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1. 管理与组织导论管理者:(ma nager)基层管理者:(first-l ine man agers) 中层管理者:(middle man agers) 高层管理者:(top man agers) 管理:(ma nageme nt) 效率:(efficie ncy) 效果:(effec tiven ess) 计划:(pla nnin g) 组织:(orga nizing) 领导:(leadi ng) 控制:(co ntrolli ng) 管理角色:(ma nageme nt roles) 人际关系角色:(i nterperso nal roles) 信息传递角色:(i nformatio nal roles) 决策制定角色:(descisio nal roles) 技术技能:(tech ni cal skills) 人际技能:(human skills) 概念技能:(co nceptual skills) 管理的普遍性:(uni versality of man ageme nt)2. 管理的历史劳动分工:(divisio n of labor) 工作专业化:(job specializatio n) 工业革命:(i ndustrific revolutio n) 科学管理:(scie nti fic man ageme nt) 一般行政管理理论:(ge neral admi nistra tive theory) 管理原贝 V :(pri nciples of man ageme nt)官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy) 定量方法:(qua ntita tive approach) 组织行为:(orga nizational behavior) 霍桑研究系统:(Hawthor ne studies systems) 封闭系统:(closed systems) 开放系统:(open systems) 权变理论:(c ontingency approach) 劳动力多元化(workforce diversity) 电子企业:(e-b us in ess) 电子商务:(e-commerce) 内部网:(i ntra net) 学习型组织:(lear ning orga ni za tion) 矢口识管理:(k no wledge man ageme nt) 质量管理:(quality man ageme nt)3. 组织文化与环境管理万能论:(om nipote nt view of man ageme nt) 管理象征论:(symbolil view of man ageme nt) 组织文化:(orga niza tion culture) 强文化:(str ong cultures) 社会化:(socializa tion) 工作场所精神境界:(workplace spirituality) 夕卜部环境:(exter nal en vir onment) 具体环境:(specific en vir onment) 一般环境:(ge neral en vir onment) 环境的不确定性:(e nviro nment un certai nty) 环境的复杂性:(e nviro nment complexity) 利益相关群体:(stakholders)4. 全球环境中的管理狭隘主义:(parochialism)民族中心论:(eth no ce ntric attitude) 多国中心论:(polyce ntric attitude) 全球中心论:(geoce ntric atti tude) 跨国公司:(multi national corpora tion) 多国公司:(multidomestic corpora tion) 全球公司:(global compa ny)跨国或无边界组织:(tra nsnational or boredrless orga niza tion) 初始全球化组织:(born globals) 全球外购:(global sourc ing)出口 :(expor ting) 进口 :(importi ng) 许可证经营:(lice nsi ng) 许可经营:(fra nchisi ng) 战略同盟:(strategic allia nee) 合资企业:(joint ven ture) 夕卜国子公司:(foreig n subsidiary) 市场经济:(market econ omy) 计划经济:(comma nd econ omy) 民族文化:(n atio nal culture)5. 社会责任与管理道德古典观点:(classical view)社会经济学观点:(socioec on omic view)社会义务:(social obliga tion)社会响应:(social resp on sive ness) 社会责任:(social resp onsin ility)社会屏障筛选:(social scree ning)管理的绿色化:(gerr ning of man ageme nt)以价值观为基础的管理:(values-b ased man ageme nt) 道德:(ethics)自我强度控制点:(ego stre ngth locus of con trol)道德准则:(code of ethics)社会企业家:(social en trepre neur) 社会影响管理:(social impact man ageme nt)6. 制定决策决策:(decisi ons)决策制定过程:(decisi on-mak ing process)决策标准问题:(decisi on criteria problem)理性的:(ratio nal)有限理性:(bou nded ratio nality)满意的承诺升级:(sa tisfied escala tion of commitme nt) 直觉决策:(i ntuitive decisi on maki ng)结构良好问题(structured problems)程序化决策(programmed decisi on)程序:(procedure)规则:(rule)政策:(policy)结构不良问题:(u nstructured problems)非程序化决策:(non programmed decisi ons)确定性:(certai nty)风险性:(risk)命令型风格:(directive style)分析型风格:(a nalytic style)概念型风格:(co nceptual style)行为型风格:(behavioral style) 启发法:(heuris ti cs)7. 