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【市级联考】云南省保山市 2018-2019 学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题一、单选题1. Can you play_chess ? No, but I can play_piano.A.the ; theB.the; / C./; the D.a; the2. Mary goes to school 7:30 the morning.A.On; atB.at; in C.of; on D.at; on3. It takes my brother forty minutes his homework every evening.A.finishingB.to finish C.finishes D.finish4. does it take you to get school? It takes about 20 minutes.A.How longB.How far C.How old D.How much5. Thanks for me to school.A.takesB.to take C.take D.taking6. I can very well, so I want to join the club.A.swim; swimmingC.swim; swimsB.swims; swimmingD.swims; swim7. There are people in the park on Sundays.A.very muchB.too much C.much too D.too many8. It is difficult English well.A.learnB.to learn C.learning D.learns9. Dont trees. They are our good friends.A.cut downB.cut up C.sit down D.come out试卷第 1 页,总 16 页10. Mary is good at stories.A.speakB.tell C.telling D.speaking11. does Jim like koalas? they are very cute.A.Why; soB.What; Because C.How; so D.Why; Because12. Is Ms. Black a good teacher? I think so. She is me.A.good atB.good with C.strict with D.late for13. late for class again, Ann.A.Dont beB.Cant C.Dont D.Be14. Mike, you play the violin well. .A.No, thanksC.not good.二、完型填空B.Youre welcome.D.Thank youHello! Im Alan Green. Im in the Blue Music Club. Im a great_. I can play the piano, the violin_ the drums. And I am very good_ the kids. I_ a daughter. She is only fourteen years old. _ name is Lisa Green. She can_ play the piano and the drums. She plays the drums very_.Do you like music? Please come and join_. We can_ you with music. I think we can_ friends. Please call me at 583-4462.(1)A.music(2)A.but(3)A.with(4)B.art C.sports D.musicianB.and C.for D.ofB.at C.of D.forA.have B.has C.am试卷第 2 页,总 16 页D.is(5)A.She(6)A.too(7)A.good(8)A.we(9)A.call(10)A.make三、阅读判断B.Shes C.Her D.HersB.also C.many D.muchB.nice C.well D.fineB.us C.you D.ThemB.speak C.sing D.helpB.get C.have D.play第一节根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的涂“T”, 错误的涂“F”. 并将所选答案涂到答题 卡的相应位置。Mr. Green is a man with short curly black hair. He comes from Canada. He is forty years old. He teaches us English. He is very friendly to us. He often tells jokes and interesting stories to the class. After school, he often plays footballs with us. He can speak a little Chinese and he can also sing a few Chinese songs. He often asks us to tell him something about our school. We all like him very much.(1)Mr. Green has long curly hair.(2)Mr. Green teaches Chinese.(3)He loves to tell jokes.(4)Mr. Green works as a teacher in China.(5)He often tells us something about our school .