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“Thk o. Than ou. Thakyou souch.谢谢,非常感谢各位。onght re tn 0 ers after a formerolony oh rig t determine i n detin, etak otig or unin movs forwrd. It moes frwrbecaus you. I movesforward because ou reaffidthe spirit tht hastiumed ovewa anddepressin, h prt that has lifed thi coutryfo e deph of despaito te heighsf hope. The blie tha while a of us will pursue our own ndividualrem, ae a Amercan fail anwrie o falltgthe asone nio and a n peole.今晚,是在一种曾经的殖民地在赢得自己主权20近年之后,我们来到这里,不断前行,这重要是由于你们坚信这个国家可以实现永恒的但愿,实现移民的梦想。每一种人都可以独立的争取自己的将来,我们将会作为一种国家共同起落。Tonight in this letin, u,the Amercan people, remind u whileur rod hasbenhar,wileor journhs be lon, weavpikdoursele up, we have fougt or ay back, an w know in or hearts ht t nited sae o Amra hbest is yt tocome.今晚,在选举的过程当中,你们美国的人民,让我们记得我们的道路是非常艰苦的,我们的道路是漫长的,我们重新站了起来,我们也从内心懂得,美国还没有迎来最佳的时代。cheeringI wanoaneery Americwho pacipa n thi election HERN hther you voted for hvry firs tie or waitin iline for aver longtimeBy the way, wenee to fix that.Wehr yououndd th aemnt o pked up the hone.hethery eld an ama sgn r a Romneysign, you mad yr vic eard And you mde adifrnce.Ijt gt f th hn with Genor omne an Icoatad hm and Pau Ryan n hrfugh ampan.我想要感谢每一种参与选举的美国人。无论你们是第一次投票,还是(排队)等了很长的时间才投上一票顺便说一下我会解决这个问题。无论你是自己上门投的票,还是打电话投的票;无论你是投给奥巴马的人,还是投给罗姆尼的人,你都是为我们国家带来转变的力量。我刚刚同罗姆尼通过电话,我祝贺她们这次竞选所获得的成绩。CHERIG We my hve foughtfiercy,but ts ony bcuse wele iscount deeply. Ade cae o strlyabouits fu.我们的选战也许非常剧烈,但这正是由于我们深爱着这个国家,并且我们十分在乎它的将来。FomGeorg Leore to theiron itt, thRomne aily has chosento gie ack omrianshrgh publc rvice. Ad ta i eacythat we honor nd applaud tongt. CEERING the wks aead, Ials loo fd toiig donwithovenor Romny t alk aou hr w cn worktogeter o ove this ctry foar CHEERNG I nt to tank my fend d partnerfo the ast four yars,Amercas happ warrior, te est vie resient anybodyould vr ho for:Joe Bide从罗姆尼整个家庭,孙子辈,孩子辈,整个家庭都献给了美国,这种精神我们将永远铭记。几周之后我将会同罗姆尼坐在一起,讨论我们怎么样推动国家将来的发展。我也感谢在过去四年辛苦奉献的伙伴,也是美国最佳的副总统,拜登先生。I wan tohank y frie and parne of the ast 4 years,meicas appy warir,he bes Vic Prsientanonecod ver hoe for: Joe idn.AndI wldntb te ma Iamtoda itht the woma wo agre to marry metwenty years ag Let say this ublicly, Michll I hvenevr loe yu more.I never ender towtthe retoericaall n lovwityu toasour ation rt ldy.我(之因此)成为目前的我,必须要感谢前与我结婚的女人。我想公开地体现:米歇尔,我历来没有像目前这样爱你!我为你感到非常非常的骄傲,我相信我们的国家也非常爱你,你是我们非常热爱的美国第一夫人。Ssh nd aia before our vereye ar rowing to beometwstrosmat beautiful yu woen,jut lik your mo And isoprodfyou guys.Bu Iwill s thator owedog is pobaby eug.萨莎和玛莉亚,我挚爱的女儿,你们两个是非常坚强也非常聪颖的女性,就像你们的妈妈同样,我对你们感到非常的骄傲,但是目前我觉得给你们养一条宠物狗就够了。To he best capaigntea and volnteerin te hiory of poliics The st. ebstever. Some oyouere this ti around.oe of ou ernw hi tmearounadomeo yo have beea msd sinethe veybeging uallf you re miy. N mate wayo do owhre yougo fro here, you wl carry meoy of t hstoy we mdetogehe andyouwilave the e long ppeciatiof a gratefu psident a you or beieving al the ay, hrogh eey ll, hrugh evey valey. applaue You ifted me up thewhle ay andI wil alway be grel freverythg tt youve done ad al theincrediblwok that youve u n applause我还要感谢我的竞选团队和志愿者,她们是最佳的,最棒的,并且是史上最棒的。