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常用的英文商务邀请函范文现在商务活动越来越广泛了,那么少不了会用到英文商务邀请函,以下为大家分享的是常用的英文商务邀请函范文,希望对大家有所帮助。如果想了解更多内容,敬请关注!常用的英文商务邀请函范文(一)Dersir/madm:Thankyou fo your leter ate.Im gd that yu ae alsgingtoplaceex onthIt ol a greatpleasureto myo a e ehiiton/rad ir.Our cpan san recepioat hol ontheevening f ate anI wold be veylasedi yucoud atend. lookfrward to hearinrm you soYours sincerel,ntitle 常用的英文商务邀请函范文(二)IVITATIOThis i to cknoedge hat w codialyinviteourcient _PassportNo.,eieredExpaton datDate birh:to isi _ aboud _Th nagNam:Signed _常用的英文商务邀请函范文(三)DateDer Prfess_We aeso peasd that you wil be visiinStafor to spak ato _ esearch Worksop on dteT show ur aecatio f yur wllingnss to share ou eerc, we wud lik to fer ou a mode $_honorai, asuming your isand txstts aloyou to acceptthis.Pleaebe wae tonoraapaents may e subject to u to 37% wihoing In order to prcss t, e wilneed you to omplete ome paperork; we wll e in toshortlyabis. If you woud lie our assistane scrin visa t enteth Unitedaes, or an ITIN(x dentiicinnumber require to recee hnrariapayments), pselt s knoe will gladto helpit is. We re arepared to over te cots (u t $_) fo or tre o ndaommoion in teStnord area.e can mae nd pay directl foave arrngemens fryu, or,i youprefer, we can reimbure your for reasonableps(i.e.cah-clasirre or flig undright hourn lenh, o enttinent o loo-rlaeependitures,tips 5% or les) If yo cose te laer option, wewil povide yu wththes n informton neessryto b reimbured b Sanfor.Sponoe b a grant fr the Mellon Founation, th Rsearch orkshops atStnrd ar iqu spacesw schols frm ariety of disciplie nd professional cohrts met t dscus wrk in progress intherfild f irs. tin youwl njo alvy geof ideas wih a divrsadiece of faculty d auat sens i your orkp. ewilmotcetainlyenj th oppoui to meet andhage ies wtyou in tsnoma,ollegilamosphre.Ithee arespeific scholrs attanfodyouwuld liktnviteto rtal, pease l f t dsoe ill e ack in tch sootooornte he ogisticso our visit. In temeanti,if youhave n quetions, easelfre toconact mysel or _, our orkshopsGrauate Sudnt orinator (net contact no hre). Te taford mnities Centr, the research centeronpus hamanag he ellon Workshop Pogram, mayalsocontct ou.est wishes,aulty dinaorNae of okshoptnrd Uniesty此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。


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