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类型:类型:记叙事件经过或过程记叙事件经过或过程典例:典例:参观清华大学参观清华大学(日记或游记日记或游记)模板:模板:总述总述Today we visited Qinghua University.过程过程 Early in the morning we arrived at the gate of Tsinghua University,where we were warmly welcomed by an old professor,who then showed us around the campus.In the library,we saw some university students reading attentively in the reading rooms.After that,we came to the lab building.At the end of the visit,the old professor gave us a lecture on science in the afternoon,which interested us very much.Time passed so quickly that before we knew it,it was time that we had to say goodbye to the professor.结果结果 Since then,I have worked harder at my lessons than usual and made up my mind to be a student of Qinghua University.1._ n.日记日记;杂志杂志;定期刊物定期刊物2._ n.庙宇庙宇;寺庙寺庙3._ n.洞穴洞穴;地窖地窖4._ n.枕头枕头;枕垫枕垫5._ n.小包小包;包裹包裹一、单词拼写一、单词拼写journaltemplecavepillowparcel6._ n.态度态度;看法看法7._ n.海拔高度海拔高度;高处高处8._ n.旅行旅行;旅程旅程9._ vi.(指液体指液体)沸腾沸腾;(水水)开开10._ vi.骑自行车骑自行车attitudealtitude journey boil cycle11._ adj.顽固的顽固的;固执的固执的12._ adv.最后最后;终于终于13._ n.时间表时间表;进度表进度表 vt.为为某事安排时间某事安排时间schedule stubbornfinally14._ n.弯;拐角弯;拐角 vt.(bent,bent)使弯曲使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰弯身;弯腰15._ n.风景;视野;观点;见风景;视野;观点;见解解 vt.观看;注视;考虑观看;注视;考虑 viewbend(B)单词运用:单词运用:根据句意从上述单词中选择根据句意从上述单词中选择一个恰当的单词填入空格。一个恰当的单词填入空格。1.The_ was full of devotees wanting to pray to the god.1.由后面的由后面的god可知是可知是temple。2.Do we need to_ the water before drinking?2.根据其后的宾语可以推出。根据其后的宾语可以推出。boiltemple3.Grant is too_ to accept my advice.从其后的不定式可知。从其后的不定式可知。4.After she woke up,there were always tears on the_.根据前面的根据前面的woke up。5.The third worry over Mr Sarkozy is his _ towards public finances.从句意从句意,尤其是其后的介词短语可得。尤其是其后的介词短语可得。attitudestubbornpillow(A)单词派生单词派生 写出下列单词与其派生词。写出下列单词与其派生词。1._ n.有利条件有利条件;优点优点 _ n.不利条件不利条件;不便之处不便之处二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 disadvantage advantage点拨:点拨:某些名词前加某些名词前加dis-变为反义词。如变为反义词。如:ability disability;order disorder;honesty dishonesty等。等。2._ vi.毕业毕业 n.大学毕业生大学毕业生 _ n.毕业毕业 graduation graduate点拨:点拨:很多很多t(te)结尾的动词后加结尾的动词后加-ion变为名变为名词。如:词。如:educate education;edit edition;exhibit exhibition;invent invention;expect expectation。3._ n.运送运送;运输运输 vt.运送运送;运输运输 _ n.运送运送;运输运输transportation transport4._ vt.确保确保,保证保证;给给保险保险 _ n.保险保险4.点拨:点拨:某些动词后加某些动词后加-ance变为名词。如:变为名词。如:perform performance;assist assistance allow allowance;appear appearance等。等。insurance insure5._v.决心决心;决定决定 _ adj.坚决的坚决的;有决心的有决心的 _ n.决心决心determination determinedetermined6._ vt.说服说服;劝说劝说 _ n.说服说服;劝说劝说 _ adj.有说服力的有说服力的;劝说的劝说的persuasive persuadepersuasion点拨:点拨:某些动词后加某些动词后加-t(s)ion变为名词,加变为名词,加-ive变为形容词。变为形容词。如:如:decide decision decisive;attract attraction attractive;relate relation relative;act action active。7._ vt.组织组织;成立成立 _ n.组织组织点拨:点拨:某些以某些以se/ze结尾的动词变名词是去结尾的动词变名词是去e再加再加-ation。类例:类例:realize realization;modern modernization;civilize civilization。