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新概念英语第二册课文和笔记 Leson 6:Prc Buttns 珀西.巴顿斯【NEW WRDS NDEXRESSIONS】bggarn. 乞丐bg v.乞求 b youprdon?ask for:祈求得到be o :乞求得到od. 食物 不可数a lot of foopcktn 衣服口袋ne pocket:内口袋jcet ocetcoapocketpokt bok:袖珍书ck dictionary:袖珍词典pocet money:(小孩)零花钱chng:零钱get exct cang:准备好对的的零花钱bemoey:(男孩)零花钱pocet pick:车上的小偷call . 拜访,光顾visitalsb:给某人打电话call p sb:给某人打电话cal c:回某人电话Canou take eseor e?an yutellhim t cal back?all n s拜访某人call at,t一般和地点相连cl at地点visit omepace 拜访某地I wll callo yo.I wilcallat our Ho.call ou =hout,大声喊call in sb:招集和邀请某人For he project,hegovenmen called in a lot of exert is lten he answr the questin. 听录音,然后回答如下问题。 WhoisPecy Button? hve js vedto a huse in Brid Set. Yerdyaegaknckd t mydor. He sked mefo a meal an gass of er.netrn ftis,te egg sod on his hea ndsansngs. Iae im meal. Heate the fodan drank the beerThen he pu apiee of cheesins pock a wnt aay. Later aegour told m bu hi. erybody knhi. His namis ercy Butons.He lls a every huse in te stee one a month ad lwas asks for a mealand glss of beer.New rdsdxpesion 生词和短语参照译文 我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子。昨天一种乞丐来敲我的门,问我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。作为回报,那乞丐头顶地倒立起来,嘴里还唱着歌。我给了她一顿饭。她把食物吃完,又喝了酒。然后把一块乳酪装进衣袋里走了。后来,一位邻居告诉了我她的状况。人们都结识她,她叫珀西.巴顿斯。她每月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次,总是祈求给她一顿饭和一杯啤酒。【课文解说】mov to:搬到knockt:敲kok t the dorknokt the windowbeer;beakbfr sth:问某人要什么东西;ret forf;为了这个目的去祈求某人,sb更多的时候不浮现,ak forsthThe baskedomoney aan/one mor.nreurnforthi:作为对什么的回报in rturn:作为回报e doesntwant anythng in rtnhospitlity:热情Ilya presntfo imin return forhopaltythi在代词当中常常指代上文的一件事情stodonhs ea:倒立tand on ons ds:用手着地跪着,膝盖:nees,a on one knees躺着,躺:ie,li n bed,li nes bac:仰面躺着lie on one ie:侧躺趴着:lie on ossoahgive ia mealg awyatr:后来el s bo sh,abot:有关,通过其她事自己得出结论,el you about himtel sb sth:告诉某人某件事(把事情直接告诉),tll y the newstll ou thewordtel you abut the wordevery作为主语一定作单数看待,属于不定代词所有的不定代词作为主语一律为单数看待calls every ousei th street英国写/on he street美国写ne month:一种月一次,单位体现方式a.表达每月一次,计量单位five lomersa hosk fo,是sk sb or sh的省略Perc uton?aeggarecalls atery housein thetreetonce amothad asks for a meal ad a glas f bear【ey structures】核心句型,和soea:单数,可数名词he:可加单数/复数,还可加不可数名词,加在什么名词前面都对soe:只能加在不可数名词的前面或可数名词复数的前面a和th的区别a是泛指, mn;特指,te n在文章当中第一次浮现名词的时候往往用a和an修饰,第二次浮现的时候用在表达一种笼统感念的陈述句中可以省略a和smeYsray I bought ok,Boosar no very exensiv.笼统感念:某某一类一种东西I have jst drunk a glassof mil,Milk svr efrshinI at aple./Apples are delicious.ikoranges.Wouldyu lke some rang?s.Jones buhta ag offlour, agof uar,and etea.She alwas bs flor,sugar and tea tte grorsa和thA ma i alkingtoads me.Th man is arryin arce.Theparcelsfll o meat.Nascno pu ortheinfro o names表达某某一类人当中,具有这种特性当中的一种,a .zag【SpecaDffiuties】难点某些动词的背面加上介词或副词后来就会变化词义,这种新的组合称作短语动词put:放,putontae:拿走,ae fflook:看,oa:看,l for:寻找,look afrer:照顾,look t:当心al,callat,l on,call i ,callback,all orkno,kock at:敲,kockoff,oovr,knock ouknock of:下班,He knocke of earle.nok h ff+地点,nockth vase off th ablenock ff:打折,kno 10% of th pie.ck ove,A car knoked theboover.如果有地点,off; 无地点,vr,I knockedhe bo of the bicycle.Exeriss1.o.knok ut :打陨,boer:拳击手在拳击场合中,把人打倒在地叫knock out.oe.无地点.off.a.1.knock 2nokof.ok 10% of the ricof all th s【Mltplechoicuestion】5.D.say说/tel告诉e says + 句子;Hsays+th+句子;say o sb.tell sb句子:tl stat+句子e s t me/htldmeecy utto 作为从句的主语一种简朴句只有一种主语一种动词He tld me rcy Bottn ws aeggar.ey a/a teyall o sall of em我们所有人 allof us,we aleachevery 每一种c:强调个体;evey 强调节体very adj+n. 每一种(书,本,人等)ah ro.:eac ad.+; a pro.直接作主语或者宾语eery persn lis.each personkes.ea lkes.eve 不能做主语;eac 强调个体,使用第三人称单数7.ce a mont:每月一次,属于频率对频率提问:howofen提问多久:how long提问次数:wany teHow mn ties dyo vsi your mther eac month?Hw long d you it yor mother?对时间提问How ofeo youisi ou mother?对时间和次数提问How o 多久后来How son illyou fiish yur Hoewk?Vcabulary8.ou of ok 失业I am ot o work,/I lose 1.A.piece f: iece of chese一块奶酪bt:a:a bar of coclae-一块巧克力bar门闩:长条状:a baochocae; ar of alock 块,一大块:boc v堵塞;block n.房子paet:一包apiceof./a bit o.2.sameae d size同年代同样式street 两边有房子的街道way, onhe ay,in h wy 挡住某人的路(强调方向)r 路的通称:road Hme通往家的路ot路线语法精粹.ow cn yu_b_ifyu re no _?listingheringB.he/istenin.b listning/hearD.b ear/itenng tosten听hear听见如果你不听,怎么也许听见呢?be 不能加动词原形;be+ -ed-ingcn+动词原形2.Thegirl ve wn hve her lunh bfre sh_her Homework.AwillfinB.is fiihig.ha finiheD.fnsswnt=wll not状语从句中,用一般目前时取代将来时.3.os wh haeaplied fo th pos_ithe office.(此题超前)A.are bninterviewedB.areineiwngC.inerviewingt benterviewingapy o 申请who 在名词背面,引导定语从句inerview 面试从句(have apledfor)目前完毕时,主句缺少谓语动词A.ae bing nteriewed被动Bare iterviwn 积极4.heol scientist_odo re r the country.A.is wshinB. been wihig.C.wheD.has beewished 合理不合情sntist科学家;wih 但愿表达状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词不可用于进行时态wsh s.t dof e_,dontwkeim up.still lepsis ill slepingCsill ad eeleepigDwil be sleping tilf一般用一般目前式如果她在睡觉的话,不要吵醒她1.核心词2.上下文3.潜在含义ow 目迈进行时ofen,lwaysjust,lread 目前完毕时ast wek,st summer.一般过去时


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