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Although/ while/even though/whereas 用法区别混考区别的方法1Although: 12While: 18Whereas: 24Even though: 26混考区别的方法 SC/thread-35969-l-l.html1. Although可做让步+转折,Although*句子放句首相当于though,放句中相当于but;though只用于让步;but只能用作转折;2. 注意转折平行的引导词,but/although,出现时左右要平行3. Contract to/ In contract with相当于despite,后面只能接抽象名词,而despite+名词短语4. With引导让步状语从句没有even though好用5. Even though/although/while在逻辑上是可以相容的,此时根据其他考点排除选项,例 如简洁有效,重复累赘6. 重复:even though与yet/but不能同时出现Even though there be 错7. Even if 词典 used to emphasize that something will still be true if another thing happens Shes going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels. Even though 词典 used to emphasize that something is true although something else has happened or is true .Even though hes 24 now, hes still like a little child.对比可知,even if所接的东西是虚拟的,假设A发生了,B还是会发生。Even though,虽然A发生了,强调B仍旧会发生.Even if+句子,不能加名词8. Despite (介词)+名词短语,强调部分Despite出现经常使句子成分残缺,或表现不出原句的含义,如因果Despite+n+that/分词结构,容易造成句子累赘且表意不明,这东西没在划线部分正选中出 现过,考过非划线部分要加名词短语9. as opposed to sth,不能加从句as opposed to sthused to compare two things and show that they are different from each otherStudents discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.10. just as=even as在比较的时候是一个错误的用法,但可以用于举例,正如,代替like。使 用前提,不破坏原文的平行或固定搭配。similar to+n无法强调动作的相似性,常用just as/as+句子代替like+n,不能加句子similar to 放句首必错in spite of =despite 加短语正确用法:(Just) as从句,主句(Just) as从句,so主句(Just )as 从句,so too 主句11. 平行,主谓一致,固定搭配,简洁性原则用词准确性12. Gmat 中 while 用作 used to emphasize the difference between two situations, activities etc 为多。AS和WHILE都加句子表示伴随的时候,区别不是很大,看其他考点排除13. 在对比两物时,while强调两者的相同之处,而whereas强调两者的区别,14. while不能用于举例比较。要用just as或原文本身平行结构15. 无论文中出现那个表示转折的词语,都是要平行,简洁为先,就算哪个选项转折词用对 了,他不简洁或破坏平行都错16. as表示while和when,没有while直接17. 必错选项:while beingAlthough there beEven though there beAs beingDespite+句子(一般出现despite就错了)18. XDF: although,though, even though 优先大于 contrary, with 做句首even though / although despite, in spite of (石林语法)把 LIKE 换成 SEEM,AS 换成 AS IF 一定错。As though = as if (石林) 对有些不可能是转折关系的,必须把BUT改成AND。(石林)1.in spite of 2.because of 都有问题 contrary to+抽象名词,修饰整个句子不存在逻辑主语问题。C+人名,错 In contrast with/to+名词,比较对象等。unlike 固定搭配:unlike x1, x2 do;unlike/like+名词,放句首表比较Despite (介词)+名词短语,强调部分Although+句子even though+句子,强调整体while只有放句首才表示让步,放句中表示两者的比较(while there be错)19. 与其他用法对比:Even though和although同时放句首,作用相同,看其他考点排除。而放句中时,表转 折, even though 容易造成句子破碎20. while, whereas, or althoughThe use of while to show contrast is common and accepted in informal usage. In formal writing, howev,erwhile should be reserved to show that two or more events occur at the same time. In the following sentence, the two events are occurring simultaneously.Measurements were taken while the specimen was rotating in the rig. For comparisons and contrasts, whereas and although should be used instead of while.Positions are logged manually, whereas temperatures and pressures are recorded automatically by the thin-film sensors. These two events happen in different ways. They do not necessarily occur at the same time.Although positions are logged manually, temperatures and pressures are recorded automatically by the thin-film sensors. The meaning of this sentence is similar to the previous one, but it places moreIndiscriminate use of while where whereas or although would be more appropriate can even result in ambiguity and misunderstanding:While my cat, Princess, eats quickly, she enjoys a leisurely stroll.Does she do both at the same time? Using whereas or although in this sentence would clear up the confusion.In each sentence, select the best choice for formal writing:While /Although the method is efficient for most applications, it can produce errors when small, irregularly shaped specimens are tested.Place the sample into the rig while / whereas the power is off.The Structures Division had responsibility for the fan blade design, while /whereas the Materials Division was to develop the composite material for the blade. (The two projects are not necessarily happening at the same time.)While /Although the experiment was thermal cycling, an inert atmosphere was maintained to avoid oxidation of the aluminum framework.The single-crystal material is somewhat stronger, while /whereas the composite is significantly lighter.Make sure that excessive pressure is not applied while / whereas the surfaces are in contact with each other.while 一般用在非正式英语中。正式英语中,while表示对比概念的时候,两个事物要是同 时发生的。(进一步说明了 while表达两个动作同时发生的特性) whereas则是重点表示事物的强对比性,而两者不一定是同时发生的。在当同时出现while和whereas,而句子是要表达两者的强对比概念时,应该使用whereas 而 although 是表示让步的意思。用while/whereas/although主要还是看句子意思。