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定语从句定语从句 Consolidation exercises.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns.1.This is the only book _ I got last year.2.Is this the book in _ you are interested?3.This is the largest animal _ Tom saw in the zoo.thatwhichthat5.All the desks _ are bought look really wonderful.6.Do you have any money _is used to build the factory?7.Tom has a toy,_ was given by his father.8.This is the second watch _ my father bought for me.thatthatwhich that4.Rose still remembers the trees and teachers_ exist(存在存在)in the mother school.that 1.We saw several natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us,_ we gave some bells and glasses.A.to which B.to whom C.with whom D.with which 2.Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.(山东 2006)A.where B.that C.when D.which 3.Do you have anything to say for yourselves?Yes,theres one point _ we must insist on.(江西 2006)A.why B.where C.how D.不填BAD1.If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men,women will spend more time in the shop.A.that B.which C.when D.where2.Do you still remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago?A.where B.when C.that D.what 3.Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.A.in which B.by which C.which D.that4.The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ they are being trained.A.in that B.for that C.in which D.for whichDCAD Exercises:Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns and adverbs.1.Is this the room _ you cleaned last time?2.Is this the room _ we lived before?3.This is the garden _ they stayed for a night.4.This is the garden _ they visited last time.thatwherewherethat5.Tom has forgotten the day _ he left his home.6.Tom has forgotten the day _ I told him last day.7.She still remembers the year _ she found her first job.8.She still remembers the year _ she spent in Jining.whenthatwhenthat Comprehensive exercises.Fill in the blanks with the suitable relative pronouns or the relative adverbs.1.Is this the room _ we spent our childhood?2.This dictionary is the second one _ I bought in the shop.3.I still remember the date _ I went to Nanjing for the first time.4.Tom is thinking about the grass and the persons _ he saw in the yard.wherethatwhenthat5.There are 100 old men in the street,some of _ are drinking tea.6.Do you know the days _ you spent on English?7.All the books _are on the shelf belong to Mary.8.Are you satisfied with the park _ you visited last time?9._ we all know,the building will soon be destroyed.10.I have the same book _ she has.whomthatthatthatAsas 把下列中文翻译成英语。1 一位勇敢的年轻人 2 两件又脏又旧的红裙子 3 那张褐色的圆木桌 4 他的那辆昂贵的美国产跑车 Key:1 a brave young man 2 two dirty old red skirts 3 the round brown wooden table 4 his expensive American sports car1.We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.2.After a mile out of the station,the train began to pick up speed.3.The children have picked up the local language.4.Will you pick up all your toys?5.Ill pick you up at your hotel.1.Nowadays the roles of husband and wife are not as _ defined as before,especially when both partners work and earn money for the family.A.clear B.clearer C.clearly D.more clearly2.This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _ water and electricity than _ models.(北京2006)A.less;older B.less;elder C.fewer;older D.fewer;elder3.Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds,and I have not seen _this year.A.the best B.better C.the most D.more 4.Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his _ oneA.better-known B.well-knownC.best-known D.most-known5.After two years research,we now have a _ better understanding of the disease.A.very B.far C.fairly D.quiteCABCB1.He speaks English well indeed,but of course not _a native speaker.A.as fluent as B.more fluent than C.so fluently as D.much fluently than2.Work gets done _ when people do it together,and the rewards are higher too.A.easily B.very easy C.more easily D.easier3.I dont think this film is by far the most boring.I have seen _.A.better B.worse C.the best D.the worst 4.Alan is a careful driver,but he drives _ of my friends.A.more carefully B.the most carefully C.less carefully D.the least carefully5.I wish youd do _ talking and some more work.Thus things will become better.