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非谓语动词记忆口诀英语中的动词分谓语动词和非谓语动词两大类,谓语动词在句子 中可以作谓语,非谓语动词在句子中不能作谓语。非谓语动词是中学 生学习英语的一个重点,也是难点,规则很多,容易混淆和出错。下 面小编利用口诀学习非谓语动词的方法,希望能帮到大家。巧用口诀学习非谓语动词一、非谓语动词的形式“非谓”形式记忆口诀 “非谓”形式1、2、3,过去分词最简单; 现在分词和动名词,两种形式记心间; 不定式形式有三种,“完成”“进行”和“一般”。 非谓语动词的形式共分三种,即过去分词只有一种形式,现在分 词有两种形式,动词不定式有三种形式,简称“非谓形式 1、2、3” 见下表(以动词do为例,下同)。非谓语动词形式1、2、3 (图1)非谓语动词一般式进 行式完成式过去分词done现在分词或动名词doingbeing donehaving donehaving been done动词不定式to doto be doneto be doingto have doneto have been done从从上表格中可以看出过去分词最简单,只有一种形式,即一般式 done,现在分词分一般和完成两种形式,动词不定式有一般式、进行式 和完成式三种形式。熟记这些形式,是学好和用好非谓语动词的必要 前提,必须在“熟”字上下功夫。当我们在学习和使用非谓语动词时, 大脑中首先浮现出“非谓语动词形式 1、2、3”这幅图表,答题就有 了较好的基础。二、非谓语动词的功能非谓语动词总共有10种形式,每种形式用法均不同,不仅如此, 有些非谓语动词的不同形式在句子中还可以充当同一功能(比如过去分 词、现在分词和不定式均可在句中做定语),但存在区别。以下表格(图 2)仅介绍非谓语动词 10 种形式的主要功能及特点,详细用法可参看有 关语法书籍。非谓语动词各种形式功能表(图2)非谓语动词句中功能主要特点done定语、状语、表语、宾补被动,已经完成doing主语、定语、状语、表语、宾补主动,正在进行being done主语、定语、状语、宾补被动,正在进行having done状语、宾语、不能作定语主动,已经完成 having been done 状语、宾语、不能作定语 被动,已经完成 to do主语、宾语、表语、宾补、状语 主动,将要发生 to be done主语、宾语、表语、宾补、状语 被动,将要发生 to be doing 宾语(常与动词搭配) 主动,正在进行 to have done 宾语(常与动词搭配) 主动,已经完成 to have been done 宾语(常与动词搭配) 被动,已经完成说明:l.doing和to do都可以作主语、宾语和表语,但to do表 示将要进行的“某一次”动作,doing则表示经常的动作(例1);它们都 可以用作状语,但 doing 表示伴随或行为方式,而 to do 常表示目 的(例 2);2.doing/being done和 having done/having been done者E 可以在句中作状语,但do ng/bei ng done表示的动作常与谓语动词的 动作同时或几乎同时发生,而having done/having been done表示 的动作则发生在谓语动作之前(例3、例4);3.done,being done, to be done 这三个被动形式都可以在句子中作定语,但它们的时间概念有明 显不同(例4-6);4.动词不定式的进行式和完成式常与一些动词搭配(例8 例9)。试比较以下例句:1.She likes swimming very much but she doesnt like to swim this afternoon because it is cold. 她(平时)非常喜欢游泳,但 是她不喜欢今天下午(这一次)游泳,因为天气较冷。2. Mary went to street to do some shopping, driving her new car.玛丽上街去买东西(目的),开着(行为方式状语)自己的新车。3. Entering the room, I saw a cat jumping on te table. 一进房 间,我就看见猫在桌上跳。4. Having worked for hours, I felt a little tired.已经工作了几个 小时,我感到有点儿累5. Do you like the room cleaned by me just now? 你喜欢我已 经打扫的那个房间吗?Do you like the room being cleaned by me now? 你喜欢我正 在打扫的那个房间吗?Do you like the room to be cleaned by me soon? 你喜欢我即 将打扫的那个房间吗8. When I came in the boy seemed to be sleeping. 我进去时 那个男孩似乎正在睡觉。Whe n they came here I happe ned to have gone out他们来这 儿时我碰巧出去了。注意:例1中的过去分词cleaned不能用having been cleaned来代替,现在分词的完成式一般在句子中作状语或宾语,不能作定语。三、非谓语动词使用口诀 在实际运用中,非谓语动词还有一些比较细的规则和特殊用法, 运用以下口诀,联想老师所讲的或语法书上所写的一些细则,答题时 思路就清晰得多:非谓语动词使用口诀一看主语或主格,主动被动分清白; 二看句中作何用,形式、时态慎选择; 三看动词咋搭配,约定俗成是规则;四看句型与句意,特殊用法要记得。 一看主语或主格,主动被动分清白1.The Olympic Games, in 776B.C,did not includewomen players until 1912.(NMET1997)A. first playing B to be first playedC. first played D. to be first playing该句的主语the Olympic Games与play之间是被动关系,排除 A.D.两项,B项是不定式的被动形式,表示将来的动作,应排除,故C 项为最佳选项。2. , I will go bowling with you this afternoon.A. Mother permits B. If Mother permitC. Mother permitting D. Mother permittedA选项本身是一个句子,缺少连词与后边的句子连接;B项语法有 错,permit应为permits;C项的mother为主格,与动词permit之 间为主动关系,所以正确答案为C.