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(三)(三)汉译英水平的培养汉译英水平的培养 1.提高英语表达能力提高英语表达能力 2.进行有针对性的翻译实践进行有针对性的翻译实践 3.精读各类英语读物精读各类英语读物 就目前情况看,工程造价将会超出预算百分之三十。With respect to the current situation,the cost of this engineering will exceed 30 percent of the budget.就目前情况看,工程造价将会超出预算百分之三十。1.Judging by the current/present situation,construction cost of this project will exceed the budget by thirty percent.2.As it stands,construction of the project will overrun its budget by thirty percent.他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。The project makes less progress because of his incooperation.他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。The project is making very slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.The project is proceeding rather slowly because of his uncooperativeness.我觉得这个店里的衣服即使打六折也还是太贵。I think the clothes prices in the shop were so expensive even if they are made 60 percent discount.我觉得这个店里的衣服及时打六折也还是太贵。1.I think the clothes in the shop would still be too expensive even if we could get a 40 percent discount.2.In my opinion,the clothes in the shop are still too high-priced even if they are discounted by 40 percent.3.The price of the clothes in the shop is still more than I would pay even if they are 40 percent off.收到请帖后她觉得左右为难,不知该不该接受。She felt in a dilemma whether she should receive the invitation letter or not.收到请帖后她觉得左右为难,不知该不该接受。1.She felt ambivalent about the invitation and couldnt decide whether to accept or decline.2.She hesitated on receiving the invitation,not knowing whether to accept it.3.On receiving the invitation,she found it difficult to decide whether to accept it or not.想让他答应如此要求恐怕不大可能。Im afraid it is impossible for him to agree such requirement.想让他答应如此要求恐怕不大可能。Im afraid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request.It seems unlikely for him to grant such a request.There seems to be little chance that he will give in to such a demand.There is a strong possibility that he will turn down a request like this.在董事会年会上,他提请大家注意一个被普遍忽视的问题。On the annual board of directors,he reminded everyone to pay attention to a problem which was ignored in common.在董事会年会上,他提请大家注意一个被普遍忽视的问题。At the annual meeting of the board of directors,he called(everyones)attention to a largely ignored/overlooked problem.段落翻译:中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了(A)。那时日本派有大批的留学生,到中国来学习中国文化,自然也学会了中国的饮茶(B)。日本现在的所谓茶道,向西方人士夸说是日本独特的艺术,其实完全是中国的古风,明代以前的烹茶方法(C)。除了日本以外,最讲究喝茶的外国人,应该是英国人了,而英国人懂得喝茶,至今还不过两三百年的历史(D)。(A)中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了。In the seventh century of the Tang dynasty,the Chinese prevailing custom of drinking tea was in vogue.(A)中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了。By the Tang dynasty in the seventh century,tea-drinking had become very popular in China.(B)那时日本派有大批的留学生,到中国来学习中国文化,自然也学会了中国的饮茶。At that time,large quantities of returned students were sent to China by Japan to study Chinese culture.Accordingly they learned the Chinese tea-drinking custom.(B)那时日本派有大批的留学生,到中国来学习中国文化,自然也学会了中国的饮茶。At that time many Japanese students were sent to China to study Chinese culture.Naturally they acquired(got into,picked up)the Chinese tea-drinking habit.(C)日本现在的所谓茶道,向西方人士夸说是日本独特的艺术,其实完全是中国的古风,明代以前的烹茶方法。The so-called tea Doctrine now in Japan was bragged to the Western personalities about that its the Japanese unique art;in fact,it was completely ancient Chinese custom and the way to make tea till the Ming dynasty.(C)日本现在的所谓茶道,向西方人士夸说是日本独特的艺术,其实完全是中国的古风,明代以前的烹茶方法。The so-called tea ceremony in modern Japan,bragged to Westerners as a unique Japanese art,was in fact entirely an ancient Chinese custom,the way to brew tea before the Ming dynasty.(D)除了日本以外,最讲究喝茶的外国人,应该是英国人了,而英国人懂得喝茶,至今还不过两三百年的历史。Except the Japanese,the foreign people who are fastidious about drinking tea should be Englishmen,but it is only two or three hundred years after the Englishmen knowing about drinking tea.(D)除了日本以外,最讲究喝茶的外国人,应该是英国人了,而英国人懂得喝茶,至今还不过两三百年的历史。Next to(Except for)the Japanese,the foreign people who attach the greatest importance to tea drinking must be the British,who did not learn to drink tea until two or three hundred years ago.一六四四年,叛军首领李自成挥师北上,攻入北京;崇祯自缢于煤山,明朝就此覆亡(A)。假如山海关统兵大帅吴三桂归顺于李自成,中国的近代史就会是另一个样子(B)。然而吴三桂却因为李自成抢了他的爱妾陈圆圆,“冲冠一怒为红颜”,放清兵入关(C)。就这样,满族人轻而易举地接管了明朝的江山(D)。一六四四年,叛军首领李自成挥师北上,攻入北京;崇祯自缢于煤山,明朝就此覆亡(A)。In1644,the leader of revolting armies,Li Zicheng,led his army to attack the north and occupied Beijing,the capital of Ming dynasty.Chongzhen,the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty,hung himself to death at Mountain Mei.From then on,the Ming dynasty died out.一六四四年,李自成挥师北上,攻入北京;崇祯自缢于煤山,明朝就此覆亡(A)。In 1644 the rebel leader Li Zicheng marched north with his troops,attacking and capturing Beijing.Chongzhen,the last Ming emperor,hanged himself at the foot of Coal Hill.Thus the Ming dynasty collapsed.假如山海关统兵大帅吴三桂归顺于李自成,中国的近代史就会是另一个样子(B)。If the chief commander of Shanhaiguan,Wu San-gui,came over and pledged allegiance to Li Zicheng,Chinese modern history would be another appearance.假如山海关统兵大帅吴三桂归顺于李自成,中国的近代史就会是另一个样子(B)。If Wu Sangui,commander of the strategic Shanhai Pass,had surrendered(switched his allegiance)to Li,modern Chinese history would have taken on a different look(would have taken another course).然而吴三桂却因为李自成抢了他的爱妾陈圆圆,“冲冠一怒为红颜”,放清兵入关(C)。However,because Li Zicheng robbed his wife Chen Yuanyuan,whom he loved deeply,so Wu Sangui“flew into a rage for beauty”and helped the troops of Qing come into Shanhaiguan.(1)However,because Li Zicheng took away his favorite concubine,Chen Yuanyuan,Wu“flew into a rage for the sake of the beauty”and let the Qing troops enter the pass.(2)However,because Li Zicheng robbed him of his favorite concubine,Chen Yuanyuan,Wu“bristled with rage for the beautys sake”and open the pass to the Qing troops.就这样,满族人轻而易举地接管了明朝的江山(D)。And in this case,the people of Man ruled the country instead of Ming without difficulty.就这样,满族人轻而易举地接管了明朝的江山(D)。(1)In this way,the Manchu people took over the Ming empire without much difficulty.(2)Thus the Manchus seized control of the Ming empire without much effort.


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