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凉山州高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语试题注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座位号、准考证号用.毫米的黑色签字笔填写在 答题卡上,并在答题卡背面上方填涂座位号,同步检查条形码粘贴与否对的。2. 选择题使用2B铅笔涂在答题卡相应题目的号的位置上;非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的相应框内,超过答題区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。3.考试结束后,教师将试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸一并收回。本试卷分为A卷(0分)、B卷(50分),全卷共10页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。卷(选择题共四部分满分00分)第一部分听力(共三节,满分2分)第一节:情景反映(共5小题,每题1分,满分分)听下面五个句子,每个句子后有一种小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的应答语,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听完每个句子后,你均有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子均读两遍。1. A. s, its Xihang B. Its my ometon, Xichng. C. I love Xchang.2. A. Sre. hat re hey? . Yes. You as. C. Crtainl Ayhinese?3. A. m sry. B.I kso. hank lot.4. A. It dent me. B othing srius. C.orry.I wot be late again.5 A Thn ou. B.Hpp ew Yar! . No, thank.第二节:短对话理解(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一种小题,请从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳答案来回答问题,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你均有1秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话和问题均读两遍。6 ha i inda uing while eatg now?. a the weather lieyesterday?8r os thecnrsaton mst probbly apn?A. In he ffice. . In shop. C. n thecho.Wh ikeshe red col?A. ill. B.Kt. . Bo f hem10.Wats he gi hik fAmazing hn?A Its boi. It . C. ts woerul.第三节:长对话理解和短文理解.(共5小题,每题1分,满分15分)听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有三个小题,请从题中所给的A、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听每段对话或独白前,各小题均有5秒钟的阅读时间,听完后,各小题均有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白均读两遍。听第一段材料,完毕第11-13小题。11he boy wats to_.A.aint acloful kiteBake a ke hiselC.ask hiothr to make kt12.Wht isthe boypapr kitemadf?A.pape, glue an sicks.B.ilk,glu adik.C.per, silk,le an scks.1.Te boy ll know thew t ake a kite by _t last.Aaskn forhs herB. searing for i onthe IternC. paigsme corful drawins听第二段材料,完毕4-1小题。1.o did Scotgoter?.b.BBy tran.C.Bypan.How longdidScot tay iBjng according o hepassage?A.Foseven as.B.orsix da.C.Forfie d.1.cott visited me placeso iteresi Being exceptA.treat WallBthPalc MuseumC.te Bis Nest听第三段材料,完毕第17-1小题。7.hn Mollysirthdy?A.n 29thB. On ly 2t. Onul 9thJuli ill geto Mollyasa bitdy pesentA some bokB aCC amgaine19.hy wil Peter ive Molly cp fo he birtay?. Becaus he dopped ercup.B. Beaethathr favorithngC. cause it a pa op musc听第四段材料,完毕第20-22小题。2. Whats wrogwith u?ASh as a hedache. Shehas ootache. Shhas a stmacache.21. Which s theay o te hosital?2.hat s hegir dig while aingnthead?A.he islstnin tsic.She is readig ma.CSh is making call.第五段材料,完毕第 3-2小题。2.Sephe Hawingis grat A.scintistB.dotorCtor24.When Stephen Hawkng ded,h wasyearsol.A21.6C. 4. What do wknw abut tephen Hawking fom the pasa?.SphenHawiwasil seriusly wenhe was bonB. Sehe awkng stopped isrerc bcause h ulnt walkorspeak any more. StenHawig woe many boos and ucted the world wit i uivrekowlede.第二部分基本知识运用(共两节,满分4分)第一节:单选供17小题,每题1分,满分17分).词语释义:从各题所给的、C、D四个选项中选择和划线部分意义相似或相近的最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。6 - Why dontyouplbasketallwith us?-Tasnoy cupof tea,I like eadinga hom bettr.AIt ood for B.I dont wat to drink te.C.ts avor.Its no my favoie.7- Ca swi in t rie?-o wy. Look t the sign. It says No SmingA.I pssbleB.No dor.tsimpossible.DNprlemB.从各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并涂在答 题卡上相应的位置。28._boyn a lckha is mybrher. He ften lay_hess wth m friends.A.A; he B.e; C. The; a D. A; /9.Many foreige came to ou sclast wek, inlng e _ nd fou_.A.Gran, AmerianBGermans. AcanC.eans.Americansrma,Arans30.Orcasses ar ove _ on n then e o to a e _ 1:00i the aternon. at; at B. in; C. in; . t; i3.