二看句中作何用,形式与时态慎选择European football is played in 80 countries, it themost famous popular sport in the world.A. making B. makes C. made D. to make此题答案为 A, making 是现在分词,在句中作状语,与主语 European football是主动关系;D项是不定式的主动形式,可作目的 状语,但目的状语前不用逗号;B.C属语法错误。三看动词咋搭配,约定俗成是规则While shopping, people sometimes cant help into buying something they dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuadedcant help 是“抑制不住”“情不自禁”的意思,其后要接 doing或being done等形式,属固定搭配,故排除A.D两项。从句 意来看,是人们“被说服”,所以答案为C,persuade sb into doing sth = persuade sb to do sth.四看句型与句意,特殊用法要记得1) How about the two of us a walk down thegarden? (MET 1993)A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be takinghow/what about + doing(n. pron.)是固定句型,该句中的 the two of us是动名词taking的逻辑主语,the two of us taking起构 成动名词的复合结构。在句子中作介词about的宾语。2) The research is so designed that once n o t h i n gcan be done to change it.A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun该句中的once begun是once it is begun的省略句,意为“一 旦开始,故答案为 D例如:Once (it is ) seen, it will never be forgotte n.旦看见(它),永久难忘。3) How do you deal with the disagreement between thecompany and the customers?The key the problem is to meet the demand by the customers.A. to solving; making B. to solving; madeC. to solve, making D. to solve; made该题中的the key to sth/doing sth意为“的关键”“的答 案”,to为介词,其后要跟名词或动名词,第二空有短语 by the customers,很明显要选过去分词made,所以正确答案为B.该句的意思 是:解决这个难题的关键是满足顾客所提出的要求。十招搞定非谓语动词非谓语动词用法分析说明: 非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词和现在分词。为了区分这三种不同的非谓语动词的用法和含义, 我们将分别从三种非谓语动词在句子中做主语、宾语、宾语补足 语、定语、状语、表语以及些特殊结构句型等角度来区分其用法和 细微含义。1.不定式和动名词作主语的区别(1)动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here.这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)It is not very good for you to smoke so much你抽这么多烟对 你身体很不好。(具体)(2)动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。 不定式短语通常用来表示一件未完成的事或目的。Climbing mountains is interesting爬山很有趣。(经验)Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring. 在高峰时刻开车令 人厌烦。(经验)(3)不定式做主语,一般用 it 当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语 后置。It took me only five minutes to finish the job.2.不定式、动名词和分词作表语的区别(1)不定式作表语 不定式作表语一般表示具体动作,特别是表示将来的动作。To do two things at a time is to do neither.- 次做两件事等于 未做。What I would suggest is to start work at on ce 我的建议是立刻 开始干。如果主语是不定式(表示条件),表语也是不定式(表示结果)To see is to believe百闻不如一见。To work mea ns to earn a livin g工作就是为了生活。如果主语是以 aim , duty , hope , idea , happ in ess , job , plan , problem , purpose , thing , wish 等为中心的名词,或以 what引导的名词性从句,不定式作表语是对主语起补充说明作用。His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future.他的希望 是在不远的将来买一辆豪华轿车。The function of Louis Sullivans architecture was to provide large uninterrupted floor areas and to allow ample light into the interior.The most important thing is to negotiate with them about the future of the plant.(2)动名词作表语动名词作表语,表示抽象的一般性的行为。Our work is serving the people.我们的工作是为人民服务。His hobby is collecti ng stamps 他的爱好是集邮。注:动名词作表语时与进行时态中的现在分词形式相同,但其所 属结构迥异,进行时态说明动作是由主语完成的。动名词做表语,说 明主语的性质或情况。People cannot but feel puzzled, for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.His victory in the final was no more convincing than I had expected.(3)分词作表语 分词做表语有两种情况,一种是现在分词做表语,一种是过去分 词做表语。