有人是第一次来听我的演说,有人四年前就听了我的获胜演说,但是每个人对我来讲都是我的一分子,不管你做了什么,不管你去了哪里,你一定会记得我们今天晚上所创的历史,你会毕生都感谢今晚这个时刻,并且你们会始终记得有一种心怀感谢的总统,谢谢你们一路以来对我的信任,我要感谢你们所做的每一件事情。正是由于有了你们,我才会一路坚持下来。我对此将永远感谢,不管你做的什么,你们所做的一切我都心怀感谢,并且永远鸣谢。 o hatpoliicalamaig can soete seem ma, ensil, an ht provdespln offrfor te synicswhotell us that pliticinothing more than aconte ofego or te dmn of spcal nteests. B f yuver e t chance to tak o olk who turnou tralieand cwed out alon a opi in a hig schoolgy or a folks wkinglateat a capaign ffe in som tn unty a way fom home, youll discoer somehng else; ollarthe dterinion n the voc of yong ielorgnze wo s oking his wayhroh olege and wn t mak re ve child hasthat ame opprtty.applause我懂得这些政治竞选,也许有时候看起来非常愚蠢,并且我们也听到诸多人跟我们讲政治有的时候十分愚蠢,也许她只是利益的追求和冲突,但是如果你们真的有机会去和竞选活动上和人们谈论某些问题,或者你看到某些竞选团队,非常辛勤工作的志愿者们,你们的印象会有所改观,由于你可以看到她们有多大的决心。她们也从大学毕业,并但愿每一种孩子得到像她们同样的机会。Youl hea th pride intheoice of vouneer whoi ing dor tdoor bece er brohe as fnally hrewen theocal autoplat de anothrshift. plau oul herthedeep patriotism n t oice a military spousewo wong te phones late at ngto make ure hat o ne hogt for tiscunr every as ofigh or a job r a roof ovetheread when the come ho. appause Th whye do this hats what politic can be.Ththy electios mar Itsnot l, its bi Its imortant.Demcrac ina nationf 30-milion cn b noisyad e and complicate e aveourwn oinions, eac of us has ply heldbelis. Andwhen we o trough toug ties, when we mk bg dcisnsas acontry;it ecisarlytirsassons, st p controversy人们会听到志愿者骄傲的声音,当她们看到本地的汽车生产商增长了就业的机会,她们会感到非常的骄傲。人们也会看到我们军人深深的爱国情意,她们守护着美国的安全,我们将保证她们回国之后不会再为找工作而烦恼。这就是我们目前所做的一切,这就是我们政治的目的,这也是为什么选举如此重要。这并不是小事情,而是大事情,是至关重要的事情。我们这个拥有3亿人口的国家,民主的情绪也许十分复杂,也许十分混乱,每个人也许均有自己的观点,每个人均有自己深深的信奉,在我们经历艰难时刻,做出艰难抉择时,我们很自然会有冲突,会有情感的体现,但是我觉得它不应当影响我们今晚的体现。hatwot ca afer tont ad t shodnt .Tese arguenswe av re ak of r lbet. e can never ot th as e seak, eol n distn tion ae risng her liesrigt nw ust for a chnto rgue botthe isues tht mar applaus Th chancto at ther alots le we didtoday.这些争论正是我们自由的基本,我们永远不会忘掉我们说话的时候,许多国家的人民仍然在冒着风险,但愿可以找到解决问题的措施,但愿可以争取投票的权利。B deste all u diffeence, ost ofu sharcetanhopsfo mricas future wantu ids to owua countrhere h ave accsto the best chos and te bst techers. appas contry that liesup o its legacy a th gloallader in technoogy nd discovr and inovaion;wit allte good obs a nw businee tat fllow, to iveinmeica tt sntburdenedby debt, thatist eaene byineuality. That isntreaten b the deucve poerof awarmin pnet.ewn to pass n a countrythis saved an rspecdadre round th world. A ntion thats defended bythetrnget military n eart anthe estroopsthis world hs ev nw.Btalso contry at meswit confience beyon his time ofar oshap a pece. Thtis built on e prose of digniy o everyumanbeing.尽管我们有诸多的分歧,大多数人都对美国有共同的但愿,我们都但愿我们的孩子可以上最佳的学校,有最佳的教师;我们的国家成为技术以及创新方面的领袖,并且发明更多的就业岗位和更多的公司。我但愿我们的孩子不是负债累累,不会受到恐怖力量的威胁。我们也但愿我们的国家是安全的,在全球受到尊重和羡慕,并且拥有全世界最强大、最优秀的军队。同步我们的国家也应当是布满信心的国家,结束战争,重塑人类的和平。