(江苏2006)A.a bit less B.any less C.much more D.a little more CCBDA定义及其作用:定义及其作用:定语从句是又称定语从句是又称形容词性从句形容词性从句,在句子中起定在句子中起定语作用语作用,修饰一个名词或代词修饰一个名词或代词,有时也可修饰一有时也可修饰一个句子个句子.受定语从句修饰的词叫先行词受定语从句修饰的词叫先行词.定语从定语从句可分为:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句可分为:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。句。定语从句一般都紧跟在它所修饰名词后面,定语从句一般都紧跟在它所修饰名词后面,所以如果在名词或代词后面出现一个从句,根所以如果在名词或代词后面出现一个从句,根据它与前面名词或代词的逻辑关系来判断是否据它与前面名词或代词的逻辑关系来判断是否是定语从句。是定语从句。定语从句定语从句The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.先行词先行词放置于名词之放置于名词之_,修饰,修饰名词的从句名词的从句关系词关系词连接作用连接作用1.2.在从句中充当成分在从句中充当成分后后 修饰物体时关系代词修饰物体时关系代词that和和 which的区的区分分 使用使用that的情况:的情况:1、当先行词是当先行词是nothing,something,anything,all,each等不定代词时。等不定代词时。eg.Do you have anything that is important to tell me?2、当先行词被当先行词被all,any,some,no,not,every,each等修饰时。等修饰时。eg.I have some books that are very good.3、当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所、当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时。修饰时。eg.This is the first book that I bought myself.The biggest bird that I caught is this bird.4主句是以主句是以which或或who开头的特殊开头的特殊疑问句时疑问句时Eg Which is the bike that you lost?Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting.5当先行词在从句和主句中都作表当先行词在从句和主句中都作表语时语时,无论先行词是人还是物无论先行词是人还是物.China is no longer the country that she was.6.如有两个定语从句如有两个定语从句,其中一个已用其中一个已用which引导引导,另一个宜用另一个宜用that.Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.7.在在there be句型中句型中,只用只用that.He asked for the latest book(that)there is on the subject.8、当先行词被当先行词被the very,the last,the next,the only 等词修饰时。等词修饰时。eg.This is the very book that I lost yesterday.9、当先行词又有人又有物时当先行词又有人又有物时。eg.I wont forget the things and the persons that I saw.只能使用只能使用which的情况。的情况。1、非限制性定语从句中、非限制性定语从句中。eg.Mary has a book,which is very precious.2、在介词之后、在介词之后。eg.This is a house in which lives an old man.3、当主句中的主语被、当主句中的主语被that修饰时修饰时。eg.That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary.Consolidation exercises.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns.1.This is the only book _ I got last year.2.Is this the book in _ you are interested?3.This is the largest animal _ Tom saw in the zoo.thatwhichthat5.All the desks _ are bought look really wonderful.6.Do you have any money _is used to build the factory?7.Tom has a toy,_ was given by his father.8.This is the second watch _ my father bought for me.thatthatwhich that4.Rose still remembers the trees and teachers_ exist(存在存在)in the mother school.that 1.We saw several natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us,_ we gave some bells and glasses.A.to which B.to whom C.with whom D.with which 2.Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.(山东 2006)A.where B.that C.when D.which 3.Do you have anything to say for yourselves?Yes,theres one point _ we must insist on.(江西 2006)A.why B.where C.how D.不填1.If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men,women will spend more time in the shop.A.that B.which C.when D.where2.Do you still remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago?A.where B.when C.that D.what 3.Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.A.in which B.by which C.which D.that4.The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ they are being trained.A.in that B.for that C.in which D.for which 修饰人时关系代词修饰人时关系代词that 和和who,whom的的区分。区分。当主句中的主语是当主句中的主语是who时,只能用时,只能用that。eg.Who is the girl that is standing over there?在非限制性定语从句中以及介词后面时在非限制性定语从句中以及介词后面时只能用只能用who 或者或者whom。eg.I have a son,who is really lovely and interesting.There are 40 students in the class,most of whom are boys.关系代词关系代词whose既能修饰人,也能既能修饰人,也能修饰物,在定语从句中充当定语,修饰物,在定语从句中充当定语,修饰先行词修饰先行词。eg.She is the girl whose English sounds very beautiful.Mary has a very good dog,whose hair turns out white and black.5.Tom is the only one of the boys who like playing football.6.Who is the girl that you talked to her just now?7.This is the very pen that you gave it to me before.8.There is an old woman,that is holding a stick.likesheritwho 关系代词关系代词as与与which引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句的区别的区别.1.位置位置:as从句可在主句前或主句后从句可在主句前或主句后,而而which从句只可在主句后从句只可在主句后.2.意义意义:as从句常是一些固定结构从句常是一些固定结构,(如如as is known to all,as we expected,as everybody knows等等,而且译为而且译为”正如正如.,恰恰如如”.)the sameas,such as,和和一一样样.which从句多为对主句的一种评价看法从句多为对主句的一种评价看法,或或者主从句之间形成一种因果关系者主从句之间形成一种因果关系.He failed in the exam,which made his parents angry.As we had expected,he failed in the exam.