Module4 RobotsUnit1 Robots will do everything.富宁小学富宁小学 四(四(1)班)班(外研版)四年级英语下册(外研版)四年级英语下册play footballplay the flutewrite a letterrow a boat make a cakewash clothesListen to a song:Ive got a Robot_clip(2).aviIts a robot.会拉小提琴的机器人会拉小提琴的机器人智智能能遥遥控控机机器器人人Robots佣佣人人机机器器人人One day,robots will do everything!They will有一天They will do the housework.They will help children learn.will1)Damings robot can walk.()2)It can talk.()3)Robots will help children learn.()4)They will do homework.()FTTT What else will the robots do?Robots will make a cake.Robots will help children learn.Robots will sing.Robots will write a letter.Robots will take pictures.Will they do the housework?Will they do our homework?Yes,they will.No,they wont.One day,robots will do everything.everything.我理想中的机器人 在图画纸上画出你理想中的机器人,并且向你的同学老师介绍你的机器人现在能做什么,以后又会做什么。e.g:This is It can One day,it will Summary and Homework1.Listen to the tape 3 times.2.Read the text.3.Copy the new words.Summary and HomeworkOne day,robots will do everything!One dayeverythingrobot Walle.aviRobot Wall-e.aviRobot.avi