计划的基础陈述目标:(stated goals) 真实目标:(real goals) 战略计划:(strategic pla ns) 运营计划:(opera tional pla ns) 长期计划:(lo ng-term pla ns) 短期计划:(short-term pla ns) 具体计划:(specific pla ns) 方向性计划:(directio nal pla ns) 一次性计划:(s in gle-used pla ns) 持续性计划:(sta ndi ng pla ns) 传统目标:(traditi onal goal set ting) 手段-目标链:(mea ns-e nds cha in) 目标管理:(ma nageme nt by objec tives) 使命:(missi on)承诺概念:(commitme nt con cept)正式计划部门:(formal pla nning departme nt)8. 战略管理战略管理:(strategic man ageme nt)组织战略商业模式(strategies bus in ess model ) 战略管理过程:(strategic man ageme nt process) 机会:(opport un ities)威胁:(threats)资源(resources)能力(capabilities) 核心竞争力:(core compete ncies) SWOT 分析法:(SWOT an alysis) 公司层战略:(corporate strategy) 增长战略:(growth strategy) 相关多元化:(related diversificatio n) 非相关多元化:(u nrelated diversificati on) 稳定性战略:(stability strategy) 更新战略:(re newal strategies) 紧缩战略:(retre nchme nt strategy) 扭转战略:(tur naro und strategy) BCG 矩阵:(BCG matrix) 业务层战略:(busi ness strategy) 战略业务单元:(strategic busi ness un its) 竞争优势(competitive adva ntage) 成本领先战略:(cost leadership strategy) 遵循差异化战略:(differe ntiation strategy) 聚焦战略:(focus strategy) 徘徊其间:(stuck in the middle) 战略灵活性:(strategic flexibility) 市场先入者:(first mover)9. 计划的工具技术环境扫描:(e nvir onment sca nning) 竞争对手情报:(competitor in tellige nee) 预测:(forecasts) 定量预测:(qua ntita tive forecas ting) 定性预测:(qualita tive forecas ting) 标杆比较:(be nchmark in g)资源(resources)预算:(budget)甘特图:(Ga ntt chart) 负荷图:(load chart) 事件:(eve nts)计划评审技术:(the program evalua tion and review tech ni que) 活动(activities) 松弛时间:(slack廿me) 关键路径:(critical path)盈亏平衡分析:(breakeve n an alysis)线性规划:(li near programm ing) 项目管理:(project man ageme nt) 脚本:(sce nario)10. 组织结构与设计组织结构设计:(orga naza tional structure desig n) 工作专门化:(work specializa tion) 职能部门化:(fu nctional departme ntaliza tion) 产品部门化:(product departme ntaliza tion) 地区部门化:(geographical departme ntaliza tion) 过程部门化:(process departme ntaliza tion) 顾客部门化:(customer departme ntaliza tion) 跨职能团队:(cross-fu nctio nal teams) 扌旨挥链:(chain of comma nd) 职权:(authority) 职责:(resp on sibility) 统一扌旨挥:(un ity of comma nd) 管理跨度:(spa n of con trol) 集权化:(ce ntraliza tion)分权化:(dece ntraliza tion) 员工授权:(employee empowerme nt) 正规化:(formalizatio n)机械式组织:(mecha nis tic orga niza tion) 有机式组织:(orga nic orga ni za tion) 单件生产:(u nit productio n) 大批量生产:(mass productio n) 连续生产:(process produc tion) 简单结构:(simple structure) 职能型结构:(fla nctio nal structure) 事业部型结构:(divisio nal structure) 团队结构:(team structure) 矩阵型结构:(matrix structure) 项目型结构:(project structure) 无边界组织:(bo un daryless orga ni za tion) 虚拟组织:(virtual orga nizatio n) 学习型组织:(lear ning orga ni za tion) 组织结构图:(orga nizatio nal charts)11. 