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working-the-landworking-the-landHow do farmers grow rice?First,buy or select the seeds from the store.Second,we need to plough or turn over the soil.Third,we sow the seeds in the soil.Finally,we can harvest our grain.Growingshouldbedoneproperly totheoccasion.谷雨前后,谷雨前后,立夏到小满,立夏到小满,过了芒种,过了芒种,一步赶不上,一步赶不上,要使庄稼好,要使庄稼好,头伏萝卜二伏菜,头伏萝卜二伏菜,节气抓不好,节气抓不好,宁可早一日归仓,宁可早一日归仓,霜降不刨葱,霜降不刨葱,种瓜点豆。种瓜点豆。种啥也不晚。种啥也不晚。不可强种。不可强种。步步不跟趟。步步不跟趟。一年四季早。一年四季早。有利没有害。有利没有害。一年白拉到。一年白拉到。不可迟一日留场。不可迟一日留场。越长越心空。越长越心空。It is said that there are 2.4 billion people who eat rice every day throughout the world.HungerWhatcanwedotohelpthosesufferingfromhunger?Morethan800millionpeoplegotobedhungryeveryday!AChinesescientisthasfoundawaytohelpChinesefarmerstoproducemorericewithgoodqualityinthesamefieldthanbefore.HybridRice:hasahighoutputFather of Hybrid RicePara1A.DrYuansdreams.Para2B.DrYuanspersonality.Para3C.DrYuansbiographyPara4D.DrYuansappearanceandhisachievement.Skim the passage and match the following headings with the right paragraphs.Task 1:find out the main idea of each para.onethird;60%;50million;200million22%;7%Find out the following pairs of figures.What can we know from the figures above?uincreasethericeharvesturidtheworldofhungerPara.1 Dr Yuans appearance and his achievementQ1:WhatdoesDrYuanlooklike?He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim,strong body.Q2:Whatishisachievement?He grows what is called super hybrid rice,which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.Task 2:Careful Reading1.Dr Yuan prefers others to call him a scientist,rather than a farmer.2.Now more than 50%of the rice produced in China each year is from the super hybrid rice.FFTrue or FalseTimeinformation19301953AsayoungmanArecentharvestnowBornSouthwestAgriculturalCollegeSawthegreatneedforincreasingthericeoutput200milliontonsofricewasproducedCirculatinghisknowledgeinlessdevelopedcountriestoincreasethericeharvestsSearchedforawaytoincreasericeharvestswithoutexpandingtheareaofthefieldsPara.2 Dr Yuans biographyWhich of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true?A.He cares little about money and B.being famous.B.Besides hard work,he has some hobbies,such as listening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and reading.C.Leading a comfortable life means a lot to him.D.He gives much money to help others to do research in agriculture.Para.3 Dr Yuans personality What is his attitude towards fame and wealth?He is not satisfied with his present achievement and never stops struggling or dreaming.Beingfamousgiveshimlessfreedom;carelittleaboutHow many dreams of Dr.Yuans are mentioned?Para4:Dr.YuansdreamsDescribe the rice in Dr.Yuans dream.As huge as a peanutThefirstdream As tall as sorghum As big as a corn Toexporthisricesothatitcanbegrownaroundtheglobe“Dreaming for things costs nothing.”What did it take to realise his dream?devotingtocaringlittleaboutnotbeingsatisfiedwithleadingasimplelifeworkinghardbeingpatientequippedwithknowledgedevelopingcourageInformation CardName:_Nationality:_Occupation:_Education:_Dream:_Achievement:_Hobbies:_Age:_Fill in the information card for Dr.Yuan LongpingTask 3:Summary-Pair workInformation CardName:Nationality:Occupation:Education:Achievements:Dream:Hobbies:Age:Yuan LongpingChina81Scientist/farmergraduated from Southwest AgriculturalCollegeto export his hybrid rice so that it can be grown around the globein 1974,developed hybrid rice which has a high outputlistening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and reading1.YuanLongpingisafarmeraswellasascientist.2.Heincreasedriceoutputbydevelopingmoreareaoffields,orexpandingmoreareaoffields.3.Nowthatheisfamous,heisstilllivingasimplelife.4.Hedreamsofexporting(sellingabroad)hisrice.True or false:A farming scientist A new strain of riceA simple life A dreamGive a brief introduction about Yuan Longping:according to the questions on page the land 耕种土地耕种土地 vt.耕种(土地);经营、管理 work a farm 经营农场 vi.工作;(机器等)开动;(办法、计 划等)行得通 I dont think that your suggestion will work.Explanations 为争取为争取而奋斗而奋斗/斗争斗争1.struggleforstruggle against/with为反对为反对而斗而斗;与与争斗争斗struggle to do sth.努力做某事努力做某事1.The swimmer struggled _ the tide.2.We had to struggle _ all kinds of difficulties.3.The slaves struggled _ freedom.againstwith/againstforWe all should believe in ourselves in the struggle of life.Her struggle with the disease lasted ten years.struggle v.挣扎,搏斗,奋斗 n.奋斗,拼搏,斗争 The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle be have heardC.hearingD.being heardA 2.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.Football,or what is called soccer in Britain,is the most popular sport in the world.我们生活在所谓的信息时代。我们生活在所谓的信息时代。We live in what is called the Information Age.What=the thing(s)that3.This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.make+it+adj./n.+to do 好天气使游泳成为可能好天气使游泳成为可能The fine weather makes it possible(for us)to swim.他将每早跑步做为一个规则他将每早跑步做为一个规则He makes it a rule to run every morning.