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Module1Unit 1What a mess!M1U1:单词1. notebook笔记本 2.brush 3.paints颜料 4.crayon蜡笔 5.bag书包 6.tape胶带 7.glue胶水 8. mine我的 9.ours我们的 10.yours你的 你们的 11.his他的 12.her她的 13.its它的 14.their他们的 15.picture book图片书 16.storybook故事书 17.weight重量 18.this 这 19.that 那 20.these 这些21.those 那些 22.scarf.围巾 23.hat帽子 24.glove手套 25.shoes 鞋子M1U1词组1.all her books所有她的书 2. a magic stone一块魔法石 3.his fathers workshop他爸爸的车间 4.fall onto the floor落到地板上 5.a magnet.一块磁铁 6.a lot of nails许多钉子 7.stick to the stone粘到那块石头上 M1U1句型1. What a mess!一团糟。2. Whose notebook is this? Its mine.这是谁的笔记本? 它是我的。3. Whose paints are these? They are ours.这些是谁的颜料?它们是我们的。4. Are those your brushes? Yes, they are.那是你们的刷子吗? 是的。5. Are the storybooks yours too? No, they are hers.那些故事书也是你们的吗?不,它们是她的。6. Put all her books on her desk. OK.把她所有的书放在她的课桌上。 好。7. Can you put this T-shirt in Mum and Dads bedroom? Sure.你能把这件T恤衫放到爸爸妈妈的卧室吗?当然。8. Tidy up the room. 整理房间。9. Jims father gives him a black stone. Jim的父亲给了他一块黑色的石头。10. Its a magnet.它是一块磁铁。Module1Unit 2Watch it grows!M1U2:单词1.caterpillar毛毛虫 2.butterfly蝴蝶 3.chick小鸡 4.chick鸡、鸡肉 5.duckling 小鸭 6.duck鸭、鸭肉 7.puppy小狗 8.dog狗 9.wask am is 的过去式 10. were are的过去式 11.cocoon茧 12.silkworm蚕 13. moth蛾 14. once曾经 15. deer鹿 16.cheer欢呼 17.beer 啤酒 18.born出生 19.tail尾巴 20.turtle乌龟 21.first首先 22.next紧接着 23.then然后 24. finally最后 M1U2词组1. an interesting insect 一种有趣的昆虫 2. cry in my bed在床上哭 3.catch flies捕捉苍蝇 4.catch a fly 捕捉一只苍蝇 5.make silk吐丝 6.silkworm cocoon蚕茧 7.lay eggs产卵 e out 出来 9.sit on a leaf 坐在一片叶子上M1U2句型1. It was a brown cocoon. Now it is a beautiful blue butterfly.它过去是一个棕色的茧。 现在它是一只美丽的蓝蝴蝶。2. The silkworms were small. Now they are big.小蚕们过去还很小。 H现在它们是大的了。3. They eat a lot of silk every day. They make a lot of silk too.它们每天吃大量的叶子。 它们还吐很多丝。4. What is the moth like? 蛾子像什么?5. It is spring now. Little Justin is born in a river.现在是春天。小佳斯汀出生在一条河里。6. He has a tail.他有一条尾巴。 7. Your mother has big eyes and she catchesflies.你的妈妈有大眼睛并且她会抓苍蝇。8. Now Little Justin has no tail. He sees a frog. She is catching a fly. 现在小佳斯汀没有尾巴他看到一只青蛙。她正在捉一只苍蝇。9. Do you know how it grows? 你知道他是怎么生长的吗?Module1Unit 3How noisy!M1U3:单词1.drill电钻 2.lorry货车 3.bus 公共汽车 4.car小轿车 5.motorbike摩托车 6.lorries货车的复数 7.telephone电话 8.radio收音机 9.television电视机 10.noise噪音 11.noisy吵闹的 12.enjoy享受 13.loudly声音大地 14. Mars火星 15.point指 16.tour 旅游 17.tourist游览者 18.soil 土壤 19.hear about获知 20.another另一个21.quiet安静的 22. loud声音大的M1U3词组1. on the sofa在沙发上 2.watch a cartoon 观看一个卡通电影 3. a pop group 一个流行乐队 4.at City Square 在城市广场 5. play some loud music for Ben 为Ben演奏一些声音大的音乐 6. have great fun很有乐趣 7. make noise制造噪音 8.in the world 在世界上 9.say to his parents 对他的父母亲说 10. on the kings birthday 在国王的生日 11. after that在那之后 12. on Saturday afternoon星期六下午 13. at home在家 14. read a book读一本书 15.play the drum 打鼓16.outside在外面 17.do ones homework做某人的家庭作业 M1U3句型1.Whats that noise? Its too loud. Its a lorry.那是什么噪音? 它太响了。 它是一辆货车。2. I love going to the library to read books.我爱去图书馆读书。 3. I can hear the birds singing.我能听到鸟唱歌。4.He wants to hear the loudest noise in the world.