关系副词关系副词when,where,why的用法以及的用法以及与关系代词的区分。与关系代词的区分。关系副词在定语从句当中只能充当状语,关系副词在定语从句当中只能充当状语,当一个句子能够完整地表达一个意思时,当一个句子能够完整地表达一个意思时,我们就可以给这个句子加上特定的关系我们就可以给这个句子加上特定的关系副词副词。eg.I wont forget the time when I got married.Have you still remember the days when we stayed together?This is the place we had a good time.Is this the house Mr Smith lives?I dont know the reason he wont join us.Do you know the reason he didnt come to sweep the classroom?wherewherewhywhy关系副词关系副词when,where和关系代词和关系代词that,which的区分。请比较以下句子的区分。请比较以下句子:This is the park that we visited last year.This is the park where we held a birthday party.She wont forget the days that she spent on the island.She wont forget the days when they stayed together.Thats the date when we went to the college.Thats the date that she wont forget for ever.I like the time when we lived together.I like the time that we had together.Exercises:Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns and adverbs.1.Is this the room _ you cleaned last time?2.Is this the room _ we lived before?3.This is the garden _ they stayed for a night.4.This is the garden _ they visited last time.thatwherewherethat5.Tom has forgotten the day _ he left his home.6.Tom has forgotten the day _ I told him last day.7.She still remembers the year _ she found her first job.8.She still remembers the year _ she spent in Jining.whenthatwhenthat关系副词关系副词when,where,why 和介词和介词+which之间的关系。关系副词之间的关系。关系副词when,where,why可以用适当的介词可以用适当的介词+which来来替代。如:替代。如:when=in/on/at+which,where=in/on/at+which,why=for+which介词的位置非常灵活,有介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。后。eg.1.I wont forget the date when(on which)I was born.2.This is the room where(in which)I lived.=This is the room which I lived in.3.I dont know the reason why(for which)he havent come today.4.Tom still remembers the days when(in which)they lived in Tianjin.Comprehensive exercises.Fill in the blanks with the suitable relative pronouns or the relative adverbs.1.Is this the room _ we spent our childhood?2.This dictionary is the second one _ I bought in the shop.3.I still remember the date _ I went to Nanjing for the first time.4.Tom is thinking about the grass and the persons _ he saw in the yard.5.There are 100 old men in the street,some of _ are drinking tea.6.Do you know the days _ you spent on English?7.All the books _are on the shelf belong to Mary.8.Are you satisfied with the park _ you visited last time?9._ we all know,the building will soon be destroyed.10.I have the same book _ she has.把下列中文翻译成英语。1 一位勇敢的年轻人 2 两件又脏又旧的红裙子 3 那张褐色的圆木桌 4 他的那辆昂贵的美国产跑车 Key:1 a brave young man 2 two dirty old red skirts 3 the round brown wooden table 4 his expensive American sports car1.We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.2.After a mile out of the station,the train began to pick up speed.3.The children have picked up the local language.4.Will you pick up all your toys?5.Ill pick you up at your hotel.1.Nowadays the roles of husband and wife are not as _ defined as before,especially when both partners work and earn money for the family.A.clear B.clearer C.clearly D.more clearly2.This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _ water and electricity than _ models.(北京2006)A.less;older B.less;elder C.fewer;older D.fewer;elder3.Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds,and I have not seen _this year.A.the best B.better C.the most D.more 4.Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his _ oneA.better-known B.well-knownC.best-known D.most-known5.After two years research,we now have a _ better understanding of the disease.A.very B.far C.fairly D.quite1.He speaks English well indeed,but of course not _a native speaker.A.as fluent as B.more fluent than C.so fluently as D.much fluently than2.Work gets done _ when people do it together,and the rewards are higher too.A.easily B.very easy C.more easily D.easier3.I dont think this film is by far the most boring.I have seen _.A.better B.worse C.the best D.the worst 4.Alan is a careful driver,but he drives _ of my friends.A.more carefully B.the most carefully C.less carefully D.the least carefully5.I wish youd do _ talking and some more work.Thus things will become better.(江苏2006)A.a bit less B.any less C.much more D.a little more Key:1-5 CCBDA


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