其他可用这种结构的词其他可用这种结构的词:feel,find,think,considerhunger n/v.a hunger for/after对的渴望,对的欲望hunger for/after 渴望得到hungry adj.4.At that time,hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside.满足她对真理的渴望满足她对真理的渴望死于饥饿死于饥饿satisfy her hunger for/after truthdie of hungercirculate vt./vi.循环,流传Blood circulates in the body.Rumor circulates rapidly.This journal is widely among teenagers.A.circulated B.spread C.circling D.expandingB.The condition prevents the blood from freely.C.A.circulating B.traveling C.spreading D.blowing spreadsAA5.Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in India,Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.thanks to=because of;owing to;as a result of;因为,由于因为,由于_,we won the game.由于你的支持,我们赢得了比赛。由于你的支持,我们赢得了比赛。Thanks to your supportridof摆脱;除去摆脱;除去get rid of除掉,摆脱除掉,摆脱toridthehouseofmice把房间里的老鼠消灭掉把房间里的老鼠消灭掉Youshould(改掉改掉那个坏习惯)那个坏习惯).rid yourself of that bad habit.6.Thanks to his research,the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.My parents bought me a book for my work.A.satisfying B.satisfied C.satisfy D.satisfaction-People are in great need of this kind of food.-Yes.Its really a problem that how to the needs of them.A.give B.gain C.satisfy D.produceACsatisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要满足某人的需要 7.Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.satisfy v.满足满足satisfying adj.satisfied satisfied with 对对感到满意感到满意satisfaction ones satisfaction1.To enjoy the beautiful scenery,I would rather travel by train by B.and C.than D.toB.2.any soup for breakfast.C.Id not rather had B.Id rather not haveD.C.Id not rather have D.Id rather not hadCB8.He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.would ratherwould rather(not)do would rather do than do 宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿 would do rather than do would rather that did/had done 3.-What do you feel like?-I would rather stay at home than do;to go B.doing; do;go D.doing;doing-Im going out tonight.-Well,Id rather you .A.arent B.dont C.wont D.didnt B.我宁愿考试不及格也不要作弊。我宁愿考试不及格也不要作弊。C.I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.D.I would fail rather than cheat in the examination.BDWe shall equip all schools new computers over the next year.The center is well equipped mountaineering.withfor9.He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.equip provide sb./sth.with the things that are needed.equip oneself/sb./sth.with sth.用某物武装某人用某物武装某人/装装备某物备某物equip sb./sth.for sth.为某事使某人为某事使某人/某物有所准备某物有所准备with the hope of/that 带着希望;希望in the hope of/in hopes of in the hope thatI called early in the hope of catching her before she went to work.I called early catching her before she went to work.He asked her again in the hope that he could persuade her to come.He asked her again .withthehopeofwiththehopeofpersuadinghertocome10.Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of recie that could feed more people.1.Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his research.2.Indeed,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like thoses of millions of Chinese farmers,for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.3.These increased harvests mean that 22%of the worlds people are fed from just 7%of the farmland in China.5.Thanks to his research,the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.6.Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut.为而奋斗过去的半个世纪高产量毕业于作为年轻人.的极大需要搜寻,探索幸亏,由于,因为摆脱,除去struggle forfor/over the past five decadesa high outputgraduate fromas a young mana/the great need for search for thanks to rid of 对 感到满意 在意,关心 宁愿,宁可过着舒适的生活而不是为某事使某人/某物有所准备带着某种希望全球关心,喜爱,照顾be satisfied with care about would rather(than do)lead a comfortable life rather than equip sb./sth.for sth.with the hope of around the globe care for Fillintheproperphrasesorwordstocompletethefollowing:1.Itwas_hisadvicethatIsucceeded.2.I_theresultoftheexperiment.3.Theyhave_foryearstodrivetheinvadersoutoftheircountry.4.Weallwishthatwecould_theworld_crime.5.InsomelessdevelopedareasinChina,somefarmersarestill_poor_.6.The_ofcornthisyearisdoublethatoflastyear.7.After_college,hewenttoShenzhen_gettingachancetobecomerichsoon.thankstowassatisfiedwithstruggledridofleadingalifeoutputgraduatingfromwiththehopeof1.Master the words&expressions.2.English Weekly 第二版1.decade2.crops3.occupation4.sunburnt5.super6.Grain7.statistics8.Vietnam9.disturbing1.struggled2.hunger3.Thanks to 4.too much freedom5.therefore6.wasnt satisfied with/was dissatisfied with1.make a difference to 2.expanded3.circulating4.equipping5.are exported6.battled1.students of all nationalities2.would rather remain poor3.rid himself of those thoughts1.sunburnt2.ridof3.expand4.circulate5.would satisfied with9.equip10.crops11.thanks to1.statistics globe2.super nationalities3.Hunger disease4.Vietnam occupations5.freedom exported1.decade2.struggle3.expanding4.Equipped 5.output6.grain 7.crops8.battles9.disturbing结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!51


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