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setv.set( sets; set; setting )双解释义vt.放,搁置 put sth somewhere; fix; arrangevi.(日、月等)落,下沉 (sun, moon etc.) go down from the skyvi.(植物)结子,结果 (of plants) form and develop seed or fruit基本要点1.set的基本意思是“放,搁”,指为了明确的目的而将某人或某物放在一个特定的位置或使其处于某种状态。引申可指“使凝固,使变坚固”“确定,制定”“估计,评价”“调整,对准”“使某人某物开始做某事发生作用”“树立,创造”“镶嵌,点缀”“谱曲,设置”“排字”等。2.set可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词for或to的宾语。set还可接以形容词、介词短语、动词不定式或现在分词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。set可用于被动结构。3.set的过去式和过去分词均为set。词汇搭配 +名词 set a broken leg接合断腿 set a date定日期 set a match点火 set a new record创造新纪录 set a pot放置锅 set a price标价 set a rule制定规则 set a test布置考试 set a trap设圈套 set a watch布置哨兵 set a wedding day定下结婚的日子 set an example树立榜样 set duty布置任务 set fire点火 set hat戴好帽子 set homework布置家庭作业 set house整理屋子 set problems布置题目 set rules立规矩 set sbs watch对表 set seedlings植苗 set seeds下种 set the alarm定闹钟 set the clock调好钟 set the controls调整,控制 set the fashion创新样式 set the goal确定目标 set the last week in April定在四月的最后一周 set the pupils problems给学生布置题目 set the questions布置考题 set the room收拾房子 set the selling prices定售价 set the stage设置舞台布景 set the table摆好桌子 set trap设陷阱 set work布置工作 +副词 set ablaze起火 set adrift使逐流 set ahead向前拨 set ashore使登岸 set forward提出,促进,把(钟)拨快 set forward the clock把时钟往前拨 set homeward朝回家的方向走 set awkwardly笨拙地装置 set calmly沉着地放置 set coquettishly卖弄风情地做样子 set cunningly巧妙地放置 set deliberately故意地放置 set firmly牢固地装好 set grimly严厉地规定 set heavily沉沉地落下 set illogically不合理地放 set ingeniously巧妙地装好 set intelligently聪明地放置 set intuitively凭直觉装好 set partially局部装好 set probably适当地放置 set quickly凝固得快 set rapidly迅速进入某种状态 set resolutely坚决地规定 set simultaneously同时放置 set slowly慢慢地进入某种状态 set temporarily暂时放置 set about开始,着手 set apart留出 set aside放在一边 set back拨回(钟表),使退步,使挫折,阻碍 set back the clock把时钟往回拨 set back the programme阻碍计划实施 set by搁在一旁 set down放下,卸下,记下,制定 set down a load放下担子 set forth出发,提出 set forth ones views阐述己见 set in流行,确立,走进 set in ones attitude about抱定自己对的态度 set off动身,出发,引起,爆炸 set on唆使 set out动身,布置,提出,开辟 set out a garden设计花园的布局 set to开始努力干 set up建立,提出,贴出,引起,使振作 set up a factory建立工厂 set up a loud cry大声叫喊 set up a new theory提出新的理论 +介词 set about开始,着手,乱打(人) set about cleaning the classroom开始打扫教室 set about learning English开始学习英语 set above将置于之上 set against使靠在上,使与对立 set a ladder against a wall把扶梯靠在墙上 set brother against brother使兄弟之间不和 set oneself against the people与人民为敌 set at sb 袭击攻击、抨击某人 set before把置于之前 set for为而安排 set a date for a conference决定会议日期 set a place for a guest为客人安排位置 set a date for a wedding为婚礼定下日期 set the papers for an examination出试题 set the table for dinner在桌上摆设餐具准备开饭 set a piece of music for the violin为小提琴编曲 set a diamond in a ring在戒指上嵌钻石 set flowers in a vase把花插在花瓶里 set the machines in motion开动机器 set sb in the way指点某人路途 set the targets of production定生产指标 set eyes on凝视(某人) set sights on凝视某物,渴求(某物) set a price on an article为物品标价 set ones hope on becoming a flyer渴望成为飞行员 set the wheel on the axle把轮子装在轴上 set ones heart on the common good一心为公 set eyes on the green hill望见翠绿的小山 set the lamp on the table将台灯放在桌上 set a match to a pile of dead leaves擦火柴点燃一堆枯树叶 set a poem to music为诗配曲 set a receiver to the ear把听筒放到耳边 set fire to the enemys ammunition dump放火烧敌人的弹药库 set with为提供 set the top of a wall with broken glass在墙头上嵌碎玻璃常用短语set about1(v.+adv.)非正散布(谣言) spread bad news, rumors, etc.set sthaboutSomeone is always setting stories about that the Prince is to be married.有人总是在散布谣言说什么王子要结婚。set about2(v.+prep.)1.开始做(某事) begin to do sthset about sth/v-ingHow should we set about our work?我们该怎样做这工作?We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.我们立刻兴致勃勃地干起来。He asked me how he should set about learning the German language.他问我他该如何着手学习德语。