译林牛津英语七年级英语上册Unit 5 Let's celebrate 单元试卷

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th牛津英语 7A Unit 5 LetsCelebrate 单元测试 一、单词辨音( ) 1. A. brown( ) 2. A. plays( ) 3. A. bear( ) 4. A. book( ) 5. A. talkB. downB. saysB. nearB. goodB. walkC. mouthC. daysC. yearC. lookC. alwaysD. bowlD. waysD. hearD. foodD. small二、词汇。1. The boy is good at _ ( 用颜料涂 ) his face when _(play) games.2. He is happy_(get) _(礼物) from his parents on his birthday.1. Its time for her _(敲)on his window to wake him up.2. We have a party _(庆祝) grandmothers 90 birthday.1. Shall we go to see the film _ (共同) ?1. I wish him _ (dress)up as a ghost at the show.2. What _ (另外,其他) would you like to buy?3. What _ (另外,其他) flowers would you like to buy?1. Do you like listening to music on the _ (无线电广播) or on the Internet?1. What do you do _ (celebrate) Christmas?1. Is it time _(practise)_(make) lanterns out of pumpkins?2. The boy dislikes_ morning exercises because he thinks _(do) morning excercises is not useful.1. There are many old _(radio) in the museum.1. 一 Mum, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?一 Im not sure.It may be a _(something that you give to someone as a gift) from your uncle.15. I have a lotof _ (something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something) about Halloween.15. Lisas_(father or mothers parents) live in the countryside. She often visits them at weekends.16. Jack is my best friend. He is helping me_ ( colour) my house.三、选择:1. Children always _ new clothes on New years Day.1A. dress up B. wears C. dresses up D. wear2. Her parents dont _ her every day. She can _ her dress herself( 她自己).A. dress, put on B. put on, wear C. dress, wear D. wear, put on3. If she _ tomorrow, Ill be very happy.A. come B. coming C. will come D. comes4.T he woman_ the VSA is my sons English teacher.A. is from B. from C. comes from D. of5. Let you and _ _ friends.A. I; am B I; are C me; are D me; be6. They have _ big dinner in the nice restaurant and both of them have _ very goodtime.A. a; the B. /; a C. the; / D. a; a7. _ this time of year, we can hear many Christmas songs_ New Year Radio.A. In; in B. At; on C. At; at D. On; on8. All my family_ it is really a wonderful day.A. has B. have C. thinks D. think9.- _ everyone _ very happy at the party? -Yes.A. Is; seems B. Are; seem C. Does; seem D. Do; seems10. _ the Spring Festival is very _.A. Celebrate / interestingC. Celebrate / interestedB. Celebrating / interestingD. Celebrating/ interested11. - Mr. Wu seems _ today. - Yes, because Simon is late _school again today.A. unhappily; for B. unhappy; for C. unhappily; at D. unhappy; at12.American people make lanterns _pumpkins _different kinds of ways to celebrate Halloween.来A. with; on B. from; in C. out of; in D. out of; on四、句型转换1. What does your sister do for the Spring Festival?(同义句)_ _your sister _ the Spring Festival?2. We thank him because he helps us a lot. (同义句)2We _ him _ _ us a lot.3.Lets get ready for class . (同义句)Lets _ _ _ begin our class.4.The man with short yellow hair is a teacher. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is a teacher? _ _ the man with short yellow hair?5.My mother often uses pumpkins to make lanterns for me. (改为同义句)My mother often _ lanterns _ _ pumpkins for me.五、翻译句子,每空一词。1、这儿的中国人总是开派对来庆祝春节。The_ _ _always have a party _ _ the_ _. 2、他先拍歌舞表演的照片。He _ _ of the _ _ _ show _.3、在夜晚我们举行有关全世界不同节日的演出。_ _,we have shows _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4、在那之后。他可以吃一顿美味的中式晚餐。_ _, he can have _ _ _ _.5、他希望在网上找出更多关于春节联欢晚会的东西。He hopes _ _ _ _ about Spring Festival Gala on the Internet. 六.完形填空Today is the last Saturday before Christmas. Everyone in the USA _1_ shopping for presents. _2_ is falling(落 下). People are walking fast. They are trying to keep _3_ ,so they move from shop to shop. In the shops children are _4_ at the toys. They are talking to a man _5_ Father Christmas. He asks, “what do you want _6_ Christmas?”In the USA, it is warm and beautiful in summer. The trees and fields are _7_ then(那时). But now it is winter and _8_ is white. At _9_ there are different colours. Small lights make the houses and buildings _10_. Christmas is a beautiful _11_of a year.Christmas Day always begins before _12_. Children wake up very early. They open the _13_ from their parents _14_ the Christmas tree. Then they wake up their parents, saying “ _15_”( )1A. are B. is C. was D. were( )2.A. Snow B. Rain C. Leaf3D. Kite( )3.A. happy B. nice( )4.A. seeing B. seeC. coldC. lookingD. warmD. look( )5.A. calls( )6.A. forB. calledB. inC. is calledC. toD. calledD. on( )7.A. yellow B. green( )8.A. everything B. nothingC. goodC. anythingD. oldD. some things( )9.A. evening( )10.A. badB. nightB. niceC. morningC. oldD. noonD. new( )11.A. some time B. sometime ( )12.A. breakfast B. lunchC. timesC. supperD. timeD. dinner( )13.A. doors( )14.A. inB. presentsB. onC. windows D. dinnerC. under D. behind( )15.A. Good morning. B. Happy New Year.C. How are you? D. Merry Christmas.