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经典交换词 1.individuals,characters,folks,experts,professionals,sociologists,psychologists替代(people,persons)2:positive,favorable,rosy(愉快的),promising(有希望的),perfect,gorgeous,pleasurable,desirable,expected,excellent,outstanding,beneficial 替代 good 3:dreadful,unfavorable,poor,adverse(有害的),undesirable,shocking,替代bad 假设bad做表语,可以用be less impressive替代 eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games,enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms.When it approaches to graduation,as a result,they find their academic records are less impressive.4.(an army of,an ocean of,a sea of,a multitude of,numerous,hundreds of,dozens of,a handful of,a variety of,many,if not most)替代many.注:用many,if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。Eg.Many individuals,if not most,harbor the idea that.同理 用most,if not all,替代most.Few/little,if any,5:harbor the idea that,take the attitude that,hold the view that,it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged/believed/held/accepted that)替代 think(由于是书面语,所以要加that)6:phenomenon,issue,affair,business,incident,matter,consequence,替代 thing 7:widely shared/held/accepted 代 common 8.reap huge fruits,be fruitful 代get much benefit 9:for my part,from my own perspective,as far as I am concerned,as for me,according to my knowledge/experience 替代in my opinion 10:Increasing(ly),growing 替代more and more 留意没有growingly 这种方式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰描画词,副词用increasingly.Eg.sth.has gained growing popularity.Sth.is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.11.be beneficial for/to,rewarding 替代 helpful,be good for 12.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,替代customer 13.exceedingly,extremely 替代very 14.hardly unnecessary,hardly inevitable,indispensable 替代 necessary,inevitable 15.sth.appeals to sb.,sth.exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.,sb.takes interest in 替代 sb.is interested in 16.capture/draw ones attention替代attract ones attention.17.be indicative of,be suggestive of,be fearful of 代 indicate,suggest,fear 18.give rise to,drive,lead to,result in,trigger 代 替 cause.19.There are several reasons behind sth.替代reasons for sth.20.desire,wish,expect,be eager to 替代want.21.pour attention into 替代 pay attention to 22.never neglect/ignore/overlook,bear in mind that 替代 remember 23.enjoy,possess,boast,claim 替代have 24.to name only a few,take sth.as an example,an example can be identified in/with,sth.serve as an example 替代 for example,for instance.25.view,idea,point of view,perception,observation,judgment,argument,standpoint,position,decision,attitude,preference,notion,perspective替代 opinion.


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