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严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。I just feel like running.Unit Two Forrest Gump第二单元第二单元阿甘正传阿甘正传严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。导读Forrest Gump is a kid who not only in his lower intelligent level(I.Q 75),but also in his pure heart,strong will and unceasing passion for love.lBecoming an expert in playing PingPong;lA captain of shrimp boats in commemorating his dear friend;lA pioneer in leading the trend of running towards freedom;lBesides,what really counts throughout the movie is Gumps deep love for his childhood sweetheart Jenny.影片赏析严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。导读 影片赏析A pioneer in leading the trend of running.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。导读 影片赏析Gumps deep love for his childhood sweetheart Jenny.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。演员简介 影片赏析 Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump BIGSleepless in SeattlePhiladelphiaForrest GumpSaving Private RyanFrom the Earth to the Moon Cast AwayThe Da Vinci CodeBest Actor NominationGolden Globe AwardNew York Film Critics AwardAcademy Award严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。演员简介 影片赏析Robin Wright Penn is Jenny Forrest Gump(阿甘正传)1994Shes so Lovely(她是如此可爱)1997Loved(旧爱)1997The Best Actress Award in Seattle Film Festival严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。School life 电影简介One day in a school bus,Gump met a beautiful girl with blonde hair whose name is Jenny(Jenny was often“bullied”by her father),ever since then,Gump and Jenny became best friends.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。School life 电影简介He accidentallyaccidentally ran into a school rugby field and his genius talent of running was discovered.Gump was admitted into university by exception.Whats more,he even became a famous rugby star and received reception by president Kennedy.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Vietnam War 电影简介Gump remembered Jenny once told him that if there was trouble,dont try to be brave,just run away.He saved a lot of wounded soldiers including Lieutenant Dan,who was severely injured and later had to cut both his legs to survive.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Post-war Life 电影简介After retirement from the army,Gump came back home and started realize Bubbas lifetime dream,that is,to become a shrimping boat captain.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Reunion 电影简介One day,Gump received Jennys letter and went to see her right away.At the bus stop,he gradually told people about his experiences.After three years,he finally met Jenny and a little boy,that is his son.Jenny got a kind of deadly disease.Three of them returned to hometown and spent some happy time together.Shortly after,Jenny passed away.A day when Gump sent his son to the school bus,the feather dropped from the book he sent to little Forrest,then a gust of wind blew,and the feather began to dance with wind into the sky.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。New words 电影简介Accidentally 偶然地Shrimp 虾Lieutenant中尉,副官Degrade降级,退化,贬低Gloomy沮丧的,阴郁的严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。新词&难词 影片赏析Big historical words and events involved in the movie:越南战争Vietnam War古巴导弹危机Cuban Missile Crisis阿波罗登月计划Project Apollo 乒乓外交Ping Pong Diplomacy中美建交Establishment of Sino-US diplomatic Relations肯尼迪总统遇刺Assassination of John F.Kennedy马丁路德金遇刺Assassination of Martin Luther King猪猡湾事件The Bay of Pigs Invasion华盛顿反战集会Anti-war Rally in Washington水门事件Watergate Scandal严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。新词&难词 影片赏析小石城事件Little Rock Nine徒步横穿美国Walking across the U.S.反智主义Anti-intellectualism约翰列侬John Lennon山姆大叔Uncle Sam埃尔维斯普雷斯利Elvis Presley黑豹党Assassination of Martin Luther King时代广场Times Square布巴虾业Bubba Gump Shrimp苹果电脑Apple Computer.Inc自由女神像Statue of Liberty耐克:NikeNike严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。练习Appreciate the following phrases said by Gumps mother.Take your own life experiences into consideration and think about what you have learned.(1)“Dont ever let anybody tell you theyre better than you.”(2)“Death is just a part of life,something we are all destined to do.”(3)“Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you are going to get.”严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。练习2.Open discussion After watching the movie,its not difficult to find that by virtue of a kind heart and strong will,Gump succeeded in doing almost everything.What do you think is the most important quality that makes Gumps success?Please try to find evidence in the movie.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Definition of anti-intellectualism In public discourse,anti-intellectuals are usually perceived and publicly present themselves as champions of the common folkpopulistsagainst politicalelitismandacademic elitismproposing that the educated are a social class detached from the everyday concerns of the majority,and that they dominatepoliticaldiscourse andhigher education.Anti-intellectualism is a common facet oftotalitariandictatorships to oppress political dissent.Perhaps its most extreme political form was during the 1970s inCambodiaunder the rule ofPol Potand theKhmer Rouge,when people were killed for being academics or even for merely wearing eyeglasses in theKilling Fields.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Definition of anti-intellectualism Because anti-intellectual can bepejorative,defining specific cases of anti-intellectualism can be troublesome;one can object to specific facets of intellectualism or the application thereof without being dismissive of intellectual pursuits in general.Moreover,allegations of anti-intellectualism can constitute anappeal to authorityor anappeal to ridiculethat attempts to discredit an opponent rather than specifically addressing his or her arguments.