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The British MediaBritish NewspapersThe Broadcast Media90%of Britons over the age of 15 read a national or local paper73%of the population listen to the radio on a weekly basis96%of the population watch TV at least once a weekThe media are central to British leisure culture.Functions of British Medial Provide people with information about political and social issuesl Provide weather reportsl Carry advertisingl Used for educational purposesl Provide a forum for people to express their viewsl Seek advicel Serve for the political and economic systeml Engendering a national culturel Work as a monitorBackgroundSeveral newspapers ConnectionVarietiesRestrictionChangesNewspaperBackgroundThe British economy began to industrialize.The democratic franchise was extended to larger segments of the population.Literacy levels rose through the introduction of mass education.The Observer观察家报 It first appeared in 1791.It is published every Sunday.It is the worlds oldest Sunday newspaper.The Times泰晤士报lIt began publishing in 1785.lIt is the United Kingdoms oldest daily newspaper.The Guardian卫报uPublished in 1821.uLeft wing newspapersuLeft wing:socialism Right wing:conservatismConnectionsNewspaperspoliticsbusinesssocial peopleWatchdog function(offer the electorate objective reports;keep an eye on thegovernment)usurped the power of parliamentearn money(the advertising business)sell products and services(look for a job;buy house;find babysitters)Class and educational differencesone of the highest levels of newspaper sales per head of populationover 1400 different newspapers which cater for a wide rangeVarieties文本文本文本文本uThe quality press (the broadsheets)uThe tabloids (the gutter press)Class and educational differences are reflected in the newspapers people read.Divided in two groupsQuality press (质报)Major in the reports of current politics and financial.Printed on large-size paper,more serious.Tabloid(小报)called“the gutter press”(低级趣味报纸)deal in scandals and gossip about famous people,carry lots of crime,sports and sensational human interest stories.Some quality press in UK1.Times 泰晤士报 2.The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报 3.The Guardian卫报 4.The Financial Times金融时报 5.Sunday Dispatch星期日电讯报 6.The Observer观察家报 7.The Sunday Times星期日泰晤士报Some tabloids in UK1.The Daily Express每日快报 2.The Daily Mail 每日邮报 3.Daily Mirror 每日镜报4.The Sunday Express 星期日快报5.The News of the World 世界新闻报RestrictionlMany British laws limit the freedom of the pressContempt of courts lawLaws of libel and defamationlThe media is also affected by the Official Secrets Act which stipulates that all government information is kept secret unless the government says it can be released.Changesl Newspapers are now facing challenges.The development of television and the Internet provides us with more choicesDecline in advertising revenue Online editions of newspaperspHowever,many people still maintain their habit of reading a newspaper.The Broadcast Media The broadcast media-television and radio-are tremendously important to British national life.On average,British people spend 4 hours a day watching TV and one of the most frequently read parts of the newspaper is the TV listings.Newspaper also carry reviews of programmes which are being broadcast.At work,or among friends and family,conversations will frequently be about shows that were watched the evening before.To not participate in British television viewing is to effectively cut oneself off from British culture and society.What do British people watch?News,entertainment,and sport are the favourites.Coronation Street加冕典礼街加冕典礼街:the oldest and most popular soap operas,which began in the 1960s,set in the northern city of Manchester.East Enders东区人东区人:takes place in a fictitious east London working-class neighborhood.British soaps present gritty and realistic accounts of the everyday life of Britons.They often tackle contemporary social issues like racism,AIDS,homosexuality,divorce,drug abuse,wife battering and so on.They are of very high quality and are popular abroad.The feature of British SoapsBritain still has a fairly conservative television culture.1.There are still only a limited number of television channels2.satellite TV is still not as popular or as widely available as in the United States.3.This limited number of channels and the state control of television channels,helps to unify the entire country.The Broadcasting Act:is designed to keep ownership of broadcast media widely spread so there are no concentrations of media power in the hands of a few,and foreign ownership(that is ownership outside the EU)is mainly prohibited.The same legislation also contains safeguards to maintain certain standards of decency,taste,accuracy and balance.“广播法案”的目的是为了分散广播媒介的所有权,防止媒介力量集中在少数人手中,外国所有权(即欧盟以外所有权)是被禁止的。这个法案包括的某些条款是为了维护电视节目的健康,品味,准确,平衡。The British Broadcasting CorporationBBC One specialises in shows with broad appeal,such as sport,entertainment,current affairs,drama,and kids shows.It is currently the most watched television channel in the UK.BBC Two aims at a wide range of subject matter and interests,specialising in intelligent yet popular programme genres.BBC Three is a television channel from the BBC broadcasting via digital cable,terrestrial,IPTV,and satellite platforms.The channel is an outlet for new drama,talent shows,comedy,film,etc.BBC Four shows a wide variety of programmes including drama,documentaries,music,international film,comedy and current affairs.-is Britains main public service broadcasterThe Importance of TV to British Politics Given the vast amounts of coverage in British homes,TV,like the press,is very important to British politics.In the past,politicians addressed public meetings and gave long speeches.With TV,politicians literally“come into our living room”and so they have to seem more relaxed and friendly,as if they are speaking to us personally.Thanks


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