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Unit 6 like music that I can dance to学习目标: 通过本单元的学习,学会表达自己对某人或某事的喜爱并解释理由。能对自己看过的书籍、电影、听过的CD等进行简单的评论。重点难点:学会用定语从句介绍自己喜欢的书籍、音乐、电影等话题。课题:Unit 6 Section A(1a-2c) 编写人:刘晓亮一预习导航:1 动动脑筋, 想一想表达自己喜好的动词有哪些? 如:like _.2. 预习检测: 参考课本,写出下列短语随着跳舞 随着唱歌 演唱不同种类的音乐 3. 请写出你的疑点(词或句子) _二学习过程:学习任务一: 预习交流1. 交流预习导航的内容 交流自己喜好的音乐学习任务二:目标语 Iike music that I can dance to. 1动口动手:用自己掌握的句型,两人一组口头交流1a图片,并对图片中的人物进行问答练习。2动耳动手:1b让我们先通过练耳来接触新句型,一定要认真对待啊!学习任务三:1. 动耳动口:Step1 听录音,完成2a练习:Step2 听录音,完成2b练习Step3 2c Pairwork 结对活动 用2a与2b中的信息,组成对话总结:修饰_的句子叫定语从句. 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫_. 连接定语从句的词叫. 如果先行词是人, 用连接; 如果先行词是物, 用连接. 如果关系词在从句中做, 可以省略. 如果关系词在从句中做, 不能, 从句中谓语动词与保持一致三课堂巩固1. 用that 或 who填空。(1). Lin Hui likes books _ are short.(2). Mike prefers clothes _ are comfortable.(3). Rose loves foods _ are unusual.(4). I like people _ are interesting.(5). She doesnt like movies _ she cant understood.6. I like friends _ play sports2. 用所给词的适当形式填空(1).I prefer shoes that _(be) cool. (2) I like a pizza that _ (be)really delicious. (3).I love singers who _ (be)beautiful. (4) I have a friend who _ (play) sports.四课后检测(拓展延伸)(1) 下列句子均有一处错误,指出并改正。( ) 1 I like music who I can sing along with. _ A B C D( ) 2 He prefer groups that play quiet songs. _A B C D ( ) 3 Rosa likes music that quiet and gentle. _A B C D( ) 4. I like music that arent too loud. _ A B C D ( ) 5. I love singers that write their own music._A B C D(2)把下列句子译成英语。1我喜欢能跟着一起唱的歌曲。I like music_2. Carmen喜欢能谈走不同音乐的音乐家。Carmen likes musicians_3你喜欢哪种音乐?_4我更喜欢能演奏轻柔歌曲的乐队组合。I prefer groups_5 你喜欢有好歌词的音乐吗? Do you like music_(4)将下列每题改写为含有定语从句的复合句。1 Carmen prefers musicians. The musicians can write their own songs._ _2 Mike loves loud music. She can dance to it._3 This is the doctor. He came here yesterday._4 Ilove to eat food. It is healthy._5 I prefer music. It has great lyrics._课题:Unit 6 Section A(3a-4) (编写人:刘晓亮)一预习导航:1.想一想,你最喜好的事,用定语从句表示出来2.写出下列短语: 带到 自己写歌词 唱得清楚 使想起 一首名叫心弦的歌 3.你疑问的句子1_2_二学习过程 学习任务一:阅读理解Step 1. 阅读3a完成连线Step 2. 大声朗读3a 找疑难点Step 3. 解释交流预习导航。1) Remind sb. of sb./sth 是某人想起了某人或某事。Eg: 这个人使我想起了我的英语老师。This man reminds me of my english teacher.2) take sth, to sw. 拿某物到某地。Eg: 我能拿食物到晚会上吗?Can I take food to the party? 3) Brazilian dance music 巴西舞曲学习任务二:语言知识学习1.I listen to one called Heart strings. 我听过一张叫做心弦的CD. 句中called时call的过去分词,它用来修饰one在句中做后置定语。Eg: 这就是露西姑娘。This is the girl named Lucy.2.what do you think of it?这句话还可以表达为:How do you like it?3.Thats not really important to me. 那对我来说真的不重要。It is + adj. +for sb.to do sth. Eg对你来说做这件事很容易。It is easy for you to do it.学习任务三: WORK IN GROUPS1阅读3b与4。完成活动4的调查表2讨论一下这个表格(注意人称的变化)。三巩固提高 1重点记忆: 带到 自己写歌词 唱得清楚 使想起 一首名叫心弦的歌 2.句子:1)它是那种你能随着跳舞的音乐。2)他喜欢自己写歌的音乐家。3)他喜欢歌曲不长的歌。四、课后检测(拓展延伸) 按要求完成句子1 You stay away from sugar.(改为反意疑问句)You stay away from sugar,_?2 I like to eat too much food that is fried better.