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INTRODUCTION TO INNOVATION MANAGEMENT(INN001,5 p.)LOCATIONSTeaching the first three weeks mainly in the Maths house Slvegatan 18The following 4 weeks in CIRCLEs new location at Slvegatan 16(MNO-house)Mondays 10-12:LectureTuesdays 13-15:LectureWednesdays/Thursdays 10-15:SeminarcontentsThe role of innovation What is innovation?What is innovation management?Models of the innovative process1 Key Concepts in Innovation ManagementThe aim of innovation.Depends on the type of firmGoal is mostly to survive,to grow,to make profitR&D departments generally strive for the best technical solution.but what matters for innovation is how it influences survival chances,profit and growth opportunities!Innovation and the corporate strategyInnovation management.has to be understood as a core process of the organisation-It is related to what is being producedIs a long term raceIs about continuityHas to deal with complexity!Is about being systematic developing routines around innovationWHAT IS INNOVATION?InventionTechnologyInnovationCreating new or improved products,processes and servicesKnowledge and learningUncertaintySchumpeters distinction between”Invention”and”innovation”An invention is an idea,a sketch or model for a new or improved device,product,process or system.It has not yet entered to economic system,and most inventions never do so.An innovation is accomplished only with the first commercial transaction involving the new product,process,system or device.It is part of the economic system.Dimensions of Innovation Product innovation:changes in the things(products or services)which an organization offersProcess innovation:changes in the ways in which they are created an deliveredPosition innovation:changes in the context in which the product or services are introducedParadigm(概念,思想概念,思想)innovation:changes in the underlying mental modes which frame what an organization doesthe 4Ps of innovationAccording to the degree of codification(编撰成法律文本)(编撰成法律文本)Information to tacit knowledge (对约定俗成的知识,共识)(对约定俗成的知识,共识)WisdomTacit knowledgeExplicit KnowledgeInformationDataTacit 约定俗成的认定约定俗成的认定Codified编撰成法律文本的编撰成法律文本的Figure 1.1 Dimensions of innovation2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittIncremental 增长增长 Radical 彻底的,激进的彻底的,激进的 Figure 1.4 Component and architectural innovation2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittThe knowledge of innovationTriggers 引发引发 of discontinuityNew market emergesNew technology emergesNew political rules emergeRunning out of roadChange in market sentiment or behaviourDeregulation 违规违规 or reregulationFractures 反常反常 along fault linesUnthinkable eventsBusiness model innovationShifts in techno-economic paradigm 概念概念Architectural innovationImportant contextual 前后关系前后关系 factorsType of sectorSize of firmThe country and regionThe stage in the industry life cyclePolitical regulationsAbernathy&Utterbacks industry life cyclesThe fluid phase co-existence of old and new technologies rapid improvement of both the sailing ship effectTarget:What product and what market?Technical:What product who will produce it?ExperimentationImportant contextual factorsGlobalisation 全球化Sustainability 可持续化Networking organisation 网络组织The transitional phase 过渡阶段过渡阶段 A dominant design 出现新的主流设计Convergence 集中表现集中表现 around one design Rolling bandwagon innovation channeled around a core (指政治上或商业上的指政治上或商业上的)时尚时尚,浪潮浪潮,声势浩大的活动声势浩大的活动set of possibilities a technological trajectory 轨迹轨迹Imitation and developmentReliability,cheaply,higher functionality,qualityThe specific phase 个性化形成Rationalization 合理化合理化&scale economiesDifferentiation through customizationScope for innovation becomes smallerTable 1.2Stages in innovation life cycle2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittThree key questions1.How do we structure the innovation process?2.How do we develop effective routines?3.How do we adapt or develop parallell routines to deal with incremental vs.discontinuous innovation?ConclusionsDifferent kind of innovationsContext specific 特定背景特定背景Innovation has different stagesKnowledge is the keyRepetitionFour dimensions of innovation1.Product,process,position,paradigm 理念理念2.System-Component3.Incremental-New to the firm-Radical4.Codified-TacitFigure 1.4 Component and architectural innovation2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittRepetition 1Innovation:Depends on the type of firm,sector,industry life cycle,country and so onDepends on the”environment”Goal is mostly to survive,to grow,to make profitTechnical solutions vs.societal and organisational aspectsDifferent from inventionInnovation managementCore processProductionCommercialisation design,marketing,resources,competenceLong termContinuityComplexitySystematic,routinesNew factors affecting innovationGlobalisationSustainabilityNetworking organisationChapter 2:The innovation management processEvolving models of the innovation processCan we manage innovation?Introducing the concepts of Organizational Routines or CapabilitiesSpecify the different phases of the innovation processHow context affects innovationFirst and second generation modelsR&DDESIGN&ENGINEERINGMANU-FACTURINGMARKETINGSALESFirst generation(50s-60s):Technology push“Linear model”MARKETNEEDSMARKETINGDEPT.R&DMANU-FACTURINGSALESSecond generation(mid 60s-70s):Demand pull3rd generation model 4th generation modelmarketingR&DProduct developmentComponentsmanufactureProduct manufacture4th generation modelmarketingR&DProduct developmentComponentsmanufactureProduct manufactureReduced time to