强调同时发生用while,强调对比用whereas,表让步用 although21. Although:1 句首,相当于 though 句中,相当于 but:2 Although +句子(主谓宾或者形式主语在前的句子)Although 通常加句子,而如果 although 后面没有主语和完整的谓语则错3 Although there be 句型必错Although* 主动although*被动 Although 和 yet 不能同时出现使用前提:不能破坏平行,遵从主谓一致,表达文中应有意识22. While:1 While连词,表示during,加句子或短语连词,表示although,加句子,引导平行(可能形式不一致,具体分析)2 必错选项:while being破坏原文平行结构无法显示原文的因果关系 原文需要 and 来表示并列的时候不能用 while 照成句子结构累赘3 WORD CHOICE: during, while! Do not say during doing something. Say while doing something : While travelling to work, I saw an accident (NOT During travelling to work, I saw an accident).! Do not say during someone does something. Say while someone does something :He stole her money while she slept (NOT He stole her money during she slept).! Do not say during someone is young/asleep etc. Say while someone is young/asleep etc :Its best to get your teeth fixed while youre still young (NOT during youre still young)d. uring, for, or since? See note at SINCE23. Whereas: 连词 句首相对与 although 相当于 since24. Even though:even usually goes before the word or phrase that you want to emphasize because it is surprising :Even Grandma was dancing|. Your room is even messier than mine! ! But even usually goes after an auxiliary verb or modal verb : They have even invited the teacher (NOT They have invited even.).| He cant even spell his own name (NOT He even cant.).even is not used to introduce another clause. Use even if ,even though , or even when :Even if its raining (NOT Even its raining), we go for a walk every |dIaylo.ve you, even when youre nasty to me.! You can use still with these expressions, but do not use but or yet :Even though were completely different, were still great friends (NOT but/yet were great friends).used to emphasize that something is true although something else has happened or is true混考OG12-19 大全 769 The Iroquois were primarily planters, but supplementing their cultivation of maize, squash, and beans with fishing and hunting.(A) but supplementing句子本来要强调前一句,but变成强调后一句(B) and had supplemented(C) and even though they supplementedeven though 造成句子破碎(D) althoughthey supplemented(E) but with supplementing (累赘)Although在这里表示让步,对前一句进行补充,强调的还是第一句。而but表转折,强调第 二句,强调对象错误。Even though虽然也是表示让步,但是在这里照成了句子结构破碎OG12- 31 Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were relatively simple and static, Barbara McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983, at the age of 81, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one chromosomal site to another.(A) Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were (对象错)(B) Although many of her colleagues were of the conviction of genes being (累赘)(C) Contrary to many of her colleagues being convinced that genes wer( contract to 后面要 加抽象名词)(D) Even though many of her colleagues were convinced that genes were(E) Even with many of her colleagues convinced of genes being (with 独立主格作状语,这 里表现不出时态)With引导让步状语从句没有even though好用OG12-98 Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were fi rst discovered in 1932.(A) Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were fi rst discovered in 1932.(B) Although named for the New Mexico site where fi rst discovered in 1932, Clovis points are spear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces and have been found all over North America.(C) Named for the New Mexico site where they have been fi rst discovered in 1932, Clovis points, spear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto the faces, have been found all over North America.(D) Spear points with longitudinal grooves that are chipped onto the faces, Clovis points, even though named for the New Mexico site where fi rst discovered in 1932, but were found all over North America. 重复(E) While Clovis points are spear points whose faces have longitudinal grooves chipped into them, they have been found all over North America, and named for the New Mexico site where they have been fi rst discovered in 1932.Even though/although/while在逻辑上是可以相容的,但是BE在这里引导句子灭有意义大全 068 After the Colonial periods 50 percent mortality rate, life expectancy improved for children, but as late as the nineteenth century about one child in three died before reaching the age of six.(A) After the Colonial periods 50 percent mortality rate, life expectancy improved for children, but(B) Even thoughchildrens life expectancy, which improved over the Colonial periods 50 percent mortality rate,句子结构不完整,缺动词。Even though后面要加句子(C) Although life expectancy for children improved after the Colonial period, during which the mortality rate was 50 percent,(D) While there was an improvement in life expectancy for children after the 50 percent mortality rate of the Colonial period, still 这个用法必错;句子逻辑含义要求强调让步,while强调同 时发生,错(E) Despite childrens life expectancy improvement from the Colonial periods 50 percentmortality rate, despite 后面要加短语,好吧,如果这个算短语,但也太累赘了 大全 082 Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is extremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.