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TITANIC Its a romantic story but the roles were unlucky in the story.Lesson 33 Out of the darkness1.Why was the girl in hospital?1.Where did the girl set out from one afternoon?2.Was she in a small boat or a large one?3.She was caught in a storm,wasnt she?4.Where did her boat strike?5.What time of day was it?6.Which way did she swim?7.How long did she spend in the water?8.How far did she swim?9.When did she see a light ahead of her?10.How did she know she was near the shore?11.Where did she climb up?12.Where was she trying to get to?13.Where did she find herself when she woke up?How?darknessd:knis美音:drkns 名词 n.U1.黑暗;阴暗The room was in complete darkness.房间里一片漆黑。2.无知;愚昧The islanders used to live in darkness.岛上的居民过去一直生活在愚昧之中。3.阴郁;邪恶darkness of mood 心情忧郁 explain1.解释;说明;阐明He explained that he had been cheated.他解释说他是上当受骗了。Can you explain how the machine operates?你能解释一下这机器是如何运转的吗?Please explain this rule to me.请给我讲解一下这条规则。2.为.辩解;说明.的理由(或原因)+wh-He made up a story to explain why he was absent.他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。towards介词 prep.1.向,朝;面对I saw her walking towards the bank.我看到她朝银行走去。Jean moved towards the door.琼向门口走过去。2.将近;大约She is towards sixty.她将近六十了。aheadhed 副词 adv.1.在前;向前The hills ahead are not wooded.前面的山上没有生长树木。2.预先,事前Youd better plan ahead.你最好事先计划一下。3.领先,占先Two people were ahead of us,and travelling fast.有两个人在我们前面,走得很快。struggle不及物动词 vi.1.奋斗;斗争(+for/against/with)+to-vThey struggled for peace.他们为和平而战。The old man has been struggling with illness.这位老人一直在与病魔斗争。2.努力;使劲;挣扎(+for)+to-vShe struggled to keep back the tears.她努力忍住泪水。The baby struggled in its mothers arms.婴儿在母亲怀抱中挣扎。3.艰难地行进The wounded soldier struggled in the forest.受伤的士兵在森林中艰难地行进。1Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。(1)这句话有两个从句。before一直到结尾是句子的时间状语从句。在这个从句中,explain又有自己的宾语从句,what为这个从句的主语。(2)before在引导时间状语从句时,有时不一定译为“在之前”,虽然表达的是这个意思,如文中的这句话。类似的情况有:It will be months before he can come back.要过好几个月他才能回来。He ran off before his mother could stop him.他母亲还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。2One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。(1)我们已经学过 set out表示“出发”:Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock.艾利森船长将于8点钟启航。set out from表示“从出发”。(2)be caught in表示某人“(突然)遇到/上(风暴等)”:He was caught in a heavy rain on the way home.他在回家途中遇到了大雨。3Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。介词after的宾语是动名词spending及这个动名词的宾语、状语,这个结构在意义上等于 after she had spent the whole nightin the water。4During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.在那段时间里,她游了8英里。(1)that time指上句话中提到的the whole night。(2)cover可以笼统地表示“行过(一段路程)”,根据上下文可具体译为“走过”、“飞过”、“游过”等:The bird covered the distance in three minutes.这只鸟用3分钟飞完了全程。(3)表示具体的距离可以用“a distance of+具体长度”这个结构。5high up on the cliffs,在高高的峭壁上。up为形容词,表示“在上面的”、“高高的”、“在较高处的”,high为副词,修饰up。6On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towardsthe light she had seen.到达岸边后,姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去。(1)“on+动名词”相当于 as soon as或 when 引导的时间状语从句:On reaching the airport,he was arrested by the police.他一到机场就被警察逮捕了。(2)she had seen为 the light的定语从句,关系代词 that/which省略了。(3)up 在此处为介词,表示“沿着往上”。7That was all she remembered.她所记得的就是这些。that指前面(从第2句话开始)描述的内容。she remembered为all 的定语从句,关系代词that(不能用which)被省略了。1.passed/past2.be able to/can/could3.happen to 4.set out from/out of/be caught in/jump into 介词介词/副词总结副词总结5.cover a distance of+具体距离具体距离6.next/other7.On arriving =as soon as/when she arrived主从句的主语必须一致主从句的主语必须一致8.find sb./sth.+宾语补足语宾语补足语nearly,passed,explain,happen to,set out,be caught in,struck,jumped into,swam to,Spend,covered,saw,knew,near,cliffs,arrive,struggle up,remember,woke up,found,in hospitalA:Hello,How are you feeling now?B:A:You are so brave.Were proud of you.May I ask you some questions?B:1.d 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.c 11.a 12.c


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