-Th picture o te Snwflae o a ece vry poplar ceny-Yeh, i receivs _ Intts day.A.housands of . thousns .hndrd D.unreds32.O allte ects, cmistry es t be _ for m.A. diiclt B.odiffcult C. mor diffclt D. t ost dficlt3.-I cat fid myEnglish ook. ayo sen _?-Oh, rry.I have ake _ mstake.A. them; my B. hem; you C. t; mine D. it;yous34_ his righ had wa hur,_ hwoe soly.A.Becaus; soB.cause; /C.Althouh; bD.Althugh;/35.- Did you hear h trane noise next doo a around 1 oclkat night?-o. I _my faoite i ydroom.liseB.lsned to.was listeig to. lsening to36- ais s awndful ace.-o it i.I_ here te.hvebeenB.hve gnC.enD.willgo37.- you no_estey?-e. She a ll in hospital.A.hy idn Jenny goto school.hy doesnt Jenny go toschooCwJenn idnt go to school.Jeny doent go o scho38. _ enjableTh eeri! Ilike theT prgra.A. How B. w aC.What a D. Wat39-Mm, ca Ilay couergames this evening?- _ yurhomewok first,nd th ell lk abut it.A FinhnB. Fsh. To finshD.Finihd40. Paren _ put te hings likekiesadmedicine away in he hue o kep ildrn sae.Amay B mih C. an . should41-Can youep mmeet m frind Steve at the aiprt, Joe?th lsre at de e looklik?-He _ o meiu heit nd h _ smal eyes.A. s; hs B. is;is C has; i D. is;has42-Mu, Il ta n imortattetoorrow.-ont be nevous, San_ A. oo uc! B.God dea! C Wel done D. Have a gootim!第二节:完形填空供1小题,每题2分,满分30分)先通读下面短文,读懂大意,然后从背面各题所给的、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。Cn ou etfre plat bas from surmrkes no? I afadyou a ThinhavcangFree plastics nt beused at shs and upermarts i China, nd pple eo ay for plastc ags. eausur country ried t maeitr43.The Cinese oce used ab 3, 0, 000,0platicshoppng a da. They e 44 to ba, most of them can eued onyon Ad som peopl throw themawa hee adhee, they hcsedlluinfo the enonent. If e ae burnt, they may u igrtoubeFor ale, they maycse illnessfos. Sohe Chseeole 5t bring hi own ags for shoppng.Soe udentscome up ith go ia. Teyake he spping bagsb . Theyusold clothes to ake cloh bg,adsen tmto theirae a present.Tyals as her parents nd fnds tse lothbagsistead. h thik it is thir 4 to proe he envronment.4. A.fewer B. more C. le bette4. A. a . ea C. dfficu strong4. A re encoragedB. ncourae C. areinvited D.invite 46.A. them B. thsev Chim . himself47. . abilty B. chan C. chance D. dutyBIt waaSundayaftron a gil was unhpp Se cmained therfater bouthe ard life. hewre so many blems! eproble wnt sole but 4 ca. She wanted tgiveup.H father smidan ook hs daugh n the 4 He tee 50 wihater. Ad he put somears i the firsne. I the secod one, he put sm gs. Coffee as pt n h third oe.Thn hebol em. Th grl watched her father Hr fathr justwaie 1 syi ord.The gi woered 2 er ather wadoing thatfor. Abou 2 ntes lter, hrfather53 the crotsand put thm n a bow. Thegs wrept on aplae and cfee wa oured ino a cup.Turnng ack tois son5 ,Dad sked,ht do yu se?art, and coee. ” sheanwed.Hr fatold erto closhe yesn let er touh the arros. She d and elt e carrots were sof.Ater tht hesed his daughter to ake th eggsand fel the.e eggsere had.At st,her ther ke hr to tse e coffee. “Wts hemeang, ad? He elaied tht _5of th th had met witth sme uucky exeiene theboiin aer,bt te te tings had reslts.The trong and hararrots ecame sof nd wea fte thewer put into th ilin w hees beme hard erbein cookd. The cofe wa very ecia andt57 te water. Whicho ll chooe e, a cat, ngor cofee? Ths up yout decide. sid hr fte.48. A. th ot. ater C. other others9 A ichen B.ining roC.el D. bdoom50. bos Bpates C pts D. cups51.A. with B. ithout C. f D. for52.A.at B wy .ho D. hre5.A. tok plaeB ok off C.tookafterD.took out5. A. usul exctl C.late . slw55A. every B.nither C. eac D.oe.A.ifferentB. dfficlt C. ame D. sa57A.ieB. dscovered .chaned D iventd第三部分阅读理解(共两篇,满分2分)阅读下面的文章,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上 相应的位置。