organization organize8._ n.信赖信赖;依靠依靠 _ v.信赖信赖;依靠依靠 _ adj.可信赖的可信赖的;可靠的可靠的reliancerelyreliable(B)灵活运用:灵活运用:The lack of decent public transport is a great _(advantage).1.根据主语的词义可以推出。根据主语的词义可以推出。2.Do you know how much percentage of Chinese students come back from abroad after _(graduate)?2.介词后接名词。介词后接名词。disadvantagegraduation3.The World Health _(organize)says half of them will die if they are not treated.3.构成专有名词。构成专有名词。4.The salesman has a _(persuade)way of talking.4.形容词词作定语。形容词词作定语。Organizationpersuasive5.I have great _(determine)to master English!6.I will have it paid by the _(insure)company.7.Practice is the only _(rely)test of theory.determinationinsurance reliable名词作宾语名词作宾语名词作定语名词作定语,表性质表性质形容词词作定语形容词词作定语1._ 在午夜在午夜2._ 喜爱喜爱;喜欢喜欢3._ 关心关心;忧虑忧虑;惦念惦念4._ 改变主意改变主意三、短语翻译三、短语翻译at midnightbe fond ofcare aboutchange ones mind5._下决心下决心;决定决定6._投降投降;屈服屈服;让步让步7._照常照常8._从那以后从那以后ever sincemake up ones mindgive inas usual四、短语运用四、短语运用 王宏很王宏很关心关心他的小狗。他的小狗。1.Wang Hong cares much about his puppy.2.他很他很喜欢喜欢它。它。2.He is fond of it.3.这天这天,他他像往常一样在午夜像往常一样在午夜起床了。起床了。3.That day,he got up at midnight as usual.4.他他下决心下决心给狗狗洗个澡。给狗狗洗个澡。4.He made up his mind to give his puppy a bath.5.但狗狗并不但狗狗并不屈服屈服。5.But it didnt give in.6.他只好他只好改变了主意改变了主意。6.He had to change his mind.7.从那以后从那以后,他再不强迫狗狗洗澡了。他再不强迫狗狗洗澡了。7.Ever since then,he didnt force his puppy to take a bath.合并:合并:Wang Hong cares much about his puppy and is fond of it.That day,he got up at midnight as usual.He made up his mind to give his puppy a bath,but it didnt give in.He had to change his mind.Ever since then,he didnt force his puppy to take a bath.五、词汇用法五、词汇用法1.Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.两年前她买了一辆昂贵的两年前她买了一辆昂贵的山地车山地车,然后说服我也买了一辆。然后说服我也买了一辆。(B1P18)persuade sb.to do 说服说服/劝服某人去做劝服某人去做persuade sb.into doing 说服说服/劝服某人劝服某人去做去做persuade sb.out of doing 说服说服/劝服某劝服某人不做人不做 注意:注意:劝而不服则要用劝而不服则要用advise sb.to do sth.或者或者try to persuade sb.to do sth.。2.Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual.像往常一样像往常一样,王威骑在我前面。王威骑在我前面。(B1P22)运用运用:(1)昨天早上昨天早上,他像往常一样去了办公他像往常一样去了办公室室Yesterday morning,_.像平常一样像平常一样,他迟到了。他迟到了。He was late,_.as usual he went to the office as usual运用运用:我们劝李老师戒烟我们劝李老师戒烟,他不再抽烟啦他不再抽烟啦!_,and he never smoked any longer.我们劝王老师戒烟我们劝王老师戒烟,可他不听。可他不听。_,but he didnt.We advised Mr.Wang to stop smoking/We tried to persuade Mr.Wang to stop smokingWe persuaded Mr.Li to stop smoking3.Finally,I had to give in.最后我只好让最后我只好让步了。步了。(B1P18)give up停止停止/放弃做某事放弃做某事give out 用完用完;用尽用尽;分发分发;分布分布give away捐赠捐赠;暴露暴露;泄露泄露give off发散发散(气味气味);发出发出(光光)give back交还交还 运用运用:He gave _ to her request.If you give _ smoking,you will save a lot of money every year.His accent gave him _.So I knew he was from USA.away inup Our teacher gave _ to the police station what he picked up from the ground.His money soon gave _ because he bought a lot of things.outback4.My sister doesnt care about details.我姐姐不在乎细节。