试卷第 3 页,总 16 页四、阅读单选My name is Dave. I have two good friends. On Saturday we usually go to see the animals in the zoo. Tom likes pandas, because they are shy. He likes Lingling best. Lingling is three years old now. Tom often goes to see her. Mary likes to play with giraffes. There are two giraffes in the zoo. Theyre friendly to people. My favorite animals are lions. I think theyre strong. But Mary doesnt like them. She says lions are too scary. We have a dog. Its name is Bargo. Its black and white. Bargo often goes with us to the zoo. Its cute. We all love it very much.(1)Who are Daves good friends?A.Lingling and Tom.C.Mary and Bargo.B.Lingling and Bargo.D.Tom and Mary.(2)How old is Lingling?A.Two.B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.(3)Why does Mary like giraffes? A.Because theyre shy.C.Because theyre scary.B.Because theyre friendly.D.Because theyre strong.(4)What are Daves favorite animals?A.Pandas.B.Giraffes. C.Lions. D.Dogs.(5)Why doesnt Mary like lions?A.Because theyre lazy.C.Because theyre shy.B.Because theyre scary.D.Because theyre friendly.Im Maliya. I am American. I study at Shanghai International School now. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and then I take a shower. I go to school at 7:30. We have the first class at 8:10 in the morning. At 12:00 I eat I lunch at school. Hamburgers are my favorite food. We finish school at 3:30 in the afternoon. After school, I either go to the library or play tennis with my friends. I never watch TV on school days. I go to sleep at 9:00 in the evening.Mike is my father. He gets up early every day, at about 5:30. And then he runs for half an hour. After a quick breakfast, he goes to work. He works on the computer at home. He usually works until about 12:00. He always has a big lunch. After lunch, he continues to work on the computer until about 6:00. In the evening, he always takes a walk after dinner.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)Maliya at seven thirty.A.gets up B.takes a shower试卷第 4 页,总 16 页C.goes to schoolD.has her first class(2)Where does Maliya eat lunch? A.A t home.C.At her friends homeB.At school.D.At her grandmas home(3)Maliya never on school days. A.watches TVC.eats hamburgersB.plays tennisD.goes to the libary(4)Its about in the morning after Mike finishes running.A.5:30B.6:00 C.6:30 D.7:00(5)Mike always after dinner.A.works on the computerC.reads in bed五、补全短文 7 选 5B.plays basketballD.takes a walk第三节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项是多余选项。My name is Joe. Im a student in No. 3 Middle School. 【小题 1】 They are Tony and Mary. 【小题 2】 Every morning, we get up at half past six. At seven oclock, we have breakfast with our parents. Then we go to school. Tonys school is about two kilometers from our home. 【小题 3】 He thinks its healthy. He needs about ten minutes get to school. Mary is in No.6 Middle School. How does she go to school? 【小题 4】 Then she has to take the subway. It takes her forty minutes to get to school every day.I usually walk to school because my school is only about one kilometer from my home.