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Unit|Unit|OneOneUnit|OneHello,Hi!1Unit|Unit|OneOneUnit Goals:Unit Goals:What You Should Learn to DoWhat You Should Learn to Do1.Greet people and give responses:first meeting and meeting again2.Exchange personal information:name/address/telephone number/job/study3.Introduce people to each other4.Meet people at the airport5.Say goodbye to others6.Say hello in different languages7.Write a business cardWhat You Should Know AboutWhat You Should Know About1.Etiquette of meeting and introducing people2.Etiquette of exchanging business cards3.Basic sentence structures2Unit|Unit|OneOneContentsSection Section Appreciating Appreciating Culture TipsCulture TipsSection Maintaining a Maintaining a Sharp EyeSharp EyeSection Talking Face Talking Face to Faceto FaceSection Being All Being All EarsEarsSection Trying Your HandTrying Your Hand3Unit|Unit|OneOneSECTION SECTION IVIV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Maintaining a Sharp EyePASSAGE IPASSAGE IPASSAGE IIPASSAGE IIInformation Related to Information Related to the Reading Passagethe Reading PassageTextTextLanguage PointsLanguage PointsRead and ThinkRead and CompleteRead and TranslateRead and SimulateRead and JudgeRead and TranslateInformation Related to Information Related to the Reading Passagethe Reading PassageTextTextLanguage PointsLanguage Points4Unit|Unit|OneOneSECTION SECTION IVIV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Maintaining a Sharp EyeInformation Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading PassageEnglish Expressions Borrowed from FrenchEnglish Expressions Borrowed from French Over the long years,the English language has borrowed a great number of French words or expressions.Some of them have been so absorbed in English that speakers might not realize their origin.Other expressions like“faux pas”have retained their“Frenchness”,with which speakers tend to sound modern.These expressions are often written in italics.The following are a few French expressions which are commonly used in English.1.Faux Pas:It refers to a socially awkward or tactless act,a foolish mistake,something that should not be done.失礼2.au pair:A foreign female student who works for a family(cleaning and/or teaching the children)in exchange for room and board.帮助料理家务换取住宿的外国女学生3.Bon apptit:The closest English equivalent is“Enjoy your meal”.用餐愉快4.esprit de corps:It is similar to“group spirit”or“morale”.团队精神5.rendez-vous:In English it means“go to”.It can be used as a noun or a verb.约会6.RSVP:This abbreviation stands for Rpondez,sil vous plat,which means “Respond,please”.敬请回复7.bon voyage:a way of saying goodbye and wishing good luck 一路平安Back5Unit|Unit|OneOnePASSAGE IPASSAGE IThe Business Card:The Business Card:a Social Faux Pasa Social Faux Pas You,like most people,probably have been in such a situation where you are being asked for a business card,and while reaching for it.and.oops.“Im sorry,I must be out at the moment”or“they must be in my other bag”or“I left them at the office,Im sorry,”and the conversation continues on with some sort of story about how this“never happens to me”or“I knew I was forgetting something this morning.”Missed connections are missed opportunities for business.Business cards are a useful marketing tool,and an easy one to have with you at all times.Not having your cards can be seen as being unprepared to market yourself and your business.Dont start that new contact leaving them thinking“that person is already unprepared”.6Unit|Unit|OneOne “Never leave home without it.”There are so many things we often have to remember in this go-go world we are living in but your business cards should ALWAYS be with you.Here are a few tips for you to go take care of this right now,so youdont get caught in this situation:If you dont have a job,get Networking Cards.If you are employed,and havent had new cards in 2 or more years,it could be time for an update:info update and photo update.Perhaps set a goal of handing out 5 cards a day.Practice what you will say when handing them out.On a daily basis,there are so many opportunities to do so.Grocery store lines,coffee shops,waiting on your car wash,meetings,and even the dog park!Ask your network to network with and for you also by handing out a few!Work smarter,not necessarily harder!ExercisesBack7Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1.(Para.2)Missed connections are missed opportunities for business.Analysis:Missed is a verbs past participle used here as an adjective.The repeated use of the same word could bring out a stronger effect.Translation:错失了联系就错失了商机。Example:Can a broken heart be broken twice?Back8Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences2.(Para.2)Not having your cards can be seen as being unprepared to market yourself and your business.Analysis:Not having your cards is a gerund phrase used as the subject of the sentence.Not is put in front of the gerund to make its negative form.Being unprepared is also a gerund used as the subject complement.Translation:不带名片可被视为没有做好推介自己和推销业务的准备。