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Definition of anti-intellectualism Anti-intellectualism is a common facet oftotalitariandictatorships to oppress political dissent.TheNazipartys populist rhetoric featured anti-intellectualism as a common motif,includingAdolf HitlersMein Kampf.Perhaps its most extreme political form was during the 1970s inCambodiaunder the rule of Pol Potand theKhmer Rouge,when people were killed for being academics or even for merely wearing eyeglasses(as it suggested literacy)in theKilling Fields.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Distrust of intellectuals EconomistThomas Sowellargues for distinctions between unreasonable and reasonable wariness of intellectuals.Defining intellectuals as people whose occupations deal primarily with ideas as distinct from those who apply ideas practically,Sowell argues that there can be good cause for distrust of intellectuals.By encouraging,or even requiring,students to take stands where they have neither the knowledge nor the intellectual training to seriously examine complex issues,teachers promote the expression of unsubstantiated opinions,the venting of uninformed emotions,and the habit of acting on those opinions and emotions.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Distrust of intellectuals Sowell discusses intellectual influence,labeling schoolteachers as what he calls intelligentsia who recruit children,beginning in elementary school,to advocate for or against issues as part of community service projects,which will later assist them in the college application process.In this manner,intellectuals participate in other areas where they may possess no prior knowledge at all in order to influence public policy issues.The author argues that as a result,they encourage their students to formulate opinions without any intellectual training or prior knowledge of those issues,making constraints against falsity few or non-existent.”严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Distrust of intellectuals Similar arguments have been made by others.HistorianPaul Johnson argued that a close examination of 20th-century history reveals that intellectuals have championed innumerable disastrous public policies,writing,beware intellectuals.Not merely should they be kept well away from the levers of power,they should also be objects of suspicion when they seek to offer collective advice.JournalistTom Wolfedescribed an intellectual as a person knowledgeable in one field who speaks out only in others.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Distrust of intellectuals S u c h v i e w s f o r m t h e b a s i s o f a n e p i s o d e o f t h e AmericananimationseriesThe Simpsons,They Saved Lisas Brain,in which one of the protagonists joins the local branch ofMensathat through a bizarre series of events,subsequently finds itself in complete charge of the local town ofSpringfield.Considering themselves to be intellectually superior to the rest of the townsfolk,they high-handedly implement a series of ostensibly logical but socially disruptive public policies that antagonize the rest of the town,with disastrous consequences,and are eventually rebuked byStephen Hawkingwho appeared as himself.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Educational anti-intellectualism In theEnglish-speaking world,especially in the US,critics likeDavid Horowitz,William Bennett,an ex-US secretary of education,andpaleoconservative activistPatrick Buchanan,criticize schools and universities as intellectualist.In his bookThe Campus Wars about the widespread student protests of the late 1960s,philosopherJohn Searlewrote:the two most salient traits of the radical movement are its anti-intellectualism and its hostility to the university as an institution.Intellectuals by definition are people who take ideas seriously for their own sake.Whether or not a theory is true or false is important to them independently of any practical applications it may have.Intellectuals have,as Richard Hofstadter has pointed out,an attitude to ideas that is at once playful and pious.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Educational anti-intellectualism In 1972,sociologistStanislav Andreskiwarned readers of academic works to be wary ofappeals to authoritywhen academics make questionable claims,writing,do not be impressed by the imprint of a famous publishing house or the volume of an authors publications.Remember that the publishers want to keep the printing presses busy and do not object to nonsense if it can be sold.Critics have alleged that much of the prevailing philosophy in American academia(i.e.,postmodernism,poststructuralism,relativism)are anti-intellectual:The displacement of the idea that facts and evidence matter by the idea that everything boils down to subjective interests and perspectives issecond only to American political campaignsthe most prominent and pernicious manifestation of anti-intellectualism in our time.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。Anti-intellectualism 拓展阅读Educational anti-intellectualism In the notoriousSokal Hoaxof the 1990s,physicistAlan Sokalsubmitted a deliberately preposterous paper to Duke UniversitysSocial Textjournal to test if,as he later wrote,a leading culture studies periodical would publish an article liberally salted with nonsense if(a)it sounded good and(b)it flattered the editors ideological preconceptions.Social Textpublished the paper,seemingly without noting any of the papers abundant mathematical and scientific errors,leading Sokal to declare that my little experiment demonstrates,at the very least,that some fashionable sectors of the American academic Left have been getting intellectually lazy.严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。参考文献(1)http:/zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/汤姆汉克斯OL(2)http:/zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/摩根弗里曼OL(3)http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism OL(4)http:/zh.wikipedia.org/zh/肖申克的救赎甘正传 OL严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活动报批制度等相关规章制度。做到及时发现、制止、汇报并处理各类违纪行为或突发事件。结尾 Thank you for your attention!


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