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美国英格索兰公司拧紧基础知识,拧紧机资料之一,工具形式及选择,POSITIVES正版的 High power to weight ratio重量比率高 Fast快速(速度快) No Reaction没有反应 Non Technical Maintenance非技术维修 Compact体积小 Inexpensive价格适中,NEGATIVES盗版的 Little or No control半受控或不受控 Noisy有噪音 High Vibration高振动,冲击扳手,冲击扳手结构,外形、轮廓,巨大的锤子,NEGATIVES消极,Torque Readout Run down speed Two Hand Operation (angle wrenches),POSITIVES积极,Good Repeatability Inexpensive Low Overshoot,离合器型气动工具,价格适宜,冲劲低,重复性能好,运行速度下降,双手操作,自己读力矩,Once pre set torque is delivered to the joint, Clutch spring gets compressed triggering the mechanism to shut off air supply to the motor, providing excellent repeatability.一旦预先设定的扭矩传递到结合处,离合器弹簧压缩,触发空气供应切断机制运行 ,并能重复性工作,且效果优良。,离合器自动断气型扳手,扭矩,推杆,汽车末端,离合器弹簧,离合器调节螺母,螺丝起子,POSITIVES Accurate Low Noise Clean Closed - Loop Feedback Ergonomic Low Running Cost Can be interfaced with PLCs and BCRs,NEGATIVES High Initial Investment Torque Reaction Two hand operation (angle tools),电动拧紧机,精确,噪音低,清洁,闭环反馈,工效性,运行成本低,兼具燃料装填控制系统 和BCRs,初始投资高,扭矩反应,两手操作,拧紧机控制柜,拧紧工具选择,Operator Ergonomics (Reaction, Tool Weight, Arm Position, Frequency),Cycle Rate,Fastener and Drive Type,Access to Fastener (Size and Space Constraints),Joint Criticality,Data Collection,Torque Level,Budget,Power Source,Maintainability,Tightening Strategy,严谨的策略,维修能力,力源,数据收集,结合临界,预算,紧固件通道,扭矩水平,循环率,紧固件和驱动类型,人机工程学的应用(反应,工具重量,力臂位置,频率),拧紧工具选择综述,Reliable bolted joints are dependent on many factors: Fastener quality and type Consistency of joint materials Assembly tool used Assembly method or strategy Operator Influence Frictional Scatter Maintenance of bolt clamp load Tool and assembly method selection should occur early in the design process to be most effective,螺栓连接的可靠性影响因素很多:,紧固件质量和类型,联合材料的一致性,所用的集装工具,集装方法或集装策略,操作人员的影响,摩擦散射,螺栓钳负荷的维护,工具和装配方法的选择应在设计过程中及早进行,这样才最有效,扭矩测量术语,动态扭矩 - Peak Torque Measured During the Installation of a Fastener Using a Power Tool- The Preferred and Most Accurate Measurement For Assembly Statistical process Control,静态扭矩 - Torque Value That Exist Without Producing Rotation in a Fastener - Used Only as an Indication of a Minimum Torque,残留扭矩 - Torque Measured After Fastener is Installed by Rotating The Fastener in Tightening Direction - Can Have Significant Measurement Error depending on equipment used to Audit Torque,峰顶扭矩测量应用在用扭力工具进行紧固件安装中-这是统计过程控制最恰当最精确的测量方法。,转矩存在的价值不产生旋转的紧固件,仅作为最低转矩的说明,当紧固件按某一方向被旋紧安装后再进行扭矩测量,重大测量误差的产生取决于所使用设备的审计转矩,扭矩测量,“标记法 Back-to-the-Mark” 准确度: 高 方便性/速度: 低 Mark then loosen Bolt. Tighten Back to Original Position标记后柠松螺栓,再拧紧回初始位置。 