他想听世界上最响的声音。5. A child says to his parents Lets just open our mouths and listen.一个孩子对他的父母亲说,让我们只张开嘴巴听。6.All the people hear about this idea.所有的人都听说这个主意了。7.At twelve oclock. on the kings birthday, people all open their mouths and listen. 在国王生日那天的十二点,人们都张开了他们的嘴巴听。8.After that , the Noise King becomes quiet.在那之后,吵闹国变得安静了。9. People do everything quietly.人们安静地做每一件事。Module2Unit 1Food and drinksM2U1:单词1.pork 猪肉 2.beef牛肉 3.chicken鸡肉 4.meat 肉 5.fish 鱼肉6.vegetable 蔬菜 7.tomato西红柿 8.potato 土地 9. carrot 胡萝卜 10. cabbage 包菜 11.bean 扁豆 12.grape 葡萄 13.fruit 水果 14. healthy健康 15.important 重要的 16.unhealthy 不健康的 17. fridge 冰箱 18.crow (公鸡)叫 19.ham 火腿 20.safe 安全的 21.hole 洞M2U1词组1. eat/have breakfast.吃早饭 2.drink/have milk喝牛奶 3.in the fridge在冰箱里 4.eat too much sweet food 吃大量觉得甜食 5.play sports进行运动 6.in a small hole在一个小洞里 7.do some exercise做运动 8.get fat变胖 9.run fast跑得快 1 0. run to the hole跑到洞里M2U1句型1. What did you have for breakfast? 早饭你吃什么?2. I had bread, a glass of milk and an apple. 我吃面包,喝一杯牛奶。3. Breakfast is very important. 早饭很重要。4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away! 一天一个苹果,医生远离你!5. They are healthy. 他们是健康的。6. Unhealthy children watch too much TV. 不健康的孩子看大量电视。7. Whats in the fridge? 冰箱里有什么?8. There is some ham in the fridge. 冰箱里有一些火腿9. Jim does some exercise every day. 吉姆每天做一些运动。10. Matt never does any exercise. 马特从不做运动。M2Unit 2 FilmsM2U2:单词1. ticket 票子2. ticket office 售票处 3. exit出口 4. entrance 入口5. seat 座位6. film 电影7. funny 有趣的8. princess 公主9. magic 魔力的10.mirror 镜子11.adult 成年人12. hunter 猎手13.Snow White白雪公主 14.Toy Story 玩具总动员 15.Swan Lake 天鹅糊 16.Rabbit Run兔子大逃亡 17.dwarf-dwarfs 矮人 18.happen发生M2U2词组1.see a film 看电影2.at City Cinema 在城市电影院3.in five minutes 五分钟内4. the fairest of all 所有最漂亮的5 . look like 像-一样 6 . fall asleep 都睡着了7. wake up 醒了 8.this afternoon9.a ticket for Snow White 一张白雪公主的票 10.leave home离开家11. .run away from a farm 从农场逃跑 12.in five minutes五分钟以后13.stay with them 跟他们呆在一起 14.look like an old woman看起来像一个老人15.find out 找出答案,查明原因M2U2句型1. Shall we go and see a film ? 我们一起去看电影好吗?2. What happens next ? 接下来发生了什么?3.See the film and find out . 看电影发现M2Unit 3 School subjectsM2U3:单词1. subject 科目2.Chinese 中国人3. English 英国人4. Maths 数学5.Art 美术6. Music 音乐 7. IT 电子工程8. PE 体育9.class 班级10.add 增加 11.pretty 漂亮的12. just 恰恰13. line 线14. dot 点15. carefully 仔细地16 . timetable 课程表M2U3词组1.learn things 学东西2.in English class 在英语课上3.count from one to ten 从1 数到104. Its time for English class./Its time to have English.该上英语课的时间了.5.lunch break 午餐休息 6.have P.E.上体育课7.my favourite subject 我最喜欢的科目 8.a timetable for Monday一张周一的课程表9.a short break 一个短暂的休息 10.after each class每一节课以后11.in the Art class在美术客上 12.look like rain看起来像雨13.in the rain在雨中 14.Its time for lunch break./ Its time to have a lunch break.该午餐休息的时间了.M2U3句型1.What about you ? 你呢?2. Nothing ! 什么也没有。3.Thanks for your help , Danny ! 谢谢你的帮助!4.Its time for Chinese class.= Its time to have Chinese.现在是上语文课的时间.5.Art is my favourite subject.美术课是我最喜欢的科目.6.English and Maths are my favourite subjects.英语和数学是我最喜欢的科目.7.Maybe Ill draw a house in the rain.