【小 题 5】So Im never late for school.AI need about ten minutes to get to school.BSo he goes to school by bike.CShe needs about ten minutes to get to school.DI have a brother and a sister.EShe takes a bus first.F We are in different schools.G I have two brothers.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空第一节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(1)Parents and school make rules to help students. So students must_(follow) the rules.试卷第 5 页,总 16 页(2)I want_(make) friends with you very much.(3)Dont_(run) in the hallways.(4)The old woman is _(friend) to people.(5)Remember to brush_(tooth) after eating.七、完成句子第二节将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式。(1)He always_ at 10:00 .(上床睡觉)(2)I think the dog is_interesting.(稍微;有点儿)(3)Tom and Mike go to school_ on school days.(乘自行车)(4)Everyone hopes his or her dream can_.(实现)(5)We must get to school _ every day.(准时)八、话题作文请以“My School Rules”为题,写一篇英语短文描述你在学校都要遵守的规则,并发表 一下你对这些规则的看法。要求:1. 注意紧扣主题,意思连贯,语言通顺,书写规范;2. 词数不少于 70,可适当发挥。_试卷第 6 页,总 16 页参考答案与试题解析【市级联考】云南省保山市 2018-2019 学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题一、单选题1.【答案】C【考点】定冠词零冠词不定冠词【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:你会下棋吗? 不,但我可以弹钢琴。考查冠词辨析。前句 chess(象棋) 是棋类名称,和 play 连用表示棋类运动,不用冠词修饰;后句 piano(钢琴)是器乐类名词,和 play 连用表示弹奏的具体乐器, 需用定冠词修饰。根据句意语法,可知选 C.2.【答案】B【考点】时间介词【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:玛丽早上 7:30 去上学。考查介词辨析。表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等 用 at;泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等较长的时间,一般用 in;若表示星期几或某一特定的日期,则用 on. 7:30 是钟点时间,需用 at; in the morning 在早上,固定短语;根据句意语境,可知选 B.3.【答案】B【考点】同义替换常识知识九年级下【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:我弟弟每天晚上花四十分钟完成他的家庭作业。A fnishing 现在分词或动名词形试卷第 7 页,总 16 页式;B to finish 动词不定式 C fnishes 动词的单三形式;D finish 动词原形。本题考查动词形式辨析。本句是固定句型It takes sb 时间段 to do sth. 某人做某事花了. 时间”结构,it 是形式主语,不定式是真正主语。根据句意结构,可知选 B.4.【答案】A【考点】特殊疑问句【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:你到学校要花多长时间?大约需要 20 分钟。考查疑问词辨析。A. How long 多长,问时间;B. How far 多远;C.How old 多大,问年龄;D. How much 多少,问数量或价格。根据 It takes about 20 minutes. 可知问的是需要多长时间,故选 A.5.【答案】D【考点】同义替换情态动词短对话理解【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:谢谢你带我去上学。A. takes 单数第三人称形式;B. to take 动词不定式;C. take 动词原形;D. taking 现在分词或动名词形式。考查动词形式辨析。thank for 因。而感谢,介词 for 表原因,后接动名词;根据 句意语境,可知选 D.6.【答案】A【考点】同义替换句子配对短对话理解【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:我游泳游得很好,所以我想加入游泳俱乐部。考查动词形式辨析。情态动词 can 后接原形动词,前空需用 swim,可排除BD 两项。the swimming club 游泳俱乐部,是固定短语;根据句意语境,可知选 A. 7.试卷第 8 页,总 16 页【答案】D【考点】形容词短语【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:星期天公园里的人太多了。 A. very much 非常,副词短语,修饰动词;B. too much 太多的,后接不可数名词;C. muchtoo 太,副词短语,修饰形容词、副词或动词;D. too many 太多的,后接复数名词。 句中 people(人们)是集合名词,复数意义;根据句意语境,可知选 D.8.【答案】B【考点】同义替换英文书写句子配对【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:学好英语是很困难的。 A. learn 动词原形;B. to learn 动词不定式形式;C. learning 动名词或现在分词形式;D. learns 单数第三人称形式。本题考查固定句型。