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Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands 明德华兴中学初三备课组明德华兴中学初三备课组kissshake handsbowhughand-kissnamaste合十礼合十礼various ways of greetingSpeak out the way of greeting accoding to the pictures.kisskissshake handsshake handsbowbowhughughand-kisshand-kissWhat are you supposed to do?In Japan what are the people supposed to do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to .bow People should .put their hands togetherThailandPeople are supposed to put their hands together.hug or kiss on the handIn England,people should_.New ZealandThey are supposed to .touch nosesWe are supposed to shake hands.We are not supposed to_.touch nosesThey are expected to hug or kiss .They are not expected to .bowBrazil1b Listen and fill in the blanks.1b Listen and fill in the blanks.YoshiRodrigoCeliaKimMikeMatch the countries with the customs.1a_ Brazil a.bow_ the United States_ Japan b.shake hands_ Mexico _ Korea c.kisscbabaListen and check your answer in 1a.1bYoshi:What _ people _ _ _ when they meet in your country,Rodrigo?Rodrigo:Do you mean when people meet for the first time?Yoshi:Yeah.Rodrigo:In Mexico,we _ _.Yoshi:What about in Brazil,Celia?Celia:Well,in Brazil,people sometimes_.How about in_,Yoshi?What are people expected to do when they meet_ _ _ _?Yoshi:We _.Kim:And in Korea we _ bow.Mike:Well,I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.aresupposed to doshake handskissJapanfor the first timebowalsoListen to 2a and choose the correct answersListen to 2a and choose the correct answers.MariaMarias mistakes_ arrived late _ ate the wrong food_ greeted Pauls mother the wrong way_ wore the wrong clothes2aListen and check()the mistakes Maria made.1.When was Maria supposed to arrive at the party?A.AT 6:00 B.At 7:00 C.At 8:00 2.How was Maria supposed to greet Pauls mom?A.By kissing her.B.By shaking hands.C.By hugging her.3.What was Maria supposed to wear?A.A T-shirt and jeans B.A fancy(华丽的)dress C.The school uniform Listen again.Fill in the blanks.1.Maria was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but she _.2.In Marias country,when youre invited for 7:00,youre expected to _.3.When Maria met Pauls mom,she was supposed to _.4.Maria should ask what she is supposed to _ if she is invited to a party next time.2barrived at 8:00come latershake handswearWhy did Maria make such mistakes?Free talkWhat can we do to avoid these mistakes?People around the world greet in different ways.In Mexico,people shake hands when they meet for the first time.In Brazil,people are supposed to kiss.People in Japan and Korea are expected to bow.People in Australia are supposed to shake hands when they meet for the first time,and they will kiss on the cheek with their close friends.Can you remember all the customs?直击中考(1)90 seconds第一节第一节 短文朗读短文朗读(80-100词词)(6分分)你你将将有有60秒秒钟钟的的时时间间阅阅读读屏屏幕幕上上的的短短文文,并并作作朗朗读读准准备备。在在听到听到“开始录音开始录音”的信号后,请在的信号后,请在90秒内朗读短文。秒内朗读短文。Mario 昨晚穿了一条华丽的裙子去了昨晚穿了一条华丽的裙子去了一个美国朋友家,却发现每个人都穿一个美国朋友家,却发现每个人都穿着着T恤和牛仔裤。原来那是一场户外恤和牛仔裤。原来那是一场户外聚会,她感到很尴尬。聚会,她感到很尴尬。直击中考(2)第二节第二节 情景反应情景反应(共共4小题小题)(8分分)你有你有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,然后按照秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,然后按照情景提示的内容用英语回答问题。当听到情景提示的内容用英语回答问题。当听到“开始录音开始录音”的信号后,请按照提问顺序回答问题,每道题作答时间的信号后,请按照提问顺序回答问题,每道题作答时间为为15秒钟秒钟 1.Where did Mario go last night?直击中考(2)2.Did everyone wear a fancy dress?3.What was Mario supposed to wear at an outdoor party?4.How did Mario feel at the party?(She went to)an American friends house.No.T-shirt and jeans.(She felt)embarrassed.1.在中国,人们第一次见面时会握手。在中国,人们第一次见面时会握手。2.在吃饭的时候,中国人会使用筷子,并避免发出噪在吃饭的时候,中国人会使用筷子,并避免发出噪音。音。3.去朋友家吃饭,中国人通常会按时到。去朋友家吃饭,中国人通常会按时到。4.吃完饭之后,为了表示感谢,中国人会邀请朋友下吃完饭之后,为了表示感谢,中国人会邀请朋友下次来家里吃饭次来家里吃饭。直击中考(3)2 minutes1 minute第三节第三节 口头表达口头表达(6分分)你你有有2分分钟钟的的时时间间阅阅读读屏屏幕幕上上的的要要点点提提示示,并并作作答答题题准准备备。当当听听到到“开开始始录录音音”的的信信号号时时,请请根根据据所所给给的的提提示示用用5句句以以上上的的英英语句子在语句子在2分钟内进行英语表述。分钟内进行英语表述。In China,people are supposed to shake hands when they meet for the first time.They will use chopsticks and avoid making noise when eating together.Chinese people usually arrive on time when they go to the friends house for dinner.After eating,Chinese people will invite their friends to come to eat again to show their thanks.直击中考2 minutes1 minute第一遍,将生词找出来。如果实第一遍,将生词找出来。如果实在不知道怎么读也不要停下来,在不知道怎么读也不要停下来,尽量使用自然拼读法进行朗读。尽量使用自然拼读法进行朗读。录音的时候,控制好语速,大声录音的时候,控制好语速,大声朗读,尽量不回读。朗读,尽量不回读。答题过程中,如果一个单词读错答题过程中,如果一个单词读错了,不要惊慌,及时纠正自己的了,不要惊慌,及时纠正自己的错误,重答一次,只要第二次回错误,重答一次,只要第二次回答正确,也能得分。但在非必要答正确,也能得分。但在非必要情况下,请尽量避免重复作答情况下,请尽量避免重复作答!What do you think of these What do you think of these different customs?different customs?Understanding and RespectingUnderstanding and Respecting them is the best attitude!them is the best attitude!When in Rome,do as Romans do!When in Rome,do as Romans do!


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