Example:Not trying at all is much worse than trying without success.Back9Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences3.(Para.2)Dont start that new contact leaving them thinking“that person is already unprepared”.Analysis:Leaving them thinking is a participial phrase,indicating a concomitant(伴随的)adverbial of result.Translation:千万别在开始新的交往时就让人觉得“这家伙就没打算同我 交往”。Example:Lets steer our ship with hope,leaving fear behind.Back10Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences4.(Para.2 from bottom)Ask your network to network with and for you also by handing out a few!Analysis:The word network is repeated to make an emphasis.Notice that the first network is a noun while the second a verb.The sentence can be re-written as“Ask your network to network with you and network for you also by handing out a few of your name cards.”Translation:请求你所结交的人同你一起联络并为你发出几张名片!Example:To saw a saw with another saw.To can a can into another can.Back11Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words1.market v.engage in the commercial promotion,sale,or distribution of (在市场上在市场上)推销推销e.g.The company is marketing its new line of beauty products.The firm markets various kinds of household appliances.Back12Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words2.unprepared a.lacking intellectual equipment 无准备的无准备的;不愿意的不愿意的e.g.He is still unprepared to stand on his own feet.Students from the south are often unprepared for the cold climate.Back13Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words3.go-go a.energetic and active 精力充沛的精力充沛的;活跃的活跃的e.g.He attracted a group of go-go young to run his election.You can never stop once you step into this go-go society.Back14Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words4.tip n.a useful piece of advice 提示提示,小贴士小贴士e.g.The book shows how to prepare a CV and gives tips on applying for jobs.Here are some useful tips for central heating.Back15Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words5.employ v.engage or hire for work 雇用,聘用雇用,聘用e.g.The joint venture(合资企业合资企业)employs nearly a thousand workers.I prefer to get employed in a state-owned company.Back16Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words6.update v.bring up to date;supply with recent information 更新更新,获取最新信息获取最新信息e.g.Our new neighbor is updated the kitchen in the old house.The in-service training center is for people to update their special knowledge.Back17Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Think1 Answer the following questions according to the passage.1)Have you got your business cards or networking cards?If not,why not?2)How do you understand the title of the passage The Business Card:a Social Faux Pas?3)Why does the author say“missed connections are missed opportunities for business”?A business card is a useful tool of social networking and business connection.It is socially awkward if you find yourself without one when you need to exchange it with a new business partner.Because business cards are a useful marketing tool.If you forget to bring them with you,it may leave the impression that you are unprepared for doing business.18Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Think1 Answer the following questions according to the passage.4)Can you explain the tips in your own words?5)What does the last sentence mean?1)If you dont have a job,prepare your cards for networking.2)If your business cards are out of date,make them up to date.3)You should set a goal of handing out a certain number of cards every day.4)Practice what you will say for handing out your cards.Take every opportunity to hand out your cards.5)Ask your social network to help you send out your cards.You should work in a clever way:better work isnt necessarily harder!Back19Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Complete2 Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.1)Have you ever been in a difficult _ where you have to make silly excuses?2)It is not polite to keep silent when others want to have a _ with you.3)I go to the grocery store only once a week.I have some _ to help you keep vegetables fresh.4)American people would use the word“ouch”when British people say _.5)Chances never favor _ minds.6)This _ pop band performs worldwide hundreds of times each year.go-gosituationconversationtipsoopsunprepared20Unit|Unit|OneOne3 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below,changing the form if necessary.at the moment reach for continue on get caught in out oftime for hand out not necessarily take care of leave without1)The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were such a good _ the world to know more about China.2)The change of a city is _ a change in its becoming more beautiful and fashionable.3)I _ a faux pas situation where I was introduced as the General Manager but“Assistant Manager”was