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2023年文摘科技 哈尔滨正德科技开发有限公司是一家中外合资企业,是生产、开发各个行业用刀具的经营实体企业。公司采用欧洲先进的加工工艺,专业制造印刷和造纸行业使用的横切辊刀、切纸刀、三面切纸刀;木工行业使用的旋切刀、刨切刀、刨片机刀、削片机刀、碎片刀;冶金和机械加工行业使用的剪板机刀;塑料和橡胶行业使用的粉碎机刀;纺织行业使用的剪毛刀以及其他各行业使用的刀片,同时紧跟国际刀具行业市场的变化,着眼于引进国外最先进的刀具加工工艺,不断提高国内刀具加工水平及刀具质量。 本公司云集多名国内外从事刀具生产的资深技术专家和管理精英,具有非常强的新材料、新产品研制、开发能力。在公司多年的开拓历史上,记录着全体员工努力开发国际市场,扩大公司的市场占有率的坚实足迹;同时又不失时机地与国外高水平同行合作,以求得自身的不断发展与完善。 目前,公司产品已出口至包括美洲、欧洲和东南亚在内的世界各地,在国内与若干大型木材加工、造纸企业实行配套合作。公司还生产和经营的品种包括锯片、刨刀、组合刀、砂轮等几大类,并不断开发新的产品品种。另外,公司还代理外国几家知名品牌产品的中国市场销售。 公司及全体员工秉承“创造价值、服务社会”的理念,以高品质、高性价比,规格量身定制(按用户的要求生产)的产品来满足广大用户的需求,同时我们愿与国内外业界同仁开展全方位、多形式的合作,共同发展! Harbin Hi-tech machinery Co., Ltd is a joint venture, which is both for producing and researching cutting tools.We adopt European advanced technology to manufacture the paper knife, three-side trimming knife for printing and paper making industry; to manufacture the peeling knife, planner knife, flake knife, Chipper knife for wood industry; to manufacture shear knife for metal work, and we also manufacture granulating knife for plastic and rubber industry, clipper knife for textile even various kinds of knives for different industries.At the same time, we follow the international market, and focus on improving Chinese wood working level by introducing advanced skills abroad. Our company has brought together such a number of 厂房 大厅 senior technical experts and managers that leads to the high capability of producing and researching the new material and new products.During our development, all the staff does the great job to develop the international market, and we cooperate with high level foreign counterparts to develop ourselves step by step. At present, we export world wide including Americas, Europe, south Asia even Africa.For the domestic market, we are cooperating with many famous companies for wood working and paper making.At the same time, we also manufacture TCT circular saw blade, planner knife, grinding wheels and so on, even develop more and more new items.In addition, we are still a nice agency for several well-known brands abroad in China. Our staff trust “create value and serve society” and satisfied our customers with high quality, even produce according to the customers special requested.We are looking 文摘科技 科技论文摘要四要素 科技论文摘要的写作 如何撰写科技论文摘要 科技论文摘要写作要点 科技论文摘要的撰写要求 科技论文摘要写作体会 科技论文英文摘要的书写规范 科技论文英文摘要的书写规范 科技论文英文摘要的典型语句练习


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