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He is Santa Claus.We all know(that)Christmas is coming.December 25thChristmas is coming由从属连词由从属连词thatthat引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句注:注:that that 在句中无词汇意义,在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略在口语当中往往省略用法:用法:常用在一些动词后,比如常用在一些动词后,比如 think,think,believe believe 和和knowknow等。等。有时也用于一些形容有时也用于一些形容词,如词,如certain,sure certain,sure 等等。把下列句子合并成一句。把下列句子合并成一句。1.He is doing his homework.He says.2.You are good students.the teacher says.3.They have been to Beijing.He thinks.4.You spoke at the meeting.They believe.5.I hear.They have returned it already.He says(that)he is doing his homework.The teacher says(that)you are good students.He thinks(that)they have been to Beijing.They believe(that)you spoke at the meeting.I hear(that)they have returned it already.1.These plants will produce food that we need to live on Mars.()2.Scientists will develop plants that can grow on Mars.()3.We all know that Mars is a planet in the solar system.()4.Some scientists dont believe that the trip to Mars will be comfortable.()5.He thinks English is very interesting.()判断下列句子是否是由判断下列句子是否是由that 引导的宾语从句,引导的宾语从句,是(是(Y),否(),否(N)。)。N N Y Y Y Is it a Christmas present?We dont know if/whether it is a Christmas present?由从属连词由从属连词 whether,ifwhether,if引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句注:注:if/whether“是否是否”,说明对陈述,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。常用在的事物不明确或不清楚。常用在ask,wonder,can(could)you tell me 等后。等后。将下列句子合并成一句。将下列句子合并成一句。1.I want to know.Will he go to the park with us?2.Ask him.Can he come?3.I wonder.Is it going to rain?4.Could you please tell me?Does Mr Li live here?I want to know if/whether he will go to the park with us.Ask him if/whether he can come.I wonder if/whether it is going to rain.Could you please tell me if/whether Mr Hi lives here.5.Do you know?Did you send a message or not?Do you know whether he sent a message or not.1.:eg:We are worried about whether it will rain tomorrow.2.:eg:They asked me whether to go skating.只能用只能用whether不能用不能用if的情况的情况在介词后面在介词后面在动词不定式前在动词不定式前3.当与当与or not连用,或连用,或提出两种选择提出两种选择时时:eg:He asked whether I did homework or not.Tell me whether youd like to walk or take a bus.4.宾语从句提前时:宾语从句提前时:Whether this is true or not,I cant say.选择题选择题:()1.Catherine says _ she has never to Beijing.A.if B.whether C.that()2.She asks Linda _ she can get some food.A.if B.that C./()3.I wonder _ he still lives here.A.whether B.that C./()4.Let me know _ you can come or not.A.whether B.if C.that()5.I dont know _ to accept or refuse.A.if B.whether C.thatC A A A B()6.I dont know _ he will come tomorrow._ he comes,Ill tell you.A.if;Whether B.whether;If C.if;that()7._ you ask him,he will help you.A.Whether B.If C.That B B How can we make Christmas trees?We want to know how we can make Christmas trees.由连接代词由连接代词 Who,whom,whose,which,whatWho,whom,whose,which,what 和连接副词和连接副词 where,how,why,whenwhere,how,why,when引导的宾从引导的宾从注:注:代词或副词连接主句和从句,代词或副词连接主句和从句,并在从句中担任句子成分,具有一定的意义,并在从句中担任句子成分,具有一定的意义,不可省略。不可省略。特别提醒:由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从特别提醒:由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,句,从句语序必须同陈述句语序。从句语序必须同陈述句语序。将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。1.How many people can you see in the picture?Who knows _ _ _ _ _ _ in the picture?2.Where did she park her car?Do you know?Do you know _ _ _ her car?3.What does he often talk about?The girl wonders.The girls wonders _ _ often _ about.4.Who is knocking at the door?I dont know.I dont know _ _ _ at the door.5.how many people you can see where she parked what he talks who is knocking 选择题:()1.Can you tell me _ you were born,Betty?A.who B.what C.when()2.I hardly understand _ he has told it me.A.that B.what C.why()3.Do you know _ they listened to it?A.what B.when C.who()4.They dont know _ their parents are.A.that B.what C.why()5.I wonder _ to deal with the problem.A.how B.what C.if C C B B A()6.Please tell me _ last year.A.where does your sister work B.where did your sister work C.where your sister worked()7.She asks me if I know_.A.whose pen is it B.whose pen was it C.whose pen it isC C ()8.You must remember _.A.what your mother said B.what did your mother say C.your mother said what()9.Do you know _?A.who he was looking after B.who was he looking after C.who he was lookingA A宾语从句三要素宾语从句三要素:引导词(连接词)引导词(连接词)语序语序 时态时态 summary:引导词引导词1.1.由从属连词由从属连词thatthat引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句2.2.由从属连词由从属连词 whether,ifwhether,if引导的引导的宾语从句宾语从句3.3.