我姐姐不在乎细节。(B1P18)care about(to be worried about/concerned with)忧虑忧虑;担心担心;惦念惦念care for(=like,love)喜欢喜欢take care of(=look after)照料照料;照顾照顾take care 小心小心;提防提防 运用运用:The only thing he cares _ is money.I dont really care _ red wine.Who will take care _ your baby if you are out?about/for for of5.She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind.她给了我一个坚定的眼神她给了我一个坚定的眼神表明表明她是不会改变主意的。她是不会改变主意的。(B1P18)change ones mind 改变注意改变注意make up ones mind 下决心下决心;决定决定 运用:运用:请根据句意选用上述短语填空。请根据句意选用上述短语填空。He _ go to university after graduation from high school.He is very stubborn and it is not easy to _.change his mind has made up his mind to6.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从读中学起从读中学起,我我和我姐姐王威就向往骑自行车旅行。和我姐姐王威就向往骑自行车旅行。(B1P18)提醒提醒:ever since(=since then)可单独可单独用在句末用在句末,也可接从句(从句用一般过去也可接从句(从句用一般过去时时,主句用现在完成主句用现在完成(进行进行)时)。时)。运用:运用:用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。She left school three years ago and _(work)as a nurse ever since.She has been worrying ever since the letter _(arrive).arrived has worked7.An attitude is what a person thinks about something.态度是一个人对某件事态度是一个人对某件事情的看法。情的看法。(B1P19)运用:运用:我的英语老师改变了对我的态度我的英语老师改变了对我的态度。My English teacher _ _ me.attitude to/towards.对对的态度的态度 has changed his attitude to/towards 8.She is very reliable and I knew I didnt need to encourage her.她值得信赖她值得信赖,我知道我知道不用我鼓励她。不用我鼓励她。(B1P22)运用运用:(1)I found this to be a _(rely)brand of washing machines.(2)The villagers here rely _ wells for their water.onreliable一、美句诵写一、美句诵写1.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.是我姐姐首先想到要沿着湄公河源头到是我姐姐首先想到要沿着湄公河源头到终点进行骑自行车旅行的。终点进行骑自行车旅行的。(B1P18)句型句型:It is+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+句子剩句子剩余部分余部分说明:说明:此句型用于强调句子的主语、宾此句型用于强调句子的主语、宾语、状语语、状语,不能强调谓语;不能强调谓语;与一般时有关时与一般时有关时it后用后用is,与过去时有关与过去时有关时时it后用后用was;无论强调什么成分都用无论强调什么成分都用that,强调人时还强调人时还可用可用who;强调主语时谓语动词的数要与之一致;强调主语时谓语动词的数要与之一致;强调强调not.until结构时需把结构时需把not提到提到until前。前。仿写仿写 昨天我在街上碰见的就是他。昨天我在街上碰见的就是他。It was _.昨天在街上碰见他的是我。昨天在街上碰见他的是我。It was _.I that/who met him in the street yesterday.him that/whom I met in the street yesterday 我昨天碰见他是在街上。我昨天碰见他是在街上。It was _.是昨天我在街上碰见他。是昨天我在街上碰见他。It was_.yesterday that I met him in the streetin the street that I met him yesterday2.Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly.尽管她对去尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她还是坚持要她还是坚持要把这次行程安排得尽善尽美。把这次行程安排得尽善尽美。(B1P18)句型:句型:insist that.(should)do.坚持坚持说明:说明:insist表示坚持要某人做某事时表示坚持要某人做某事时,宾宾语从句要用语从句要用should加动词原形加动词原形,其中的其中的should 可以省略可以省略。仿写仿写:我坚持要他学习弹钢琴而我坚持要他学习弹钢琴而不要弹吉它。不要弹吉它。I insisted that he _ to play the piano instead of guitar.医生坚持这个病人得马上做手术。医生坚持这个病人得马上做手术。The doctor insisted that the patient _ at once.(should)be operated on(should)learn 他坚持要我接受他的邀请。他坚持要我接受他的邀请。_ his invitation.He insisted that I accept3.When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience.当我告诉她那儿空气稀薄当我告诉她那儿空气稀薄,呼吸呼吸困难困难,而且天气很冷时而且天气很冷时,她却说那将是一次有她却说那将是一次有趣的体验。