e bieve in a nrosAmrica, in a ompssionaemeica,i olera meri, open to the deamof an immigant agtetha stude n ou chos nd ldgstour flag. To te yo boyn the sothsie Cicago, ho ees a lightbeondtheneare stretconer t funiture wore cld in North Carolin wo wan to becomea engnero a scinist.And engineeroa entpreneu dlomatr evea pesient, thats he uturw hope for Thas te vsion w hae, tat wheewe nd t . Frwar Thswhere eneed t go与此同步我们也但愿自己的国家,有信心,并且可以不断推动每个人的自由、繁华和发展,我们相信美国的慷慨和包容,美国的自由和开放,我们将伸开双手迎接那些移民的子女来到美国。我们相信在芝加哥任何一种孩子都可以看到她的但愿,在北卡州那些想要成为科学家和医生的学生,想要成为工程师,甚至是总统的学生,这是我们共同要争取的将来,这是我们共同分享的愿景,这也是我们迈进的方向。No we will disgre soetimes ficly on owto thre, as i ha formore e tw centures, progres will comein fits nd tarts, i not always a taht line ora mooth at. B itsef recognitino ou omonps and dreas wot he grdoc. Or olve all our roblems or sbstitut fo he hard work of lin consn.An makig hedffcut copromeneded tmovtcouty forwarut tat comn bondis whe w ut begn. Our econom is ecvein, urecade of isendn. long cmpaign sow over. applause And wther ened yr oeo not, I avelitnd to you. Iae earne rom yo ano hav mad me a betePsdnt. Witour sorie n yo strugges, I retunedo e White use more eemined ad mor inspired th ever ote ork thre is don the ftu thatie aad applause我们有的时候会对于怎么样向迈进有非常强烈的分歧,来,人们懂得我们的进步始终不是直线的,也不是一帆风顺,我们随着着诸多分歧和不同。我们意识到我们有着共同的梦想,将会使我们结束僵局,努力的促成问题的解决。我们需要妥协,需要使我们国家的继续向迈进,这样一种团结的力量是我们目前出发的基本。我们的经济正处在复苏期间,我们十年的战争也已经结束,我们的竞选也已经将告尾声,无论我与否赢得了你们的选票,我都倾听了你们的声音,我都从你们那里学到了诸多东西,你们将会使我成为更好的总统。我将会记得你们的故事,你们的抗争,我将会更坚定的入主白宫,并且更坚定的完毕将来的工作。nigt, yu voe for action, n politicsas usal.Yo eectd ustofous n yujos, notous.And in the coin wees ad months,I looi forwarto eaching utnd rking wthleadr of bothartes to ee thcallnge cnolysolve toethr:reducig ur efi,efoming orta code, xi ur imigatosstem, feiourslves rom forei ol, wevgot more oko do.今晚,人们是为行动而不是为政治而投票,但愿我们可以更关注你们的工作,而不是我的工作。在此后的几周,我将会与两党领袖会面应对我们的挑战,我们只可以共同应对挑战,减少我们的赤字,改善我们的移民体系,减少对外国石油的依赖,我们有诸多工作要做。But that doest mea yourwok is do.The rlefciize in ourdemcacy does nt end wihyur ot.Ameic ner been aout wht cud b doe fo us, itsabthat anbe done byus, together, throug the harda rustraigbut necessay work of ef-governmet. Thasthe princile wer fnded n但是这不意味着你们的工作就结束了,在民主社会当中公民的作用并不由于投票而结束,你们一定要问问自己,不是美国能为你们做什么,而是我能为美国做什么,我们要进行自我治理,自我约束,这是我们的原则,也是我们建国的理念。Th ounry has moreeat hanay ntion,bu hats not ht makes urih We have themost owerful iliaryin historbtat ot a maks us sng Ou uersity, ourcuture, are all te eny otewod bthats o kesthe word comnto oshore. Wht makes Ameca xceioal aethebs h ol gethr th ms diere ntin onErth, te belif tat detiny is shae, ta his counry yrkswn e accep ain obigaons to on ane an th futur generatons so thathe redoo many Americans ave fogh forandedo comewit resnsibiitiess we argts,ndong tose ae ove,and charty, ad u ad ptiotis. Ts wha mk Amercageat.我们这个国家是世界上最富有的国家,但并不是我们每个人富有,虽然我们的军队十分强大,但我们个人并不强大,我们的大学、我们的文化,虽然是全球最优秀的,但是却并不是说我们就是全球最优秀的。由于我们是一种多民族的国家,多样性的国家,但是在这样多样性的国家当中,我们有共同的愿景和共识。如果我们推卸责任,不为子孙后裔负责,我们将不会是一种可以迈进的国家。我们要承当我们的责任,热爱我们的国家,这也是使美国强大的因素。