picture),故选A。根据前文的Nice try可知53题应为try,故选B。例2(2015陕西高考)Dad had a green comb.He bought it when he married Mum.Every night,he would hand me his 26 and say,“Good girl,help Daddy clean it,OK?”.After my graduation,Dads business was getting back on track.On my 28th birthday,Dad came home 35 As usual,I helped him carry his bags into his study.When I turned to leave,he said,“Hey,would you help me 36 my comb?” I looked at him a while,then 37 the comb and headed to the sink.26.A.bagBwalletCcombDbrush.35A.occasionallyBearlyCfrequentlyDrarely36A.sharpenBrepairCcleanDkeep37A.droppedBtookChandedDthrew解析:26和36题可使用词汇复现法解题。由前面的Dad had a green comb.可知,每天晚上,爸爸都会递给“我”他的梳子(comb),故26题选C;由第一段的 help Daddy clean it可知,爸爸提出让“我”再帮他清洗(clean)梳子,故36题选C。


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