趣的体验。(B1P18)句型:句型:sth.+be+adj.+to do说明:说明:此句型中此句型中,不定式与主语是动宾关系不定式与主语是动宾关系,但不定式却用主动形式表被动意义。但不定式却用主动形式表被动意义。仿写仿写:经检测经检测,这井里的水不适合饮用。这井里的水不适合饮用。Having been tested,the water in this well_.湖上的冰太薄了湖上的冰太薄了,不适合滑冰。不适合滑冰。The ice on the lake is _.经过几天的相处经过几天的相处,我发现他很容易相处。我发现他很容易相处。After days of staying with him,I find him _.easy to get along with is not fit to drinktoo thin to skate on三、语篇运用三、语篇运用我我坚持要坚持要张琳去我家吃饭张琳去我家吃饭,因为因为是是张琳帮我张琳帮我打扫教室打扫教室的的。整整一个假期没打扫的。整整一个假期没打扫的教室很教室很不好扫不好扫。I insist that Zhang Lin go to my home to have a dinner,because it was he who helped me clean the classroom.It is not easy to clean the classroom that had not been cleaned for a whole holiday.From the atlas we could see that the Mekong River begins 1 _ a glacier on a Tibetan mountain.At first the river is small and the water is clear and cold.Then it begins to move 2 _(quick).1.表示表示“在冰川中在冰川中”。2.修饰动词作状语修饰动词作状语,用副词。用副词。inquickly一、课文填空一、课文填空It becomes rapids 3 _ it passes through deep valleys,4 _(travel)across western Yunnan Province.3.引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句,表示表示“当;随着当;随着”。4.作伴随状语作伴随状语,主语主语it与与travel是主动关系,是主动关系,用现在分词。用现在分词。as travelingSometimes the river becomes 5 _ waterfall and enters wide valleys.We were both 6 _(surprise)to learn that half of the river is in China.5.在单数可数名词前,表示类别。在单数可数名词前,表示类别。6.指人指人“感到惊讶感到惊讶”。asurprisedAfter it leaves China and high altitude,the Mekong River 7 _(become)wide,brown and warm.As it enters Southeast Asia,8 _ pace slows.7.连系动词连系动词,用单数。用单数。8.承前句可知承前句可知,指指“它的它的”。becomesitsIt makes wide bends or meanders 9 _ low valleys to the plains 10 _rice grows.At last,the river enters the South China Sea.9.指指“穿过穿过”低谷。低谷。10.引导定语从句引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点并在从句中作地点状语。状语。throughwhere二、课文概括二、课文概括After graduation,Wang Wei and Wang Kun realized their dreams by cycling down the Mekong River.Before starting,they had found an atlas to know more about it and made a detailed schedule.表示表示“两者两者”“”“多者多者”的代词的代词熟读深思熟读深思熟读下列句子熟读下列句子,仔细体会划线代词的用法,然后将仔细体会划线代词的用法,然后将这些代词分别填入这些代词分别填入“归纳总结归纳总结”中的空格里。中的空格里。1.If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow,why dont you take both?I wont read them this week.如果你不能决定这两本书借如果你不能决定这两本书借哪一本好哪一本好,为何不两本都拿去?我本周不看。为何不两本都拿去?我本周不看。2.I invited Joe and Linda to dinner,but neither of them came.我邀我邀Joe和和Linda来吃饭来吃饭,但他们两个都没来。但他们两个都没来。3.Theres coffee and tea;you can have either.这里有咖啡和茶这里有咖啡和茶,你可以任选一种。你可以任选一种。5.We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for any.我们曾我们曾有三套园林工具有三套园林工具,但似乎任何一套也派不但似乎任何一套也派不上用场。上用场。6.Of all the books on the desk,none is of any use for our study.桌上的所有书中桌上的所有书中,没有一本对我们的学习有用。没有一本对我们的学习有用。1.完成表格完成表格归纳总结归纳总结都都都不都不任一任一两者两者 both _ _多者多者 _ _ _all neither noneeitherany2.表示否定可说表示否定可说not.either/any,但没有但没有either/any.not的说法。的说法。3.none可指人或物可指人或物,none 既可指前面的复数既可指前面的复数可数名词可数名词,也可指不可数名词。也可指不可数名词。