六年级英语上册 unit1 you should obey the rules课件 人教新版

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英语(新版)英语(新版)六六 年年 级级 上上 册册 教教 材材 分分 析析教材编排体系n单数课:会话教学 Just read and speak:dialogue,passagen双数课:1.词汇和句型教学 Just practice:sentences 2.四会词汇句子 Just write:new words and sentences 3.巩固应用 Lets talk/Lets interview 4.语音 Chantn复习:Fun story 六年级上册的内容安排nUnit 1:学校生活规则,应该提倡的行为与不应学校生活规则,应该提倡的行为与不应 该做的事情。该做的事情。nUnit 2:日常生活活动和时间表达。日常生活活动和时间表达。nUnit 3:兴趣爱好。兴趣爱好。nFun Time 1nUnit 4:生日活动和日期表达。:生日活动和日期表达。nUnit 5:一年中的十二个月。:一年中的十二个月。nUnit 6:一年四季的特征和四季中的各种活动。:一年四季的特征和四季中的各种活动。nFun Time 2Lesson 1-2 Class rulesn重难点:祈使句的肯否定变化。(含有be)n知识拓展:1.carefully,actively 等副词的使用2.词组中的介副词搭配:hand in,on time,be late for,make noise in class,make a list of rules for sb/sthLesson 3-4 Home rulesn重难点:重难点:情态动词should 的用法。n知识拓展:知识拓展:1.keep+N.+adj.2.help(to)do/help sb(to)do Lesson 5-6 Social rulesn重难点:情态动词must 的用法。n知识拓展:1.take care of-take good care of look after-look after well 2.cross the road/go across the road across/through/cross 3.No doing(No spitting)4.must/have toUnit 1 You should obey the rules.功能和结构:功能和结构:1.Do 2.Dont do 3.You should do 4.You shouldnt do 5.You must do 6.You mustnt do 7.No doing情感态度目标:情感态度目标:提高学生分辨美丑、是非、善恶能力;遵守各种规章 制度;尊老爱幼。Lesson 7-8 My daily lifen重难点:1.一般现在时(第一人称)2.时间表达法:顺读法/逆读法 3.email 的书写格式n知识拓展:1.let/make/have sb do 2.bring/take/carry/fetch 3.at/on/in 表达时间的用法 4.have breakfast/have a light breakfast Eg.be sleepygo to bedgo to sleep/fall asleepbe asleep(be sleeping)wake upget upbe awake Lesson 9-10 My grandpas daily life.n重难点:一般现在时 (第三人称单数)n知识拓展:1.be glad to do 2.tell sb sth about/tell sb sth/tell sb to do sth 3.by+交通工具 in/on+a+交通工具 she goes to work by bus.she takes a bus to work.Lesson 11-12 Mr Lis daily lifen重难点:1.一般现在时(第三人称单数)2.频率副词的使用 (程度,位置,how often提问)n知识拓展:1.seldom,never-hardly,little,few 2.感叹句(消除主谓法)3.want sth/want to do/want sb to do (would like)Unit 2 I usually go to school by bus.n功能和结构:功能和结构:1.I do at 2.He doesat 3.I usually 4.She alwaysn情感态度目标:情感态度目标:结合本单元语言学习的内容,让学生在日常生活中 主动养成良好的学习、生活和劳动习惯。Lesson 13-14 My hobbiesn重难点:1.I like doing.(一般、特殊问句)2.Im interested in doing 3.My hobby is doing 4.I enjoy doing 5.动词ing 形式变化的方法n知识拓展:1.Everyone has hobbies.2.toy cars sports car man teacher/woman teacher 3.enjoy/finish/practice doing.4.like to do/like doing 5.interested/interesting Lesson 15-16 My grandpas hobbies.n重难点:1.He likes doing 2.He enjoys doing 3.His hobby is doing 4.He is interested in doingn知识拓展:1.be good at/do well in 2.keep/raise/feed 3.My hobby is/My hobbies areLesson 17-18 Leaf paintingn重难点:first,then,and then,after thatn知识拓展:1.by+doing /in/on/with 2.how to do 3.cut it out Unit 3 Whats your hobby?n功能和结构功能和结构:1.I like doing 2.He likes doing 3.Im interested in 4.My grandpa enjoys doing 5.My hobby is doing 6.His hobby is doingn情感态度目标情感态度目标:培养学生有益健康的兴趣和爱好。