I will set about seeing him off.我就去送他。2.攻击(某人),抨击(某人) attack sb verbally or physicallyset about sbIf those boys steal any more of my fruit,Ill set about them with my spade. 如果那些男孩子再偷我的水果,我就要用铁锹揍他们了。In a very forceful speech he set about his critics.他以有力的发言驳斥了他的批评者。Dont set about him; he doesnt know whats been going on.别怪罪于他,他对发生的事情一无所知。set above(v.+prep.)set sth above sth/v-ing1.把置于上方 place sth in a position higher than sth 用于be ed结构The notice was set above the door, and I didnt see it.通知贴在门的上方,我没看见。2.认为高于 consider sth/sb as being more important or worthy of attention than sth/sb elseMothers are well-known for setting the needs of the family above their own interests.众所周知,做母亲的总是把家庭需要置于个人的利益之上。 用于be ed结构Getting out of debt must be set above buying anything new.首先要还清债务,然后才能购置新东西。set across(v.+prep.)把横在上 place or move sth/sb into place or move sth/sb into a position across sthset sb/sth across sthIf you do that again,Ill set you across my knee and beat you.如果你再干那种事,我就把你横在我的膝盖上揍你。set against(v.+prep.)1.(使)靠着 place sth/sb next up sth/sbset sb/sth against sb/sthSet the sleeping child against his brother.把睡着的孩子放到他哥哥身旁。I set the basket against the door, hoping that the housekeeper would find it.我把篮子靠门放着,希望管家能够找得到。 用于be ed结构The plank was set against the wall.木板靠着墙壁。2.(使)在的映衬下 show sth in front of a backgroundset against sthThe trees looked bare and threatening, set against the darkening sky.那些树在灰暗的天空映衬下,显得裸秃可怕。set sth against sth 用于be ed结构Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth.钻石用黑纱映衬显得最美。3.把与相比 compare sth with sth elseset sth against sthSetting the results against those of the last election, we can see a clear improvement.把这次的选举结果和上次的相比较,我们可以看到明显的进步。4.(使)与平衡 balance sth against sth oppositeset sth against sthWe must set the cost against the advantages of the new invention.我们必须权衡那项发明的代价与利益。 用于be ed结构But there is a disadvantage to be set against this fact.尽管事实如此,相比之下,仍有不利之处。5.(使)与为敌; 反对 make sb an enemy of sb else; oppose sth firmlyset sb/sth against sb/sthThe civil war set brother against brother.内战使同胞兄弟反目成仇。She accused her husband of setting their children against her.她指责丈夫使子女反对她。set ahead(v.+adv.)set sthahead1.前进,生长 make sth advanceThe warm weather has set the crops ahead by a month.暖和的天气使庄稼提前一个月就长了起来。2.提前 move or change sth such as an event to an earlier time or dateWe were able to set the meeting ahead because the report was prepared earlier than we expected.我们提前召开了会议,因为报告比预定日期提前准备好了。3.往前拨 move the hands of a clock or watch to a later timeIn spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.春季我们通常把钟往前拨一小时以充分利用夏天的白昼。set among(v.+prep.)把置于中 place sth/sb in the middle of a groupset sb/sth among sb/sthIf you set the boy among all those tall children, he looks even shorter.你若让这孩子站在大个孩子中,他看上去显得更矮。Lets set some white flowers among the blue ones.咱们在蓝色的花中间插一些白花吧。set apart(v.+adv.)说明 set apart通常不用于进行体。set sb/sthapart1.分开放,隔离开 place sth/sb separatelySet the fighting boys apart.把打架的男孩拉开。 用于be ed结构People suffering from highly infectious disease are set apart until they are better.人们得了极易使人感染的病就会被隔离起来直到病情好转。The chair was set apart from the others for the special guest.另外设置的这把椅子是为那位特殊客人专设的。2.留出,拨出 keep sth for sthSet apart a sum for new equipment.留出一笔款项添置新设备。3.突出,区别 make noticeable or outstanding; distinguishHer bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出。set aside(v.+adv.)set sb/sthaside1.把放置一旁,不理会 set sth especially money or time aside for a special use, purpose; keep available for that use or purposeLets set aside our personal feelings.咱们把个人感情放在一边。The judge set aside the decision of the lower court.法官对下级法庭所作的决定不予理会。Setting the chair aside, he sat on the floor.他把椅子搁到一旁,坐在地板上。 