七、阅读理解AIm Li Hao from China. I love autumn, because the Mid-Autumn Festival is in this season. We watch the moon and tell stories about Change and Wu Gang on that day. My mother buys many moon cakes, and I eat a lot of them.National Day (国庆节) is also in autumn. Its on October 1st. My parents neednt workfor seven days. We can do many things together. I like going to the National Day celebration. The best thing in autumn is my birthday. Its in October, too.In Canada (加拿大 ), we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving Day. Family(members always celebrate Thanksgivingtogether. I often go to my grandparents house on that day. My uncles, aunts and their children are there, too.Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. But in the USA, Thanksgivingis in late November.)1. How long do Li Haos parents rest for National Day?A. For three days. B. For five days. C. For seven days. D. For ten days.( ) 2. The best thing for Li Hao in autumn is .A. National Day B. Thanksgiving Day4C. the Mid-Autumn Festival D. his birthday( ) 3. People in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving in .A. September B. October C. November D. December( ) 4. What do Canadians usually do on Thanksgiving Day?A. Get together. B. Eat cakes. C. Watch the moon. D. Sing songs.( ) 5. is not in autumn.A. Chinese National Day B. The Mid-Autumn FestivalC. Christmas D. Canadian Thanksgiving DayBHalloween is a festival on October 31st. The name of the holiday means “hallowed” because it comes the day before All Saints Day.Before the festival, people paint homes, shops and classrooms in the traditional Halloween colours, orange and black. Some people make costumes at home. Some people buy them in shops. People also make decorations(装饰) for the festival. These decorations look like witches, black cats, ghosts, skeletons and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins that are cut to look like faces.People think that Halloween is the childrens New Years Eve. On that day children dress up in special costumes and masks. They eat too much, and go to bed very late after celebrating. They go from one door to another saying “tri ck or treat”. People give them candies, cookies, fruit or money.Adults ( 成年人) and older children also celebrate Halloween with parades( 游行), festivals and costumes parties. One kind of the parties welcomed by children is dunking for apples. Apples are put in tubs (木桶)full of water. People try to get the apples using only their mouths; they cannot use their hands.6. When is Halloween?A.Its on the day before All Saints Day. B. Its on the childrens New Years Eve.C. Its on October 30th. D. Its before Childrens Day.7. Why do the people think that Halloween is the childrens New Years Eve?A. Because Halloween comes the day before All Saints Day.A. Because on that day children can go to others homes.A. Because on that day children can get money from their parents at Halloween.B. Because on that day children dress up in special costumes, eat a lot and go to bed very late after celebrating.8. Which is NOT right about common(普通) costumes according to the passage?5A. They are colorful.B. They are witches, ghosts, skeletons, and popular TV characters, and so on.C. Some of the costumes are made at home.9. What are the traditional Halloween colours?A. Red and green. B. Orange and black. C. Black and white. D. Orange and brown.10. Which of the following statement is NOT right?A. Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins that are cut to look like faces.B. Adults also celebrate Halloween together with children.C. Adults give the children candies, cookies, fruit or money as a treat.D. People can get the apples using their hands.六、任务型阅读B irthday traditions are different around the world. In America, children often celebrate a birthday with a party. They give presents and have a taste of cake and ice cream.C hildren in Korea(韩国)celebrate in a different way. They eat seaweed(海带)soup because it is healthy. They also eat rice cakes. Guests to the birthday party may wear traditional clothes called hanbok.At a birthday party in Canada, children look for a coin(硬币) in the cake. When the children play party games, the child who finds the coin goes first.Its said that Germans德国人()are the first people to have birthday parties for children by their parents. Parents place a wooden birthday wreath(花环)with candles on the table. They light a tall candle in the middle, the life candle, every year until their child becomes 12 years old.DifferentcountriesDifferent ways to celebrate a 12Korea7llllllllHave a partyGive 34 cakes and ice cream5 seaweed soupHave ice cakes6 traditional clothes Find a coin in the cakePlay party 86Germany(德国)llHold a birthday party by 9Place a 10 birthday wreath with candles on the table7


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