新概念二测试4---答案(完整)(DOC 13页)

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本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!新概念二测试4 答案 PRE(读PRE字母音)-UNIT TESTIF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO ON TO UNIT 4Key structuresA Word order in complex statements复合句1 He missed the train. He did not hurry. (because)He missed the train because he did not hurry.2 He ran fast. He failed to win the race. (Although)Although he ran fast, he failedto win the race.3 I was tired. I went to sleep immediately. (sothat)I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately.4 My neighbour went to Tokyo for a holiday. He could not return home. He did not have enough money. ( whobecause)My neighbour, who went to Tokyo for a holiday, could not return home because he did not have enough money.5 I found the door unlocked. I went into the kitchen. (Finding)Finding the door unlocked, I went into the kitchen.6 I bought a picture. It was very valuable. (which)I bought a picture which was very valuabe.7 He walked quietly down the corridor走廊. He did not want anyone to hear him. ( so that)He walked quietly down the corridor so that no one to hear him.8 They cleared the ground. They wanted to build a house. (to)They cleared the ground to build a house.B CompositionWrite two or three sentences using the ideas given below.A workman was digging in a field-struck a 6000-volt electricity电力电流cable电缆with his spade铁锹-was thrown twenty feet-unhurt- town was in darkness-no one knew what had happened.One day, a workman who was digging in a field accidentally意外地 struck a 6000-volt electricity cable with his spade. Although he was thrown twenty feet, he was unhurt. However, that night the neighbouring town was in darkness and no one knew what had happened.C Verbsa These things always happen.What is happening? What always happens?Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Lets eat here, I said to my wife.Id (would) prefer(prefer) to have a drink first, she answered.Thats a good idea, I said. I picked up the menu菜单. Idont understand(not understand) a thing, I said. Its all in Spanish.Itdoesnt matter(not matter), said my wife.Whatdoesthat wordmean(mean)? I asked.Idont know(not know), she answered.We called the waiter and pointed to the word on the menu.Two, I said, holding up举起two fingers.After some time, my wife said suddenly, Look! Heis bring(bring) us two boiled eggs!b What happened?The verbs in parentheses tell us what happened. Give the correct form of each verb.My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but thingsgot(get) so bad recently that hedecided(decide) to go on a diet. Hebegan(begin) his diet a week ago. First of all, hewrote(write) out a long list of all the food which were forbidden. This list included (include) most of the things Hugh loves. Yesterday Ipaid(pay) him a visit. Irang(ring) the bell andwas not surprised(not surprise) to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. Heled(lead) me into his room and hurriedlyhid(hide) a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that heembarrassed(embarrass).c What happened? What has happened? What has been happening?Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Jacklooked(look) at his watch for the twentieth time. Suddenly Jillarrived(arrive). Ihave been waiting(wait) for over an hour, hesaid(say) angrily. You never come on time.Oh, is tat so? Jillanswered(answer). Were(Be) you here at 2.30? Jackwent(go) red. Well, he said (say), Igot(get) here five minutes late myself, but youwerent(not be) here.Icame(come) here at exactly 2.30, Jillsaid(say) and I waited (wait) for five minutes, but you did not come (not come).Whathaveyoubeen doing(do) since then? Jack asked (ask)I justhave been(be) to the hairdressers, Jillanswered(answer) brightly.d What was happening? What happened? What used to happen?Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Usewouldin place ofused towhere possible.可能的情况下,用would代替used to.Dreams of finding lost treasure almostcame(come) true recently. A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machinewas used(use) in a cave near the seashore whereit is said-piratesused to hide(hide) gold. The pirateswould often bury / often buried(bury) gold in the cave and then(would) fail/failed(fail) to collect it. Armed whit the new machine, a search partywent(go) into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the partywas examining(examine) the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machineshowed(show) that therewas(be) gold under the ground. Very excited, the partydug(dig) a hole two feet deep. They finallyfound(find) a small gold coin which was almost worthless.e What will happen tonight?Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.A lifeboatwill set/is setting(set) out tonight to search for the shipwreck失事船只. The crew船员will send(send) radio messages to the wreck失事船只 until theyreceive(receive) a signal from the men on board. As soon as theyreceive/have received(receive) a signal, theywill tryand find the wreck with powerful searchlights. The moment the crewlocate/have located(locate查找地) the wreak, theywill fire(fire) a special gun which carry (carry) a rope from the lifeboat to the sinking下沉 ship. If the sea is rough 不平静的,theywill pour(pour倒) oil on the water. They are sure to succeed, but if they fail, a helicopterwill be sent(send) out tomorrow morning. Helicopters are very useful for rescue救援word, but they cannot be used at night.f What will happen? What will be happening? What will have happened? What will have been happening?Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so itwill be soon sending(soon/send) up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle航天飞机Endeavour奋进号will be taking(take) the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavourwill grab(grab) the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary re pairs. Of course, the Hubble is above the earths atmosphere, so itwill be soon sending(soon/send) us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. The Hubblewill tell(tell) us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the time you read, the Hubbles eagle eyewill have sent(send) us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.g What happened? What had happened? What had been happening?After Howard Carterhad discovered(discover) Tutankhamens tomb, strange reportsappeared(appear) in the newspapers. Three of the people whohad taken(take) part in the discoverydied(die) soon afterwards. Though nothinghappened(happen) to Carter himself, newspapersclaimed(claim) that these peoplehad died(die) because of the curse of the Pharaohs法老. These absurd荒唐可笑的stories have been forgotten, but Carters great discovery remains. Archaeologists考古学家 had beensearching(search) the Valley of Kings for years, but until 1922 nothinghad been found(find).h Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Iwas taking(take) my driving test for the third time. Ihad been asked(ask) to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. Afterhaving been instructed(have/instruct) to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. The examinermust have been pleased(must/please) with my performance, for he smiled and said, Just one more thing, Mr. Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you. As soon as I tap on the window, I want the car to be stopped immediately. I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly. Though the soundcould be heard(could/hear) clearly, it took me a long time to react. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and wewere both thrown(throw) forward.i Answer the questions after each statement.1 Keep quiet! he said.What did he tell me to doHe told me (that) to keep quiet.2 Send him a telegram电报, he suggested.What did he suggest?He suggested (that) I should send him a telegram.He suggested sending him a telegram.3 Ask him about it, he insisted.What did he do?He insisted on坚决要求 my asking him about it.He insisted (that) I should ask him about it.4 Dont worry about it, he told me.What did he tell me?He told me not worry about it.j Write the following sentences again beginning each one with I wonder.1 Can he wait a few minutes longer?I wonder if he wait a few minutes longer.2 When will he arrive?I wonder when he will arrive.3 Has he passed his examination?I wonder if he has passed his examination?4 Where is he?I wonder where he is.k Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.1 If youhad listened(listen) to me you would not have lost all that money.2 I could have saved you a lot of trouble if youhad written(write) to me.3 If you had applied申请 earlier,you would have had (have) your passport by now.l Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.I crossed the street to avoid避开meeting(meet) him, but he saw me and camerunning(run) towards me. It was no usepretending(pretend假装) that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoymeeting(meet). Nigel Dykes. No matter how busy you are, he always insists oncoming(come) with you. I had to think of a way ofpreventing(prevent) him fromfollowing(follow) me around all morning.Hello, Nigel, I said. Fancymeeting(meet) you here!Hi, Elizabeth, Nigel answered. I was just wondering how to spend the morning-until I saw you. Youre not busydoing(do) anything, are you?No, not at all, I answered. Im going toWould you mind mycoming(come) with you? he asked, before I had finished speaking (speak).D Other verbsa Supply the correct form of should, ought to(本应发生而实际未发生), or have to in these sentences.1 Heshould /ought to come(come) at four oclock if the plane arrive on time.2 I didnt go shopping this morning as Ihad to do(do) the housework.3 Sheshould have/ought to have come(come) to see me yesterday, but she forgot.4 Youshould have /ought to have asked(ask) for permission before you left the table.b Rewrite these sentences using have with the verbs in italics.1 He isbuildinga new house.He is having a new house built2 She will make a new dress.She will have a new dress made.3 I cut my hair yesterday.I had my hair cut yesterday.4 We must cut this tree down.We must have this tree cut