本句是固定句型 It be adj. to do sth. 某人做 某事”结构,不定式是真正主语;根据句意结构,可知选 B.9.【答案】A【考点】其他动词短语【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:不要砍伐树木。它们是我们的好朋友。考查动词短语辨析。 A. cut down 砍倒; B. cut up 切碎;C. sit down 坐下;D. comeout 出版。根据句意语境,可知 BCD 三项意思都不合句意,故选 A.10.【答案】C【考点】动词辨析【解析】此题暂无解析试卷第 9 页,总 16 页【解答】句意:玛丽擅长讲故事。考查动词及形式辨析。 be good at 擅长,后接动名词,可排 除 AB 两项。tell 讲述/告诉;speak 说(语言);根据句意语境,可知 tellstories 符合句意,故选 C.11.【答案】D【考点】特殊疑问句【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:吉姆为什么喜欢考拉?因为它们很可爱。考查特殊疑问句及回答。why 为什么,表原因;so 所以,表结果; what 什么,问事情;because 因为,表原因;how 如何,表方式。根据 they are very cute. 可知问的是为什么喜欢考拉,需用why 提问,回答需用 because,故选 D.12.【答案】C【考点】形容词短语【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:布莱克女士是个好老师吗?我想是的。她对我很严格。考查形容词短语 辨析。 A. be good at 擅长;B. be goodwith 擅长和。打交道;C. be strict with 对某人要求严格;D. be late for 迟到。根据问 句 Is Ms. Black a good teacher?可知 be strictwith 符合句意,故选 C.13.【答案】A【考点】祈使句问候英文书写【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:别再迟到了,安。考查祈使句辨析。be lateforn 迟到;祈使句需用原形动词, 否定式在句首加 dont;根据句意结构,可知选 A.14.【答案】试卷第 10 页,总 16 页D【考点】同义替换表扬和鼓励其他情景交际题型【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】句意:迈克,你小提琴拉得很好。谢谢。考查口语交际。 A. No, thanks 不,谢 谢!B. Youre welcome. 不客气;C. notgood. 不好;D. Thank you 谢谢你。对于别人的夸赞需表达感谢;根据句意语境,可知 选 D.二、完型填空【答案】DBAACBCBDA【考点】固定搭配日常生活类阅读形容词基础知识【解析】(1)句意:我是一个很棒的音乐家。考查名词辨析。A. music 音乐;B. art 艺术;C. sports 运动;D. musician 音乐家。本句主语 I 是人,根据句意语境,可知前面三项意思都与句意不合,故选 D.(2)句意:我会弹钢琴,拉小提琴和打鼓。考查连词辨析。句中 the piano, the violin 和 the drums 是三个并列的名词,需用and 连接;根据句意结构和语境,可知选 B.(3)句意:我和孩子们相处得很好。考查介词辨析。 be good with 和。. 相处的很好; be good at 擅长;be good for 有益于; be good of 错误搭配。根据句意语境,可知 good with the kids 符合句意,故选 A.(4)句意:我有一个女儿。考查动词形式辨析。根据 She is only fourteen years old. 可 知本句是主谓结构,缺动词;I 是第一人称,动词需用原形,故选 A.试卷第 11 页,总 16 页(5)句意:她的名字叫丽莎格林。考查代词辨析。name 名字,名词需用形容词性物 主代词修饰;可排除 ACD 三项。her 她的,后接名词;根据句意结构,可知选 C.(6)句意:她还会弹钢琴和打鼓。考查副词辨析。空格后 play 是动词,需用副词修饰; many 和 much 都是形容词,可排除。too 和 also 都表示“也”,但 too 用于句末,also 用于句中实意动词之前。根据句意结 构和语境,可知选 B.(7)句意:她打鼓打得很好。考查副词辨析。play 是动词,需用副词修饰;ABD 三项 都是形容词,可排除。well 好,根据句意结构,可知选 C.(8)句意:请来加入我们。考查代词辨析。join 参加,需接宾格代词做宾语;we 是 主格代词,可排除。us 我们,you 你们, them 他们。根据下文 We can help you with music. 可知是邀请加入“我们”,故选 B.(9)句意:我们可以帮你学音乐。考查动词辨析。call 打电话;speak 说;sing 唱歌; help 帮助。 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人,根据上文 Please come and join us. 可知 help 符合句意,故选 D.(10)句意:我想我们可以交朋友。考查动词辨析。make friends 交朋友,固定短语; 根据句意语境,可知选 A.【解答】此题暂无解答三、阅读判断【答案】FF(3)T(4)TF【考点】记叙文阅读判断正误型日常生活类阅读【解析】(1)题意:格林先生有一头长长的卷发。考查细节判断。根据 Mr. Green is a man with short curly black hair. 可知说法错误,故选 F.(2)题意:格林先生教汉语。考查细节判断。根据 He teaches us English. 可知说法错 误,故选 F.(3)题意:他喜欢讲笑话。考查细节判断。根据 He often tells jokes and interesting stories to the class. 可知说法正确,故选 T.(4)题意:格林先生在中国当老师。考查细节判断。根据 He can speak a little Chinese and he can also sing a few Chinese试卷第 12 页,总 16 页songs. 可知说法正确,故选 T.(5)题意:他经常告诉我们一些关于我们学校的事情。考查细节判断。根据 He often asks us to tell him something aboutour school. 