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2Marie Curie3Who do you think is the greatest person that has ever lived?What did he/she do?45Pierre Curie and Marie Curie 61.Do you know who is Marie Curie?2.What did Marie Curie do?3.Do you want to be the person like her?7 born in the city of Warsaw,Poland moved to Paris,France when she was 24 studied Mathematics and Physics at a university married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895 discovered radium in their laboratory in 1898 won the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime died at the age of 67Marie Curie(1867 1934)n.数学数学n.科学家科学家n.镭镭n.实验室实验室8 Where was Marie Curie born?2.What did she study at university?3.What were she and her husband famous for?4.How many times did she win the Nobel Prize?In the city of Warsaw Poland.Mathematics and Physics.Discovering radium.Twice.Answer the questions:9Millie had found a recording about Marie Curie.Listen to it carefully and help her complete the rest of her notes in Part A1.10Name:Marie CurieDate of birth:7 November(1)_Place of birth:(2)_,Poland Family:she was(3)_ of five children1867Warsawthe youngestMarie Curie a great scientist11Parents:father was a(4)_ professor;mother was a(5)_ teacherHigh school:finished at the age of(6)_Work:worked as a(7)_ Moved to:(8)_,France in 1891At university:studied(9)_ and(10)_Married to:Pierre Curie a(11)_ scientist,in 1895n.教授教授sciencemusic16teacherParismathematicsphysicsFrench12Famous for:the discovery of(12)_ Won the Nobel Prize for:(13)_ in 1903Husbands death:Pierre Curie died in a (14)_ in(15)_Won the Nobel Prize for:(16)_ in 1911Date of death:(17)_ 1934,aged (18)_n.发现,发现物发现,发现物radiumphysics1906traffic accidentchemistry674 July13Millie is practising her presentation.However,she has forgotten some of the information.Help Millie complete her sentences.Use the information in Part A1 to help you.14I think Marie Curie is one of the greatest scientists in history!She was from(1)_.When she was 24,she went to(2)_ to study(3)_ and(4)_ at a university.There she met Pierre Curie,a(5)_ scientist.Poland ParismathematicsphysicsFrench15They got married in(6)_.The couple won the(7)_ in 1903 for the discovery of(8)_.That was not the end of the story.In(9)_,Marie Curie won her second Nobel Prize,but sadly,Pierre was not there to share the joy with her he died in a traffic accident in(10)_.1895Nobel Prizeradium1911190616171.Why does Simon admire Neil Armstrong?Because he was the first man to walk on the Moon and it was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.adj.未知的;不出名的未知的;不出名的182.What did Marie Curie push for?She pushed for the use of X-ray machines,which are now widely used in hospitals.adv.广泛的;普遍地广泛的;普遍地19Read Millie and Simons conversation on P30 first,then work in pairs and talk about the famous people you admire.Use their conversation as a model.20A:Who do you think is the greatest person in history/at present?B:I admire him/her the most.A:Yes.What about you?Do you admire anybody?B:A:Why do you admire him/her?B:Because 211.married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895 marry意为意为“嫁;娶;与嫁;娶;与结婚结婚”。marry作不及物动词,意为作不及物动词,意为“结婚结婚”,如:如:She didnt marry until she was over fifty.她直到过了五十岁才结婚。她直到过了五十岁才结婚。22marry作及物动词,表示作及物动词,表示“与与结结婚婚”,此时,此时marry后直接跟宾语,后直接跟宾语,如:如:Joe is going to marry Jane.乔将要和简结婚。乔将要和简结婚。marry是短暂性动词,当它与表示时间是短暂性动词,当它与表示时间 段的状语连用时,常用段的状语连用时,常用be married表示表示已婚状态。已婚状态。例如:例如:Theyve been married for eight years.他们结婚已经有八年了。他们结婚已经有八年了。232.died in 1934,aged 67 aged adj.常作表语,后跟数字常作表语,后跟数字 e.g.她有两个孩子,年龄分别是她有两个孩子,年龄分别是11岁和岁和 14岁。岁。She has two children,aged eleven and fourteen.aged adj.作定语,作定语,“年老的年老的”e.g.他有一位上了年纪的父亲。他有一位上了年纪的父亲。He has an aged father.243.It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.从句从句that was unknown to humans at that time 作定语,修饰作定语,修饰place。254.She also pushed for the use of X-ray machines,which are now widely used in hospitals.从句从句 which are now widely used in hospitals 作定语,是非限制性定语从作定语,是非限制性定语从句,句,对主句中的对主句中的 X-ray machines 起补起补充说明的作用。充说明的作用。26 1895年,她嫁给了一个叫皮埃尔年,她嫁给了一个叫皮埃尔 居里的法居里的法国科学家。国科学家。In 1895,she _ Pierre Curie.2.夫妇俩于夫妇俩于1898年在他们的实验室里发现了镭。年在他们的实验室里发现了镭。_ _ in 1898.married a French scientist called The couple discovered radium in their laboratory 根据所给汉语意思完成下列句子。根据所给汉语意思完成下列句子。273.她一生中两次获得诺贝尔奖。她一生中两次获得诺贝尔奖。She _.4.我觉得玛丽我觉得玛丽 居里是有史以来最伟大的科学居里是有史以来最伟大的科学家。家。I think Marie Curie _ _.won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime is one of the greatest scientists in history285.夫妇俩因发现镭而出名。夫妇俩因发现镭而出名。The couple _ _.6.遗憾的是,皮埃尔未能到场与她分享快乐。遗憾的是,皮埃尔未能到场与她分享快乐。_,Pierre _ _.were famous for the discovery of radium Sadly was not there to share joy with her291.Remember the words and expressions in this lesson.2.Preview Study skills.30


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