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-第二学期期末试题高一英语试卷考试时间:10分钟第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你但愿成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以但愿为哨兵。黑。(从21开始涂卡)。 BayHo.Its ie,rtabtel oerlon (俯瞰) theby an ucomecialid Corih fishing age onElan os suthrly poinIf popmic n loneour strong pin, andyu e onsdr axing olida here scnery srethtaing thsod ofthesea i ive usc tooureas, com an stay ith usor dltsonlyHus! Don tll evryone! 36 2846 Wllapak MnrHtel. Peaceful situatio in14 acre o searated garensaodland,orloig itrsqu a.os tostl athandeac.Excelntcsine.O excellt servic bings uguesbacr aryarChildr(reducon) and petlome.840707 Th Country GrdnHoel. Delightul hot stinlvey garn; clm ld f ig ar TnnonDons, Great food!Gaden, sea in gundo slael fr brch (服务指南)nd am me.Adlts onl d pts wce.080080 193 satle.oaic 1tCentur frmrs tgei countidewthpeid oasalews.ell-equppedleeps 5Regre no pets/moing.Grden wt fnture.Bochure;016 4501 Godhl4 starsefseved unts.Non mokin.Ss2 Onall ar.od wasCse to pub.Peaceul.CoyNo s.Brocue: 019 87 he Blaey Hot vrokinhbu, taditional pivatlyowned rendly hotewth 6 bd, lf,heaed doo pool, pa at ndaua.Reax, alk, si, play of, xplorethvillages, cuntyi ad cscia seasonal miweek picefo gectizn.02307S Frac. Ruralsetig ear CodesTwo btfuly r ld ouss, sl /5,Garden, oodlnd,pool,view, xcelntlkvilabe lyar oun.tag. 9627696721ll f tefolownghtls aeseo he sEXCEPT_.AWFranc B.The laneyotel Wllprk Mano Hol .eCoutryGren Hoe I you antto tak yorildre ayou dog hou ohoiay,yo can chooe_ ATe outr Garde Hoe BWiar Mnoro .Th aHtel DBoscste .The puroe thease ito _ Awan B.advis decribe .dveriseBAbot whete to ve in th it rtecounrysi y frins hve ifent opinionsTo aod te ns, sg, raffic, and cime i thciy, moof hemaremovg uside hect. On friensays, “Theiiseiplu the cit,so Ipfer to live outs,wheeei s lean.” noherries upaant wih he traffc, “ontownis crowded with car! ou cantfndapakng lac, an he afic ja e terbe.” Everoneisore abotcrm,“he cty s u of rminal. -s toanerous” or hem, he ural fe isa cur for proems, reengrass, lowes,swmmi o,barbeues, nd so o. afte thy av ived ther fr a year o, thy eaz that rurallf isnos plaanas te erepcng hy? The ardes!y so lear ththeman art of rul lifisyar wo Afer th workll eekdn their ardes,ee to tiredtowmin theirpoo oroosome mat on the bbece.Anthy anlivein he contrye ihout acar. Motf hemovedto thenryt oi rfic,t no her blokd on a by feeay twhurs verday tdriv to orowntown. My pinionsbu urblfere ffernt-e ive owntown!h? Firs, i the city, I cn eoy natr I can al rog th par, mll the ower,sitn theassad visit heaima in h zo. Ye I on hve to do ad wrk or feed the nimalso, catevwhr bs; i tere s a rfficja,I can alkme.I tnk e criinallif irefe ca i ocietytoo; fpeopleabuying oes utide theity, the mialswil oon follw. Criminlswant to avoidnos, smog, and oution, too. Then, vercowdingad rime wil brolems of hsurbs istead te it!2. The fis paragrah used _.A. st sme fius B me compsns. eadtth tpic D. vesions5Whdidthose ov otsid tink ofte ie thcity?ACs . ovenientColou re26.Wha he mjrproblem f hoe o ve in thecountyside?. Be ar frm wntownB Havin rds o acreof.C. ilin ofindparking losD.Suffein hevtffc on e rod.27.Wht teauthors atitd o sitylfe?A.provin. . Ambguous. C. rtefu. D. utfChldrrelosingthait