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Unit 2 Using languageThe Return of The Return of the Dinosaurs?the Dinosaurs?Answer the following questions:Have you ever seen the film Jurassic Park?2.What animals do you see in the film?Are they real dinosaurs?Diplodocus(梁龙梁龙)Talk about the dinosaur you like to each other.Helpful words:is very long;eats plants;has small teeth;walks slowly;does not fly or swim You may begin like this:Do you like this dinosaur?What does it eat?And why?Is it very tall or long?Does it walk slowly or fast?Does it fly?Why?Tyrannosaurus Rex 霸王龙霸王龙Helpful words:is very big;eats meat;has sharp teeth;runs fast;does not fly or swimYou may begin like this:Is this dinosaur big or small?What does it eat?Why?Does it run?Does it fly or swim?Baryonyx 恐爪龙恐爪龙Helpful words:eats fish;drinks a lot of water;has a lot of teeth;lives near lakes;runs but does not flyYou may begin like this:What does this dinosaur eat?What does it drink?Where does it live?Does he have teeth?Does it fly?剑龙剑龙stegosaurs雷龙雷龙 brontosaurus翼龙翼龙pterodactyl Whats your opinion of cloning dinosaurs?Whats your opinion of cloning human beings?Free TalkDiscussionWritingThe cloning of human beings From time to time people suggest that can possiblybe brought back to life through cloning.Unfortunately,withwhat we know now,this is either impossible or unsuitable.Here are the reasons:Firstly,Secondly,Finally,So I think,based on what we know now,you cannot .It is merely a dream.dead personhuman egg cells and embryos needed for cloning research are difficult to obtain.some evil people may hope to clone themselves to attain their may cause moral questions.clone human beingsWhat is the writers attitude towards cloning the dinosaurs?A.Supportive.B.Neutral(中立的中立的).C.Negative(否定的否定的).D.Subjective(主观的主观的).objective客观的客观的,positive肯定的肯定的 impartial 公平的公平的 arbitrary武断的武断的 optimistic乐观的乐观的 pessimistic悲观的悲观的critical持批评态度的持批评态度的 cautious谨慎的谨慎的 indifferent冷漠的冷漠的 1 做某事的可能性 2 使电影制作人兴奋 3使.刻骨铭心 4 离做.还很远.远远不能做.5 用.做实验 6 正如下表所示 7 致力于 8 生下,分娩 The possibility of doingexcite film makersstrikeinto ones heartbe a long way from doingexperiment withas this list showswork on give birth to 9 偶尔,有时 10 通过克隆使.复活 11 据我们现在所知 12 最初的要求 13 徒劳的 14 克服疾病 15 基因用不同的 方式排列 from time to timebring.back to life through cloningwith what we know nowinitial requirementin vainovercome illnesseswith genes arranged in different ways 17 把抵抗疾病的 能力传给下一代 18 做某事的缺点 20 过自然地生活 21 基于 22 恐龙回归地球 的可能性 pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generationthe drawback to doinglead/live a natural lifebe based onthe chance of dinosaurs returning to the earthWritingLets bring the back to life is the most suitable animal to be brought back to life.Here are the reasons:Firstly,Secondly,Finally,So I think would be the best choice to be brought back to life.Finish your writing after class.finish


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