这两者区别是考试中经常考到的地方。一般来说,表示心理状态 的动词如 excite, interest 等都是及物动词,汉语意思不是“激动”, “高兴”,而是“使激动”、“使高兴”,因而现在分词应该是“令人激动的”、“令人高兴的”,过去分 词则是“感到激动的”和“感到高兴的”。所以,凡表示“令人的” 都是-ing形式,凡是表示“感到”都用Ped形式。换句话说,若人对感兴趣,就是somebody is in terested in 若人/物本身有兴趣时,就是说sb./sth. is in teresti ng.这类词常见的有:in teresti ng使人感到高兴-i nterested感到高兴的exciti ng令人激动的-excited感到激动的delighting令人高兴的-delighted感到高兴的disappo in ti ng令人失望的-disappoi nted感到失望的 en couragi ng令人鼓舞的-e ncouraged感到鼓舞的 pleasing令人愉快的-pleased感到愉快的 puzzling令人费解的-puzzled感到费解的 satisfying令人满意的-satisfied感到满意的 surprisi ng令人惊异的-surprised感到惊异的 worrying令人担心的-worried感到担心的Travelli ng is in teresti ng but tir ing旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。 The pupils will get confused if they are made to learn too much.如果要学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。The argume nt is very convin ci ng.他的论点很令人信服。They were very excited at the news听到这个消息,他们非常激 动。(4) 不定式和动名词作宾语的区别 大多数动词既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词作直接宾语,但有些动 词要求:(1)不定式做宾语和宾语补足语 1)下面的动词要求不定式做宾语 attempt 企图 en able 能够 n eglect 忽视 afford负担得起dema nd要求long渴望 arra nge安排dest ine注定mea n意欲,打算 begin开始expect期望omit忽略,漏 appear 似乎,显得 determ ine 决定 ma nage 设法 cease停止hate憎恨,厌恶prete nd假装 ask问dread害怕need需要 agree同意desire愿望love爱 swear宣誓volu nteer志愿wish希望 bear承受en deavor努力offer提供 beg请求fail不能plan计划 bother扰乱;烦恼forget忘记prefer喜欢,宁愿care关心,喜欢happen碰巧prepare准备 decide决定lear n学习regret抱歉,遗憾 choose 选择 hesitate 犹豫 profess 表明 claim 要求 hope希望 promise承诺,允许 start开始un dertake承接want想要 consent同意,赞同intend想要refuse拒绝 decide 决定 lear n 学习 vow 起 con trive设法,图谋in cli ne有倾向propose提议 seek找,寻觅try试图2)下面的动词要求不定式做宾补:动词+宾语+动词不定式 ask要求,邀请get请,得到prompt促使allow允许forbid禁止prefer喜欢,宁愿 announce宣布force强迫 press迫使 bride 收买 in spire 鼓舞 request 请求 assist协助hate憎恶pro nounce断定,表示 advise劝告exhort告诫,勉励pra y请求 authorize授权,委托help帮助recommend劝告,推荐 bear容忍implore恳求remi nd提醒 beg请求induce引诱report报告 compel强迫invite吸引,邀请,summon传唤 comma nd命令intend想要,企图show显示 drive驱赶mean意欲,打算train训练 cause引起in struct扌旨示require要求 deserve 应受leave 使,让tell告诉 direct指导like喜欢tempt劝诱 entitle有资格order命令warn告诫 en able使能够need需要urge激励,力说 en courage鼓励oblige不得不want想要 condemn指责,谴责lead引起,使得teach教 en treat恳求 permit允许 wish 希望奇速英语暑假网络互动直播课程 11 月报班 9.5 折,两科连报 8.5 折,并送十讲突破核心语法视频,详情请咨询qq : 2835745855或者 3234190098来不及的不是时间,而是行动,心动就马上行动,当你还在犹豫 的时候,先报名的童鞋已经甩你很远了。英语学习:非谓语动词十大实用解题原则非谓语动词主要包括to do, -ing和-ed三种形式,可是其用法非 常广泛,它不仅是高考单项选择题测试的一个重点,而且也是完形填 空、阅读理解、短文改错的重要考查内容。为了能更好地掌握非谓语 动词的用法,笔者在教学实践中总结出十条实用的解题原则,并且还 用相关的题目来解释这些原则。根据这些原则,相信同学们可以轻松 地应对非谓语动词。原则一、两个句子必须要用连词连接,如果没有连词连接,则需 要用非谓语动词例1. many times, but he still couldnt understandit.A. Having been told B. Having told C. He had been told D. Though he had been told例2. many times, he still couldnt understand it.A. Having been told B. Having told C. He had been told D.Though he had told解析:例 1 中有连词 but 连接,表明前后都是句子,所以答案为 C。例 2 中后面是一个句子,而且没有连词,所以前面不是句子,应 该用非谓语动词,根据句意此处为被动,所以答案为A。原则二、不及物动词无-ed形式非谓语动词,及物动词有宾语时 用-ing形式,无宾语时用-ed形式例 3. in the mountains for a week, the twostudents were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing解析:lose为及物动词,现在后面没有宾语,所以用-ed形式, 答案为B。