Lesson 19-20 Invitationn重难点:1.Id like to do 2.Will you do?Sure!Id love to.(疑问句,表邀请)3.She will/I will (一般将来时)4.When is it?It is on 4.What day is it on?Its on Thursday.5.序数词 6.日期的表达 7.Invitation card的书写要点(Date,Day,Time,Place)知识拓展:1.invite sb to sp/invite sb to do(invitation)2.序数词的变化方式及读音。(eighth,twentieth)3.would like用法 Lesson 21-22 Shopping for birthday party.n重难点:1.What kind would you like?2.What shape would you like?3.Ill get some for you.4.triangle,square,round,rectangle,cone n知识拓展:1.选择问句构成。2.some 在疑问句中的用法。3.可数名词与不可数名词的区分。4.get sth for sb=get sb sth buy sth for sb=buy sb sth give sth to sb=give sb sth 5.look lovely (look,sound,feel,taste,smell)Lesson 23-24 Birthday partyn重难点:1.Would you like?Yes,please./No,thanks.2.生日的过程。3.some 的用法。4.a cup/glass/piece ofn知识拓展:1.wele to/wele back to 2.some 和 any的辨析。3.Would you like?两种回答方式。4.have a good time=enjoy oneself Unit 4 Will you e to my birthday party.n功能和结构:1.Will you 2.She will have a party on 3.I will get some for you.4.Id like 5.What would you like?Yes,please./No,thanks.n情感态度目标:培养学生团结友爱的积极情感,教育学生 学会与别人分享意识,培养学生礼貌待 人、热情好客的品质。Lesson 25-26 January-Apriln重难点:1.January is the first month of the year.2.January-April 的拼读,各月的节日。3.现在进行时n知识拓展:1.be called called 2.序数词的用法。3.节日的表达方式。4.in/on/at 的使用Lesson 27-28 May-Augustn重难点:1.May is the fifth month of the year.2.May-August 的拼读,各月的节日。3.现在进行时 n知识拓展:1.work hard on 2.go camping 3.perform-performanceLesson 29-30 September-Decembern重难点:1.September is the ninth month of the year.2.September-December 的拼读,各月的节日。3.现在进行时n知识拓展:1.play+the+乐器,play+球、棋、牌 2.go to school/go back to school (here,there,home)Unit 5 December is the last month.n功能和结构:January is the first month of the year.n情感态度目标:培养学生在学习中发展合作精神,保持自 信心,遇到困难能想办法克服。Lesson 31-32 Springn重难点:1.Spring is the first season.2.Are they planting seeds?2.现在进行时n知识拓展:1.比较级 2.比较级 and 比较级 3.a little 的用法 4.What is the weather like?How is the weather?Lesson 33-34 Summern重难点:1.Summer is the second season of the year.2.Is he/she doing?Yes/No 3.She/He is doingn知识拓展:1.描述天气的形容词(hot,rainy)2.最高级 3.look for/find/find outLesson 35-36 Autumn and wintern重难点:1.Autumn is the third season.2.现在进行时n知识拓展:1.on the tree/in the tree 2.be busy doing/be busy with 3.Everything is white.Unit 6 Winter is the white season.n功能和结构:1.Spring is the first season.2.Are they doing?Yes,they are.3.Its hot in summer.4.Is he planting rice?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.5.The children are playing with snow.n情感态度目标:提高学生英语的学习热情和兴趣,培 养学生热爱大自然的良好品质。


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