由连接代词由连接代词 Who,whomWho,whom,whose,whose,whichwhich,what what 和连接副词和连接副词 where,how,where,how,why,whenwhy,when引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句从句语序:1.1.引导词引导词(that)+(that)+主语主语+谓语谓语+其他其他2.2.引导词引导词whether/if+主语主语+谓语谓语+其其他他3.3.引导词特殊疑问词引导词特殊疑问词+主语主语+谓语谓语+其他其他时态:1.1.当主句的谓语动词是当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时一般现在时,宾语从句的谓语动词可以宾语从句的谓语动词可以用所需要的用所需要的任何一种时态。任何一种时态。2.2.当主句的谓语动词是当主句的谓语动词是一般过去时一般过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词要用宾语从句的谓语动词要用相应的过去相应的过去时态,时态,但当宾语从句叙述的内容为但当宾语从句叙述的内容为客客观真理时,仍然用一般现在时。观真理时,仍然用一般现在时。Do some consolidation exercises.一、选择题:一、选择题:()1.Do you know _ I could pass the exam?Sorry,Ive no idea.(2007,济南,济南)A.that B.whether C.what D.which()2.Do you know _ during the coming summer holiday?(2003,北京海淀区,北京海淀区)A.what will Tom do B.what did Tom do C.what Tom will do D.what Tom did B C 中考连接:中考连接:()3.There is a red car parking in ourneighborhood.Do you know _ it is?(2007,重庆重庆)A.what B.who C.whose D.whom()4.-Can you guess _ the MP4 player yesterday?-Sorry,Ive no idea about it.(2007,天津天津)A.how much did he pay for B.how can he get C.how much he paid for D.how he has gotC C()5.Can you tell me which floor_?(2006连云港连云港)A.does he live on B.he lives in C.does he live in D.he lives on()6.Mr King doesnt know _ yesterday evening.(2008,吉林省,吉林省)A.when does his son come home B.when his son comes home C.when did his son come home D.when his son came homeD D 二、Fill in the blanks:1.The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow.(be)2.Tom says that they _(play)basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.3.I hear they _(return)it already.4.I think you _ about the murder now.(talk)5.I dont know what time he _ the letter yesterday.(write)6.Mr Wang told me that the earth _(move)round the sun.will be were playing have returned are talking wrote moves三、句型转换三、句型转换(将下列每题中的两句连成一句将下列每题中的两句连成一句)1.Where does he live?I dont know._2.What does your father do?Could you tell me?_3.Whats wrong with you?The doctor asks._ 4.Have you finished homework?The teacher asks._5.Do you go to school on foot or by bike?He wants to know._I dont know where he lives Could you tell me what your father does.The doctor asked what is wrong with you.The teacher asks if you have finished homework.He wants to know whether you go to school on foot or by bike.将下列句子合并为一句将下列句子合并为一句:1.Where do they stop on the way?I asked.2.What will you speak at the meeting?Could you tell me?3.Do they like to go skiing?He asked.4.He is doing his homework.He said.5.He will come back.Tom said.I asked where they stopped on the way.Could you tell me what you will speak at the meeting?He asked if they liked to go skiing.He said that he was doing his homework.Tom said that he would come back.6.Is she doing her homework?Jim asked.7.When will he come back?Tom asked.8.How can I get to the station?Could you tell me?9.Why is the train late?Would you tell me?10.Where is Tom?They asked.Tom asked when he would come back.Could you tell me how I can get to the station?Would you tell me why the train is late?They asked where Tom was.Jim asked if she was doing her homework.四、同义句转换四、同义句转换1.He teaches me how to surf.He teaches me how _ _surf.2.The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese well.The foreigners want to know _ _learnChinese well.3.He cant decide which one to choose.He cant decide which one _ _choose.4.He asks,“Do you like living here?He asks,_ you _ living here.I canhow tohe could if like5.Could you tell me where I should show the tickets.Could you tell me _ _ _the tickets.6.I wondered whether I could go.I wondered _ _go.7.I dont know what I should say at the meeting?I dont know _ _say at the meeting.8.Can you tell me which dress we should buy.Can you tell me _ _ _buy.where to showwhether towhat towhich dress to句型转换句型转换(将下列每题中的两句连成一句将下列每题中的两句连成一句)1.Where does he live?I dont know.2.What does your father do?Could you tell me?3.Whats wrong with you?The doctor asks.4.Have you finished homework?The teacher asks.5.Do you go to school on foot or by bike?He wants to know.11.Where do they stop on the way?I asked.12.What will you speak at the meeting?Could you tell me?13.Do they like to go skiing?He asked.14.He is doing his homework.He said.15.He will come back.Tom said.16.Is she doing her homework?Jim asked.17.When will he come back?Tom asked.18.How can I get to the station?Could you tell me?19.Why is the train late?Would you tell me?20.Where is Tom?They asked.


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