例4. , I really believe that Id prefer not to makeany change now.A. Considered all the possibilities B. aTking all the possibilities into considerationC. Taken all the possibilities into consideration D. Giving all the possibilities解析:把。考虑进来结构为take sth into con sideratio n,现 在take后面有宾语all the possibilities,所以用-ing形式,答案为Bo原则三、being done表示“正在被,一般不作状语,只作定语。 非谓语动词的完成时形式to have done或having done强调该动作 发生在句子谓语动词之前例5. _ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 解析:根据句意“我们没有打通电话,就给他们发了个邮件”, 没有打通电话应该发生在发邮件之前,所以用having done,答案为 Do例6. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered the WorldWide Web, on which all the information is shared by all.A. to have founded B. having founded C. founding D. to found解析:根据句意,Tim Bemers-Lee创立万维网应该是过去的事情, 而且 be considered 后面应该用动词不定式,所以应该用 to have done,答案为Ao原则四、非谓语动词作定语时,表示将来用-to do ,表正在进行 用-ing,表示已经完成用-ed例7. The p l a y n ext month aims mainly to reflect the localculture.A.produced B.being producedC.to be produced D.having been produced解析:根据本题中的时间状语next month,可知the play将要 于下月被创作出来,表将来应该用to do,所以答案为C。例 8.The treesin the storm have been moved off theroad.A. being blown down B. blown down C. blowing down D. to blow down解析:根据句意“被暴风雨刮倒的树已经从路上移走了”,树被 刮倒是过去已经完成的动作,表已经完成用-ed形式,所以答案为B。原则五、介词后跟-ing形式,可以在-ing前加逻辑主语 例9. The discovery of new evidence led to .A. the thief having been caught B. the thief to be caught C. catch the thief D. the thief being caught 解析:本题led to中的to是介词,后面应该用-ing形式,the thief作-ing的逻辑主语,所以答案为D。例10. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks couldbe heard outside the classroom.A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closedC. being opened and closed D. to open and close 解析:本题the noise of中的of是介词,后面应该用-ing形式, desks 作-ing的逻辑主语,所以答案为C。原则六、-ing形式或to do可作主语或宾语,-ed形式则不可以 例11. in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasantexperience.A. Caught B. Having caught C. Being caught D. To catch 解析:本题中is为系动词,前面应该作主语,用-ing形式,所以 答案为C例12 _twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.A. Examining B. Examined C. Being examined D. Having been examined解析:本题中is为系动词,前面应该作主语,用-ing形式,所以 答案为C。原则七、be+-ed+介词结构常可把be去掉保留-ed+介词做状语 例 13Michae ls new house is like a huge palace,withhis old one.A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared 解析:“和。相比较”结构为be compared with,现在做句 子的状语,所以只保留非谓语动词,把动词be去掉,答案为D。例14 with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to askhis boss for advice.A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing 解析:“面对”结构为 be faced with, 现在做句子的状语,所以 只保留非谓语动词,把动词be去掉,答案为C。原则八、非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语必须和句子主语保持一 致,和句子主语构成主谓关系时用-ing形式,构成动宾关系是用-ed 形式。其逻辑主语和句子主语不一致时,要在非谓语动词前加逻辑主 语,构成独立主格结构例15. twice, the postman refused to deliver our lettersunless we changed our dog.A. Being bitten B. Bitten C. Having bitten D. To be bitten 解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语应和句子主语the postman 致,the postman应该是被咬,所以答案为B。