(共10小题,每题2分,满分20分)Aappiness s mporanor eveyone. Mspeople watobehappy, bt w nowhow tod happnss.Her i a stoy to hepyou.Onc a birdivdunhppil. Sit travled fr away to loofo its happinsI flew and few.Sdenl it saw a spidr limingup a wlThe pide fel o te wallfway. Buikepclimbng agai anfelof an. Eve so, the spe int ive i u. Theird askedthe spier in surpse. “Why dont you have pn bthppieson yor fce though ou fal gai n agan?”“ecause Ike ak y eforts. Im happ”aid the piderhen th little ir awit hpissia ill in thehert.The bird continuedflyng nd w a lamedc hlp a ittle dck wo got lost tfinde ybac om. Atou it wasdisaed,thad a silnace“Im hpbecause I can helpothe.” sa the le duck.th bi w itapis is lve ithe heat.Th bir w on fng an uddnly salittleying flwer, whsefe wa llosmle.The bid didn know t eso oi ed he lite oer,“our going todi. Wh are youtilso ppy? ”Buse y em will ometr,said the litl flower.“What isyour dream? ”“To prou sweet frui”The littlebird sawit: happiss s hope in the heart.the lttl birdno or okedfo ppnebecaus ihad en the truth apiness i ot in th fawaypce but yu own eart. You aeteakero yur ow hainess58.Wh ver ga uthou it ailed agnand agin inthispasage?. The birdB Th siderC. Theow. Thuck.9.W ite little ig fer ill so hp?.Becaseit oftn helps othe.B.ecse itprducesou fruit.C.Becaus itha pe i heheatD.ecau tkeps limig upa wall.htcawe knowfrom te stoy?A.Teidound hppiness in its ownheartB.The birdound happines i hawypae.C.e bddidt know where appies as.a lasD.Thelme duc wsn hapy becse t ad o hep other61.Whih th foloing is T rueaccording to pass?A.Haines is important fo veryone.B.My pleko ho o fi hapness.C.W maehappnssby ouslves.DTheway to hapiessistoha a dream, t hl others an ott giveup.62.T pasage ismaiyabot.AilB.hopeC.loeDhapinesIY hi man oItYur,isquite polarin UK.ts f sores nd srmarkets sel DIY things.T progams ho epleow to YEnglih peopl like D. There aaying n K-“An Englismn e is his e.” He numbes o eople sped hir hodys akngtei homesbeauiulatle. If ther is anthing tht neesixingrund theihoms, suh as aintin the wals orputni a new swe, hewll othe jobsthmseve. The shar DYexerince whtr fends. More a mor pple ave dcverethe jyfDIY. oi popal D r saingmoney. Withe economy becmingwrse a , man people anno afforda bghose.Theyr lookn at hothey can me thir hous btter witle money. It is ot urpisn that DY is sopoular.DIY cn be difficult. There isaug maet fo DY furnitur. epleed to gt tgehiecsffrnturewi afew basc o. Howeve, pepe oftenfind i ot easy to buid aiece f funitue becausethycnt undrtand thitrutions.Soetime the nstrutios e very mple buteriture itel s difficut t build.Onething is fo sur, though mst DIY projecs retrte wih th best idas, mny ofthemma no get fnisd.DI nlso b dageou. Foxae,anyhg eletra shuld e one b aprofesionlwork. Ului, n peoledont are auhiswrmin an putthmslvesin dngr. t isported tt n jsone r oer 23,00 peopl weurt whil onIY inUK, incdg ,00 h felof laders.Therfore, DY an brng us fuad help sae oney, but t isnot aways as asy asi s thought to e if e bie off more awe an hew. aybe actorsould ake oducts thta easie andsafe for usto DIY A ill, it s very god and suitble thing f mypeo.6.What re DYthgs?A.Thing thatr done bourself.B.Thighat are sld ithe upermarkeC.hngstar swn o TV.Thingthat aeslinte sor.64.Wy do peole i UK likeI?ADIYcn brngtem fn.B.DI nhep tem sav oney.CDY ca bedficltD.oth A and B.65.corg t paragap3, hich o te ollowinistu?A.People ca oftenunrs the istrutions easily to build aiece o furntue.B.All DIY projec wth the eides canetish.Less an 230,000 people weeurt hile ding Yin K in jus e ear41,00 people felof lade ie oigDIY in UK in jut one yer.66. h psage oes NOT mntin _of IY.A.th advantagesB.the diadvantgCt ivntoDte meaning6. o ayrad heassge intpartof _i a maazne.A.LifB.Ad.Hitor.Georaphy第四部分口语应用(共两段,满分8分)从对话后的选项中选择合适的选项补全对话,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。