用于be ed结构I warned them not to do it, but my objections were set aside.我警告他们不要那样做,但他们没有理会。2.取消,驳回 cancel or reject sthThe Appeal Court set aside the prisoners sentence. 上诉法院撤销了对刑事被告的判决。 用于be ed结构The original verdict was eventually set aside by the Supreme Court.原判最后被最高法院撤销了。3.留出 keep sth for sthHe tries to set aside at least half an hour every day for jogging.他尽量每天留出半个小时用于慢跑。She set aside five hours a week to learn French.她每星期留出5个小时的时间来学法语。Each week she tried to set aside a few dollars.她每周设法存下几美元。The hotel manager set aside two pleasant rooms for us.旅馆经理给我们留出两间舒适的房间。set at(v.+prep.)说明 set at通常不用于进行体。1.置于一旁 place sth/sb in position next to or in front of sthset sth at sthThe worshippers set their sacrifices at the feet of the god.朝拜的人们把他们的供品置于神像的脚下。2.把固定在 fix sth measurable such as a price or temperature atset sth at sth 用于be ed结构The rate of interest is set at 11.5.利率定为11.5。3.猜测达到 guess sth to be an amount number, etc.set sth at sthI set the value of the horse at 134 pounds.我估计这匹马值134镑。 用于be ed结构His income can be set at 9000 a year.估计他的收入每年大约能达到9000英镑。4.试图吸引 try to attract sb of the opposite sexset ones cap at sbIts no use that new secretary set her cap at the director, hes not interested in women.新秘书想勾引主任,那是徒劳的,他对女人不感兴趣。5.违抗,蔑视 refuse to obey sth such as a lawset sth at defianceOne mustnt set the law at defiance.任何人不得蔑视法律。The prisoners refusal to answer has set the court at defiance, and he must be punished.囚犯拒绝回答,实属蔑视法庭,必须予以惩处。6.使安心 make sb feel comfortable, not nervousset sb at his easeHis behaviour did nothing to set me at my ease.他的行为无法使我安心。7.认为没有价值 consider sth to be of little valueset sth at naught 用于be ed结构Most election promises can be set at naught.竞选时所做的许诺大都没有什么价值。All our victories are set at naught if we lose sight of our principles.如果我们无视我们的原则,我们所有的胜利都无多大意义。set back(v.+adv.)说明 set back通常不用于进行体。set sb/sthback1.向后移 move sth in a backward directionWhy dont you set your chair back a little to get a better view?你怎么不把椅子向后移一下,好看得更清楚点儿?The crisis set back the entire economy of the world.那次经济危机使整个世界的经济全面衰退。2.靠后坐落 place sth distance away from a road, etc. 用于be ed结构The house is set back some distance from the street.这房屋离街面有一段距离。3.推迟,耽搁 delayFinancial problems have set back our building programme.财政困难使我们的建造计划推迟了。The accident has set them back several weeks.那次事故已使他们耽搁了几个星期。 用于be ed结构All their efforts at reform have been set back.他们所有的改革努力都遭受挫折。4.往后拨 put backThis clock is not telling the right time. Please set its hands back ten minutes.这只钟报时不准,请往回拨十分钟。5.花费 costHow much did your new bicycle set you back?你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱?This house will set us back a fair sum.这房子得花费我们相当大的一笔钱。set before(v.+prep.)set sth before sb/sth1.把置于之前 place (usually sth) in position in front of sthShe set her money before her mother.她把钱放到她妈妈面前。2.提出供参考 offer sth such as an idea for consideration or approval by sb or a group in powerThe government has set two choices before the voter.政府为选民提供两项选择。 用于be ed结构Your suggestion will be set before the board of directors at their next meeting.你的建议将提交董事会的下次会议审议。set beside(v.+prep.)set sb/sth beside sb/sth1.挨着,靠近 place sth/sb next to sth/sbSet the baby beside his mother.让婴儿挨着他母亲。 用于be ed结构The bread mixture was set beside the fire to rise.和好的做面包的面团靠火放着,好让它发起来。2.把与相比较 compare sth/sb with sth/sbSet beside the attractions of a place with continuous sunshine, living in this city seems very dull.与一个总是阳光明媚的地方相比,这个城市的生活显得十分阴郁。Money seems unimportant when sets beside the joys of family life.与天伦之乐相比,金钱显得微不足道。set by1(v.+adv.)set sthby1.搁在一旁 put sth on one side, especially for a short timeShe was reading a book, but set it by when the telephone rang.她正在看书,电话铃一响,她就把书搁到一旁。2.