none一般要一般要接表示范围的接表示范围的of短语短语;no one只能指人只能指人(=nobody),不能接不能接of短语。短语。4.both/all与与not连用表示部分否定连用表示部分否定,意为意为“并并非都非都”。一、单句填空一、单句填空 用用all,any,none,both,either,neither填空,并说明其理由。填空,并说明其理由。1.He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _ of them again.灵活运用灵活运用1.指前面提到的指前面提到的his temper和和his health这这“两者中的任何一个两者中的任何一个”都找不回了。都找不回了。either2.Wow!Youve got so many clothes.But _ of them are in fashion now.2.由于由于so many clothes可知是指可知是指“多者多者”,由由but可知可知,指多者中指多者中“一个也不一个也不”,故填故填none。none3.Jane was asked a lot of questions,but she didnt answer _ of them.3.根据根据but可知可知,空格处是指空格处是指a lot of questions中的中的“任何一个任何一个”,故填故填any。not.any相当于相当于none。4._thats important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.4.因因all that is important 相当于相当于 what is important,意为意为“真正重要的真正重要的”。Allany5.To know more about the British Museum,you can use the Internet or go to the library,or _.5.指指use the Internet和和go to the library“两者都两者都”可以。可以。6.It was hard for him to learn English in a family,in which _ of the parents spoke the language.6.由于由于parents指两者指两者,又由又由hard for him可知表示可知表示否定否定,故用故用neither。bothneither7.Which of the two computer games did you prefer?Actually I didnt like _ of them.7.表示两个电脑游戏中表示两个电脑游戏中“任何一个任何一个”,我,我都不喜欢。都不喜欢。I dont like either of them.=I like neither of them.either8.How do you find your new classmates?Most of them are kind.But _ is so good to me as Bruce.8.由由but可知可知,空格处应填一个表否定意义空格处应填一个表否定意义的代词的代词;在在“新同学新同学”这个范围内这个范围内“没有一没有一个个”,用用none。none9.They were _ tired,but none of them would stop to take a rest.9.由由none of them可知指三个以上可知指三个以上;由由But可可知知,三个人三个人“都都”累了累了;多者的多者的“都都”用用all。10.Id like some more cheese.Sorry,theres _ left.10.由由sorry可知可知,没有没有cheese剩下了剩下了,故填故填none。allnone My friend,Emma Danicls,spent the summer of 1974 traveling in Israel.During her month long stay in Jerusalem she often went to a caf 1 _(call)chocolate soup.1.过去分词作定语过去分词作定语,相当于相当于which is called。语篇填空语篇填空calledOne morning when Emma went in 2 _ coffee,while chatting with her new friend Alex,she mentioned that she had just finished the book she 3 _ _(read)and had nothing else to read.2.表示目的表示目的,相当于相当于to have。3.表示最近的过去一段时间里正在做的事。表示最近的过去一段时间里正在做的事。had been readingforAlex said he had a wonderful book she might like,and 4 _hed be happy to lend it to her.As he lived just 5 _ the caf,he 6 _(quick)ran up to get it,and handed it to Emma just minutes later.4.引导第二个宾语从句。引导第二个宾语从句。5.介词介词,表示在这咖啡厅的上面。表示在这咖啡厅的上面。6.修饰谓语动词修饰谓语动词ran,作状语。作状语。thatabovequicklyWhen she opened it up,she was surprised to see 7_ own name and address inside the cover,in her own handwriting.It turned out that the summer before,in Montreal,Emma had met a Californian.7.由由surprised和下文可知和下文可知,是看到是看到“她自己她自己的的”名字和地址名字和地址;另外另外,own总是与形容词性总是与形容词性物主代词连用物主代词连用,并位于其后。并位于其后。her8 _ decided to exchange addresses,9 _ neither of them had any paper.The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack and asked Emma to write her name and address inside.8.