四年级英语下册Lesson2《Whatcolourarethetrousers》-ppt课件 科普版

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四年级英语下册Lesson2《Whatcolourarethetrousers》-ppt课件 科普版_第1页
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四年级英语下册Lesson2《Whatcolourarethetrousers》-ppt课件 科普版_第3页
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Lesson2 What colour are the trousers?Lets talkStep1 Warm up 1.Sing a song:What colour?I see red.I see green.I see yellow.I see blue.I see brown.I see orange.I see black and white.What colour is your book?What colour is your book?Its red.Its red.Its a red book.What colour is the cap?Its blue.What colour is the dog?Its brown.What colour is the flag?Its red .What colour is the banana?Its yellow.What colour is the bus?Its blue.What colour is the shirt?Its orange.Step2 设疑自探学习目标1、掌握词汇、短语:四会:shirt trousers orange 三会:term really a pair of 2、掌握语言结构,会运用。What colour is the shirt?-Its white.What colour are the trousers?-They are blue.3、口语:Thats nice.Thats good.自探提示:1、How to read the dialogue?2、Whats the meaning of these sentences?3、Does Bill have a new uniform?4、What colour is the shirt?5、What colour are the trousers?Step3 解疑合探1、Does Bill have a new uniform?2、What colour is the shirt?3、What colour are the trousers?Yes,he has.Its white.They are blueStep4 质疑再探Do you have any other questions?Step5运用拓展运用拓展1、Make sentences.(1)colour your are what shoes (2)trousers my blue are 2、Choose the best answer.见附页3、Do you want to design a new uniform for us?Have a try please.梦想的力量,梦想的力量,当我充满自信地,朝着梦想当我充满自信地,朝着梦想的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧地,过着我理想中的生活,地,过着我理想中的生活,成功,会在不期然间忽然降成功,会在不期然间忽然降临!临!1有了坚定的意志,就等于给双有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。脚添了一对翅膀。2一个人的价值在于他的才华,一个人的价值在于他的才华,而不在他的衣饰。而不在他的衣饰。3生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。的人,才能到达彼岸。4 4、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。先读书。


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