人教版 高中英语 必修3 Unit 5 A Trip on the True North教案设计

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Unit 5 Canada“The True North”A Trip on “The True North”- Warming up and reading 教学目标Ss know about basic information of Canada.Ss reading abilities are improved.Get the ss to learn to master important words and phrases.教学重难点Ss can find out key information with the help of the offered information. Learn about key points of three main cities in CanadaVancouver, Calgary and Thunder Bay.教学方法Task-based teaching method教具准备Multi-media课前预习: Important words and phrasesVancouver_ Calgary_ Thunder Bay_ continent_ scenery_ eastward_harbor_ measure _ border _ rather than_ go through_chat about_ go eastward_be surrounded by_ settle down_manage to do sth. _ be surprised at _catch sight of_ have a gift for_教学过程S tep 1 Warming up and readingT :Just now we have enjoyed a song. Do you know the singer? Who is she?S s: Avril.T : Where is she from?S s: Canada.S : How much do you know about Canada?(Lets have a competition)(通过分组比赛调动学生学习积极性)Quiz1. Which is the national flower of Canada?2. How many “Great Lakes” are th ere in Canada ?2. What language(s) do Canadians speak?3. What is the Canadian leader called?4. What is the capital of Canada?5. What is the national animal of Canada?Step 2 Fast reading 快速阅读1. The True North is a name of _.1. Read the 1st para. and finish the chart below.brief introduction about the tripwho _wherehow first by_ ,then by_why to _3. What is the right route(路线) about the trip ?A. Calgary Vancouver- Rocket Mountains-Lake Superior-TorontoB. Vancouver-Thunder Bay- Calgary Rocket Mountains- Lake Superior Toronto C. Vancouver Rocket Mountains-Calgary Thunder Bay Lake Superior TorontoStep 3 Careful reading 细读(通过寻找数字信息让学生了解加拿大的人口、地理、水量等基本信息;学生通过提供的具体信息学会跳读、扫读等阅读技巧。) Choose the following numbers to fill in the blank.5,500; a few hundred; thirty million; one-thirdIt is _ km from coast to coast.Most Canadians live within _km of the USA borderThe population of Canada is only slightly over _. Canada has _ of the worlds fresh water.Read para. 2 and finish the following exercise.True or False_ 1. Vancouver is the coldest part in Canada._ 2. It is so wet in Vancouver that the trees are tall.Fill in the blank3.Canadas warmest and most _ city,Vancouver is surrounded by mountains and the _Ocean. 4._ make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities tolive in.Read Para. 3 and fill in the blank.l When they crossed the Rocket Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some _ , a grizzly bear and an _.l The next stop was _.l Calgary is famous for_.l The _ have a gift for riding wild horses and they can win thousands of dollars in _.Read para.4 and answer.(本题设计主要是简化题目,降低阅读难度,保护学生的阅读信心;引导学生 通过选择了解桑德湾的一些基本信息。)What are correct descriptions(描述) of Thunder Bay ?o a busy port cityo Ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.o It is surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.o at the top of the great lakes;Step 4 Summary(通过该题的设计,学生不仅回顾了关于加拿大的基本信息,也回顾了文中出现的重要词组;帮助学生再一次掌握学过的知识点。)_ _ take the aeroplane all the way, Li Daiyu and Liu Qian flew to Vancouver and then took the train to travel across Canada . It is 5,500 kilometers from coast to coast. Going _, they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is _ (surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. When the cousins _ _ in the seats, they caught _ of mountain goats and even a grizzly bear.Calgary is _ for the Calgary Stampede. Many of the cowboys have a _ for _ (ride) wild animals. Thunder Bay is a busy port city. It is at the top of the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, Canada has _ of the worlds fresh water.Step 5 HomeworkFinish ex. 2 and 3 on page 36Underline important words and phrases.板书Canada VancouverCalgaryThunder BayRoute :Vancouver-Rocket Mountains-Calgary-Thunder Bay-Lake Superior-Toronto反思:内容设计师为了增强学生学习的信心;调动学生学习积极性,因此教学内 容会相对简单,但是在学生掌握基础知识之后应设计一些能训练学生自由说的练 习,多设计一些引导度强的题目。


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