也许,我将在雨中画一座房子.M3Unit 1 SignsM3U1:单词1. telephone 电话2.smoking 吸烟3. swimming 游泳4. walk 走路5.sign 标志6. toilet 厕所7. restaurant 饭店8. park keeper 公园的工作人员9.bench 长凳10.stepmother 继母11.drop 落下12. lost 丢失13.exit 出口 14.entrance 入口 15.mean意思M3U1词组1.get into 到-里面2.get out of here 从这儿出去3.leave them in the forest 把他们留在森林里4. say to herself 对她自己说5.in the middle of the forest 在森林的中央6. stay here 待在这里e back later 一会回来8.follow them back home 跟着他们回家9.have a picnic 举行野餐 10.go for a picnic去野餐11.the path of stones石头小路 12.on the way to the forest在去森林的路上13.find my way back home 找到我回家的路 14.exit: get out of here从这儿出去15.entrance: get into of here从这儿进去M3U1句型1.No smoking ! =Dont smoke!不准吸烟2. No swimming !=Dont swim. 不准游泳3.Dont litter ! =Dont leave rubbish.=No litter!=No littering!不准乱丢垃圾4.Dont walk on the grass ! 不准在草地上走5.Dont ride your bicycle.=No bicycles!不要骑自行车.6.Dont play football.=No footballs.不要踢足球.7.Dont walk your dog here.=No dogs.不要把你的狗带到这儿.8.Now we are lost.现在我们迷路了.9.be happy to do sth. (Their father is very happy to see them.)高兴做某事.M3Unit 2 WeatherM3U2:单词1. cloud 云2. rain 雨3. snow 雪4. storm 暴风5.stormy 暴风雨的6. fog 雾7. foggy 有雾的8. yesterday 昨天9.degree 度10.weather 天气11.make 制作12. the weather report 天气预报13. typhoon 台风14. comfortable 舒服的 15.temperature温度16.typhoon台风17.build-built 建造 M3U2词组1.blowing strongly 猛烈的吹2.plants grow quickly植物生长快3.make sth. strong 使强壮4. the East China Sea 中国的东海5.heavy rain and a strong wind 狂风暴雨6. notat all 一点都不7.a long time ago 很久以前8.plant rice 种稻子9.blow my plants down 吹倒 植物 10.thirty-two degrees.32度11.build a new house 造一座新房子 12.stay in his house呆在家里M3U2句型1.Whats the weather like today ? 今天的天气如何?2. Its cloudy today . 今天多云3.Heres the weather report . 这里是天气预报4.It will be windy tonight . 今晚将刮风。5.The temperature will be twenty-eight degrees.温度将是28度.6.Whats the temperature?温度是多少? Its 28 degrees. 28度.Module3 Unit 3 ChangesM3U3单词1. next week 下周 2. surprise惊喜.惊讶 3. furniture家具 4. changes变化5. cupboard 碗橱 6. bookshelf书架 7. bed床 8. mirror镜子9. lamp台灯 10. cushion靠垫 11. sofa沙发 12. surprise惊喜.惊讶13. surprised感到惊讶的 14. remember想起 15. village村庄16. fisherman渔民 17. later后来 18. town城镇 19. country国家M3U3词组1.move the furniture 移动家具 2.next to the wall挨着墙3.cut them out 把它们剪下来 4.on the big blue sofa在又大又蓝的沙发上5.changes in Shanghai上海的变化 6.many years ago许多年以前7.a big city一个大城市 8.a lot of buildings许多楼房9.other countries其它的国家 10.The Shanghai History Museum 上海历史博物馆11.the story of Shaghai上海的故事 12.many other things许多其它的东西13.a lot of photos of Shanghai许多上海的照片 M3U3句型1.The living room looks different. 客厅看起来不同。2.The sofa was under the shelf. Now its under the window. 沙发以前在架子下面。现在在窗子下面。3. What else? 还有什么?4.Play the game in pairs. 两人一组做游戏。5.Dad is coming home next week. 爸爸下星期就要回来了。6.Not many people lives here. 没有许多人住在这儿。7.Later, people from other places came to Sghanghai and it became a town. 以后,从其它地方来的人们来到了上海,上海变成了城镇。8.The Shanghai History Museum tells the story of Shanghai. 上海历史博物馆讲述上海的故事。