Truly Checks Dynamic Tightening Torque切切实实的检查动态拧紧扭矩 Works Only in Tapped Holes这种方法仅仅用在各塞孔处 Time Consuming耗费时间,扭矩测量,“Off-torque” 准确度: 低 方便性/速度: 中 Measure Peak Loosening Torque测量松动扭矩的峰值 Measurement of Off-Torque Does Not Relate Accurately to Tightening Torque Off-Torque紧固扭矩的测量方法缺乏准确性,不知道,扭矩测量,带响声手动扭矩扳手 准确度: 低 方便性/速度: 高 Apply Torque Until Wrench Clicks at Set Torque扳手点击所设扭矩之前的扭矩为适合扭矩 Not a Real Audit Method - Basically a Torque Re-Application Method不是一种真正的审查方法,基本上是一种扭矩再应用检测 Only Gives Assurance That Inspected Fastener Has Been Tightened只能用来检测早先紧固件的紧固情况,扭矩测量,扭矩手动扳手 准确度: 低 方便性/速度: 中 Apply Torque Until Operator Senses Movement操作人员能够感应到移动之前的扭矩为适合扭矩 Read Peak Torque on Tool Indicator从指示器上读出峰值扭矩 Subject to Operators Skill and Joint Conditions遵从操作技能和共同条件,扭矩测量,扭矩/角度 扳手带外部记录仪器 准确度: 较高 方便性/速度: 低 Capable of Measuring Dynamic Torque能够测量动态扭矩 Equipment Is Bulky and Difficult to Use设备庞大很难用,扭矩测量,扭矩/角度 力矩扳手带有动态扭矩监测算法 准确度:高 方便性/速度: 高 Truly Checks Dynamic Torque After the Fastener Has Been Rotated a Small Amount 紧固件已经小幅度旋转之后再切实检查动态扭矩,动态扭矩,Peak Static Torque静态扭矩峰值,Angle, q,Residual Torque Measured Dynamically残余扭矩的动态测量,Torque, T,“Snug”Torque“事宜扭矩,工件连接基础知识,Hard Joint - 30 or less - high torque rate 硬连接30或更小高转矩率,Soft Joint - 720 or more - low torque rate 软连接720或更大-低扭矩率,连接形式,硬连接 30 or less rotation between snug and final torque (27 between 10% and 100% torque) 介于适宜扭矩与最后扭矩30度或小于30度的旋转 (0.27的公差)。,软连接 720 rotation between snug and final torque (650 between 10% and 100% torque) 介于适宜扭矩与最后扭矩做720度的旋转 (6.5的公差)。,JOINT RATES AS DEFINED BY ISO 5393连接率的定义由国际标准化组织5393界定,Joint rate highly effects the final clamp load achieved by a given torque连接率对最后给定的夹负载力矩有很大的影响力,TORQUE扭矩,TL,TH,TC,SNUG,27,As,30,A1,TL,TH,TC,SNUG适宜, 720,A0,As,连接形式,连接形式,PREVAILING TORQUE Notable Torque Before Fastener Begins to Seat紧固件在开始设定位置前应予以重视 Can be Hard or Soft或是硬链接或只是软连接 Examples例如 -Thread Forming线程的形成-Thread Cutting 螺纹切削 -Self Locking 自锁功能-Damaged Threads-Damaged 螺纹破损,Prevailing Torque现行扭矩,SNUG,TL,TH,TC,拧紧基础知识,扭矩和转角,长度 (Feet, Meters) 脚、米,力 (Newtons, Pounds) 牛顿, 英镑,扭矩 = 力 x 长度,角度,90,135,拧紧基础,Tightening Threaded Fasteners is Basically an Energy Transfer Process 螺纹紧固件紧固过程可以说是能量转移的过程 Area Under Torque-Angle Curve is Proportional to the Energy Required to Tighten the Fastener 扭矩角度曲线以下的区域与紧固件紧固所需的能量成正比。 T = K d F T = Torque扭矩 d = Nominal Diameter公众认可的直径 F = Force力 K = Friction Factor 摩擦因素,角度, q,扭矩, T,扭矩消耗到哪里去了?,螺纹摩擦力,夹紧力,螺帽摩擦力,扭矩,螺帽摩擦力 55% 罗纹摩擦力- 35% 夹紧力 - 10%,拧紧曲线,拧紧曲线,扭矩控制拧紧过程,拧紧方法,The variation in clamp loads is controlled by friction scatter. Using a very accurate wrench will not help preload scatter. However, a very inaccurate wrench will have a detrimental impact on preload scatter.负荷作用下的变形源于摩擦。使用非常精确的扳手不能缓解再负荷式的散射,然而对负荷分散会产生不利影响。