作主语作主语,根据语法填空题的考点可知根据语法填空题的考点可知,要填代词要填代词;由前文内容和后文的由前文内容和后文的them可知可知,用用they指代指代Emma和和the Californian两个人。两个人。9但是艾玛和那个人都没有带纸。但是艾玛和那个人都没有带纸。TheybutWhen he returned to California,he left the book behind in Montreal,and his friend Alex kept 10 _.When Alex later moved to Jerusalem,he took the book along.10.指代前面的指代前面的the book。it技巧点拨技巧点拨解答完形的两大策略解答完形的两大策略完形填空主要考查考生对语篇意义的理解完形填空主要考查考生对语篇意义的理解,对对上下文意义关系的把握。因此,解答完形填上下文意义关系的把握。因此,解答完形填空题时空题时,要从超出句子层面的语篇意义入手要从超出句子层面的语篇意义入手,注意上下文的逻辑关系。注意上下文的逻辑关系。一、完形填空一、完形填空一个语篇一定是围绕某个话题进行的一个语篇一定是围绕某个话题进行的,同一话同一话题就会有一些相关联的词语共同出现。如一题就会有一些相关联的词语共同出现。如一篇谈学校生活的文章篇谈学校生活的文章,有可能共同出现的单词有可能共同出现的单词有有teacher,classmate,student,classroom,library,laboratory,computer,score,maths,physics,study,desk,chair,holiday等等,这种词汇共同出现的倾向性这种词汇共同出现的倾向性,就叫就叫同现。同现关系包括反义关系和互补关系等。同现。同现关系包括反义关系和互补关系等。作者为了阐述或强调某一概念,会将某一个单词作者为了阐述或强调某一概念,会将某一个单词的同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、同源词等的同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、同源词等在文章中重复出现在文章中重复出现,这种现象叫复现。如以下这篇这种现象叫复现。如以下这篇完形填空的文章是讲朋友之间有分歧时如何修复完形填空的文章是讲朋友之间有分歧时如何修复重归于好的重归于好的,反复出现反复出现friends这个单词这个单词,这叫同词这叫同词复现复现;表示表示“分歧分歧”,文章中用了文章中用了differences和和disagreements,表示表示“关系关系”用了用了relationships和和connections,这叫近义复现;这叫近义复现;friend与与friendship叫叫同源复现。同源复现。解答完形填空时解答完形填空时,在理解全文大意的基础上在理解全文大意的基础上,利利用同现和复现用同现和复现,有助于快速准确地选出正确选项。有助于快速准确地选出正确选项。真题演练真题演练 (2009江西江西)Peter and Paul had a permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm.But,being adventurous boys,they knew it would be more 1 to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river.1.A.surprisingB.exciting C.annoyingD.frightening1.B根据下句中的根据下句中的excitedly可知。可知。Excitedly,the boys 2 with their tent and food.Carrying their heavy 3 ,the two brothers walked along the riverbank,hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down.2.A.went round B.went back C.went away D.went though3.A.load B.torn C.food D.storage2.C只有只有go away 有有“出发出发”之意。之意。3.A根据上一段的根据上一段的tent and food 可知选可知选load,这里是这里是指所带的指所带的tent 与与food 等物品等物品,概括了选项概括了选项B和和C。They were eager to reach their 4 before lunchtime.As they entered the cool,shadowy woods,they began to search for a suitable camping spot.4.A.grassland B.destination C.field D.river4.B reach their destination 到达了目的地到达了目的地Peter wanted to 5 close to the river at the edge of the woods,but Paul,who was older,insisted that they camp further away.5.A.liveB.lie C.waitD.stay5.D stay close to 靠近而居靠近而居,相比相比stay 短暂居住短暂居住而言而言,live 是指长久的生活是不大可能的。是指长久的生活是不大可能的。6 Peter followed his brother deeper into the 7.“This really is a wonderful setting!”said Paul in excitement.6.A.Unconsciously B.Unfortunately C.Unwillingly D.Uninterestingly7.A.woods B.farm C.setting D.camp6.C 从上句从上句but可知可知,弟弟弟弟Peter 是想住在河边是想住在河边,但哥但哥哥哥Paul并不同意并不同意,所以只好所以只好unwillingly“不情愿不情愿”地地跟在后面。跟在后面。7.A 从前面的一句从前面的一句woods 可知。可知。They 8 the tent,and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made,then decided to find their way back to the 9 to catch some fish.