Module4 Unit 1 MuseumsM4U1单词1robot机器人 2. perform表演 3. put out fires灭火 4. useful有用的5. science museum科学博物馆 6. art museum美术博物馆 7. history museum历史博物馆 8. insect museum昆虫博物馆9. car museum汽车博物馆 10. railway museum铁路博物馆11.the World of Robots机器人世界 12. bought buy的过去式13. went go的过去式 14. the Louver Museum卢浮宫 15. Paris巴黎16. human history人类历史 17. culture文化 18. thousands of成千上万19. trip旅行 20.the Mona Lisa蒙娜丽沙 21.the Piano Prince钢琴王子M4U1词组1.play the piano very well弹钢琴很好 2.perform Beijing Opera表演京剧3.really great 真的很棒 4.put out fires灭火5.learn about 学到关于. 6.on one trip在一次旅行中7.the worlds most famous painting世界上最著名的画8.again and again一次又一次 9.many different cultures许多不同的文化M4U1句型1.He is really cool. 他真的很酷.2.Look, they are dancing beautiful. 看,他们正在优美地跳舞.3.They can help firefighters put out fires. 他们能帮消防队员灭火.4.Which museum do you want to visit? 你想要参观哪一个博物馆? I want to visit the Car Museum. 我想参观汽车博物馆.5.Why? 为什么? Because I want to see different cars. 因为我想看不同的汽车.6.I learn a lot about insects. 我学到了许多关于昆虫的知识.7.People can learn about human history and many different cultures. 人们能了解人类的历史和许多不同的文化.8. You can not see everything on one trip. 你不能在一次旅行中看到每一样东西.Module4 Unit 2 Western holidaysM4U2单词1. western holidays西方节日 2. present礼物 3. Christmas圣诞节 4. Easter复活节 5. Halloween万圣节 6. Thanksgiving感恩节 7. pumpkin南瓜 8. jack-o-lantern南瓜灯 9. trick-or-treating不招待就使坏10.Dragon Boat Festival端午节 11.own自己的 12.candle蜡烛 13.sleigh雪橇14. monster怪兽 15. trick恶作剧 M4U2词组1.my favourite Chinese festival 我最喜欢的中国节日 2.everyone in the UK 在英国的每一个人3.give presents to each other 互相给礼物 4.hide a lot of eggs 藏许多蛋5.on a Sunday in March or April 在三月或四月的星期天6.Go on Easter egg hunts 复活节彩蛋活动 7.make jack-o-lanterns 做南瓜灯8.go trick-or-treating 玩不招待就使坏的游戏9.on the fourth Thursday of November 在十一月的第四个星期四10.have a family dinner 家庭晚宴 11.decorate a Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树12.cut out a circle 剪下一个圆圈 13.cut a face 剪一张脸14.have fancy-dress parties 举行化装舞会 15.dress like 像一样打扮16.knock on peoples door 敲人们的门 17.play a trick on sb. 对某人恶作剧M4U2句型1.Kitty is talking to her friend Laura in the UK on the internet. Kitty正在网络上与她在英国的朋友Laura聊天.2.When is Easter? 复活节在什么时候?Its on a Sunday in March or April. 在三月或四月的星期天3.What do children do on this holiday? 孩子们在这个节日做什么? They go on Easter egg hunts and eat chocolate eggs. 他们参加复活节彩蛋活动和吃巧克力蛋.4.Dont it away. 不要把它仍掉.5.Put a candle inside your orange and light it. 把一根蜡烛放在你的橘子里,点亮它.6.Take out the inside. 拿出里面的东西.7.They dress like animals, monsters or famopus people. 他们打扮成动物,怪兽或一些著名的人.Module4 Unit 3 Story timeM4U3单词1. giant巨人 2. castle城堡 3.the giants garden 巨人的花园 4.build建造 5.bring 带来M4U3词组1.have a good time玩的的高兴 e back 回来3.run away 跑掉 4.put up a sign 放一个标志5.this year 今年 6.lovely sounds 一个可爱的声音7.at last 最后 8.break down the wall 推倒这面墙9.from then on 从那时起 10. forever and ever永远11. look out of the window 看窗子外面M4U3句型1.The giant builds a tall wall all arioubnd the garden. 巨人在花园的四周建造了一面墙.2.They come into the garden through a hole in the wall. 他们从墙上的洞进到了花园里.3. They bring Miss Spring into his garden. 他们把春姑娘带到了花园里.4.From then on, Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn never come late again.从那时起,春姑娘,夏姑娘,秋姑娘从没有迟到过.


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