中断 discontinue sth such as work for a timeHe set his new book by for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make a bit of money.他把新书的写作搁置了一年,在此期间,他给杂志写点文章赚点钱。3.抛开,撇开 cease paying attention to sth such as a habit or feelingIts time to set our differences by and work together for a common purpose.该是我们抛开分歧,为一个共同的目的而协力工作的时候了。4.留出,拨出 save (usually money or time)I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book.我留出整整一个下午的时间来攻读那本书。set by2(v.+prep.)把置于旁边 place beside sth/sb说明 set by通常不用于进行体。set sb/sth by sb/sthThe mother set the toy gently by the side of the sleeping child.母亲把玩具轻轻地放在入睡的孩子身旁。Please set these chairs by the window.请把这些椅子放在窗户旁。set down(v.+adv.)1.(使)放下,(使)坐下 put down; cause to sit downset sb/sthdownHe set down the heavy box and rested for a while.他放下沉重的箱子歇一会儿。He set me down in a comfortable chair.他让我坐在一张舒适的椅子里。They bought some drinks at the bar then set themselves down at a table.他们在酒吧买了些饮料,然后在桌旁坐下。 用于be ed结构The desk was set down before the window.把写字台放在窗前。2.制定,确定 establish; choose sthset sthdownWe had to set down the rules for the behaviour of the members.我们不得不制定规则来约束会员们的行为。 用于be ed结构You knew the hearing was set down today.你当时知道审讯于今天举行。3.降落 landset downWe set down in a heavy fog.我们在浓雾中降落。set sthdownThe pilot was able to set the damaged plane down safely in a field.那位飞行员终于把已损坏的飞机安全地降落在一片旷野上。4.(叫)下车 allow or cause to get downset sbdownPlease set me down at the street corner.到街头拐角处请让我下车。 用于be ed结构The second passenger asked to be set down at the church.第二位乘客请求在教堂前下车。5.记下 write downset sthdownShe listened attentively and set down every word he said.她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏地记下来。6.标出 mark sth on a plan, map, etc.set sthdown 用于be ed结构The areas of future redevelopment are set down clearly on the map.要重新开发的地区已在地图上清清楚楚地标了出来。set down as(v.+adv.+prep.)说明 set down as通常不用于进行体。set sb/sthdown as sb/sth1.把登记为 record as being or doing sthYou can set the telephone bill down as a business cost.你可把电话费登记为办公费。 用于be ed结构I see that youre set down as a former police officer; why do you want this job?我从登记上看到你原来是一位警官,你为什么要来干这份工作呢?2.把认作为 judge sb to be a certain kind of personAs the man had rough hands,I set him down as a farm worker.这人双手粗糙,我认为他是个农场工人。set down for(v.+adv.+prep.)为确定 fix (a date) for (an event such as a trial); decide to hold (an event such as a trial) on (a certain day)说明 set down for通常不用于进行体。set sthdown for sth 用于be ed结构13 April has been set down for the trial.审判定于4月13日举行。Monday has been set down for the next meeting.确定星期一召开下次会议。set down to(v.+adv.+prep.)把归于 consider sth to be the result of sth说明 set down to通常不用于进行体。set sthdown to sthI set his bad temper down to his recent illness.我认为他脾气不好是因为他最近生病的缘故。set fire to放火烧,使着火 make sth catch fireThe demonstrators set fire to the mayors house.示威群众放火烧了市长的房子。set for(v.+prep.)set sth for sth1.为确定或选定 decide on sth such as books or questions to be used in an examination or for studentsWho is setting the questions for the examination?谁来确定考题?It seems foolish to set that book for such young students.为这么年幼的学生选用那本书是愚蠢的。2.为定时 arrange the controls of a machine so that it works at a certain timeIve set the clock for 6:30 so that we can be up early to swim before breakfast.我把闹钟定在六点半,这样我们可以早早起床,在早饭前游泳。3.为准备 prepare a table for a mealCan you set the table for supper?你摆好桌子准备吃晚饭好吗?The table is set for six guests.桌子上摆好了六位客人的餐具。set forth(v.+adv.)1.起程,出发 begin a journey or startset forthThey set forth on their bike at once after breakfast.一吃完早饭,他们就骑车动身。The troop set forth on their ten-mile hike early.军队一早就开始他们的10英里徒步行军。They set forth in three small boats.他们分乘三条小船出发了。2.详尽地解释 explain fully; give details of; show clearlyset forth sthThe Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.