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museumhistory museumcomputer museumart museumnature museumscience museumspace museumfilm museum博物馆是一个收藏、陈列、研究、展览有关历史、文化、艺术、自然科学、科学技术博物馆是一个收藏、陈列、研究、展览有关历史、文化、艺术、自然科学、科学技术及产品等方面的文物或标本的机构。世界上的博物馆千奇百怪,各色各样。大体可以及产品等方面的文物或标本的机构。世界上的博物馆千奇百怪,各色各样。大体可以分作常规和另类两个大类,表现出极强的主体性。分作常规和另类两个大类,表现出极强的主体性。常规博物馆及指按传统概念划分的各类博物馆,如本单元提到的常规博物馆及指按传统概念划分的各类博物馆,如本单元提到的science museum等。等。在一些地区甚至建有在一些地区甚至建有“社区博物馆社区博物馆”,这类博物馆以地域社区为基础,着眼于民间生活,这类博物馆以地域社区为基础,着眼于民间生活,旨在保护及展示社区历史及文化、收藏民间创意、提供居民文化交流及休闲的场所和旨在保护及展示社区历史及文化、收藏民间创意、提供居民文化交流及休闲的场所和活动机会,增进彼此间的了解,构建和谐互助的邻里关系。活动机会,增进彼此间的了解,构建和谐互助的邻里关系。有些地区或机构会选择一些非常规主题建立博物馆,构成另类博物馆。本单元课文中有些地区或机构会选择一些非常规主题建立博物馆,构成另类博物馆。本单元课文中印度的印度的“国际厕所博物馆国际厕所博物馆”便可划归此类。该博物馆致力于收藏及介绍厕所卫生洁具,便可划归此类。该博物馆致力于收藏及介绍厕所卫生洁具,并非公众日常理念中的博物馆主题。并非公众日常理念中的博物馆主题。博物馆的价值首先表现其社会性博物馆的价值首先表现其社会性博物馆是人类社会某一领域(专题)文明进步和博物馆是人类社会某一领域(专题)文明进步和社会发展的缩影和体现,它往往涵盖了自然科学、社会科学在特定时期的历史,通过社会发展的缩影和体现,它往往涵盖了自然科学、社会科学在特定时期的历史,通过对有关历史文物的收藏和保护到到向公众传播该领域历史、发展成就等目的;这也表对有关历史文物的收藏和保护到到向公众传播该领域历史、发展成就等目的;这也表现出博物馆的教育功能现出博物馆的教育功能博物馆是一个教育机构,人们通过参加博物馆了解人类历博物馆是一个教育机构,人们通过参加博物馆了解人类历史、社会文化及科技进步。很多学校每年组织学生前往参观自然、历史、科技、艺术史、社会文化及科技进步。很多学校每年组织学生前往参观自然、历史、科技、艺术等博物馆。更值得一提的是不少博物馆,尤其是科技类博物馆,为增强参观者的体验,等博物馆。更值得一提的是不少博物馆,尤其是科技类博物馆,为增强参观者的体验,许多展品和内容允许参观者自己操作,以加深印象或训练实践操作能力,因而吸引着许多展品和内容允许参观者自己操作,以加深印象或训练实践操作能力,因而吸引着不同年龄的人前往体验和学习,成为很多学校的第二课堂。现在很多不同类型的博物不同年龄的人前往体验和学习,成为很多学校的第二课堂。现在很多不同类型的博物馆均免费向公众开放,以使更多的民众接受教育、提升文化素养。正因为博物馆这种馆均免费向公众开放,以使更多的民众接受教育、提升文化素养。正因为博物馆这种社会、教育的双重性使得它成为无法以其他方式取代的独特机构,收到人们的欢迎。社会、教育的双重性使得它成为无法以其他方式取代的独特机构,收到人们的欢迎。American Computer Museumthe International Museum of Toilets in IndiaHangzhou National Tea Museum1.Which three museums do the students talk about?They talk about the American Computer Museum,the International Museum of Toilets,and the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.2.What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?the American Computer Museumthe special computer could play chess even better than humans the International Museum of Toiletsmany different kinds of toilets the Hangzhou National Tea Museumthe tea art performance3a Read the magazine article and answer the questions.Read the paragraph 1 and answer the questions.What does ken say about the American Computer Museum?Ken:The most interesting museum Ive ever been to is the American Computer Museum.They have information about different computers and who invented them.The old computers were much bigger.Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!Ive also learned that there was a special computer.It could play chess even better than humans.I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.Ken says that:It is the most interesting museum he has ever been to,it has information about different computers ans who invented them,and he learned that there was a special computer that plays chess better than humans.American Computer MuseumWhat can we learn?information:technology:different computers and who invented themhas progressed in such a rapid wayWhat do the old computers look like?(much bigger)Is there any special computer?What could it do?(play chess even better than humans)such+a/an+adj.+n.单数单数 重点短语重点短语有关于有关于信息信息大得多大得多难以置信难以置信以如此快的方式以如此快的方式特殊的电脑特殊的电脑 下棋下棋我想知道我想知道在将来在将来have information aboutmuch biggerIts unbelievable that.a special computer in such a rapid wayplay chessI wonderin the futureRead the paragraph 2 and answer the questions.Amy:Ive recently been to a very unusual museum in India,the International Museum of Toilets.I just couldnt believe my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there.The museum teaches people about the history and development of toilets.It also encourages governments ans social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets?We can learn about the history and development of toilets.International museum of toiletsWhat can we see?different kinds of toiletsWhy did they build the museum?It tells us about It encourages the history and development of toilets the government and social groups to think about the ways to improve toilets in the future.一个不寻常的博物馆一个不寻常的博物馆不敢相信我的眼睛不敢相信我的眼睛 这么多不同种类的这么多不同种类的鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 社会团体社会团体考虑改进考虑改进的方法的方法 重点短语重点短语a very unusual museumI couldnt believe my eyesso many different kinds ofencourage sb to do sthsocial groupthink about ways to improve.Read the paragraph 3 and answer the questions.Linlin:Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea useum.Its a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake.The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?It is a nice place to enjoy tea because it is located in a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake.Watching tea art performances is also enjoyable.Hangzhou National Tea museum How is the museum?a peaceful and relaxing place near the lake.What are the enjoyable things here?Watching the tea preparation is as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.重点短语重点短语茶艺表演茶艺表演 一杯好茶一杯好茶 沏一杯完美的茶沏一杯完美的茶像像一样令人愉快一样令人愉快收集茶具收集茶具tea art performances a perfect cup of teamake a perfect cup of teaas enjoyable as collect tea sets 3c Which of the underlind words in the passage have the following meanings?make(something)better_become better_uncommon_quiet_made_quick_improveprogressedunusualpeacefulinventedrapid


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