可知说法错误,故选 F.【解答】此题暂无解答四、阅读单选【答案】DBBCB【考点】细节理解题日常生活类阅读记叙文阅读【解析】(1)题意:谁是大卫的好朋友?考查细节判断。根据 Tom likes pandas,和 Mary likes to play with giraffes. 可知汤姆和玛丽是大卫的好朋友,故选 D.(2)题意:玲玲多大了?考查细节判断。根据 Lingling is three years old now. 可知三岁, 故选 B.(3)题意:玛丽为什么喜欢长颈鹿?考查细节判断。根据 There are two giraffes in the zoo. Theyre friendly to people. 可知长颈鹿很友好,故选 B.(4)题意:大卫最喜欢什么动物?考查细节判断。根据 My favorite animals are lions. 可知大卫喜欢狮子,故选 C.(5)题意:玛丽为什么不喜欢狮子?考查细节判断。根据 But Mary doesnt like them. She says lions are too scary. 可知玛丽认为狮子太可怕,故选 B.【解答】此题暂无解答【答案】CBABD【考点】日常生活类阅读试卷第 13 页,总 16 页记叙文阅读细节理解题【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据 lgo to schoolat7:30 我 7:30 去上学。可知选 C.(2)细节理解题。根据 At 12:00eat lunch at school 我 12 点在学校吃午饭。可知应选 B.(3)细节理解题。根据 In ever watch TV on school days. 在上学的日子里,我从不看电 视。故选 A.(4)细节理解题。根据 He gets up early every day, at about 5:30. And then he runs for half an hour 他大约 5:30 起床,然后他跑半个小时的步。可知故选 B.(5)归纳理解题。通过 In the evening, he always takes a walk after dinner.晚上,饭后麦 克总是散步。故选 D.【解答】此题暂无解答五、补全短文 7 选 5【答案】【小题 1】D【小题 2】F【小题 3】B【小题 4】E【小题 5】A【考点】日常生活类阅读七选五对话七选五阅读【解析】短文大意:短文介绍了作者、哥哥和姐姐的基本情况,重点介绍了去上学的交通方式。 【小题 1】根据 They are Tony and Mary.可知 I have a brother and a sister.符合句意,故 选 D.【小题 2】根据 Tonys school is about two kilometers from our home. / Mary is in No. 6 Middle School. 和 I usually walk to schoolbecause my school is only about one kilometer from my home. 可知他们在不同的学校,备 选句子 We are in different schools. 符合句意,故选 F.【小题 3】根据上文 Tonys school is about two kilometers from our home.和 He thinks its healthy. 可知他骑自行车去上学,备选句子 So he goes to school by bike. 符合句意,故选 B.【小题 4】根据 Then she has to take the subway.可知 She takes a bus first. 符合句意,故 选 E.【小题 5】根据 So Im never late for school. 可知学校离家不远,备选句子 I need about ten minutes to get to school. 符合句意,故选 A.【解答】试卷第 14 页,总 16 页此题暂无解答六、用所给单词的正确形式填空【答案】(1)follow(2)to make(3)run(4)friendly(5)teeth【考点】根据提示填单词(单句)形容词基础知识可数名词及其单复数【解析】(1)句意:家长和学校制定规则帮助学生。所以学生必须遵守规则。must 必须,情 态动词后接原形动词;根据句意结构和英文提示,可知填 follow.(2)句意:我非常想和你交朋友。 want to do 想要做某事;根据句意结构和英文提示, 可知填 to make.(3)句意:不要在走廊里跑。本句是否定祈使句,动词需用原形;根据句意结构和英 文提示,可知填 run.(4)句意:那位老妇人对人很友好。本句缺表语形容词,根据句意结构和英文提示, 可知填 friendly.(5)句意:吃完东西记得刷牙。brush teeth 刷牙,固定短语;根据句意结构和英文提 示,可知填 teeth.【解答】此题暂无解答七、完成句子【答案】(1)goes to bed(2)kind of(a little)(3)by bike(4)come true(5)on time【考点】固定搭配补全句子主谓一致【解析】(1)句意:他总是十点钟上床睡觉。上床睡觉 go to bed. always 总是,用于一般现在 时;本句缺谓语,he 是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式;根据句意结构和汉语提示,可知填 goes to bed.试卷第 15 页,总 16 页(2)句意:我觉得这只狗有点儿有趣。有点儿 Lkind of/a little,相当于副词,修饰动 词。 interesting 有趣的,形容词需用副词修饰;根据句意结构和汉语提示,可知填 kind of(a little)。(3)句意:汤姆和迈克在上学的日子里骑自行车上学。乘自行车 by bike ,表交通方式。 本句缺方式状语,根据句意结构和汉语提示,可知填 by bike.(4)句意:每个人都希望他或她的梦想能成真。come true 梦想能成真。情态动词后 接原形动词,根据句意结构和汉语提示,可知填 cometrue.(5)句意:我们必须每天按时到校。准时 on time. 根据句意结构和汉语提示,可知填 on time.【解答】此题暂无解答八、话题作文【答案】略【考点】提纲作文【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】略试卷第 16 页,总 16 页


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