(改为同义句)I _ _ eat too much food that is fried better.3. This person minds eating burn food.改为否定句)This person _ _ _ burn food.4. Lu Xun wrote lots of exciting books.(改为被动语态)Lots of exciting books _ _ _ Lu Xun单项选择1.I like to live in a house_is big and bright.A:that B.who C.how D./2.The man _ we visited yesterday is a famous writer.A.which B.what C.who D.when3.-What do you think of the film_ “The Myth”? -Its beautiful and interesting. A.called B.to call C.which called D.calling4.This is a good piece of song for us to_ A.dancing B.dancing to C.dance withD.dance to5. Who can make the naughty boy_ quiet?A. to be B. to keep C. keeps D. keep6.This picture _me of my primary school teacher.A. talks B. tells C. reminds D. asks7.Be sure _late for the meeting. A.to be B.not to be C.not being D.not be 8. The woman likes both the hats, she cant decide_. A. to buy which one B.which to buy one C.which one to buy D.one to buy which9. What would you like to eat? Would you like _? A. any cakes B. some cakes C. some orange D. any bread10. It was windy outside, we had to keep the window _ that day. A. close B. to close C. closed D. closing11. Great news! The police have caught the man_ stole our car. A. which B. who C. when D. what12.Lin Tao is _honest boy, so we all like him. A.the B.an C. / D.a 13. Will it be OK if I come around at three?Yes, thatll _me fine. A. fit B.meet C.suit D.match14.Which do you_, juice or milk? “Milk.” A.like B.take C.enjoy D.prefer15. If he _alive today, how happy we _!A was; will be B. was; would be C. were; would be D. were; will be16.This story happened_ a Monday morning. A. on B. in C. at D. to17.The baby _by his grandparents from Monday to Friday.A.was take care B.was taken care of C.was looked D.was taken care18.Zhang Hong thinks she is lucky to be in the school for her _English course. A.seven-month B.seven month C.seven-months D. seven months19.The book _I put on the desk just now is gone. A.who B.that C.why D.where20.The music _my hometown.A.reminds me of B.reminds of me C.reminding me of D.remind of me 课题:unit 6 Section B 1a-2c (编写人:刘晓亮 ) 一 预习导航: 1.翻译下列词组 不同寻常的衣服 _ 有怕人的妖怪的电影_ _喜欢喝咖啡的人_ _ 伤感的电影_ _2.请写出你的疑点(词或句子)_二学习过程:学习任务一: 一情景交流Fill in the chart.。 Write names of your favorite band book and movie.二Listen 2a and 2b1动口动笔: 在小组内交流一下自己最喜爱的乐队、书籍和电影,然后把它们写下来。学习任务二:that与 who引导的定语从句。1Talk about the picture in pairs 2.动耳动手:Step 1:仔细读2a图片提供的信息,为听力做好预测准备。Listen to the tape, then finish 2a.Step 2:了解2b中提供的信息,并对照2a中的图片,提前预知。 Listen to the tape again and finish 2b.3. 动耳动口:模仿秀 听录音跟读4. 动耳动笔:听录音,填写所缺单词和词组,完成练习:5.和你的同伴一起来练嘴巴,完成2c,并翻译句子:我没有一起练习英语的伙伴。 我喜欢能自己写歌的歌星。 三知识归纳: 在复合句中修饰修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。引导定语从句的词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词两类。在本单元中,我们只涉及到关系代词。关系代词的作用 A做代词,代替先行词B在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语C. 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来四巩固提高 一用“who”或“that”填空。 