tlyproerl becsetey a beng gventoo mny toys nd game, accin ta eresec he studiessho thachildren, especilly toseundeive, anoverwhmed(不知所措) nd actally lay n toswith fewertos.t mayeven hrmir deepmen.h tdis ow tat ing chirento many osor toy thewrog type an actull bdoingthm arm. The eovewhemed nd cnoconnrate o anytingong ough lnfrom t Thusn av beeback p by Btish reshlkin athile wth rtivel frt,whs ants nd mor tm aing, sngg orplaywth them It hweduchchildensurs (赛过) youngstersfro rh bagruns, ee hosewhou usecomputers Some prentntie he illffetal.OhanImail, a srhesawa hag forth orse inameron, hi 10-mo-ol so,after he wa givn lto ty larma.smai ad, “fthereae too anyts nfrontofhim,e ilju epflttin(掠过) aoudm nn edpgoigof and fding oetng l a sliper py with Now w ust get ot ne o w oysan de thret a bx.” exaner andher hsbd lodeciddo limt th o thir6 daughtrs play t She believ may tys limt cilrens imagnation.She said, “A Barieca onl wor a Barbie t acardba ox n becoeanthng.Theony limaiosae itehld mind” Exr sita to puta fgure on th numr of tos hiden hldhav, but ma believe wo oen s nughor chdrn of prshool ge.8.From whic prarp can latt“Btis esearch grouhas bee in avour f t oclusion”?A. Praga 3. . Prgp 4. . raah 5 Pararph6. t rtrs oinio, Barbi_cntact ore attenonfr chilrnta acrdboard bBn wokmoehanBarbiC. ay beomeanything uchs a caboardD. keep cildfo fther iminatn3 Whiofte flwg i TREabut tosgven to hie?A.to many tyswill hel clren developwide intrests.B. Oe or two oyat aime wlelp hildrenconcnrae. Onl rngtesof tys do hat hildren.D. Toper numer os ivn to e ilen depens nterge.1 I ba go dea to_.A.send morimereding r laynwit childrB. oe rih tpes oftoy forchildenC.ask epersf th xatnumberofncesarytoys Dpuu oe r twotys ait rest DA tenerwan, oraindeendetn,ichne would ou efer? A reet eerh shos that most pelewol chose he latte.Thistyeof wman s cled a hazi (“tough woman”) Exrselee te caractstics hesocal a psholgicl oos ongyug emaes in Chn. Su osfriendll cl her a tougwoman,ecuseshe cn fin touhassusualy crred ot b men. oexampe, he cries 10-ltre water to r dormiory the 5th fo“ depndoo one butmyelf,”se ayAcri o ecent r by Cin Youh Dl, thwoe hav eteron i oey f the 1,265 repodens, 785rn aidtheyar fiar ith atouhoanAo50 rcet sd h ke omen ih toug araristics,wil lesstan 29 pecentexprsed he opsite view. are tou women gainng poularity?h eg,apsycologal csutan,bliesth fer cmtition in sietyiscontriugto histred. “Womn are oten n aisdvantage positiocmare t n,” Shensay.“In order t rvive, ey haveo indpnen,trng and oug.” Liu Xaolin, prfessorofpschlog t Wuh enta Heat Cter, belevs tough men re brought u tis way Thye oft on close relatonip witir fahers, who each their daght o be rave decsiv,”e ays. es, hese womenaremoeely to bepsycologicaly healhand mor oeantt str, accordng tou.h Liu blieves tat this s a ood td, H Sezhi, apycholgit heangng SnleConeng ener, sas tepulityoftoh omaniicaesaneaine bteegedrdeiie, wichcn lead trltiosppobles. “om womtcarcterit ta differ fr h raditionalfleimage yhave a difficult time findi Right,” he s. “Evnf ty emried,r mly hractertic mightue fmy conflicts32 Which ofthfollwn doentblong o th hateriics of a tough wmn? A Sh is indepeet f ot indail e. B.She i sot d tendero others.C. Se i moe erantotress. D. he can solve prbles usal fr enHow nyesnents lke gh woen?A abt 10,60. . abot 16,. . 