down.c Rewrite these sentences using managed to in place of could not.1 I could not get into town this morning.I did not manage to get into town this morning.2 They could not find the boy who had run away.They did not manage to find the boy who had run away.3 He could not find a new job.He did not manage to find a new job.4 I could not translate the passage into English.I did not manage to translate the passage into English.E A, The and SomePut in a ,the, some where necessary.After _ breakfast, I sent _the_ children to _ school and then I went to _(the)_ market. It was still early when I returned home. _The_ children were at_the_ school, my husband was at _work, andthe_ house was quiet. So I decided to makesome_tarts for _ tea. In_a_ short time I was busy mixing_butter and _ flour and my hands were soon covered with _ sticky pastry. At exactly that moment,the_ telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the_ receiver between _ two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized _the_ voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung upthe_ receiver. What _a_ mess! There was _ pastry on my fingers, onthe_ telephone, and on _the_doorknobs. I had no sooner got back tothe_kitchen thanthe_ doorbell rang loud enough to wakethe_ dead.(no soonerthan 几乎就) This time it was _the_ postman and he wanted me to sign for _a_registered letter!F A lot of cars eentered for the race.Supply the missing works in the following.Once a year a race is hold for old cars. A lot _ ofcars entered for this race last year and there was a great _deal_ of excitement激动 just before it began. One of themosthandsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. Themostunusual car was Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was theoldest(old) car taking part. After a greatmanyloud explosions爆炸, the race began.Manyof the cars broke down on the course and some driver spentmoretime under their cars than in them. Afewcars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much fasterthanany of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had alot oftrouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a greatdeal ofpleasure. It was very differentfrommodern car races but no_lessexciting.G Supply the missing words in the following sentences.1 A womaninblue jeans stoodatthe window of an expensive shop. Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally wentinand asked to see a dress that wasinthe window.2 Glancingather scornfully, the assistant told her that the dress was sold. The woman walkedout ofthe shop angrily.3 She returnedtothe shop the following morning dressedina fur coat, with a handbaginone hand and a long umbrellainthe other.H Words followed by for, with, of, to and atSupply the missing words in the following sentences.1 You shouldnt get so angrywithhim.2 He is very goodatfinding excuses.3 Im not very fond喜欢的ofice cream.4 I would be thankfulforany advice you can give me.5 He remained 保持faithful忠实的tofirm even after he had been dismissed.6 I cannot be held responsibleforother peoples mistakes.7 Dont be so sureofyourself.8 His excellent progress should be obvioustoeveryone.Special difficultiesA Words often confusedChoose the correct words in the following sentences.1 This screw is (loose) (lose). loose2 I always (rise)(raise) at six oclock. rise3 He (laid)(lay) the book on the table. laid4 He works very (hard)(hardly). hard5 Who (won)(beat) the match? won6 Please keep (quiet)(quite). quiet7 I (used to过去习惯于)(am used to习惯于) smoke a lot once. used to8 The waitress女服务生 (fell)(dropped ) her tray托盘.9 The teacher got angry and threw a book (to)(at )the boy.at10 We went into the orchard果园to help him (pick)(cut) some apples.pick11 Your son has (increased)(grown) since I last saw him. grown12 Sir Frank Whittle (discovered)(invented) the jet喷射 engine.13 Please (leave) (let) him come with me. let14 Would you like to take (part)(place) in the contest?part15 No one knows the (reason)(cause) for his disappearance. reason16 We were (amused)(enjoyed) by the circus 马戏团clown小丑。17 They are now (controlling)(checking) our passports. checking18 What do you (advice)(advise) me to do?adviseB Say and TellWrite sentences using either say or tell with the following.a secret, your prayers祈祷祝福, a lie, nothing, a story, so.If you promise not to mention提及 it to anyone else, Ill tell you a secret.Have you said your prayers tonight, Johnny?He told me a lie.She side nothing to me or the anyone else.I always tell the children a story before they go to bed.Are they really coming tonight?-Of course. They said so.C Write these sentences again. Express the phrases in italics in a different way.1 The dining room in our school is very large.Our school dining room is very large.2 He told us a story about ghosts.He told us a ghost story.3 She gave me a present for my birthday.She gave me a birthday present.4 We stopped at a pub in the village.We stopped at a village pub5 The leader of the party made a speech.The party leader made a speech.


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