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2023年高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题:专题13 完形填空 - 专题十三 完形填空 模拟精选题 Cloze 1 (2023成都市高中毕业班诊断性检测) professor_1_ the question papers,with the text facing down as usual._2_he handed them all out,he asked his students to _3_ the page and begin.To everyones surprise,there were no _4_,just a black dot in the center of the page.The professor,seeing the expression on everyones face,told them the following: “I want you to write what you _5_ there.” The students,_6_,got started on the inexplicable (费解的) task. The dark spots are very _20_ pared to everything we have in our lives,but they are the ones that pollute our minds.” 【语篇导读】 本文主要讲述了教授通过让学生们做一份特殊的试卷而给学生们上了一堂生动的哲理课:不要太关注人生的不完美,要好好享受我们所拥有的美妙! 1A.handed out Creferred to Bwrapped up Dpointed at 答案 A 根据下文的“_2_ he handed them all out”可知,教授进教室后,给学生们分发(handed out)试卷。 2A.Since BUntil CIf DAfter 答案 D 根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的时间先后关系,故用after 引导时间状语从句。 3A.fold Bturn Copen Duse 答案 B 根据语境“and begin”可推知,教授要求学生们翻开试卷,开场答题。turn“翻,翻动(书页)”。open表示翻开的含义,不符合语境,故排除。 4A.exercises Bchoices Cquestions Dscores 答案 C 根据上文的“the question papers”可知,令学生们吃惊的是,试卷上并没有问题(questions)。 5A.remember Bimagine Cstudy Dsee 答案 D 根据下文的“described the black dot”可知,教授让学生们写下自己看见(see)了什么。 6A.surprised Bconfused Ccurious Ddispleased 答案 B 根据上文的“To everyones surprise”和语境“the inexplicable(费解的)task”可推知,学生们很困惑。surprised“惊奇的”;confused“困惑的”;curious“好奇的”;displeased“不悦的”。 7A.collected Bfinished Cmarked Dselected 答案 A 根据语境“and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students”和“_2_he handed them all out”可推知,教师把分发下去的试卷收了上来。 8A.excuse Bdoubt Cexception Dexplanation 答案 C 根据语境“All of them”可推知,所有的学生无一例外地描绘了那个黑点。excuse“借口”;doubt“疑心”;exception“例外”;explanation“解释”。 9A.said Banswered Creturned Dread 答案 D 根据上文的“and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students”可知,教授读完后,大家都沉默了。 10A.also Bjust Ceven Dfinally 答案 B 根据语境“not”可知,此处表示转折和强调,故用副词just,意为“只是”,符合语境。 11A.big Bblack Cbeautiful Dwhite 答案 D 根据下文的“a white paper”可知,没有人关注卷子的空白局部。 12A.lives Bclassrooms Ccolleges Dstudies Bkeep Cenjoy Dshow 答案 C 根据下文的“to celebrate”可推知,此处应选C。enjoy“享受-的乐趣,享有”,与上文的observe对应。 14A.burden Bgift Cpressure Dlesson 答案 B 根据语境“to celebrate”可推知,我们的生活是一个充满关爱的礼物。burden“负担”;gift“礼物”;pressure“压力”;lesson“课程,教训”。 15A.reasons Btime Cfreedom Dfestivals 答案 A 根据语境“always”和“to celebrate”以及下文所列举的“nature renewing itself.the miracles we see every day”可推知,我们总是有理由去庆贺。reason“理由”;time“时间”;freedom“自由”;festival“节日”。 16A.threatens Bruins Cprovides Dchanges 答案 C 根据语境可知,此处表示“提供谋生手段的工作”。provide“提供”。 17A.However CBesides BTherefore DMoreover 答案 A 根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系。however“然而”;therefore“因此”;besides“除此之外”;moreover“此外,而且”。 18A.close Cspecial Bplicated Dstrong 答案 B 根据语境“bother”和“lack”以及“the dark spots”可推知,应选B。close“亲密的”;plicated“复杂的”;special“特殊的”;strong“强的”。 19A.stay Bcontact Ddisappointment Csatisfaction 答案 D 根据语境“bother”和“lack”以及“the dark spots”可推知,此处应选D。disappointment意为“绝望”。 20A.dark Bround Csmall Ddirty 答案 C 根据上文的“just a black dot in the center of the page”可推知,黑点对整张试卷来讲只占了很小的一个比例,人生的不完美亦是一样的。 Close 2 (2023临沂一模) Even in_10_,she held up a note and asked us to pay the driver.The other_11_passenger took the note and paid the driver.My _12_ was a few hundred meters away.As a girl, I knew Id get off and stay with her in the _13_So I paid up the driver for _14_ and he drove away with the other passengers. I neither_15_her nor did I know what to do.But I was there,giving The night breezes were blowing_20_upon my cheek as I walked home,with a feeling of relief. 1A.1ife Cactivity Btransport Dmunication 答案 B 考察名词。A.life生命;B.transport运输;C.activity活动;D.munication交流。此处指做厢式货车是一种既廉价又快的交通方式,根据句意选B。 2A.designed Corganized Bbought Dpowered 答案 A 考察动词。A.designed 设计;B.bought买;C.organized组织;D.powered促进。此处指每次司机用设计装8个人的厢式货车装13个人。应选A。 3A.heavy Bnoisy Ccrowded Dawkward 答案 C 考察形容词。A.heavy沉重的;B.noisy喧闹的;C.crowded拥挤的;D.awkward为难的。根据上句本来装8个人的车装13个人,所以车内很拥挤,应选C。 4A.driver Bwindow Cdoor Dseat 答案 C 考察名词。A.driver司机;B.window窗户;C.door门;D.seat座位。因为小女孩要下车所以她往门边走,应选C。 5A.guided Cadmitted Bsuggested Dsignaled 答案 D 考察动词。A.guided指导;B.suggested建议;C.admitted成认;D.signaled发信号。此处指小女孩用书包发信号示意司机停车,应选D。 6A.noticed Bmanaged Dstood Crecognized 答案 A 考察动词。A.noticed注意到;B.managed管理;C.recognized 认识到;D.stood站立。指小女孩下车后滑倒了,由于外面很黑我们谁都没注意到,应选A。 7A.caring Cwaiting Breaching Dplanning 答案 C 考察动词。A.caring关心;B.reaching 到达;C.waiting等待;D.planning方案。句意:司机等着女孩付车费,应选C。 8A.back Bknees Cfeet Down 答案 B 考察名词。A.back后背;B.knees膝盖;C.feet脚;D.own自己的。这时我们发现女孩摔倒在路边,由于是下车时摔倒应该是膝盖着地跪在地上,应选B。 9A.immediately Cnaturally Bdoubtfully Danxiously 答案 A 考察副词。A.immediately立即;B.doubtfully疑心地;C.naturally自然地;D.anxiously焦虑地。此处指看到女孩摔倒,我和另一名乘客立即下车去扶她。应选A。 10A.silence Cvain Bsurprise Dpain 第 11 页 共 11 页


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