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第 17 课时Modules 7-9(九上)PART ONE第一篇 教材梳理篇基础自主梳理词汇拓展 动词1.spread(过去分词)2.think (n.)3.die (adj.)死的 4.act (n.)举止,行为 5.decide (n.)6.introduce (n.)7.develop (n.)8.repair (近义词)9.lend (过去分词)10.surprise (adj.)惊奇的;惊讶的 11.live (adj.)活着的 12.print (n.)13.connect (n.)名词14.south (adj.)15.power (adj.)16.Asia (adj.)形容词17.proud (n.)18.able (n.)19.main (adv.)20.proper (adv.)spreadthinker/thoughtdeadactiondecisionintroductiondevelopmentfixlentsurprisedaliveprintingconnectionsouthernpowerfulAsianprideabilitymainlyproperly基础自主梳理短语归纳 动词短语1.合情理;有意义 2.逃跑 3.为付出代价 4.遇上麻烦 5.是的缩写;代表 6.设立;创办 7.阻止某人做某事 8.张贴;公布 9.浏览 10.等等看;等着瞧 11.感到自豪 12.受折磨;因而受苦 13.把比作 介词短语14.顺便提一下 15.每次;一次 16.起初 17.用手;靠手做 18.从某一点上看;在某种程度上 19.一小段时间;一时 其他短语20.好几千;成千上万 21.决不;不可能 make senserun awaypay forget into troublestand forset upstop sb.(from)doing sth.put uplook throughwait and seetake pride insuffer fromcomparetoby the wayat a timeat firstby handin a wayfor a timethousands ofno way基础自主梳理写作积累 名人轶事1.But I think Id describe Confucius as a teacher and thinker a writer.但是我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家兼思想家,而非作家。2.but I suppose he isnt Con-fucius or Shakespeare.但是我认为他没有孔子或莎士比亚有名。3.and to be one of the greatest American stories.人们认为这本书是美国最好的小说之一。4.Hes mad at us hell try harder to win,just were wrong!他是如此生我们的气,以至于他将会更加努力去赢,就是为了证明我们错了!5.that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games.很遗憾,他的脚伤阻碍了他完成2012年伦敦奥运会的比赛。morethanas well-known asit is thoughtsothatto showIt is a pity基础自主梳理写作积累 科技发展6.Later,developments in printing to produce books more quickly and cheaply.后来,印刷术的发展使更快更便宜地制作书成为了可能。7.But it seems impossible life them.但是想象没有它们的生活似乎是不可能的。8.However,of electronic technology,reading e-books will become.然而,随着电子科技的迅速发展,阅读电子书将会变得越来越便宜。made it possibleto imaginewithoutwith the rapid developmentcheaper and cheaper基础自主梳理语法链接被动语态及其用法。详见P093,语法专题(七)核心考点突破 supposev.猜想;推测;相信;认为【题1】用括号中所给词的正确形式填空To keep safe,everyone (suppose)to wear a seat belt in the car.【题2】根据汉语意思完成句子据猜测这位老教师马上就要退休了。the aged teacher is going to retire soon.【题3】同义句转换You should arrive 15 minutes earlier when you meet friends in this country.when you meet friends in this country.is supposedIt is supposed thatYou are supposed to arrive 15 minutes earlier【归纳拓展】核心考点突破 put up张贴;公布;搭起;举起【题4】用put up,put away,put off,put on的正确形式填空(1)I my hand and asked to leave the room.(2)We should the meeting.So many people are absent.(3)Please the notice about a lost child on the board right now.(4)Oh,my God!I have 2kg this month.(5)Little Tom is his school things.put upput offput upput onputting away核心考点突破【归纳拓展】1.put up用法小结:2.put的其他相关短语:put down记下;写下put off推迟put on穿上;上演;增加体重put out出版;熄灭put up with容忍put away把收起;存(钱)put forward提出(意见、建议)核心考点突破 die/dead/death/dying【题5】用die的正确形式填空(1)Lucy felt very sad.Her pet dogs was a great shock to her.(2)The famous Chinese writer Yang Jiang for two years.(3)The man was saved by a kind-hearted lady.(4)The great scientist Stephen William Hawking on March 14,2018.deathhas been deaddyingdied核心考点突破 核心考点突破 at a time/at the time/at one time/at times【题6】根据汉语意思完成句子(1)我过去常常在大山里一次待好几个小时。I used to stay in the mountain for hours.(2)托尼在中国。他有时会想念纽约的家人。Tony is in China.He misses his family in New York.(3)曾经有四百个男人、女人和孩子住在这个村子里。400 men,women and children lived in the village.(4)那时我失业了。I was out of work.at a timeat timesAt one timeat the time 核心考点突破核心考点突破 in a way/in the way/on the way/by the way【题7】用by the way,on the way,in the way或in a way填空(1),when will your plane take off?(2)They met an old man who was selling newspapers to the museum.(3)I agree with you.(4)He wanted to walk through the door,but a desk was .By the wayon the wayIn a wayin the way 核心考点突破核心考点突破 It is a pity that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games.遗憾的是,他的脚伤阻碍了他完成2012年伦敦奥运会的比赛。【题8】用括号中所给词的正确形式填空I will try my best to stop my son from (make)the same mistake.【题9】根据汉语意思完成句子遗憾的是课本中大量的优秀古诗文被删除了。a lot of wonderful poems were cut out from the textbooks.makingIts a pity that核心考点突破【归纳拓展】(1)“It is a pity+that从句”意为“遗憾的是”,that在句中引导的是主语从句,it作形式主语。(2)stop sb.(from)doing sth.=prevent sb.(from)doing sth.=keep sb.from doing sth.(此时的from不可省略),意为“阻止某人做某事”。No one can stop us(from)carrying out the plan.没有人能阻止我们实施这项计划。当堂效果检测.根据汉语提示填单词1.Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were(活着的).2.Its hard to measure his(能力)when we havent seen his works.3.These years China has gone through rapid (发展).4.This news(传播)more quickly than I thought.5.I couldnt get any reply when I called Dan,so I (猜想)he had gone out.aliveabilitydevelopmentspreadsupposed/guessed当堂效果检测.用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1.The rubbish should be (proper)treated in order to protect the environment.2.The cats(die)made the little girl so sad.3.Our company will come to a (decide)in a short time.4.Mike(lend)his friend nearly 20,000 dollars five years ago.5.Teachers take(proud)in the top students because they usually get the highest marks in exams.6.Florida is in the (south)part of America.7.We must take(act)to reduce the pollution at once.8.America is a (develop)country.9.Confucius was a great (think)and teacher.10.She seldom spoke.She had no (connect)with the world.properlydeathdecisionlentpridesouthernactiondevelopedthinkerconnection当堂效果检测.用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空 introducepowermainaliveput up1.I wonder whether the poor cat is or dead.2.The result of the competition will be on the noticeboard.3.The passage tells us a story about a brave boy.4.Though the Internet is a tool,it still has some disadvantages.5.When we first came to this school,everybody made his own before class.aliveput upmainlypowerfulintroduction


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