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2021/4/212021/4/221 1、运用多媒体手段,、运用多媒体手段,调动孩子的视听感官。调动孩子的视听感官。2021/4/23 2、学唱英语歌曲,学说英语、学唱英语歌曲,学说英语儿歌,形成轻松的学习气氛。儿歌,形成轻松的学习气氛。2021/4/241.1.练习语音:练习语音:Tick tock,tick tock,Tick tock,tick tock,goes my old clock.goes my old clock.tick tock,tick tock,tick tock,tick tock,it will never stop.it will never stop.Cat,cat,eat that rat!Cat,cat,eat that rat!Dog,dog,catch that frog!Dog,dog,catch that frog!Hen,hen,take my pen!Hen,hen,take my pen!Cock,cock,break that lock!Cock,cock,break that lock!2021/4/252.2.练习语法:练习语法:What do you do every day?What do you do every day?I drink milk every day.I drink milk every day.He drinkHe drinks s juice every day.juice every day.I eat rice every day.I eat rice every day.He eatHe eats s noodles every day.noodles every day.I wear red every day.I wear red every day.He wearHe wears s blue every day.blue every day.I watch cartoons every day.I watch cartoons every day.He watchHe watches es news every year.news every year.学生念了一段学生念了一段时间以后,对于时间以后,对于第三人称单数的第三人称单数的使用清楚了很多。使用清楚了很多。2021/4/263.3.感受信息:感受信息:Supermarket,SupermarketSupermarket,SupermarketBig big world Big big world Snacks drinks toys clothesSnacks drinks toys clothesAll can buyAll can buyWith my parents with my friendsWith my parents with my friendsEvery day every weekEvery day every weekWe are happy.We are happy.2021/4/274.4.感受文化:感受文化:Red flowers,yellow flowers.Red flowers,yellow flowers.Pink and blue,Pink and blue,For a special mum,For a special mum,On mothers dayOn mothers dayTo say“thank you”.To say“thank you”.2021/4/285.5.和孩子互动:和孩子互动:An eye two eyes see see see.An eye two eyes see see see.An ear two ears hear hear hear.An ear two ears hear hear hear.Eyes on me.Eyes on you.Eyes on me.Eyes on you.One,two,three.Sh Be quiet.One,two,three.Sh Be quiet.2021/4/296.6.促进思维:促进思维:A place for everything A place for everything How do you want you milk?How do you want you milk?In a bottle.In a bottle.In a bottle.In a bottle.How do you want your fruit?How do you want your fruit?In a can.In a can.In a can.In a can.How do you want your nuts?How do you want your nuts?In a jar.In a jar.In a jar.In a jar.2021/4/210 3、学讲英语小笑话、小故、学讲英语小笑话、小故事、还有演话剧等等,形成轻松事、还有演话剧等等,形成轻松的学习气氛。的学习气氛。2021/4/211Bob goes to a new school.One day he comes back.“Bob,do you like your new teacher?”his mother asks.“I dont like her,mother.Because first she says that three plus three is six,and then she says that two plus four is six,too.”2021/4/212Ella:Hello,this is Ella speaking.Mary:This is Jackys mum.Can I speak to Jacky,please?Ella:Just a minute.Jacky,your mum is on the phone.Jacky:I dont want to go home now.Tell her Im not in.Ella:(talking into the phone)He says hes not here.2021/4/213 Teacher:Boys and girls,what do you want to be when you grow up?John:I want to be an engineer.Teacher:Im sure that you will be a good engineer.Mary:I want to be a doctor.Teacher:Hmmm.Its a good job.Mark:I want to be a policeman.Teacher:Great!Bill,what about you?Bill:I want to be an owl.Teacher:Why?Bill:Because an owls eyesight is the best.You know,Im near-sighted.2021/4/214Ella:I like the music teacher Mr.Wang.Jacky:Me,too.I think hes really nice.Ella:But you always sleep in his class.Jacky:Can you guess why I like him now?Ella:Why?Jacky:Because he never wakes me up in music class.Ella:Oh,Jacky!I got it.2021/4/215 4、学讲英语绕口令、猜谜等等,、学讲英语绕口令、猜谜等等,形成轻松的学习气氛。形成轻松的学习气氛。2021/4/2161、What kind of dog has no tail?2、It gets dirty when your face and hands become clean.What is it?3、The man can not live in a house.What is it?4、What day of a week is the best for fried food?2021/4/2175、When can you run as fast as a horse?6、Which room has no doors,no windows?7、Why is heat faster than a cold?8、Why is smiles the longest English word?2021/4/2181、Cat,cat,catch that fat rat.2、Thirsty,dirty birds are flying to Turkey.3、Mice like white rice.4、Harry is a happy heavy hippo.2021/4/219 5、设计游戏情景,复习、设计游戏情景,复习巩固学习内容。巩固学习内容。