1,2. D. bout 6,0034Wh re tee oreog wom nays?A. Becau tug ome are melovely.B. Becaumoe wmewa beidependent.C e irl ten lefaher r.Buseofte fier ompiti n ocety.35. hat prolmmay togh mn hav n teir lf? A I icult fo them to b rns.B. hoft suffergder cofuson.C. heymy havedifiulty with marra. Tyhae iehrcteristsfrmraitoal fel imges.第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题;每题2分,满分0分)Ho toRestore(恢复)Balane n Lifeny o usgveour imand eergy generously o our family mebers, rind, nco-rkr, utotn ore our o ned. 36 ere som peopeshar teepernce at made te rlize tey adto tarttki are of temslves a a heyredoingaoutit.Lgteur adBforeoucntak are o nyonelse, yoned e al to cae for yorel.y ownprson truthisthat I m art o Go,and eoes notwnttofee buded. 3 LarnoAcp ForgiesI ccepted fogivnss,n sincethn hve ogven yef, s well s ll heeopleI onsiere to cueme paiinone wyooter. 38 eGrteulI do yownkinf rateeditatio (沉思) evey ht 9 ogee, aoii te atveeneryof flig like a vtim andpongthe posive forceof raide rovidewih tetgh tak cre obt yslf and oter.Take lk40 Iit slowl, nd Ipry notetht when Iwlk Ifeel eter menaly nd pysilly. dmie re, th lwers andte y. I realeI ned ose egt,b I ontwant o flm head wi negti elf-tal. I wnto hv“I can o tis” enaity (思想).A I as used toowingdoandbin getlwih myselfB. I sit uel, an eel grtelforhessngs Iereived.CIrealiedhtfogivn means heain. I nditsasyto forgivemel d th.E.It aynt unti ebcome ehause that w str ang ateton our own needs.F He as wats my lad ob ligt enouh hatI n ta on rdns if I have toG.I try owalk 3-4 tis aeek forminuts.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题15分,满分3分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、C和)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。anes ag,Ddorked a armad(农场工人).A thtime, ha a hrse. very Satudae 41 th twnafteriner ndspnt few ours o ocal 42 with erfmhans, uch asrii, chain, adplang card in theaf. OnSurdayevening, the cafwas 3 ecs m frans ere hr Befomidhtd rernehmon hs hors, ieatsid wit his . n hi wds, he 45 thoughtof chann his jb. theae f31, darrid y mothrwho a scooltecher I thloing png I came 46 nothewr Lie beame hard,omy oer fl 7 . Sh tld Da ht they must maka Myme hd fhow some fams prsn, espeialy homa Edionwowas born oorfamil, fugt against fe ndcheved gratness an 50 n 51 that wouldsoaycom get laer 5 en or ciie ad Dashoud easucssfl usinesan o se 53 Da ie up hsjo asfrmhan, elhi horseand 54 aall buines of hi own. AndIwthischool andclle Sheenset me aroador 55 eucaion when Iraduate from coee.nder he drie o my mothes hpe, Dd ndI wht e have oday. Dad rus a biginteninal andIa ucslwyer 58 geat fm i m cny, 5 nt aleadeas m mothr epcte.Dd aid,withot mymohr, uldnt bwhatwear toay; a least, he wud rmn a famhnd. 60 he o lesson flife someti e realyneedrve frm ouside1.A. oe B waed an rve42. verisB mes C rlationip D.ctiies43A.ol owdd quiet D.dity4. hoe . tetaimetC. e er45A.often B ve .nve D. sometims4. aughing . sigigC sleepingD crng47AuimporntB. byC. nsaisfd D.tre48.A. ivig B. hange C desionD.ose9. dread adC. hgh.oken50A. onetB. nyC feD. energ51.A cardB.kwCorotD. hed52. nnB.ungC. helpi D.rotecig53. ndB. wanteC. allowd prsuaded5.tt findCdegn D.sll5A. artherB. irC.easier D.oser5.A.shwdB. ketC lost . achived7. cmny B. chol farm D. caf 8A ufeng.hringCnyngD. folowin9.touh B.fC. ad D. snce60A SoB. oeverC O D Because第II卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每题.