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Unit4 Earthquakes 要 点 梳 理 高效梳理 知识备考 重点单词 1 burst vi.爆裂;爆发 n 突然破裂 , 爆发 2 event n 事件;大事 3 nation n 民族;国家;国民 national adj.国家的 , 民族的 nationality n 国籍 4 ruin n 废墟;毁灭 vt.毁灭;使破产 5 suffering n 苦难;痛苦 suffer v 受 苦 , 遭受 6 extreme adj.极度的 extremely adv. 7 injure vt.损害;伤害 injured adj.受伤的 injury n 伤害 , 损害 8 destroy vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭 9 useless adj.无用的;无效的;无益的 useful(反义词 ) use v. please dont disturb him. A Right away B Right now C In no time D At once 答案: B 解析:四个短语都有“立即,马上”之意,但 right now还 有“现在,此时此刻”之意。句意为:他目前正在给病人 做手术,请不要打扰他。 (1)I want it to be sent _. 马上把它发出去。 (2)He cleaned the room _. 他立即开始打扫房间。 (3)Hes not in the office _. 他现在不在办公室。 right away right away right now 3. well n. 井 Eg: A book is a well of knowledge. They dug a well . adj. 健康的 Eg: I hope you will get well soon. adv. 熟练地,有效地 Eg: He plays the piano very well for his age. 4. smelly adj. 有臭味的,发臭的 Eg: His socks are smelly. 拓展: blood bloody cloud cloudy rain rainy greed greedy 词根: smell 可用作系动词或实义动词,用作 系动词时,意为“闻起来”;用作实义动词时 意为“闻” Eg: You may smell the mixture and it smells terrible. smelly: smell+ y = adj. smell n./v (smelt/ smelled) 2.They were all hungry and the food _ good. 3.I can _ something burning in the kitchen. 4.Please throw the _ fish away. smelt smell smelly 1. A _ gas came _ _ the cracks. smelly out of blood + -y = bloody rain + -y = rainy cloud + -y = cloudy wind + -y = windy snow + -y = snowy greed + -y = greedy dream+-y = dreamy taste+ -y = tasty ice + -y = icy fat + -y = fatty mud+ -y = muddy sun + -y = sunny fog + -y = foggy 流血的 多云的 下雪的 幻想的 冷漠的,冰的 泥泞的 肥胖的 下雨的 多风的 贪婪的 美味的 阳光灿烂的 有雾的 5.burst v.(使)爆裂;(使)破裂;(使)爆炸 Eg: You are going to burst the balloon if you are not careful. The balloon suddenly burst. v.猛冲;突然出现 Eg: He burst into the room without knocking. burst into+ n.=burst out doing sth. 突然 起来 eg: burst into laughter=burst out laughing burst into 闯入 eg: 她突然笑起来。 She burst out laughing. She burst into . 他突然大哭起来。 He burst out crying. He burst into . n. 突然爆裂,爆发 短语: a burst of 一阵 eg: 一阵笑声 laughter tears a burst of laughter 勃然大怒 a burst of anger 1 (2010四川绵阳中学 )When a boy with dirty spots on the face came in, people present all burst _ laughing while he burst _ tears. A into; in B into; out C out; into D out; in 答案: C 解析:考查固定搭配。句意:当一个满脸脏兮兮的男孩进来 时,在场的人都笑起来,而他却哭起来。 burst out laughing表示“突然大笑起来”, burst into tears表示 “突然大哭起来”,都是固定搭配。 6.event n. 事件,大事 ; 赛事 , (体育比赛等的 )项目 辨析 event, affair, matter, thing, business event affair matter 侧重 大事,要事 ,有意 义或不寻常之事,或体 育赛事,演出或聚会 “复杂的,较多的事情 , 事务 ”,常用复数 affairs表示商业事务或 政府的日常事务,如财 政管理,外交事务等。 侧重指 须留心的要事或 问题,难题 The election was the main event of 1999. 这次选举是 1999年的主要大事。 He shows great interest in international affairs. 他对国际事务很感兴趣。 Dont worry. Well look into the matter soon. 别着急,我们将很快调查此 事。 辨析 event, affair, matter, thing, business thing business 最 普通的用词 ,意为 “事情,事务”,不管 大事小事,好事坏事均 可称为 thing;复数 things还可作“形式, 情况”解 作“事务”解时一般不 能用复数,常指所指派 的任务,责任;有时说 的是指派的工作或 商业 性的买卖活动 What is the next thing we have to do. 我们下一步必须做的事 是什么? Students in the course must learn about all aspects of business. 学这门课程的学生主要商业 的各方面知识。 7.at an end 结束,终结 eg: 炎热的天气终于结束了。 