,扭矩控制拧紧,拧紧方法,扭矩控制拧紧,拧紧方法,Applied Torque Is Controlled Directly or Indirectly扭矩的应用直接或间接受控 Target Torque Is Usually 50% to 85% of Yield Torque目标扭矩通常介于效益扭矩的50%-85% Used in Elastic Range of Fastener用于紧固件弹性范围内 90% Of Applied Torque Is Used to Overcome Friction 90%的应用扭矩是用来克服摩擦的 Also known as: Torque, Straight Torque据目前所知:扭矩、直扭矩 Preload Accuracy 25%再负荷精确度25%,Step 1: Apply a Torque to Consolidate the JointComponents (Snug Torque) 第一步:运用扭矩来巩固部件的连接情况 Step 2: Turn the Fastener Through a Pre-determined Angle第二步:通过预先设定的角度进行紧固 Originally Developed for Beyond Yield Tightening, Now Also Used in the Elastic Range最初的超出拧紧区域的发展屈服,现在也用在弹性范围内 Requires Application Testing to Establish Snug Torque and Angle Parameters 需要应用试验建立适宜的转矩和角参数 Also known as: Turn of the Nut, Torque-Angle 目前所知:螺母的旋转扭矩-角度 Preload Accuracy 15%再负荷精确度15%,角度控制,拧紧方法,角度控制,角度控制,Scatter in Preload is Caused Mainly by The Scatter in Friction During the Torque Tightening (Snug Torque) Portion of the Tightening Procedure预分散主要由于在紧缩过程中扭矩拧紧部分产生的分散摩擦造成的。 During the Angle Tightening Portion There is no Scatter in Preload Due to Friction, Only the Scatter in Applied Angle Turned在角度紧缩部分,没有因摩擦而产生负荷的散射,只有应用角度旋转时的散射。,角度控制,角度说明: Snug torque has a tolerance which can increase the initial clamp load scatter.适宜扭矩已为能够增加最初的预散射提供了空间。 A low snug torque should be used whenever possible. When a high snug torque is used, the effect of constant preload v. angle is lost.较低的适宜扭矩应该尽量加以利用。而当使用一个高的适宜扭矩时,预设的角度常量的作用会被忽视。 A low snug torque will also reduce the effects of torque scatter before the angle is counted. 角度计算之前,较低的适宜扭矩将会减少扭矩分散。 When tightening in the plastic range of a fastener, variation in yield strength is also a factor.在紧固件塑性范围内紧缩时,变形也是产生角度的一个原因。,屈服点控制,Torque and Angle Are Monitored During Tightening紧缩时扭矩和角度是相辅相成的。 The Maximum Gradient is Stored & the Yield Point Identified When the Gradient Falls to a Fraction of the Maximum当梯度下降达到最大值的一部分时,最大梯度值会被记录,紧缩点也会被确定。 Utilizes Maximum Load Potential of the Fastener利用紧固件的最大承载潜力 Largely Uninfluenced by Friction在很大程度上不受摩擦的影响 Allows Torque Angle Inspection of Every Tightening允许对所有紧缩政策实施扭矩转角的监控 Bolts Can Be Reused螺栓可以重复利用 Also known as: Torque to Yield扭矩屈服点 Preload Accuracy 8%,拧紧方法,屈服点控制,屈服点控制,Reduced Variation in Preload After Tightening:紧缩之后减少预负荷中的变形,Preload Scatter is More Dependent on Strength Variation Than Friction Variation 比起摩擦, 预分散更依赖于强度变化 Bolt Strength is More Controllable Than Friction 螺栓强度比起摩擦力可控性更强。,PRELOAD, N,预负荷N,Thread线程,Grade,Size,Range,8.8,10.9,12.9,8.8,10.9,12.9,M4 x 0.7,Minimum,4,400,6,200,7,300,3.1,4.4,5.3,Maximum,5,600,7,600,8,800,4.3,6,7.2,M5 x 0.8,Minimum,7,200,10,000,12,200,6.4,9,11,Maximum,9,200,12,400,14,600,8.7,12,15,M6 x 1.0,Minimum,10,200,14,200,16,100,11,14,18,Maximum,13,000,17,600,20,500,15,20,24,M8 x 1.25,Minimum,18,600,26,200,31,400,25,37,44,Maximum,23,800,32,200,37,800,36,51,60,M10 x 1.5,Minimum,29,800,41,600,50,000,52,73,88,Maximum,38,000,51,200,60,000,71,99,119,M12 