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五年级上册英语专项练习词汇专项训练人教 小学五年级英语词汇专项训练 Units1-3班级姓名座号一、根据首字母的提示在横线上写出符合句意的单词。 1、The second day of the week is .2、 The day after Tuesday is .3、 Wu Yifan l happy.4、 Id like some h5、 Your mothers father is yourand w ,please.6、Your hands are dirty(脏的)。Please w them first. 7、He makes us laugh. He is very f .8、What do you often d on the w ?二、选择填空。( ) 1、Mike often TV on the Sundays.A. watch B. watchs C. watches( ) 2、your grandparents teachers?A. am B. are C. is( ) 3、I need a boxA. of B. for C. to( ) 4、I always tired in PE class. So I sports. A. like B. do not like C. am not like( ) 5、I have anart class on Tuesdays.A. maths B. Chinese C. art( ) 6、Do you often in the park?A. play pipa B. play the football C. play ping-pong三、短文填空,根据图片和短文内容,在空格上填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整通顺。Today is. Its the last day of the .We go to school today. Ioften do my . Sometimes I clean the room.I am a h boy. The1 / 5五年级上册英语专项练习词汇专项训练人教weather today is s and warm. So I go to the p in the afternoon. I p f my friends. We are very h .四、判断单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。1、family baby ( ) 2、funny Monday ( )3、cook room ( ) 4、watch water ( )5、him will ( ) 6、clothes polite ( )7、read bread ( ) 8、often wash ( )9、Thursday hamburger ( ) 10、maths class ( )五、按要求写出词汇,以所给第一个单词为例,每项写出 4 个以上同一类型的单词。 1、in2、 play3、 shy4、 cloudy5、 I6、 Sunday六、连词成句:1、afternoon do do you on what Saturday often (?)2、teacher not English Green is Miss our( )3、 often music I and homework listen do to ( . )4、 computer have we class on a Mondays ( . )5、 often on weekend play you ping-pong do the ( ? )2 / 5五年级上册英语专项练习词汇专项训练人教6、 you new for here schedule is a ( . )7、 brother tall but is his thin ( . )8、 on books many there the the how are desk ( . )一、根据首字母的提示在横线上写出符合句意的单词。1、Our maths teacher is s in his class.1. I like salad. Its h_.2. -What would you like to drink? - Id like some t_, please. 3.I would like some noodles. They are d_.4. Id like a _(三明治)5. - Is it _?(辣的) - Yes, it is.二、单项选择( ) 1. What would you like_ eat?A. to B. for C. in( ) 2. Im hungry. Id like some_.A. potatoes B. grape C. potatos( ) 3. I like noodles. _you?A. How old B. What about C. How are( ) 4.Wu Yifan _salad.A. likes B. like C. is( ) 5. We often do our _.A .homework B.homeworks C. h omeworking( ) 6. Sarah _ English on Mondays.A.ha s B.having C.have( ) 7. What about _,Aunt Cathy?A.your B.you C.I( ) 8. What day is it today?3 / 5五年级上册英语专项练习词汇专项训练人教 A. Its Monday. B. Its warm.( ) 9. Whats your music teacher like?A. She is young and kind. B. She likes music.( ) 10. Where is your new teacher from?A. He is from Canada. B. Mr Carter.三、给下列句子选择合适的单词。(would play lunch reads hungry)1. What do you have for _today?2. Im _. Id like some noodles.3. What _ you like for lunch.4. He often _books on the weekend.5. Lets _ping-pong.( Whats, Is, She, kind, Whos ) A: _ that lady? B: _ is our principal.A: _ she like?B: Shes tall and thin.A: _ she strict? B: Yes, she is. But she is very _.四、判断单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。1、how know( ) 2、house mouth( ) 3、cry crow( )4、clock close( ) 5、town brown( ) 6、cream clean( )7、bread break( ) 8、tea peach( ) 9、our snow( )10、blow library( )五、将下面的食物按不可数和可数名词分类,再写出可数名词的复数形式。 juice, egg, milk, bread, cake, water, fish, rice , hot dog, Cokeapple, pear, orange, banana, watermelon, grape, strawberry, beef , chicken , noodles, soup, vegetables, rice, fish, juice, milk, bread 不可数名词:4 / 5五 年级上册英语专项练习词汇专项训练人教 可数名词:五 根据提示及句子意思填空1 _ _ is it today ? - _ _Wednesday2 Whats your favourite _? -_(苹果)3 I have three meals(三餐) every day,breakfast , _ and dinner.4.I dont like _ _(冰淇淋) ,because they re not _.(健康的)5. I lik e the _ (鱼), Its very _. (新鲜)6. Whats your _ fruit ? I like _ .Theyre sweet.(雪梨)7. I have _ and _ _ for lunch .(茄子和豆腐)8. What would you like for lunch ? Id like some _ and _.(西红柿和羊肉) 9.Why do you like _?(香蕉) Because they re _.(可口的好吃的)5 / 5


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