I amhopeful tniht because havseen at spt a workinmeria v seen t in the famil businss whse ons would rher cu eir ow tan ay of theneighbors,and in he workers wh woulratherctbacthei ours tha se a fendlse a job.Ive een itn hsoldiers ore-elis after losng a lmb, nd intseSEAL wh chargd up the sirinto daknesad danrbecausehey e tei was a dd bein thm watchin ter ck.Iveen it onhe shoes of Nw Js and New York whereaers frm verprtyadlevel f government a weptasie teiiferences o hepa ommunit reuld from twrecka f a terrle or.我今天晚上布满了但愿,由于我看到美国劳动人民的精神,还看到了那些商业人士所做的工作,提供了诸多工作机会,并且我还看到那些失业的人民得到了协助,我还看到战士们仍然守卫着我们的国家,由于她们也懂得我们在支持着她们。我还看到新泽西纽约每个政党的领导人,都开始抛开她们的歧见,来探讨怎么从桑迪风暴中重建我们的家园。AndI sa t justhe d,in Menor, Ohio whr afhr told the story f his ghtyaold dauhter who lntt it leukenearl os heir fmil eveyting had it not benfr eathc ae reform pasingjus fewnthbeoe. The inraecompany was abu t s payin fo her ae.I had nopotunity o not jt talk o te fther bumeethis incredibedughr i,and when he spok to the crowd lisening to tha fathe sty,eey paren in tha room ad trsin teieyes ecau weknew that lite giloldbeourwn.An I kow tha every Amercan wanserfuure to bejst asbrgh hat wo e re. Thats thecountry m so prodto lead as yurpresident我们还看到,几天前,俄亥俄州一种爸爸说她有一种八岁的女儿,女孩的白血病使她的家庭一贫如洗,她们之前并没有得到医疗保障,后来她们受利于几种月前刚刚通过的医改方案,使她们可以支付起医疗费。我和这位爸爸,尚有她的女儿都会面了,当她说的时候,在场合有的父母都落泪了,由于我们懂得,她的女儿也也许是我们的女儿,我们都但愿自己的孩子将来布满光辉,这是每个父母的但愿,这是我身为总统引觉得豪的。And onight,espite all he hardhip ev en thoug, dte alhe ftatin of Wshiton, Iv everbe morehopefulabout o future. Ive neve benre hpeful ot Ameca Ad sko t utin that oe.m not talkngabout bld optmism Te kindof hp that ustgnorse enrmity fte tks aheador teroablokth and in or path. Im notalkig abothewihueaimthat aows s to jtsi o thedelie orshirk fromafigt. I have lways belivd that opes that stubbrn thing inside of us tat insists, despite al the vdenc to th otrary,hat someting bee awitsus so longaswe haethe courage tokep reachingto ke woking, o keep fighting 今晚,尽管我们经历了这样多的困难,尽管我们经历了这样多的挫折,我对将来格外布满信心,我对美国格外布满但愿,我但愿人们延续这种但愿,我这里讲的并不是盲目的乐观,指的是我们对将来的挑战,我也没有说天真或者抱负化的乐观情绪,我真正的但愿,不管我们遇到多少的挫折,多少的困难,只有我们有勇气保持不断努力、不断斗争,不断勇往直前。America, Ibeliee we cuild on h proress we mad and cinue to figtfrnewbsn ne portuniy and newscit orhe midlelas. beiv can keepthe promiseof our funder. he da tt if youe int ork hard, ies matterho yo are or where yu cm rom o whyo loklike o whee you love,it doesntmater if youre blac or hieo ispai orsian, orntiveAmerican, orong orold, or richo oor,ale,disabl,gy or sraigt,you canmket.我相信我们我们能在获得成就的基本上获得新的机会,为美国的中产阶级提供新的但愿,我相信我们可以继续延续我们建国者的承诺,不管你来自哪里,不管你的肤色是什么,不管你是黑人、白人、亚裔人,任何种族,不管你是同性恋,还是非同性恋,不管你是贫困的,还是富裕的,你都可以来到美国实现你的梦想。 belive e can ize tis futue togther. Basew are ntas dvded as our pitics suggest.Werenot as cynical te unnt beiee. Wear grer th th smofo indvda abiins ndweremai moe han a oct ofrd stesand blue taes e are adforr wll b hUnte Sates fAea. Withyurhel nGos grace,we will cotinu our joure forward Ad remnd th wrld ust wh itis at weivein the retest naion oErh.Thak yo, erica God be you. G bess ths Unied ates” CHEERING我相信,我们可以共同迎来这样的将来,由于我们对将来是布满了但愿,我们有雄心壮志,我们赢得的不仅仅是这一种选举,并且是一种将来,是美国的将来。我们将会作为一种整体,是美利坚合众国,而不是提成蓝色或者是红色,上帝会引导我们走向这条道路。并且我们相信,我们会成为世界上最伟大的国家,谢谢你们,上帝保佑美国!


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