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Unit5 Task精品学案【课前导学】一、Fill in the blanks:Tan Dun, one of the worlds greatest _, was born in China in 1958. He has been _ in music since he was very young. In 1978, Tan Dun entered the Central Conservatory of music in Beijing. Eight years later, he went on to _ in the USA. Tan Dun uses a lot of sounds of _ in his work. It is _ that his piece of music Water doesnt use any musical instruments. The sounds all come from nature and they create different _ in different minds. His music for the Beijing Olympic uses _ Chinese music and sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a _ style. Tan Duns music has successfully _ Chinese and Western music together and helped build a _ between the East and West.二、翻译以下词组:表扬我的设计_ 把刷子拿走_艺术节_ 滴了一些颜料在纸上_对有天赋_ 更用力地吹_ 拿颜料玩_ 鼓励某人做某事_把水与颜料混合_ 一直做某事_【课堂学习】Step 1 Free talk What art form do you like? Who is your favorite painter/ singer/dancer?What does Tan Dun use a lot in his music?What kind of musical instruments are used in the piece of music Water?How does Tan make music in Water?Was Tan Dun born in central Human?What did Tan use to make music when he was young?Step2 listening Listen to part B . Answer questions:1. Why did Sandy once not like art lessons?_2.What was Sandy doing as usual at Ms Luos art lesson one day?_3.What did Sandy do after she dropped some paint onto the paper?_4.What did Ms Luo encourage Sandy to do?_Step 3 Exercises1. Finish the questionnaire.2. Divide the questionnaire into three parts.Part1_Part2_ Part 3_3. Answer questions about Sandy:What art form does she like best?_Is she good at this art form?_What does she think of this art form?_When did she become interested in this art form?_Does she have any stories about this art form?_How important is this art form to her?_Step4 Writing1. some useful expressions: I have a real gift for I became interested in when I was I once did not like because I forgot until Since then, I have been crazy about I enjoy myself every time2. writing仿照写一篇关于自己最喜欢的艺术形式_【课后拓展】 书面表达题假设钢琴家pianist李云迪是你的偶像,请根据下表提示,以My hero 为题写一篇短文,90词左右,可适当发挥,开头不计入总词数。出生年份及地点1982年,中国中部才能很小就能唱较难的歌曲学习历程4岁学习手风琴accordion, 7岁开始对钢琴感兴趣,每天苦练,有时太投入音乐世界而忘记吃饭。成就在国际比赛中屡次获第一名,在世界各地举办过许多音乐会你的愿望至少两点_


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