首相在一次电视讲话中阐明了政府的目标。In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.作者在前言中阐明了他写这本书的原因。 用于be ed结构His views were fully set forth in a written statement.他的观点在一篇书面声明中得到了充分的阐述。3.展示,陈列 exhibit or displayset forth sth 用于be ed结构Many newly-unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall.展览馆里陈列着许多新出土的文物。set forward(v.+adv.)1.往前移动 move sth into a position further in frontset sthforwardWhy not set the table forward?为什么不把桌子向前移动一点呢?2.起程 begin a journey or startset forwardThe climbers set forward towards the mountain in bright weather.天气晴朗,登山运动员向着那座山出发了。3.提出,阐述 put forward; declareset sthforwardHe set forward several practical proposals.他提出了几项切实可行的建议。 用于be ed结构The committees plans are set forward in the report.报告中阐述了委员会的计划。4.提前 make sth advanceset sthforwardWe shall have to set the meeting forward because of the holiday next week.下周休假,我们得把会议提前。5.往前拨 move or change (sth such as an event) to an earlier time or dateset sthforwardPlease set forward your watches an hour.请把你们的表往前拨一个小时。set in1(v.+adv.)1.嵌入 insertset sthinThe builders set the panels in very carefully.建筑工人把嵌板非常小心地镶进去。Set the glass in carefully so that it fits the window frame exactly.把玻璃小心地嵌入,使其与窗框恰好吻合。2.开始出现并可能持续 begin and seem likely to continueset inCommerce in the urban districts has been carried on smoothly since winter set in.自从冬季来临后,市区的商业一直在顺利开展着。Fungus set in and killed the plants.霉菌开始生长并把植物弄死了。Youd better paint the woodwork before decay sets in.你最好在木制品腐朽之前就上漆。An infection has set in, and his leg will have to be removed.伤口受到感染,他的腿只好锯掉。3.缝上 stitchset sthinYoud better set in the sleeves first.你最好先把衣袖缝上去。4.背景设置 give a backgroundset sthinThe scenery does not fill the space properly, we should set in an additional piece here.这布景不能把舞台布置完满,我们应该在这儿另加一个布景。 用于be ed结构The novel is set in pre-war London.这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。5.缩排 place type in a position away from the edge of the pageset sthin 用于be ed结构The next three sentences should be set in.下面的三句应该缩排。6.开始向岸上袭来 blow or flow towards the shoreset inThe wind began to set in at noon.中午时风开始向岸上吹来。The wind set in strongly.风猛烈地刮着。The current sets in towards the shore.潮水向岸边涌来。7.驶向岸边 move towards the shoreset sthinThe captain set the ship in.船长将船驶向岸边。Its time to set the ship in.该把船驶向岸边了。set in2(v.+prep.)set sb/sth in sth1.把置于 place (sth/sb) in position in (sth such as a frame)She set the baby in my arms and ran away.她把孩子塞到我怀里,转身就跑了。The mother set her baby in the chair.母亲让婴儿坐在椅子上。Set the eggs gently in the basket.把蛋轻轻地放在篮子中。2.把做成 fix (hair) when wet into (a certain style)Why do you always set your hair in large waves?你为什么老是把头发做成大波浪式?3.把固定在上 fix (sth such as a jewel) in (a setting)The jeweler charges lots of money to set diamonds in a bracelet.珠宝匠要很多钱才肯把钻石镶在手镯上。 用于be ed结构The diamonds were set in gold, making the ring very dear.几颗钻石镶在金子上,使那戒指非常昂贵。4.将安排在 provide (a scene in a story, play, etc.) with a setting in (a particular place) 用于be ed结构The scene is set in a forest surrounding a mysterious castle.场景是环抱着一座神秘城堡的大森林。5.排字 arrange for printing 用于be ed结构This edition has been set in large type.这个版本是用大号字体排印的。This dictionary is set in Press Roman.本词典排版用的是罗马字体。set off(v.+adv.)1.出发,动身 begin a journey; start off; start outset offWhen shall he set off tomorrow?他明天几点出发?We will set off at six oclock tomorrow morning.我们将于明天早晨6点出发。Theyve set off on a trip round the world.他们已出发作环球旅行。We set off at dawn so that we could get to the coast before lunch time.我们黎明时分出发,这样便能在午饭前到达海边。Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends attempts to dissuade him.奇切思特不顾朋友们的劝阻,再次启程远航。2. (使)开始; 引起 (cause to) beginset sb/sthoffShe had stopped


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