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2021/8/61高一英语组高一英语组 李焕莉李焕莉2021/8/62This moment you nap,you will have a dream;But this moment you study,you will realize your dream.此刻打盹,你将做梦此刻打盹,你将做梦;此刻学习,你将圆梦。此刻学习,你将圆梦。2021/8/632021/8/64Studying aimsListening skillsKey words about weatherListening exercises1.choice2.repetition3.sentencesactivities2021/8/65听力答题技巧:听力答题技巧:1.1.平衡心态平衡心态 2.2.认真审题认真审题 3.3.带问题听带问题听 4.4.边听边记边听边记2021/8/662021/8/67thundering2021/8/68windy2021/8/69hurricane2021/8/610foggy2021/8/611rainy2021/8/612cloudy2021/8/613snowy2021/8/614胜胜利利 VSII.实战演练实战演练Who are more capable?2021/8/6151.How was the weather yesterday?A.Rainy B.Sunny C.Snowy.Dialogues:2021/8/6162.W:Do you like the weather in Beijing?M:I must say _ in Hong Kong.Im used to the warmer winter2021/8/6173.Whats the weather like these days?It is _.sunny2021/8/618 W:_ _?M:_ _._ _.We cant complain about the weather these days,can weYou are right.It has been sunny day after dayBut I suppose the farmers wish it would rain2021/8/619 W:I _ on my way home.What terrible weather were having today!M:And tomorrow,too.Its going to be _,the weatherman said.4.Whats the weather like today?It is _.How about tomorrow?_.rainygot wet throughwindy and snowywindy and snowy2021/8/6205.What did the weather report say about this afternoons weather?It is _.fine2021/8/621 M:Kate,it is_.It really looks like rainy this afternoon;wed better put off our picnic.W:But the weather report said _.it was going to be fine this afternoonso windy and cloudy2021/8/6226.What is the womans trip like?7.What is the weather like in the mans place tomorrow?8.What is the weather going to be like in the womans place?It is supposed to snow.A big storm.It is great.HurricaneA passage2021/8/623W:Hi,Paul,Its me.M:Hi Mary.Hows your trip?W:Great.Im having a great time._Every day is _.I sleep late,go to the beach.Hows it there?M:Well,_.Its cold and it_ this morning.Its getting colder.Its supposed to_ tomorrow.A big _.W:Too bad!You should be here with me.M:I dont know.Maybe.W:What do you mean,maybe?warm,sunny,and greatstormsnowrainedThe weather is perfect.its terrible,actually2021/8/624M:Did you hear the _ today?W:No,why?M:You need to.So you can get ready.W:Ready for what?M:Ready for the hurricane.W:_?M:Yeah,I saw it on TV this morning._.There will be lots of strong winds tomorrow,and heavy rain._the coast of Mexico.W:Hurricane?I cant believe it.Well,today is _.And thats all I care about._._.Im going to the beach.Ill worry about the hurricane later.M:Okay.Ill talk to you later.Be careful.W:Ill call you tomorrow.Bye.Hurricaneweather reportsunny and warmA hurricane is comingLight windIts a big hurricane,and its coming upBeautiful weather2021/8/625Weather Report1.Tomorrow will be rainy in 2.There will be a heavy rain in3.It will be rainy/cloudy in2021/8/6262021/8/6272021/8/628Whats the weather?Its sunny.Whats the weather?Its rainy.All together thats the weather.Sun,rain,wind storm,hot.cold,cold warm.whats the weather?Its cloudy.Whats the weather?Its windy.All together thats the weather.In the summer it is hot.In the winter it is snowy.2021/8/629Homework1.Master the listening skills.2.Remember the words about weather.部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!NoImage


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