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20132014学年度第二学期六年级英语期中测试一、按要求填写单词。(10分)1.big(比较级)_ 2.thin(比较级)_3.hungry(比较级)_ 4.heavier(反义词)_5. good(比较级)_ 6.happy(反义词)_班级:_ 姓名:_7.do(过去式)_ 8.study(过去式)_9.win(过去式)_ 10.go(过去式)_二、火眼金睛找不同。(10分)( )1.A.my B.yours C.your( )2.A.long B.heavy C.length( )3.A.cold B. headache C.stomachache( )4.A.angry B.happy C.feel( )5.A.sick B.people C.sore三、读一读,用所给词的适当形式填空。(8分)1. I am_ (young) than my brother.2. My legs are _(long) than_ (you).3. What can you do? I can _(swim).I like _ (swim). 4. What_(do) you do last weekend? I _ (visit) my grandparents. 5. Look! What are they doing? They _ (play) football.四、填写句子,使句意完整。(15分)1. 你比我高2厘米。You are 2 _ _me.2. 我比你重3公斤。Im 3 _ than _ .3.你的喉咙疼吗?Do you _ _?4.一些人得了流感。Some people_ _ _ .5.上周末我去钓鱼了。I_ _ last _.你上周末去远足了吗?Did you _ _ _ weekend?五、选择(20分)( )1. Line up_ taller_ shorter. A. from; and B. from; up C. from; to( )2 . Im 13 years old. Youre 14 years old. So _ .A.youre younger than me. B.youre older than me. C.youre taller than me.( )3. What _ Amy usually do on Sunday?A. do B. Did C. does( )4.The _of the ruler is 20.A.long B.weight C.length( )5.A sperm whale has 50_ .A.tooth B.teeth C.tooths( )6.Im_taller than you.A.much B.more C.many( )7.Take some_and drink hot _.A.medicine;a drink B.medicines;drink C.medicines;a drink ( )8.Stay in bed_ a few days.A.to B.for C.at( )9.Whats the matter _John?A.with B.for C.at( )10._ you _your room last weekend? A.Do;cleaned B.Did;clean C.Did;cleaned六、连词成句。(10分)1. are how you heavy_?2. than Im two younger years sister my _.3.my failed test I math _.4.feel winter some sick in people the_.5.visited last my Sunday I friend_.七、问答句连连看。(5分)1. How big are your feet? A. I have a toothache.2. What did you do last weekend ? B. Im160.3. How does Chen Jie feel? C. I wear17 .4. Whats the matter ? D. She is angry.5. How tall are you ? E. I played football .八、读一读,判断正“T”误“F”。(共10分) Hello, Im a Chinese boy.My name is Ming ming. Im 12years old. Im 160tall and Im 45. I like drawing pictures.Every morning,I go to shool with my good friend Dong dong.We go on foot.Dong dong is 11years old.He is 2 heavier than me.But Im 3 taller than him.Ling ling is my sister.Shes one year older than me. She likes sports.She is taller and stronger than me.She love me and I love her too.( )1. Ming ming is older than Dong dong.( )2. Ming ming is 163 cm tall.( )3. Ling ling is two years older than Dong dong.( )4. Dong dong is 2 kg heavier than Ming ming.( )5. Ling ling is stronger and taller than Ming ming.九、看表格,介绍一下表格中的人物。字数不少于60字。(10分)NameAgeHeightWeightAmy1316048Sarah1415845 _4


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