(A) Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is extremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.(B) Although he is as gifted, if not more gifted, than many of his colleagues, he is extremely modest and with his poetry remaining unpublished.(C) Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is extremely modest and will not publish his poetry.(D) Despite his being gifted, if not more gifted than his colleagues, he is extremely modest and will not publish his poetry.没有表示出 as.as.不完整(E) Being a gifted as, or more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is extremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.大全 894 Unlike in other transportation industries, there are no minimum standards set by government or industry for qualifying for being an engineer on a train.(A) Unlike in other transportation industries, there are no minimum standards set by government or industry for qualifying for being(B) Unlike other transportation industries that have minimum standards set by government or industry, there are none for qualifying to be(C) Although the government or industry usually sets minimum standards for transportation industries, no such one has been set for qualifying as to being(D) Although the government or industry usually sets minimum standards for transportation industries, no such standard has been set for qualifying to be(E) Although there are usually minimum standards set by government or industry for transportation industries, there is none for qualifying and being大全 942 With only 5 percent of the worlds population, United States citizens consume 28 percent of its nonrenewable resources, drive more than one-third of its automobiles, and use 21 times more water per capita than Europeans do.(A) With with+n 作状语表伴随,表现不出因果关系(B) As(C) Being(D) Despite having 表现不出因果(E) Although accounting for大全 240 Despite no proof that the consumption of any particular foods reverse hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods could help reverse blockage of coronary arteries, the blood vessels that feed the heart.(A) Despite no proof that the consumption of any particular foods reverse hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods could(B) Despite no foods having been proved to reverse hardening of the arteries when consumed, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods can(C) Although the consumption of no particular foods have been proved to reverse hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that to refrain from eating certain foods could(D) Although not proved that the consumption of any foods reverse hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods can(E) Although it has not been proved that the consumption of any particular food will reverse hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods can大全 283 Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during two decades, stringent rationing and planned distribution have allowed the Peoples Republic of China to ensure nutritional levels of 2,000 calories per person per day for its population.(A) Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during(B) Even though its per capita food supply has hardly increased in(C) Despite its per capita food supply hardly increasing over(D) Despite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply during(E) Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for大全 304 For many people, household labor remains demanding even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle.(A) even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracleable to afford 少主语, 会产生 household labor is able to afford; their grandparents would find household appliances a miracle 这样 household appliances 成了 a miracle 意思表达很 awkward; 且 would find 语气不 好。(B) despite being able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle(C) even if they can afford household appliances their grandparents would have found miraculous 用虚拟 their grandparents would have found household appliances miraculous, 大意:(在过去)他们 的祖父母会发现这些家用器具是奇迹。因为是虚拟, 故这种情况是不存在的, 说明 household appliances 对于 their grandparents是新产物/本身就是个新事物,不是个出现在过去的事物。(D) although they could afford household appliances their grandparents would find miraculous could和C中的can都表一种可能性,感觉这时although(尽管),从意思表达上不如even if(即使)好;would find 表将来的一种语气,这样会让人觉得household appliances是个还未问世的新产品,意思与原意不符。