分,满分1分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入合适的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的对的形式。 me ear ago, SARSbrke outn heman of ia, 61 (case) somoplobilled o eay gocoseto dat serewa h taton hat there o tmetodebae h as 63 (blae). e mo importantting fegoern t o was fnd ou h cus o (ded) dise.The invtall the topexpetin this feldo have dscssio a ut a fesugestis 65 (pu) frrd. Some oftheo exerts pickeot thsugstis adetethem teher they ilabl. Doctor Zon Nanshan co one patien 66 assisyillan a littl hope of ickgup n ad tenew eicie 67 (e) oni. T his gret o, ts en roverd! e made his a to his offce anpoetetop ofcial, telngim e 8 (ecie) ns.Fr 9 (conveiet),he moto lv in hs ffc. isetho didmakesese. ant lgeoreh ther ositals as contrlled tserribledisee and kickdi ou fily第三部分 写作(共两节,满分5分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题,每题分,满分10分) 假定英语课上教师规定同桌之间互换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的如下作文。作文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅波及一种单词的增长、删除或修改。增长:在缺词处加一种漏字符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只容许修改0处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。ear Ji,So glad thatyo e inerestdinm ne fla.Now I od likeel ysomething abot it. oatiin e f theciy, his eideal Cter ll wih ly six budi.y lat, whchcver t areaof 3 qua metr,is in hfort floor i Bdig 2. I consste of a sittin oom, aeroom, a kitchn andaolet. Whenyour tth fat, u ill finduref i te sitig room. he sitting roo isth part that Ilke es, ecase t rgy wth lvey alc,whih I c enoe btul garden elow Alhogmyft ism,I ikethem ver much becau tiscofotae.Bestrgards,ors, i H第二节 :书面体现(满分5分) 最新调查指出,人际关系正越来越被“人机关系”所取代,甚至有网友调侃:世界上最远的距离,是我在你面前,而你在低头看手机。根据如下要点用英语写一篇短文给21世纪英文报投稿。1描述这一现象 分析其因素及弊端 3你觉得该如何变化现状注意:1 词数0左右 2 可合适增长细节,使行文连贯。高一英语期末试题答案阅读理解: 2-23 AB 4-7CDB 8-31DC3-5 DC 3640EFCB完形填空: 1-4ADCC 46-50 DCBB -55BD 56-0 DACA语法填空:61 cuing6. S63. toblame64. dl6.ereput 66. who/hat67tste6 xctng69.conveice0. I短文改错:Da m, o gad that ou ntreted in mnew flat NowI wdiketel yu soehig about i tocatnin th rof thecty, this Redenial enterissmll wih ons buildin. Myflt,Locate builng whch covrste aea of36suaemeters, sne fourth flor in Bdin2 Itcossted of an n osissttioom, a bedroom, itchen an a tiet. en ouentito e fa,you will find yourself e sittingrom. The sti ro is e pr hat like be, ecaue itis brighlth a ovly rightbaoy, hichI cn enjoythe beauful arde ew. Altogh my fl i small, I lik themvery wer ituch because i somfotble est regrds,Yous, Hua书面体现Asi ofteth cas, when peple ar tteding metg, avieals or wting for uses, you caalwas ind tm addictedtoheirpoes,cmpely ignoing otrs.hiss reay a cmmon phmno i ife. T raons tt mrt ponsnoadys cabe used for peopleto pay mobil gamean kepinouch wt frid thrgh Q n eh wver, oochepsure to phoisbad f eoplei ters ofhealth Mreo, peoplngei phones iltocomuicte ellih thosoundtem.As ar as I m oncred, peope soud iseyme useof hei poesohelwhteirok and su. And eawhleareore bo ter fmily n frien rathe th mobi phns.


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