printed on my card.4)Of course I will _ what you feel about it,but business is business.5)The professor encourages us to _ opportunities instead of waiting for good luck.reach fortime fornot necessarilygot caught intake care of21Unit|Unit|OneOne6)Do you believe that love could _ even when the beloved is away in the other world?7)Never _ giving thanks to your teachers who have helped you all the years.8)The freshmen could help _ the tickets for the colleges“Do It Yourself Show”.9)Sorry,I cant give you an answer _.I need to think about it further.10)Another story?Oh,children,my mind is _ any stories at the moment.3 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below,changing the form if necessary.at the moment reach for continue on get caught in out oftime for hand out not necessarily take care of leave withoutout ofcontinue onleave withouthand outat the momentBack22Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Translate4 Translate the following sentences into English.1)像许多人一样,你大概也在学习如何推销自己。2)对一名新雇员 来说,最重要的不一定是工作经验,而是怎样不断更新知识。3)对不起,我那位闲不住的老板让我即刻就走!marketemployeenot necessarily,updatego-go,right nowIm so sorry.My go-go boss asks me to leave right now.You,like most people,probably are learning how to market yourself.To a new employee,the most important is not necessarily work experience,but how to update knowledge.23Unit|Unit|OneOne4 Translate the following sentences into English.4)那位主妇只是不停地诉说她的家事,我就知道我会被拉进这样的谈话。5)对我来说,失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开 这个世界。6)我的锻炼计划是建立在每天锻炼基础上的。它不一定会让我长高,但会使我 身体健康。continue on,some sort of story,be caught inmissed,set the goal,leave withouton a daily basis,not necessarilyMy exercise plan is(built)on a daily basis.It could help me become healthier,not necessarily taller.That housewife just continued on with some sort of story about her family.I knew I must be caught in such a conversation.For me,missed time is missed life.I can not leave this world without reaching the goal I set.Read and TranslateBack24Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Simulate5 Pay attention to the italicized(斜体的)parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.You,like most people,probably have been in such a situation where you are being asked for a business card.Your company,like many others,probably has been in such a situation where it is being blamed for the poor quality of the products.像你的许多同学一样,你可能也曾有过亲身经历:有人请求你为外国友人帮忙做像你的许多同学一样,你可能也曾有过亲身经历:有人请求你为外国友人帮忙做点事。点事。像大部分妇女一样,她自己可能也曾遭遇过被人误解的局面。像大部分妇女一样,她自己可能也曾遭遇过被人误解的局面。You,like many of your classmates,probably have been in such a situation where you are asked to do something to help a foreign friend.She,like most women,probably has been in such a situation where she herself is being misunderstood.25Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Simulate5 Pay attention to the italicized(斜体的)parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.Im sorry,our manager must be out at the moment.Im sorry,it must be out of childrens reach.对不起,这会儿他一定外出在图书馆里。对不起,这会儿他一定外出在图书馆里。对不起,你的汽车现在必须得停用一个月。对不起,你的汽车现在必须得停用一个月。Im sorry,he must be out in the library at the moment.Im sorry,your car must be out of use at the moment for one month.26Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Simulate5 Pay attention to the italicized(斜体的)parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.I knew I was forgetting something this morning.She knew she was speaking too much at the meeting.我知道我去年错修了一门课程。我知道我去年错修了一门课程。一开始他就知道他在错失一个好机遇。一开始他就知道他在错失一个好机遇。I knew I took a wrong course last year.He knew he was missing a good opportunity at the beginning.27Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Simulate5 Pay attention to the italicized(斜体的)parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.Not having your cards can be seen as being unprepared to market yourselfand your business.Not showing a smiling face can be seen as being unfriendly to others.不着正装可能会被看成对他人的一种不礼貌。不着正装可能会被看成对他人的一种不礼貌。没有好习惯可能会被看作是没有受过良好的教育。没有好习惯可能会被看作是没有受过良好的教育。Not dressing formally can be seen as being impolite to other people.Not having good habits can be seen as having no good education.28Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Simulate5 Pay attention to the italicized(斜体的)parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.Dont start that new contact leaving them thinking“that person is already unprepared”.Dont talk back to the new boss leaving him thinking“that person is too proud”.别在经理面前说笑话别在经理面前说笑话tell jokes,给他留下,给他留下“此人不严肃此人不严肃”的印象。的印象。别跟那小女孩大声嚷,让她觉得别跟那小女孩大声嚷,让她觉得“这人不友善这人不友善”。Dont tell jokes before the manger leaving him thinking“that person is not serious”.Dont shout at the small girl leaving her thinking“that person is not friendly”.29Unit|Unit|OneOneRead and Simulate5 Pay attention to the italicized(斜体的)parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.Never leave home without it.Never leave your friends without a goodbye.千万别不带钥匙就离开家门。千万别不带钥匙就离开家门。千万别不给缘由就离开会场。