market5TH generation modelINDUSTRYUniversityR&TCentresSuppliersUsersGovernmentIPIPIPFinancialSystemInnovation processes 5th generation modelRelevance 相关性,关联性相关性,关联性 of external sources of knowledge“firms do not innovate in isolation”Related to Innovation System conceptFocus on networkingStill strong emphasis on R&D and formal knowledge(ICT)6th generation of innovation processes“Revolve around knowledge and learning”Networks embrace all knowledge types,not only R&D.Most innovative firm is the one that learns fastestIt is the use of knowledge that makes the competitive difference,and creates the advantageManaging complexityRadicalNetworksR&DMarketproductprocessesIntellectual CapitalIncrementalInnovation can come:From the market(demand pull-2nd)From the“R&D department”(tech push-1st)From any department(interactive 3rd)From process re-invention(integrated 4th)From external sources of information(networks-5th)From intangible assets(6th)Table 2.2 Rothwells five generations of innovation models2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittInnovation modelsSO,WHICH ONE IS RIGHT?A fast food restaurant chain?An electronic test equipment maker?A hospital?An insurance company?A new entrant 加入加入 biotechnology firm?Can we manage innovation?The majority of failures are due to some weakness in the way the innovation process is managed.Technical resources(people,equipment,knowledge,money,etc.)Capabilities in the organization to manage themOrganizational routines or capabilities are“the way we do things around here(in this organization)”as a result of repetition and reinforcementRoutines are firm-specific and must be learned.“To manage”innovation means to create an organisation where routines can be learned as to cope with the complexity and uncertainty of the innovation processUnlearning is important The innovation management processSearching looking for threats and opportunities for change within and outside of the organisation.Technological opportunityChanging requirements on the part of the marketSelecting deciding(strategically from how the enterprise can develop and taking into account risk)what to respond to.Flow of opportunitiesCurrent technological competenceFit with the current organizational competenceImplement turn potential ideas into a new product or service,a change in process.Acquiring to combine new and existing knowledge(available within and outside the organization)to offer a solution to the problemExecuting to turn knowledge into a developed innovation and a prepared market ready for final launchLaunching to manage the initial adoption Sustaining to manage the long term useIn the implementation phaseCope with uncertainty about:Technological feasibilityMarket demandCompetitor behaviourRegulatory and other influencesReplaced by knowledge accumulated technology&market researchLearning to learn from progressing through this cycle so that they can build their knowledge base and can improve the ways in which the process is managed.Restart the cycleFailure why?Refine,improvement next generationLearning about technology,routines&organizationFigure 2.1 Simple representation of the innovation process2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittAlmost the same-againAlmost the same-againSCANDefinition:Detecting signals in the environment about potential change(market niches,technology development,etc)ActivitiesScanning environment for technological,market,regulatory and other signalsCollect and filter signal from background noiseScan forward in timeProcess signals into relevant information for decision making Almost the same-againFOCUSDefinition:Selection of the various market and technological opportunities.Inputs:(1)the flow of signals coming from the previous phase(2)the current technological base of the firm(3)the fit with the overall business strategy.Almost the same-againRESOURCEDefinition:Combining new and existing knowledge to offer a solution to the problem.Activities:Invent in-house through R&D activitiesCreate the conditions for creativityUse existing knowledge in-houseTechnology transfer and knowledge transferLicensing.etcAlmost the same-againIMPLEMENTDefinition:Close interaction between marketing related activities and technical activities to develop the idea into a marketable product or service.Activities:Develop to maturityTechnical development Development of the marketLaunch After-sales supportAlmost the same-againLEARNDefinitionAnalysing the failures and success to input the innovation processActivities:Continuous improvementKnowledge and IC management“Innovation is a risky process.but also a mandatory 强制的,命令的强制的,命令的 one”.Success depends of a variety of:Internal factorsGood managementCore competenciesClear innovation strategyRight technologyExternal factorsLinks with market and suppliersLearning from competitorsInstitutional support:financing,human capital,etcTable 2.3 Problems of partial views of innovation2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittTable 2.3 Problems of partial views of innovation(continued)2005 Joe Tidd,John Bessant and Keith PavittSuccessful innovationNew products,processes and services account for an increasing share of salesLower pricesBetter-performing productsBetter features for certain users(niche)of resources devoted to the development of new products go to unsuccessful projects35%of products launched fail commerciallySummaryModels of the innovation processRoutines and capabilitiesInnovation management processPartial views on innovation


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