2021/4/220Find the difference with your deskmate.Example:A:In my picture,there is an apple on the table.B:But in my picture,there is nothing on the table./But in my picture,there is an apple on the chair.2021/4/221Down(纵向):1.Its the opposite(反义词)of bitter.2.You can make it with two paper cups and a string.3.Your eyes and ears are on it,and you have a lot of hair on it.4.You can smell with it.5.Its a number.Across(横向):A.You can do it with your ears.B.Its a colour of the trunk(树干)of the tree.C.Its a kind of fruits,and a big and rough fruit.D.Its the opposite(反义词)of rough.E.Its an animal.It has a long nose and two big ears.C2021/4/2222021/4/223/i/Jim;England,engineer,skipping,fish,milk,pink,pig,mini-car/i:/Jean;Greece,teacher,skiing,meat,tea,green,sheep,jeep 2021/4/2242021/4/2252021/4/2261、“习惯习惯”是指一个人后天逐渐养成是指一个人后天逐渐养成的在一定情况下自动化地去进行某种的在一定情况下自动化地去进行某种行为的特殊的倾向。行为的特殊的倾向。2、“学习习惯学习习惯”指后天逐渐养成的与指后天逐渐养成的与学习行为方式有关的习惯。学习行为方式有关的习惯。2021/4/2273、“良好的学习习惯良好的学习习惯”是指经过不断地是指经过不断地练习,逐步养成的能够提高学习效率,练习,逐步养成的能够提高学习效率,对终身学习、发展有益的学习习对终身学习、发展有益的学习习惯。惯。4、“小学生英语学习习惯小学生英语学习习惯”,关键是要,关键是要养成小学生良好的听说读写英语的习惯。养成小学生良好的听说读写英语的习惯。2021/4/2281、逐步养成自觉听英语的学习习惯。、逐步养成自觉听英语的学习习惯。2021/4/2292、养成每天读英语的学习习惯。、养成每天读英语的学习习惯。2021/4/2303、做孩子的忠实听众,让孩子养成爱说英、做孩子的忠实听众,让孩子养成爱说英语的习惯。语的习惯。2021/4/2314、养成背诵的学习习惯。、养成背诵的学习习惯。2021/4/2325、养成广泛阅读的习惯。、养成广泛阅读的习惯。,2021/4/233 Humans are very smart.We can stand up,walk,talk and think.We could make fire to cook food a long,long time ago.There are some other smart animals in the world.The BBC listed the top five smartest animals after humans.Here they show themselves to us:The worlds smartest animals2021/4/234 Our IQ is closest to humans.We have about 66 different ways to communicate in the forest.For examples,we shake hands with others to ask them to play together.1.Chimpanzees2021/4/235 We have big brains,about 40 percent bigger than humans.We always do different games to kill time in the sea.We jump one after another to see who can jump the highest.And we are full of sympathy.Once a dolphin called Moko saw two dying big fish on a beach in Newland.Moko helped them go back to the sea.2.Dolphins2021/4/2363.Orangutans We live in the forest.We have excellent memories.We can remember clearly where to find fruits in different seasons.Were also good at using tools.We use a stick to get honey,We also use leaves as toilet paper and larger leaves as umbrellas.2021/4/2374.Octopuses We have eight legs.So were good are running away.In the sea,it is hard for our enemies to catch us.We use stones to hit them.We also use coconut shells for hiding.We prefer to live in the sea than in aquariums.But some of my friends live in the aquariums.We can easily make trouble for people.We can make the water overflow from the water tank.2021/4/2385.Crows We may not be the most beautiful birds,but were very clever.We like eating nuts.Breaking the nuts is a piece of cake for us.We throw the nuts on the street.Then the passing cars break them for us.When the traffic lights turn green,we quickly fly to the street to get our food back.2021/4/2396、注重培养学生、注重培养学生“写写”的习惯的习惯。2021/4/2407、关注语言的工具性的同时,关、关注语言的工具性的同时,关注语言的人文性注语言的人文性。2021/4/241 Halloween Halloween Trick or treat.Trick or treat.Trick or treat.Trick or treat.I want something good to eat.I want something good to eat.Trick or treat.Trick or treat.Trick or treat.Trick or treat.Give me something nice and sweet.Give me something nice and sweet.Give me candy and an apple too.Give me candy and an apple too.And I wont play a trick on you.And I wont play a trick on you.2021/4/242Money Money With money,you can buy a house,but not a home.With money,you can buy a clock,but not time.With money,you can buy a bed,but not sleep.With money,you can buy a book,but not knowledge.With money,you can buy a doctor,but not health.With money,you can buy a position,but not respect.With money,you can buy blood,but not life.2021/4/2438、养成英语的思维。、养成英语的思维。2021/4/2449、和孩子一起持之以恒。、和孩子一起持之以恒。2021/4/2451 1、自身素质不断提高。、自身素质不断提高。2 2、给孩子提供时间、空间和物质保障。、给孩子提供时间、空间和物质保障。2021/4/246ThanksThanks!“成功的教育所需要的不是强制,成功的教育所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的积极性。而是激发学生的积极性。”2021/4/247注:注:文档资料素材和资料部分文档资料素材和资料部分来自网络,如不慎侵犯了您的来自网络,如不慎侵犯了您的权益,请联系权益,请联系Q2653327170,我们将做删除处理,感谢您的我们将做删除处理,感谢您的理解。理解。


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