“Are you sure that this is the right 10?”8.A.put off B.put on C.put down D.put up9.A.river B.hill C.sea D.pond10.A.place B.mark C.way D.time whispered Peter shakily.“Im sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago.”Paul walked on silently.“Look,there it is again.Were lost,arent we?”complained Peter.Paul had to admit that he didnt know where they were.After all,they were a long distance from where they were 11 to be.11.A.discoveredB.encouraged C.persuadedD.supposed11.D be supposed to“应该,理应应该,理应”。They were not even 12 of where they had set up their camp.They set in 13 for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea.“Why dont we look for clues(线索线索)the way trackers 14 in the movies?12.A.afraid B.Sure C.informedD.reminded13.A.enjoymentB.satisfaction C.disappointmentD.imagination14.A.appear B.do C.work D.behaveWe werent careful about how we walked,so Im sure we would have left behind some broken tree branches and leaves.”Carefully,the boys 15 the marks that they had left,until finally they found their campsite.15.A.fetchedB.watched C.followedD.collected15.C 顺着他们留下的痕迹走。顺着他们留下的痕迹走。follow“跟跟随随”。Hurriedly,they packed their belongings and set off in the direction of the river.What would their parents think of their adventure?助读词汇助读词汇permission 允许允许adventurous 爱冒险的爱冒险的shadowy 有阴影的有阴影的hollow 空心的空心的complain 抱怨抱怨trackers 追踪者追踪者shakily 摇动着摇动着belongings 财产财产 技巧点拨技巧点拨猜测词语意义猜测词语意义这类考题包括对生词生义的推测、熟词生义这类考题包括对生词生义的推测、熟词生义的推测。的推测。解答这类试题最重要的方法是理解含生词部解答这类试题最重要的方法是理解含生词部分的上下文来推测其意思。另外分的上下文来推测其意思。另外,注意以下小注意以下小技巧:技巧:(1)根据接近或递进关系根据接近或递进关系:由由and或或or等来确定等来确定生词的义域生词的义域,推知它的大致意义。推知它的大致意义。阅读理解阅读理解(2)根据选择或相对关系:根据选择或相对关系:对比对比or(要么要么,或者或者)前面和后面的句子或词语前面和后面的句子或词语,来猜测来猜测生词的含义。生词的含义。(3)根据同位或解释关系:根据同位或解释关系:通过生词后通过生词后的定语、表语、同位语、逗号、括号、的定语、表语、同位语、逗号、括号、破折号等的解释说明来推测其意思。破折号等的解释说明来推测其意思。(4)根据转折或对比关系根据转折或对比关系:由上下句之间由上下句之间的转折或对比关系来推测词义。表示转的转折或对比关系来推测词义。表示转折的词有折的词有but,however,otherwise,though等等,表示对比关系的标志性词语有表示对比关系的标志性词语有unlike,while,on the other hand,in spite of,in contrast等等;另外另外,有时分号也可以表示有时分号也可以表示转折、对比关系。转折、对比关系。(5)根据因果关系:根据因果关系:根据前后的因果关系来根据前后的因果关系来推断其中的某个生词或短语的意思。既可由推断其中的某个生词或短语的意思。既可由因推果因推果;也可由果推因。表示因果关系的有也可由果推因。表示因果关系的有because,so that,so/such.that.等。等。(6)根据列举的实例根据列举的实例:根据:根据such as,for example等后列举的实例也可推测出前面某等后列举的实例也可推测出前面某个词语的意思。个词语的意思。注意注意:考题中若是需要推测意思的是熟考题中若是需要推测意思的是熟词词,我们必须通过上下文得出其在特定场我们必须通过上下文得出其在特定场合下的特殊意思合下的特殊意思,那些常规含义的选项不那些常规含义的选项不会是要选择的正确答案。会是要选择的正确答案。(A)(2010全国全国)There were smiling children all the way.Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway,wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang.真题演练真题演练Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives.This is the simple village people of Malaysia.I was moved.I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car,so this was the first time I was on a train.
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