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课堂教学的英语作文 Should Online Education Replace Classroom EducationNothing has affected our life as swiftly and significantly as the Internet, especially in the field of education. And many of buzzwords such as Distance Education, Cyber Classroom and Online Study are more and more frequently heard of. With the increasing popularity of online education, some individuals claim that online education will take the place of traditional way of classroom edcuation soon. However, given more rational consideration and careful observation, it has to be admitted that the possibility of the dominance of online education in all aspects is quite slim.Firstly, in the process of online education, the degree of interactivity between teachers and students is bound to decline. On the one hand, students will tend to be impassive receivers, as they can not raise questions whenever they want to, and they are not able to share their opinions with other classmates, since they barely meet each other. Moreover, most students may fail to control the minds if the lecture in the computer is abstract and abstruse. On the other hand, teachers cant gain sufficient and elaborate feedback from students. Thus, in most cases, they will be engulfed in a swamp of doubts whether their teaching program and pace are appropriate for each individual student. As is known, teaching and learning are closely related and should be compatible with each other lest the untoward consequences turn up.Besides, online education given in the cyber space, to a certain extent, is fictitious and intangible, and cant be applied to certain courses. The music class is just the case in this regard. I have been teaching Guzheng-a kind of ancient Chinese musical instrument in a training school. At the initial stage, I have to, face-to-face, teach the students the right gesture of hands, which is the most important step to form a good habit of performance. More often I am obligated to correct their mistakes, especially their hand gestures, and implant a sense of melody to their minds time after time. In this sense, the teachers on the screen might not play the same role as I have, as they are blind to the unique positions and movements of students hands, or even the potential talent of each student.Lastly, the substitution of classroom teaching with web-based education will indisputably cause a crisis of unemployment for teachers. Its well acknowledged that technological innovation is a double-blade sword. It brings convenience to more people in their pursuit of education to their own wills while it also demands less quantity of teachers or professors in the case of online teaching. Normally, one teacher can only teach forty or fifty students in a classroom, while now one can teach the whole world as long as he/she has a computer connected to the Internet.To sum up, cyber education is an unfavorable option with concerns over the apathetic interactivity between teachers and students, as well as the unbearable results of deteriorating unemployment for teachers. In addition, not all the courses can be taught through the Internet. On the contrary , it can be said that classroom teaching is not only pleasant, but also fruitful and efficient. With its eminent advantages, by no means will classroom teaching die out no matter how the world changes.应该在线教育取代课堂教学没有什么影响了我们的生活作为互联网迅速而显著,尤其在教育领域。和许多的术语,如“远程教育”,“网络教室”和“在线学习”是越来越频繁地听说过的。与日益普及的在线教育,一些人声称,在线教育将取代传统的课堂edcuation很快。然而,考虑到更多的理性思考和细致的观察,必须承认这种可能性占优势的在线教育在各方面都很苗条。首先,在这个过程中,在线教育程度、教师与学生之间的互动是肯定要下降。另一方面,学生们将会倾向于防御接收器,因为他们可以不举手提问,每当他们想他们不能够分享他们的意见和其他同学,因为他们几乎没有见面了。而且,大多数的学生可能会无法控制思想若演讲在计算机是抽象和深邃。另一方面,教师不能获得足够的反馈和精心的学生。因此,在大多数情况下,它们会沉浸在一个沼泽的怀疑,他们的教学大纲和速度适合每一个学生个体。众所周知,教与学是密切相关的,应和睦相处,以免不良后果的出现。此外,在线教育给在网络空间,在某种程度上,是虚拟的和无形的,并且不能被应用于特定的课程。音乐类情况是这样的,在这方面。我已经教古筝一种类型的古老的中国乐器在一所培训学校。在初步阶段,我不得不去,面对面,教会学生正确的手势的双手,也是最重要的一步养成良好的绩效。更多的时候,我是义务去修正他们的错误,特别是他们的手势,并植入一种旋律他们心智一次又一次。从这个意义上说,教师在屏幕上不可能也起着同样的作用,因为我有,因为他们是瞎眼的,独特的位置和运动的学生的手,甚至每个学生的潜在的才华。最后,代替原有的课堂教学和网络教育的危机会导致失业毋庸置疑的教员。这是很承认,而技术创新是double-blade剑。他会给你带来方便更多的人们在追求教育他们自己的意愿,同时也要求少数量的老师或教授在案件的网上教学。通常情况下,一位老师只能教四五十学生在课堂,而现在一个人可以教导整个世界,只要他或她有一台连接到因特网上的电脑。综上所述,网络教育是一种不利的选项的关切缺乏感情的互动性教师与学生之间,以及难以忍受的结果为教师恶化失业。另外,不是所有的课程可以教通过互联网。相反的,可以这样说,课堂教学不仅仅是令人愉快的,而且卓有成效的和有效的。以其杰出的优势,绝不课堂教学消亡无论世界如何变化。


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