The hot days are at an end at last. The hot days come to an end at last. be at an end = come to an end 结束 短语: put an end to=bringto an end 使 结束 eg: 他们应该结束战争。 They should put an end to the war. They should bring the war to an end. 辨析: at an end, in the end, at the end of, by the end of 1). at an end: 表示“终结,结束”,与 be动词连用。 eg: 战争结束了。 The war was at an end.= The war came to an end. 2). in the end: 表示“最终,终于”, 单独使用作 状语 。 eg: 最终他们放弃了那项计划 =at last =finally They gave up the plan in the end. (at last) 3). at the end of: 表示“在 的尽头 /末尾” eg: 今年年底,我父亲要回家。 My father will come home at the end of this year. He is at the end of his patience. 他已经忍耐到极限了。 4). by the end of: 到 末为止,常与 完成时态 连用。 by the end of last 用于 过去 完成时 by the end of next 用于 将来 完成时 eg: 到上个月末为止,他在那条船上已经待了两年。 By the end of last month, he had been on that ship for two years. 到下学期末为止,我将学会 3000多个英语单词。 I will have learned more than 3000 English words by the end of next term. (1)The year is _. 这一年已到年终了。 (2)The meeting _. 会议结束了。 (3)Go straight and youll find the hospital _ the road. 一直往前走,你会在这条路的尽头找到这家医院。 at an end came to an end at the end of 1) . His father will return home _this year. 2) . He will be a scientist _. 3) . How many English words had you learned _ last term? at the end of in the end by the end of 8. nation n. 民族,国家,国民 单词积累: national adj. 国家的,民族的,国营的 nationality n. 国籍 辨析: nation, country, state 易混词 辨析 例句 nation country state 侧重指“人民”,即 “国民” The whole nation was in deep sorrow. 举国悲痛。 侧重指 “疆土” ,即 “国土”。 He has been to many African countries.他去过许多非洲国家。 侧重指 “政权”、 “政体”,即“国 权” Hes a head of state. 他是一位国家元首。 9. ruin n.【 C】 倒塌的建筑物,废墟 短语: be/lie in ruins 倒塌,破败不堪 fall into ruins 衰落,败落 eg: 现在这座城市已成为一片废墟了。 The city now is/lies in ruins. n. 【 U】 毁坏,毁灭,灭亡 vt. (完全地 )毁坏,毁掉,使破产 辨析: ruin, destroy, damage 1). ruin一般指对 物体或生命 彻底的破坏 ,但往往是非暴 力的,也不是一次打击的结果,常指对美好的活希望中的 事物的破坏。 2). destroy表示在 肉体上,精神上或道义上彻底摧 毁 ,使之 无法复原 ,也可以表示对某物体进行完全 的毁灭。 常作“破坏、毁灭”解 ,也可以指希望、计 划等打破。 The earthquake destroyed the whole town. 3). damage一般指对 物体或生命的 局部损伤 , 使整 体的价值或作用降低或变得无价值,无作用 。这种 损伤可以是暴力的或一次性破坏的结果,也可以指 非暴力的或长期损害的结果, 可修复 。 它可以用作 动词 ,也可以用作名词 ,用作名词时常与 to something 连用。 The accident did a lot of damage to his car. injure hurt wound harm 指损害健康,成就,容 貌等,强调功能的丧失, 常指 事故中 的伤害 普通用语,既可指 肉体 上的伤害,也可指 精神 上, 感情 上的伤害 指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等 皮肉之伤,尤指 战场 上 所受的伤 一般指伤害有生命的东 西,常指伤 及人的健康, 权利,事业 等 A bullet injured his left eye. 一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。 I dont want to hurt you. 我不想伤害你。 The soldier was wounded badly. 这位士兵严重受伤。 Smoking seriously harmed his health. 吸烟严重地损害了他的健康。 10.injure Their jokes _ him deeply. Smoking will _ his health. He was slightly _ in the car accident. He got _ in the fighting. What you said _ my feeling. have hurt harm injured wounded hurt 应用 2 (1)The robber _ him with a knife. 那强盗用刀刺伤了他。 (2)These criticisms have _ his pride deeply. 这些批评使他的自尊心深深地受到了伤害。 (3)Two people have been badly _ in the accident. 有两个人在这次事故中严重受伤了。 (4)Dont _ your eyes by reading in dim light. 不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损伤眼睛。 wounded hurt/injured injured harm 11 shock n. 打击;震惊;震动;休克 vt. 使震惊,使惊愕 be shocked at/by (doing) sth. 被震惊 be shocked to do sth. 惧怕做某事 It shocked sb. to see/hear. 