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VS1.几乎照抄 原文It is common that university students tend to make fun of others.-裘韵改变句型+改变词组The enjoyment of making fun of others are shared by university students generally.-候怡雯概要写作常见错误分析No one knows why university students enjoy practical jokes,especially the hoax.照搬原文词组 X照搬原文句型 XVS2.过于具体 不够概括One university student,for example,offered the police and workmen wrong information deliberately to make them misunderstand each other.-方健栩用恰当词组概括大意概要写作常见错误分析A university students cheated two workmen that a student dressed up as police to cheat them and then told the police that two students dressed up as workmen to tear up the road.描述具体内容 X提及具体数字 X照搬原文词组 XVS3.字数不足 表述单一概要写作常见错误分析University students like cheating others.One student cheated both police and workmen.At last,they found they were all cheated.VS3.字数不足 表述单一概要写作常见错误分析University students like cheating others.One student cheated both police and workmen.At last,they found they were all cheated.安全字数:安全字数:60-80概要写作美文赏析2一、要点齐全:一、要点齐全:1.害怕害怕 2.路径路径 3.改变改变 4.等待等待二、句式多变二、句式多变三、连词得当(词性得当)三、连词得当(词性得当)四、颜值高四、颜值高+字数可控字数可控VS1.要点遗漏It is common that university students tend to make fun of others.-裘韵改变句型+改变词组The enjoyment of making fun of others are shared by university students generally.-候怡雯概要写作常见错误分析2No one knows why university students enjoy practical jokes,especially the hoax.照搬原文词组 X照搬原文句型 X1、缺少要点、缺少要点VS2.缺少连词It is common that university students tend to make fun of others.-裘韵改变句型+改变词组The enjoyment of making fun of others are shared by university students generally.-候怡雯概要写作常见错误分析2No one knows why university students enjoy practical jokes,especially the hoax.照搬原文词组 X照搬原文句型 X2、缺少连词、缺少连词VS3.词性滥用It is common that university students tend to make fun of others.-裘韵改变句型+改变词组The enjoyment of making fun of others are shared by university students generally.-候怡雯概要写作常见错误分析2No one knows why university students enjoy practical jokes,especially the hoax.照搬原文词组 X照搬原文句型 X3、词性滥用、词性滥用VS4.概括有失得当-过度或欠够It is common that university students tend to make fun of others.-裘韵改变句型+改变词组The enjoyment of making fun of others are shared by university students generally.-候怡雯概要写作常见错误分析2No one knows why university students enjoy practical jokes,especially the hoax.照搬原文词组 X照搬原文句型 X4、概括有失得当、概括有失得当5、句式很傻很天真、句式很傻很天真
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