(E) even if they are able to afford household appliances which would have been a miracle to their grandparents household appliances 和 a miracle 单复数不对应,意思 awkward; 2)can afford 本来是固定用 法,be able to - ability 和 afford - ability,二者都是种能力,故 it is redundant to use both; 3) which 不好,Gmat 中 which 通常修饰非限制性定从(前有逗号),或者前有个介词。大全 293 Federal incentives now encourage investing capital in commercial office buildings despite vacancy rates in existing structures that are exceptionally high and no dema nd for new construction.encourage 一般用法:1)encourage 名词;2) encourage sb. to do sth*/in sth(A) investing capital in commercial office buildings despite vacancy rates in existing structures that are exceptionally high and(B) capital investment in commercial office buildings, even though vacancy rates in existing structures are exceptionally high and there is(C) capital to be invested in commercial office buildings even though there are exceptionally high vacancy rates in existing structures with(D) investing capital in commercial office buildings even though the vacancy rates are exceptionally high in existing structures with(E) capital investment in commercial office buildings despite vacancy rates in existing structures that are exceptionally high, and although there is大全 307 For most consumers, the price of automobile insurance continues to rise annually, even if free of damage claims and moving violations.(A) even ifthe price is free of错误意思(B)despite being(C) even if they are(D) although they may be(E) even if remaining无故加情态动词,而且累赘remain free of 错误大全 334 However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.however + much + subject + verb is a fixed phrase, and much modifies the verb.(A) However much United States voters may agree that(B) Despite the agreement among United States voters to the fact(C) Although United States voters agree 缺 that(D) Even though United States voters may agree缺 that(E) There is agreement among United States voters that 与后面的 there is 重复,句子残缺 大全512 More than five thousand years ago, Chinese scholars accurately described the flow of blood as a continuous circle controlled by the heart, but it went unnoticed in the West.(A) but it went(B) but it was(C) although it was(D) but the discovery went(E) although the discovery wasgo unanswered/unnoticed/unrewarded etc 是惯用法,went 无缘无故地被换成 was。这 时候呢没必要顶真说他俩是一个意思,我想可能美国人眼中的 go unnoticed 和 be unnoticed,和我们中国人眼中的不一样吧。至少go unnoticed在朗文词典里是惯用法, collins cobuild的英语语法大全P220也专门提到这个惯用法大全 893 Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted that poets honor their own regions and employ specifically American rhythms.(A) Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted(B) Although Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams insistence was(C) Contrary to Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, it was William Carlos Williams who insisted contract to 加扌由象名词(D) As opposed to what Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did, William CarlosWilliams was to insistas opposed to sth,不能加从句as opposed to sthused to compare two things and show that they are different from each otherStudents discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.(E) While Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams was insistent while和although放句首不是考点,用其他点排除。而且句子强调不同,而不是相 同OG12-131 Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.(A) while in Germany it is just over 33 percent while更多的是指出两者之间的相同之处(B) compared to Germany, which uses just over 33 percent(C) whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany whereas指出了两个国家之间的区别(D) whereas just over 33 percent of the energy comes from nuclear power in Germany 句 子有歧义,后半句the energy容易让人误会是FRANCE中的能量的33%是German的(E) compared with the energy from nuclear power in Germany, where it is just over 33 percent大全 018 A peculiar feature of the embryonic mammalian circulatory system is that in the area of the heart the cells adhere to one another, beating in unison and adopting specialized orientations exclusive of one another.(A) beating in unison and adoptingthey beat in unison while adopting while强调相同,而这里是不同。破坏平行(C) beat in unison, and adopt(D) beating in unison yet adopting(E) even though they beat in unison and adopt这里不是让步,是转折,而且位置错了大全 094 Although she had signed a pledge of abstinence while being an adolescent, Frances Willard was 35 years old before she chose to become a temperance activist.(A) while being an adolescentwhile in adolescence这里while做连词表示同时发生,不做连词表示although(C) at the time of her being adolescent(D) as being in adolesce


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