每个选项限用一次。(共8个空,每空分,满分8分)A: Hi! ae. Hvent seen u fr a lng tim. Di you go anwereinteresti?B: Yes,Idi. 68 : hatdid yu do thre?B: We enjyed te beautfulsigs in t mountai anaemay inds owild vegetls tht e oered by he villagestre.: Sonds fanstc. 69 B: set e oktthe stdnts trI fact,I fel a litlesad wen I ame int thei classrom.: Whyi you avetht d of lig?B:Th sudent hee stud in poorlaing cnitin0 A:Canyou el e t youaregoi to o?B: We argoing to odet stdents ih ewdesksnd cair.A:71 I am wlling to jin ou.A.Many o us have proms ogv mo hlpt he.B.My frid n Iwnt t a vllaetisvactinC.Beng a olnteeris reallgreatDWht se di you o?B: Hello! ThisisCny speking 72 B: Tisis ary. oyou ve acold? Int recognz yu voice no.A: Yes, Im nt lin ery el tday.: you shou tke od cr of orselfA: Thaks. l.B: What areyou oingnow?A: Teoe in mhost familyitryg t ae zngzfoexhge stdntsTomorow i Dragn boa Festiva.: Youo lucky 4 A:f course not. On at a Cnese peoleeat ongzi and hv btrs.B: Thas cool. Thanky. 75 I pe can go toCiasoeay.: Yuareelome.morrytoear thtBImintresin Cins ftvals.W youmnd eling m some ieeting custoabout the fesival?D.Who ta?卷(非选择题满分5分)第五部分写(共四节,满分5分)第一节:单词拼写(共5小题,每题1分,满分分)根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示,用单词的对的形式填空,并将其答案的完整形式写 在答题卡上相应的位置。每空一词。76.It ried evily. It was toodark ruste rod_ (清晰)7.Scrooge ismen onythnk about himsl.d oet_others nicl. (看待)78.Tesory u gong oves Mountin sow usthat a_is posibei yuwok hrd.Sch bad oo sholdt baloed sel at any boktore. he are h_to childrn.Gce il go o _fr furthe educatin ftershe fnishes igh coo.第二节:短文填空(共1个空,每空1分,满分0分)阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的词并用其对的形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,并将其答案写在答题卡上相应的位置。每词限用一次。Excite use he during soon hand see express hour bothAttheginnig of , Pesidn X Jpig went to visit Liangshan frehe Sprng Festival. 81 tigfr Hap New Yar. Thr weremanyimresi andtouci thins 2 hisviiting Lighan.i isited an ad Huopu vilage,83 are i haoje cont in Liansha.Its tw 8 rde fr chang o thillags. Wheearrved t Sae ile,he ws rly welcomd y te villagers.Hewalke ino a faiy o unrsad t situation f he faly. He said: hav ben carin aboutYpeoe. I vrygla 8 y are lvin a gd fe ad hopett all he vilagrs c lve happy lf i utueXi ad the viler at ina cirl i thefamily and hatelikea fmi.They tld and laughed vy apiy. He gavthem_86 ayso come ric,healhy and hpy.News ofPrsdet Xi comin7 sprad throughout thvilage, lth vilagrs noal costshd o gretwrmly to 8. or charwao hok wt te vlage and aid godbye.Allth iager were singng Yi fol sng,“The iwineaewatig in he moutns, the n ice inei waing, der frien, peae sy, tay90 cmeto he vilagr eess they sang the moving sng第三节:阅读体现(共两篇,满分2分)A根据短文内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余选项。并将代表该选项的字母写在答题卡上相应题号的位置。(共5个空,每空2分,满分分)How oyou fel when youre foole by other? No ub, fel bd. Tere i ting worse tanfalli fr a joke dbeingafool excpt oneda Yes, haApril Fool D ay body will b angr t b a “Apri Fool” 91 The hdmate atmy chool decied t play an ril os oe on th studt when I asinhig hooOn Mach31, sheannonced tht our schol woud hold a “retimpress day 92Grls we tld to wer ormal dress and mat jakes, hl a suitjce and for ech by woul be est The tachers, we wee tol, uld do tsame.OnApr Fools Da, manyf s stuent came t scholdesein our bes lothes. 93 mrning, ll f u got toetronthpaygound, waitng he adsterSh ould pa o he studnts.94 Instea, she ore jeans, rnig soe a a -sirt. Th eachers alo go dessd aaly lik her.“Api Foos!” se said, ith abg smileonherfa. “e jst anted to remny thatteacherhava sense ofhmo, too!”Suely,all th eah


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