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topastoclockhalfquarterquarterfivetentwentytwenty-fivetwenty past twelvehalf past foura quarter to twelvefive past tenten to onetwenty to one特别提示:特别提示:am/pmam/pm之前不可有之前不可有oclockoclock,也不能和,也不能和morning/afternoonmorning/afternoon同时用。同时用。例如:例如:“上午上午8 8点点”不可以说不可以说at 8 oclock am at 8 oclock am 或或 at 8 am in the morningat 8 am in the morning,应该说,应该说at 8 amat 8 am或或at 8 oclock in the morningat 8 oclock in the morning 或或 at 8 in at 8 in the morningthe morning。询问时间,用句型询问时间,用句型 Whats the time?/What time is it?用用Its回答回答Eg.Whats the time?/What time is it?Its two oclock.如果要问别人什么时间做什么事情,可以用疑问词“when”或“what time”来提问。what time常用来问钟点,而when除了问钟点外,还可用来问日期,月份,年份等。有时两者可以换用,有的场合不可以。1.问钟点时,可以换用。When do you go to school?What time do you go to school?2.问日期,月份,年份等,只能用whenWhen were you born?I was born on July 2,1972.3.当问某事在某天的什么具体时间进行,只能用what timeWhat time did you call this afternoon?I called at 4:00 this afternoon.句子翻译:句子翻译:1、几点了?、几点了?2、六点了。、六点了。3、一点十五分了。、一点十五分了。4、你通常什么时间看电视?、你通常什么时间看电视?5、我通常八点钟看电视。、我通常八点钟看电视。6、他通常什么时间读英语?、他通常什么时间读英语?7、他通常在四点半读英语。、他通常在四点半读英语。DinosaursFire The PyramidsThe Great Wall Castle London Bridge planeComputersRobots space walkWorld Wide WebGlobal Village 我们学到的单词有:名词类:(熟读并说出汉语)dinosaur fire Peking man the Pymamids the Great Wall Edinburgh castle London Bridge computer programme Manchester University the World Wide Web the USSR Global Village 以上我们所看到的句子全部是英语的被动语态。被动语态由以上我们所看到的句子全部是英语的被动语态。被动语态由“be+be+过去分词过去分词”构成,一般构成,一般我们不知道动作的执行者是谁时,可以用到被动语态。有时我们我们不知道动作的执行者是谁时,可以用到被动语态。有时我们还会遇见强调突出动作的承受者时,还会遇见强调突出动作的承受者时,也可以用到。在句子结尾处加上介词也可以用到。在句子结尾处加上介词by+by+动作的执行者动作的执行者就行了。就行了。Eg.TheEg.The window was opened by father.window was opened by father.窗户是爸爸打开的。窗户是爸爸打开的。判断以下是否是被动语态:判断以下是否是被动语态:1 1、The USSR completed the first space walk in 1965.The USSR completed the first space walk in 1965.2 2、Fire was first used 500,000 BC by Peking man.Fire was first used 500,000 BC by Peking man.3 3、The PyremidsThe Pyremids were built between 29402900 BC.were built between 29402900 BC.句子句子2 2是一般过去时,是由主语是一般过去时,是由主语+动词过去式组成的。动词过去式组成的。动词类:说出下列动词的过去式和过去分词吧。use-live-exist-complete-begin-write-make-fly-build-lived-lived used-used existed-existed completed-completed began-begun wrote-written made-made flew-flown built-built 我们学到的单词有:时间类:(熟读并说出汉语)65,000,000 years ago 500,000 BC around 214 BC between 1058-1093 in 1903 in the early 1930s in the 1950s since 1992 in the late 1980s Different clocks in different time 不同时代的钟表不同时代的钟表 Long ago,people remembered the time by counting the number of nights they had slept.SandglassCandle clockWeight-driven clock Spring driven clock Pendulum clock Modern clock Modern clock Modern watchesListen and answer these questions!1.How old was Katy?2.What poblem did she have?3.Did she want to be late?4.Who bought her a new watch?5.What colour was the watch?6.Where would she meet her friends later that day?7.Was she later again?8.Why didnt she look at her new watch?


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