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The Sound and the Fury _By William Faulkner意识流意识流是心理学家们使用的一个短语。它是19世纪由美国实用主义哲学创始人、心理学家威廉詹姆斯创造的,指人的意识活动持续流动的性质。“意识并不是片断的连接,而是不断流动着的。用一条河或者一股流水的比喻来表达它是最自然的了。詹姆斯提出的“意识流”概念,强调了思维的不间断性,即没有“空白”,始终在“流动”;也强调其超时间性和超空间性,即不受时间和空间的束缚,因为意识是一种不受客观现实制约的纯主观的东西,它能使感觉中的现在与过去不可分割。小说中的意识流,是指小说叙事过程对于人物持续流动的意识过程的模仿。具体说来,也就是以人物的意识活动为结构中心,围绕人物表面看来似乎是随机产生,且逻辑松散的意识中心,将人物的观察、回忆、联想的全部场景与人物的感觉、思想、情绪、愿望等,交织叠合在一起加以展示,以原样准确地描摹人物的意识流动过程。特点 首先,在表现对象方面,意识流文学脱离传统现实主义文学反映现实生活,描写真切可信的典型人物形象的规范,完全面向自我,重在表现人的下意识、潜意识乃至无意识的内心世界。其次,意识流文学不按照客观现实时空顺序或事件发展过程结构作品,而根据意识活动的逻辑、按照意识的流程安排小说的段落篇幅的先后次序,从而使小说的内容与形式相交融。A Brief Introduction about the Novel It describes the decline of a prominent family Compson family in the Jefferson Town,Southern America from the end of 19th century to 1920s.It also depicts this family members different experiences and mental minds.Through the disintegration and falling apart of this family,a profile of the historic changes in Southern America appears in front of us faithfully.Major Characters Mr.Compson:alcoholic,indifferent Mrs.Compson:self-absorbed Quentin:olddest son,sensitive,coward Caddy:daughter,compassionate Jason:materialist Benjy:idiot Dilsey:old black maiden,kind-heartedConstruction Chapter 1:1928.4.7 Chapter 2:1910.6.2 Chapter 3:1928.4.6 Chapter 4:1928.4.8 C A B DA typical model of“stream of consciousness”叙述手法1.多角度:从多个视角、人物2.意识流:多个片段组合以及情节时间的跳跃3.神话模式:与基督有关 Tomorrow,and tomorrow,and tomorrow,Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,To the last syllable of recorded time;And all our yesterdays have lighted foolsThe way to dusty death.Out,out,brief candle!Lifes but a walking shadow,a poor playerThat struts and frets his hour upon the stageAnd then is heard no more.It is a taleTold by an idiot,full of sound and furySignifying nothing.Macbeth(Act 5,Scene 5,lines 17-28)Focus on Chapter One This chapter is the embodiment of stream of consciousness.Through Benjys consciousness,we can feel his sorrows of loosing his sister Caddy,and now the only one really cares about him is Dilsey.This chapter is complicated and disorderly,through which Faulkner wants to tell the readers a series of information:the declining atmosphere of the family,characters,surroundings and their childhood.Benjys narration:inconsequential(不合逻辑的)childlike detached(分离的,孤立的)disorienting “Signifying nothing”围绕这个主题,打破传统的平铺直叙的情节构思,运用意识流和多角度手法,讲述一个家族的衰亡。“一个白痴讲的故事”,人生确如痴人说梦。Why does he start with Benjy? us basic information of the story 2.more vivid and moving 3.acts as a mirror 4.emphasizes the character of Benjy 5.a need for the development of the story


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