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盘点托福听力对话中20个常常听不懂的习语表达 托福听力的对话和讲座在语言使用上有肯定差异,对话中常常会出现一些口语化的习语表达方式,今日我给大家带来了盘点托福听力对话中20个常常听不懂的习语表达,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 盘点托福听力对话中20个常常听不懂的习语表达 1.take a rain check 改天吧 Can you come over for dinner toniaybe next month. (这几个月我花钱如流水。或许下个月吧。) 9.fill ones shoes 很好地顶替;令人满足地替代 Have you heard that Professor Jones is retiriny chemistry project is in trouble because my partner and I hadtotally different ideas about how to proceed。(我的化学课题出问题了。在进展问题上,我与我的合看法完全不同。) You should try to meet each other half way. (你们应当相互妥协。) 15.on the dot 准时;正点 Did you and Amanda really meet exactly five minutes to two infront of the theatre? (你和Amanda的确在差5分两点的时候到达剧院门口了吗?) Yes, we were both there on the dot. (是的,我俩都准点到达。) 16.once and for all 最终一次;干脆 I am arty, are you doinarty,你在为明天的政治学演讲预备与众不同的材料吗?) Not really, because the class so often turns into a discussion,Ive decided to play it by ear. (不。那门课经常最终变成争论。我打算视情形而定。) 20. rineplace send sth by someway packaailstamp envelop ailmailexpressmail reail weiary(学校医务室) medical excuse(病假) emer operator room emerber nusinbulance(抢救车) 4,in the airport fliber next fli area(取行李处) 5,in the museum exhibit/exhibition admission student card art oney(存钱)draw money from (取钱) 7,in the hardwire store machine oil nails(钉子) paint(油漆) can wire hammer tool 8, in the construction site bulldozer(推土机) vacant lot(空地) 0trucks lumber(木材)9,in the photo(胶卷) a roll of film(一卷胶卷)develop film(冲胶卷)lens(镜头)10,in the hairdressers in the back on the top of ears trim the banance 13, in the stationary store notebook notecard paper pen 14, in the stadium e player seats 15, in the book store dictionary book price reanaake a phonecall pick up the receiver drop the coins in the slot dial the number busy siusic album/record(唱片) record palyer(唱机) turn table(唱机转盘) stereo (立体声音响) cassette(盒式录音带) loud speaker (喇叭) jazz soniles tire is flat tire needs air pedal(蹬车) 4, askinust be around here somewhere 5, ailing a package brown paper(牛皮纸)sting(细绳)tape(胶带) scissors(剪子) weigh 盘点托福听力对话中20个常常听不懂的习语表达


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