1. The man _ is talking with my mother is my father . 2. That book is the one _ I bought yesterday . 3. He is one of the workers _ been saved in that accident . 4. They talked of the things and persons _ they remembered in the factory . 5. All _ can be done must be done .二 口头翻译:1 He is the man that I saw yesterday. 2 His father died the year that he was born. 3 I love the singer who is beautiful. 4 I have a friend who plays sports. 三、课后检测: 单项选择1. All the children like the teachers _ can understand them.A. who B. which C. what D. whom2. Do you like music _ makes you excited?A. that B. who C. whose D. whom3. The postcards often remind me _ my old friends.A. at B. for C. of D. with4. I prefer _ to _.A. reading; watching TV B. read; watch TVC. to read; to watch TV D. to read; watching TV5. Lucy is one of _ in her class.A. the good student B. the better studentC. the best student D. the best students6. Weve seen musical bands _ pretty strange names.A. have B. has C. with D. of7. _ have _ names than this band.A. Little; strange B. Few; strangeC. Little; stranger D. Few; stranger8. -Do you like the film? -No, I think its _. I felt _ when I sat in the movie theatre.A. boring; boring B. bored; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; boring9. Lian Zhan with his visitors _ from Taiwan _ paying his first visit to the mainland of China. A. who come; is B. which come; is C. which; are D. that are; are10. -Have you got the information _ you need to use for the report? -Not yet. But Ill try to find some on the Internet at once.A. which B. who C. what D. whose11. Do you know the girl _ father owns a company?A. who B. which C. that D. whose12. The young man _ is a friend of mine.A. who I had a talk B. whom I had a talk withC. which I had a talk with D. whom I had a talk13. When people want to relax themselves, they prefer _ TV or listen to music rather than _ newspapers. A. watching; read B. watching; to read C. to watch; read D. to watch; reading14. _ it snowed, _ the children felt.A. The more heavily; the happier B. The heavily; the happyC. The heavier; the happier D. The more heavily; the more happily15. Though he has studied _ at Russian for ten months, he can _ speak the language. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly;hard课题:section B 3a-4 (编写人:刘晓亮)一预习导航:识记下列单词或词组。黄河_ 渔夫,渔民 n. _最近的 adj. _ 寻找 _娱乐, 乐趣 n. _ 特点,特征 n. _摄影,照相 n._ 摄影者,摄影师 n,._照片,相片 n._ 美术馆,画廊 n._陈列 展览(词组)_ 使感兴趣 v. _错过 v. _无论什么,不管什么 pron. _暗示,间接表明 v._ 活力,力量 n. _赞成的观点 n. _ 反对的观点 n._ _寻找快乐_1. 写出你的疑点:_二学习过程 学习任务一Step1. 快速浏览课文,回答下列问题。1.What does the first review comment on(评论)?2. What does the second review comment on?3. What does the third review comment on?Step2. 阅读第一篇评论,完成3a 。Circle the things the reviewers like ,and underline the things the reviewers dont like .Step3. 再次阅读第一篇评论,完成3b Step4 阅读第二篇、第三篇评论步骤同step2 step3学习任务二Language Points (语言点解析)1. Hes made some great movies over the years. 