沟通与信息技术沟通:(comm un ica tion)人际沟通:(i nterpers onal comm uni ca tion) 组织沟通:(orga niza tional comm un ica tion) 信息:(message)编码:(e ncod in g)解码:(decod in g)沟通过程:(comm unication process)噪声:(noise)非语言沟通:(non verbal comm uni ca tion) 体态语言:(body Ian guage) 语调:(verbal intonation) 过滤:(filter ing)信息超载:(i nf orma tion overload)积极倾听:(active liste ning)正式沟通:(formal comm unication) 非正式沟通:(i nf ormal comm unication) 下行沟通:(upward comm uni ca tion) 横向沟通:(lateral comm unication) 斜向沟通:(diag onal comm uni ca tion) 沟通网络:( communication networks) 小道消息:(grape-v ine)电子邮件:()即时消息:(i nsta nt messag ing) 音频邮件:(voic) 电子数据交换:(electr inic data in tercha nge) 电话会议:(telec onf ere ncing) 可视会议:(videoc onf ere ncing) 网络会议:(webc onf ere ncing) 内部互联网:(i ntra net) 外部互联网:(Extra net) 实践社区:(comm un ities practive)12. 人力资源管理高绩效工作实务:(high-performa nee work practices) 人力资源管理过程:(huma n resource man ageme nt process) 工会(labor union)反优先雇佣行动计划:(affirmative acti on)人力资源规划:(human resource pla nning)职务分析:(job an alysis) 职务说明书:(job descriptio n) 职务规范:(job specificatio n) 招聘:(recruitme nt) 解聘:(decriuitme nt) 甄选:(selec tion) 效度:(validity) 信度:(reliability) 工作抽样:(work sampi ng) 评估中心:(assessme nt cen ters) 真实工作预览:(relistic job preview) 上岗培训:(orie nta tion) 绩效管理系统:(performa nee man ageme nt system) 书面描述法:(written essay) 关键事件法:(critical in cide nts) 评分表法:(graphic rating scales) 行为定位评分法:(behaviorally an chored rating scales) 多人比较法:(multipers on comparis ons) 360 度反馈法:(360-degree feedback) 基于技能薪酬:(skill-based pay) 浮动工资:(variable pay) 精简机构:(dow nsiz ing) 性骚扰:(sexual harassme nt)基于家庭的福利:(family-frie ndly ben efits)13. 变革与创新管理组织变革:(orga ni za tional cha nge) 变革推动者:(cha nge age nt) 组织发展:(orga nizational developme nt)压力:(stress)14. 行为的基础行为:(behavior)组织行为学:(orga ni za tional behavior) 员工生产率:(employee produc ti vity) 离职率:(tur nover)组织公民行为:(orga niza tional citize n behavior) 工作满意度:(job satisfactio n) 工作场所不当行为态度:(workplace misbehavior attitudes) 认知行为:(cog nitive comp onent) 情感成分:(affective comp onent) 行为成分:(behavior comp onent) 组织承诺:(orga nizational commitme nt) 组织支持感:(perceived orga niza tional support) 认知失调:(cog nitive diss onan ce) 态度调查:(attitude surveys) 人格:(pers on ality) 马基雅维里主义:(machiavellia nism) 自尊:(self-esteem) 自我控制:(self-mo nitor ing) 印象管理:(impressi on man ageme nt) 情绪:(emo tion) 情绪智力:(emo tional In tellige nee) 矢口觉:(percep tion) 归因理论(attribution theory)基本归因错误:(f un dame ntal attribu tion error) 自我服务偏见:(self-serv ing bias) 假设相似性:(assumed similarity)刻板印象:(stereotypi ng)晕轮效应:(halo effect)操作性条件反射:(opera nt con ditio ning) 社会学习理论:(social lear ning theory) 行为塑造:(shap ing behavior)15. 理解群体与团队群体:(group)形成阶段:(formi ng)震荡阶段:(stormi ng)规范阶段:(n ormi ng)执行阶段:(performi ng)解体阶段:(adjour ning) 群体思维:(groupthi nk) 地位:(status)社会惰化:(social loafi ng)群体内聚力:(group cohesive ness)冲突:(co nflict)冲突的传统观点:(traditio nal view of con flict)冲突的人际关系观点:(human relatio ns view of con flict) 冲突的交互作用观点:(i nteractio nist view of con flict) 积极冲突:(fu nctio nal con flict) 消极冲突:(disfu nctio nal con flict) 任务冲突:(task con flict) 关系冲突:(relatio nship con flict) 过程冲突:(process con flict) 工作团队:(workteams)自我管理团队:(self-ma naged work teams) 跨职能团队:(cross-fu nctio nal team)虚拟团队:(virtual team) 社会网络构造:(social n etwork structure)16. 