看见 /听到 使某人震惊。 shock : n. 打击;震惊, 震动 be a shock to sb对某人是一种打击 The news of his wifes death was a terrible shock to him. shocked adj. 惊愕的,感到震惊的 shocking adj. 令人震惊的 His passing the exam was shocking to his parents. 即学即练 4 (1)The news of his wifes death was _ him. 他妻子去世的消息对他打击太大了。 (2)He _ her smoking. 看到她在吸烟,他很吃惊。 (3)_ to see how my neighbours treated their children.看到邻居们如何对待孩子,我感 到震惊。 a terrible shock to was shocked at It shocked me 提示: shocked adj. 感到惊奇的,惊讶的 (主语多为人 ) shocking adj. 令人气愤的,令人惊讶的 (主语多为物 ) 12.rescue 1) n. C,U 救援,营救;救援行动 eg: The rescue team made ten rescues in a week. 2) vt. 救援,拯救,解救 搭配: rescue sb/sth from 把 从 (地方)解救出来 eg: They rescued the boy from the burning house. a rescue team 救援队 rescue worker 救援人员 13.trap ( 1) vt. ( trapped)困住,关住,使陷入 危险中 搭配: be trapped in 困在 中 eg: The car was trapped in the deep snow. ( 2) n. C陷阱;困境;圈套,诡计 eg: She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it. 14.disaster n. 灾难,灾祸 Eg: The fire was a great disaster. 拓展: a traffic disaster 一起交通事故 natural disaster 自然灾害 a disaster area 灾区 15.dig out (dug) 挖出,翻找出 Eg: Why did you dig out those old magazines? 16.bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 bury oneself in study 埋头研究 bury oneself in (doing) sth. 专心致力于 (做 ) 某事 be buried in thoughts 沉思 bury ones face in ones hands 双手掩面 be buried alive 被活埋;隐居 . bury vt. 埋葬,掩埋,隐藏 eg: 她被安葬在她丈夫的坟边。 She was buried beside her husbands grave. 她双手捂着脸哭了起来。 She buried her face in her hands and cried. 短语: bury oneself in=be buried in. 专心于 , 埋首于 devote oneself to=be devoted to 专心于 ,献身于 be lost in 陷入 中 17. frighten vt. 使惊吓,吓唬 frightened adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的 frightening adj. 令人恐惧的 短语: be frightened at 受 惊吓,见 大吃一惊 be frightened of sb/sth 害怕某人 /某物 同义词: shock 近义词: surprise 18.congratulation n. 祝贺;恭贺;贺词 offer/send ones congratulations to sb on sth 因某事向某人表示祝贺 Eg: We offered our congratulations to him on his success. congratulate vt.祝贺 congratulate sb on sth 因某事祝贺某人 congratulate oneself on sth/doing sth/that 暗 自庆幸 Eg: I heartily congratulate myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife. 19 judge v. 断定;判断;判决 n. 裁判员;法官;评判员 judgement n. 判断,审判,意见,判断力 judging by/from 从 上看,根据 判断 judge sb./sth. from/by. 从 来判断 judge between right and wrong 判断是非 as far as I can judge 据我判断,我认为 in ones judgement 依某人看来,按某人的看法 即学即练 6 (1)Dont _ a book _ its cover. 勿以貌取人。 (2)_ his accent, he must be a southerner. 根据他的口音判断,他一定是个南方人。 (3)He _ the best actor of this year.他被评为今年的最佳男演员。 judge by Judging from/by Was judged to be .单词拼写 1 _(祝贺 ) to you on your winning the contest. 2 Thousands of people died in the _(灾难 ) 3 His sudden death was a great _ (震惊 ) to his family. 4 He was one of the _(裁判员 ) at the boxing match. 5 The car was _(陷入 ) in the mud and couldnt get out. Congratulations disaster shock judges trapped 6 The firemen r_ three women from the burning house. 7 They are in desperate need of food, clothing and s_. 8 Dont leave the lights on it wastes e_ 9 The miners were b_ alive when the tunnel collapsed. 10 He was too nervous to e_ himself in front of the girl. rescued shelter electricity buried express


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