这些年来,他已经拍摄了多部精彩的影片。s made = has made为现在完成时态。 over the years 意思是“多年来,近年来”。常用于完成时。 趁热打铁: 多年来他拍了些了不起的照片。He _ some great photos_.2. It does have a few good features, though. 然而,它的确有些优点。(1)does “的确,确实” ,在句子中表示强调 。He does have a little brother. 他的确有个弟弟趁热打铁:如你所知,我真的喜欢那辆小汽车。As you know , I _ that car vey much.(2) though adv. “然而” 用于口语,放在句尾。e.g. She promised to phone, I heard nothing, though. 他答应要打电话来,但我没听到回信儿。 though conj. “虽然,尽管”, 放在句首或句中,不与but连用。趁热打铁: Though it was late, _ he went on with his work. A. but B. and C. so D. /3. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. 一定要去看利多美术馆的这次展览。 be sure to do sth. “一定要 ” “一定会”趁热打铁:今晚一定要给我打电话。(翻译) _ be sure not to do sth “一定不要.” “一定不会”趁热打铁: Be sure _ late for the meeting.A. to be B. not to be C. not being D. not be 4. Amy Kim is one of the best-known Chinese photographers in the world today,艾米金 是当今世界最著名的中国摄影师之一。One of + 最高级+n的复数形式e.g. Tai Wan is one of the largest islands in China.5.I see the same things every day and they dont interest me as much 这里 interest 是动词,“使感兴趣” “as much” 是“同样地,同等程度地”e.g. The story does mot interest me. 这个故事引不起我的兴趣。I try to interest him in our plan. 我设法使他对我们的计划感兴趣.6. Whatever you do, dont miss this exhibition. 无论如何都别错过这次展览。whatever 在这里是连词,意思为“任何的事物”“无论什么”“无论什么样的”等,是由“疑问词+ever”构成的。e.g. Whatever you do, you should always do it carefully. 无论你做什么,你都应该认真。7.Over the years, weve seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go.多年来,我们看到许多拥有相当奇怪名字的音乐组合不断呈现。see sb do sth 看见某人做某事pretty strange names 相当奇怪的名字pretty,意思是“相当,十分”8.However, these are musicians who make us happyeven on a Monday morning!然而,这就是那些使我们快乐的音乐家们,甚至是在周一的上午!make sb. happy 是make 常见的一个用法。即“make+名词/代词+ 形容词”意为“使处于(或成为)某种状态。”e.g. What you said made her angry. 你所说的话让她很生气。三、课后检测(精选习题分层落实学习目标,突出实践性和发展性)单项选择1. I like music that I can dance_. A. with B. toC. along D. on 2. Some of her best loved photos are _ display in this exhibition. A. on B. in C. at D. about 3. There are many tall buildings on _ sides of the street. A. each B. everyC. both D. either 4. That is a watch of _. A. hisB. himC. myD. me 5. “Help _ to some fish . ”Mrs. Smith said to the children. A. you B.Yourself C.yourselves. 6. I _ singing to dancing. A. likeB. enjoyC. loveD. prefer 7. He has a friend who _ the piano very well. A. playB. playingC. plays D. played 8. We _ here two hours ago. We _ here for two hours. A. have arrived, have beenB. have come , have beenC. came, have come D. arrived, have been 9. Though it was late, _ he went on with his work.A. butB. andC. soD. 10. We will have a _ holiday after the exam.A. two month B. two - month C. two-monthsD. two months 课题:Unit 6 Reading 编写人:刘晓亮一、学习目标 1. 谈论对我们有利和有害的食物2. 掌握由关系代词that和who引导的定语从句3通过学习拓展阅读,养成健康的饮食习惯4了解中西方饮食文化的差异二、预习准备 (一)试读下列单词 家长签名_sweet, taste, honest, actually, fry, mainly, agreement, itself, type, cancer, barbecue, increase, risk, biscuit, main, exclamation, tag, contraction(二)试译试读 家长签名_1. 