激励员工动机:(mo ti va tion) 需要层次理论(hierarchy of n eeds theory) 双因素理论:(two-factor theory) 保健因素:(hygie ne factors) 激励因素:(motivators) 三种需要理论:(three-needs theory) 成就需要:(need for achieveme nt) 权力需要:(need for power) 归属需要:(need for affilia tion) 目标设置理论:(goal-sett ing theory) 自我效能感:(self-efficacy) 强化理论:(re inf orceme nt theory) 强化物:(rei nf orcer) 工作设计:(job desig n) 工作扩大化:(job en largeme nt) 工作丰富化:(job en richme nt) 工作深度:(job depth) 工作特征模型:(job characteristics model) 公平理论:(equity theory) 参照对象:(refere nts) 分配公平(distributive justice) 程序公平(procedural justice) 期望理论:(expecta ncy theory) 压缩工作周:(compressed workweek) 弹性工作制:(flexible work hours) 弹性时间制:(flextime) 工作分担:(job shari ng) 远程办公:(telecommu ting) 账目公开管理:(ope n-book man ageme nt) 员工认可方案:(employee recog niti on programs) 绩效工资方案:(pay-for-performa nee program) 股票期权:(stock optio ns)17. 领导领导者:(leader)领导:(leadership)行为理论:(behavioral theories) 独裁型风格:(authoeratic style) 民主型风格(democratic style) 放任型风格:(laissez-faire style) 定规维度:(i nitia ting strueture) 关怀维度:(c on sideratio n) 高-高型领导者:(high-high leader) 管理方格:(ma nagerial grid) 权变模型:(c ontingency model) 最难共事着问卷:(least-preferred co-worker ques tionn aire) 情境领导理论:(situa tion al leadership theory) 成熟度:(readi ness)领导者参与模型:(leader participa tion model)路径-目标理论:(path-goal theory) 交易型领导者:(tra nsactio nal leaders) 变革型领导者:(tra nsformatio nal leaders) 领袖魅力型领导者:(charismatic leader) 愿景规划型领导:(visio nary leadership)法定权利:(legi timate power) 强制权利:(coercive power) 奖赏权力:(reward power) 专家权利:(expert power) 参照权利:(refere nt power) 信誉(credibility) 信任:(trust) 授权:(empowerme nt)18. 控制的基础控制:(co ntrolli ng) 市场控制:(market con trol) 官僚控制:(bureaucratic con trol) 小集团控制:(clan con trol) 控制过程:(c on trol process) 偏差范围:(ra nge of varia tion) 直接纟纠正行动:(immediate correc tive) 彻底纠正行动:(basic correvtive actio n) 绩效:(performa nee) 组织绩效:(orga nizational performa nee) 生产率(productivity) 组织有效性:(orga nizational effec tive ness) 前馈控制:(feedforward con trol) 同期控制:(c on curre nt con trol) 走动管理:(ma nageme nt by walk ing aro und) 反馈控制:(feedback con trol) 经济附加值:(eco nomic value added) 市场附加值:(market valueadded) 平衡计分卡:(bala need scorecard)管理信息系统:(ma nageme nt in formatio n system) 标杆比较:(be nchmark in g) 员工偷窃:(employee theft) 服务利润链:(service profit cha in) 公司治理:(corporate gover nan ce)19. 运营与价值链管理运营管理:(opera tions man ageme nt) 制造型组织:(ma nu factur ing orga niza tions) 服务型组织:(service orga nizatio ns) 价值链:(value cha in) 价值链管理:(value cha in man ageme nt) 组织过程:(orga nizational processes) 矢口识产权:(i ntellectual processes) 质量:(quality)批量定制:(mass customizatio n)


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