千万别不给缘由就离开会场。Dont leave home without the key.Dont leave the meeting without giving any excuse.Back30Unit|Unit|OneOnePASSAGE IIPASSAGE IIInformation Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading PassageMajor Language Families Here are two lists of the top ten language families with wide recognition in terms of numbers of native speakers(with their core geographic areas)and in terms of numbers of languages.In Terms of Numbers of Native Speakers1.Indo-European languages(Europe,Southwest to South Asia,America,Oceania)2.Sino-Tibetan languages(East Asia)3.Niger-Congo languages(Sub-Saharan Africa)4.Afro-Asiatic languages(North Africa to Horn of Africa,Southwest Asia)5.Austronesian languages(Oceania,Madagascar,Southeast Asia)6.Dravidian languages(South Asia)7.Altaic languages(Central Asia)8.Austro-Asiatic languages(Southeast Asia)9.Tai-Kadai languages(Southeast Asia)10.Japonic languages(Japan)31Unit|Unit|OneOneIn Terms of Numbers of Languages:1.Niger-Congo(1 514 languages)2.Austronesian(1 268 languages)3.Trans-New Guinea(564 languages)4.Indo-European(449 languages)5.Sino-Tibetan(403 languages)6.Afro-Asiatic(375 languages)7.Nilo-Saharan(204 languages)8.Pama-Nyungan(178 languages)9.Oto-Manguean(174 languages)10.Austro-Asiatic(169 languages)Back32Unit|Unit|OneOnePASSAGE IIPASSAGE IIHow to Say Hello in Different LanguagesHow to Say Hello in Different Languages Have you ever stopped to think about how many people are saying“Hello”to each other today,and in how many different languages?If you want to say“Hello”to everyone on the planet,you would have to learn at least 2796 languages and greet at least 6 500 000 000 people.Here are some of the ways of saying“Hello”around the world.Hola in Spanish,Ciao in Italian,Nihao in Chinese or Bonjour/Salut in French,and many more!We know that the usual way to greet each other is a simple handshake or wave in the US and Canada.However,other gestures such as various forms of bowing,embraces and other gestures are used in other parts of the world.33Unit|Unit|OneOne Here is a small list of languages chosen to show how to say“Hello/Good morning”in different languages.Look up the language in which you would like to learn to say“Hello/Good morning”in that language.Pronounce the suggested wording to practice it.Arabic pronounced sabahou el kheir,meaning“Good morning”.Australian Gday(mostly informal but including strangers pronounced gu-day,“Gday mate”).Chinese In both Cantonese and Mandarin,it is written as 你好.Cantonese is Nei ho or Lei ho(pronounced ne ho or lay ho)and Mandarin is N ho(pronounced nee how)(Remember the tones).In Mandarin,you can also say 早上好(zo shng ho)for“Good morning”.Danish Hej(informal;pronounced hey),God dag(formal),God aften(evening;formal),Hejsa(very informal).English Hello(formal),Hi(informal),Hey(informal).34Unit|Unit|OneOne French Salute(informal;silent“t”),Bonjour(formal,for daytime use),Bonsoir(Good evening),Bonne nuit(Good night).German Hallo(informal),Guten Tag(formal),Tag(very informal).Italian cio(pronounced chow,informal,also means“Goodbye”).Japanese (pronounced o-ha-yo go-zaimass,meaning“Good morning”).Korean Ahn nyeong ha se yo(formal,pronounced on-nyoungha-say-yo).Portuguese Oi,boas,ol or al?(informal).Russian Privet!(informal,pronounced as pree-vyet),Zdravstvuyte (formal,pronounced zdra-stvooy-tyeh).Vietnamese Xin cho(pronounced sin djow).ExercisesBack35Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1.(Para.1)Have you ever stopped to think about how many people are saying“Hello”to each other todayAnalysis:Stop to think means stop whatever is being done and concentrate on the question.The infinitive phrase to think indicates a purpose of stop.It is different from stop thinking,which means stop the action of thinking.And thinking is the object of stop.Translation:你是否曾留心考虑过,今天一天大约有多少人互相问候“你好”?Example:I dont think this is a smart way.Have you ever stopped to think out a better idea?Back36Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences2.(Para.1)If you want to say“Hello”to everyone on the planet,you would have to learn at least 2 796 languagesAnalysis:The if-clause seems a real conditional one,for want is used instead of the unreal conditional wanted.But subjunctive mood is also implied because would is used instead of will,indicating an almost impossible action to be carried out.Translation:如果你想对这个星球上每个人都道声“你好”的话,你就至少得学 2796种语言。Example:If you want to make a friend each day,you would have to make some 20 thousands of friends in your lifetime!Back37Unit|Unit|OneOneLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences3.(Para.2)We know that the usual way to greet each other is a simple handshake or wave in the US and Canada.Analysis:To greet each other is an infinitive clause used to modify the way.It means more or less the same as the way of greeting.Translation:我们知道,在美国和加拿大,通常互相问候的方法只是简单地握握手 或挥挥手。Example:Do you know that in som


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