黑面包_17. 喝咖啡_2. 白面包_18. 甜点_3. 聚在一起做某事_19. 他们讨论内容的一部分_4. 保持健康(2)_20. 对有害的_ _ 5. 快餐_21. 关心我的健康_6. 与保持距离_22. 与意见一致_7. 在实验室的检测里_23. 一些种类的油_8. 导致癌症_24. 像这样_9. 增加得癌症的危险_25. 甚至_10. 根本不_26. 吃均衡的饮食_11. 烧烤肉_27. 稍微烧烤过的肉_12. 吃坚果仁代替_28. 即使_13. 烧烤食物_29. 烧的很熟的肉_ 14. 对某人重要_30. 对做某事重要_15. 好吃的食物_31. 油炸食物_16. 严格的素食主义者_32. 被震惊_33. 主要的事情是要吃得均衡. _34. 我只吃尝起来好吃的食物. _35. 我主要吃水果和蔬菜。_36. 我宁可不去吃太多油炸的食物。_37. 我不吃用油烧过的东西。_38. 我爱吃烧的很熟的肉,即使肉是稍微烧烤过的_(三)试想试写 家长签名_1. 你能回忆以前学过有关健康/不健康的食物/饮料吗?Healthy food_Healthy drink_Unhealthy food_Unhealthy drink_2. What do you prefer to have for breakfast/lunch/supper? Why?_三、研讨探究(一)Pre-reading (阅读前装备)1.小组讨论今天早餐各人吃什么2. 说说Linda与Jack更偏爱的饮食(二)While-reading (阅读中)1. 阅读并回答(1) What are the young people talking about?(主题句在首段或末段)_(2) How many people are there in the discussion and who are they?_2. 根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F).(1) Peter prefers too much fried food. 2) Tony doesnt eat sugar.(3) Some types of oil are bad for us.(4) Laura eats meat.(5) Burnt barbecued meat might cause cancer.(三)Post-read(阅读后)1. 完成3a: 找出仅在口语中使用的语言2完成3b:用对话中的信息把叙述和每个人搭配起来3. 完成 3c: 写出各种食物类型4. 小组讨论: What kind of eating habits should we have to keep healthy?_四、课后检测(拓展延伸)(一)用“who, that ,which” 填空1.I like music _I can sing along with.2.Rosa likes music_is quiet and gentle.3.I love musicians _ play different kinds of music.4.We prefer music _has great lyrics. 5.I like clothes _are unusual.6.He is the doctor_ we often talk about .7.Those are the things _ I lost in the street yesterday.8.Watch carefully everything_ the teacher will do. (二)单项选择( ) 1.-What do you think of the film_ “The Myth”? -Its beautiful and interesting. A.called B.to call C.which called D.calling( ) 2.This is a good piece of song for us to_.A.dancing B.dancing to C.dance with D.dance to( ) 3.This picture _me of my primary school teacher. A. talks B. tells C. reminds D. asks( ) 4.Be sure _late for the meeting. A.to be B.not to be C.not being D.not be ( ) 5. The woman likes both the hats, she cant decide_. A. to buy which one B.which to buy one C.which one to buy D.one to buy which( ) 6. What would you like to eat? Would you like _? A. any cakes B. some cakes C. some orange D. any bread( ) 7. It was windy outside, we had to keep the window _ that day. A. close B. to close C. closed D. closing( ) 8.Lin Tao is _honest boy, so we all like him. A.the B.an C. / D.a ( ) 9.Which do you_, juice or milk? “Milk.” A.like B.take C.enjoy D.prefer( ) 10. If he _alive today, how happy we _!1. was; will be B. was; would be C. were; would be D. were; will be( ) 11.This story happened_ a Monday morning.A. on B. in C. at D. to( ) 12.The baby _by his grandparentsfrom Monday to Friday.A.was take care B.was taken care of C.was looked D.was taken care( ) 13.The music _my hometown.A.reminds me of B.reminds of me C.reminding me of D.remind of me


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