例16. in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feelthe warmth of spring.A. To walk. B. Walking C. Walked D. Having walked 解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语应和句子主语 he 致,he和walk应该是主动关系,所以答案为B。例17. While watching television, .A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings 解析:根据“非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语必须和句子主语保 持一致”的原则,watching的逻辑主语应和后面句子主语一致,所以 句子主语应为“we”,答案为C。例 18. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons for the day.A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished 解析:本题没有连词,所以后面应用非谓语动词,the less。ns是 非谓语动词的逻辑主语,和非谓语动词构成独立主格结构。根据句意 应是“被完成”,所以答案为B。原则九、不定式做状语一般有两种:目的状语和出乎意料的结果 状语(表示顺其自然的结果用-ing形式)。另外,某些形容词(表喜、怒、 哀、乐)做表语后跟不定式可以表示原因例 19., you n eed to give all you have and try your best.奇速英语公众微信号qisue nA Being a winner B To be a winner C Be a winner D Having been a winner解析:根据句意“要想成为获胜者,你要付出所有,尽最大努 力”,此处表目的,所以答案为B。例20. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only the film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 解析:本句句意为“记者们匆匆赶到机场,却被告知明星们已经 走了”,表出乎意料的结果常常用only to do,所以答案为Bo例21. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, in the natural light during the day.A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let 解析:本题句意为“玻璃门替换了木头门,自然光就进来了”, 自然光进来时顺其自然的结果,所以用doing,答案为Bo例 22.How glad I amyou!A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. having seen解析:本题是I am glad to see you的感叹句形式,to see you是原因状语,答案为B。原则十、非谓语动词的否定原则是在非谓语动词前加not,有not to do, not doing, not havi ng done, not to have done 几种形式例23that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeperinto the forest.A. Not realized B. Not to realize C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized解析:本题考查doing的否定形式not doing,答案为C。例24. What worried him most was to visit his sick child.A. his being not allowed B. his not being allowedC. his not allowing D. having not been allowed解析:本题考查be ing done的否定形式not bei ng done; his为 not being done的逻辑主语,所以答案为Bo例 25. Sarah has decided away on holiday thissummer.A. dont go B. to not go C. not going D. not to go解析:本题考查to do的否定形式not to do,所以答案为D。 非谓语动词包括动词不定式,动词的过去分词和动词的-ing形式 三种。这是高考中的热点,其考查量多、面广,几乎是必考的一个知 识点。近六年高考复现率达百分之百。纵观试题,其考查重点为动词 非谓语形式的作用及功能相同的非谓语动词之间的区别。学生对此知 识也“知之半解”,深感头疼。请看下面的方法,将有助于记住不定 式及动名词。1、动词的不定式 不定式有标记,to与动词连一起。 没有人称数变化,动词特点它具备。 主宾定状表补语, 唯独作谓不可以。 not加上不定式,否定结构要牢记。 疑问词与不定式, 构成短语有意义。 仔细推敲多思考, 准确判断有依据。 解析: “to+动词原形”是它的基本构成形式,即不定式的标记。 它没有人称和数的变化,不管主语是任何人称,单数还是复数, 动词不定式都没有变化。但它仍保留动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语 或状语。 它具有名词、形容词和副词三大特点,所以,它在句中可以作 主语、宾语、定语、表语、状语和宾补。 “not +动词不定式”是它的否定形式,不要受其他否定式的影 响,要记住规律。 疑问代词what, who, whom, which和疑问副词where, whe n, why , how加上不定式在句中可以做主语,宾语、表语、状语。 通过以上分析,只要仔细研究,把不定式的功能用法搞清楚, 在应用时就能作出准确的判断。2、动名词: 哪些动词后面只能接动名词,下面的顺口溜有助于记忆。喜欢、考虑不可免(enjoy, con sider, escape, avoid) 停止,放弃太冒险(stop, give up , risk) 反对想象莫推延(mi ne, imagi ne, delay, put off) 要求完成是期望(require, fini sh, look forward to.) 建议继续勤*练(suggest, go on, practise) 不禁原谅要坚持(ca nt help, excuse , in sist on) 继续注意使成功(keep on, mi nd, succeed in)


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