x 1.75,Minimum,43,400,60,700,72,900,92,128,156,Maximum,54,400,74,900,87,700,127,173,207,M14 x 2.0,Minimum,59,400,83,300,100,000,144,205,244,Maximum,75,600,102,000,120,000,200,280,335,M16 x 2.0,Minimum,82,500,115,000,138,000,228,322,383,Maximum,105,000,141,000,166,000,310,450,520,M18 x 2.5,Minimum,99,200,139,000,167,000,305,430,510,Maximum,127,000,171,000,201,000,420,595,710,Grade,夹紧力和理想扭矩,EXPECTED TORQUE, Nm预期的扭矩,海里,Clamp Load Scatter夹负荷分散,最小夹紧力,工具和螺栓选择,屈服点控制,Joint May Not Be Critical Enough to Warrant its Cost 联合不足以保证其成本 Should Not Use When:不应使用的时机可概括为以下方面: Bolt Yield Strength Joint Compressive Strength螺栓屈服强度大于联合抗压强度时 Bolt Yields Somewhere Other Than Threads螺栓产量某个主题 Head Shears螺栓头掉了 Nut Strips螺母无螺痕 Applications Where Frequent Disassembly is Required应用于频繁解体所必需的场所 Joints With Unpredictable Stiffness Qualities连接质量等的不可预知,If Yield is the Most Accurate, Why Not Always Use it? 如果产量是最准确的, 为什么不常用呢?,拧紧错误,拧紧错误,FOUR MAJOR ERRORS DURING BOLT TIGHTENING : 螺栓紧固中的四大错:,Human errors 人的操作错误 Tightening method errors 紧固方法不当 Improper tool errors 工具不适宜 Joint parts errors 连接部位错误,Forgot to tighten忘记拧紧 Improper tools used使用了不恰当的工具 Wrong specifications规格错误 Wrong tightening procedure紧固方法错误 Wrong selection of tools工具的选取不当 Inaccuracy 不精确 Mechanical failure 机械故障 Out of parts tolerance超出了部件的承受力 Bad material材料不好 Insufficient lubrication润滑不充分,拧紧错误,CLASSIFICATION & CAUSE FOR LOOSENING OF BOLTS 螺栓松动分类及原因,拧紧错误,CHARACTERISTICS DIAGRAM OF DEFECTIVE JOINT缺陷连接特征图,拧紧错误,Tightening faults can be caused by the joint, the tool or the operator拧紧错误可由连接、工具或操作人员引起 These faults typically show up as major deviations from normal这些缺点通常显示为相对正常的偏离 The detection of tightening faults is best done by uncovering deviations from normal angle紧固故障的检测最好不要覆盖正常角度的偏离 Modern DC controllers have the capability to monitor or control angle to flag these process errors现代的直流控制器能够监视和控制的角度,平复进程中遇到的各种错误,装配过程中,拧紧错误,由下列方法判断:,错误种类,扭矩控制,Bolt too Soft,(Low or high friction conditions)摩擦过大或过小,NO,YES,YES,Bolt too Soft,(Normal Friction)摩擦适中,NO,Usually NO,YES,Bolt too Hard螺栓过硬,NO,NO,YES,Thread Fault,(Friction High)摩擦过大,NO,YES,YES,Coating/ Lube Fault,(Friction extremely Low)摩擦微乎其微,NO,YES,YES,拧紧错误,Angle, q,Torque, T,Blind Hole Too Short孔的深度欠缺,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Torque Low Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,拧紧错误,Angle, q,Torque, T,Incomplete Operation (tool shut off early)没有完全操作,Expected,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Torque Low Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,拧紧错误,Angle, q,Torque, T,Misaligned Parts忽略了角度,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Torque Low Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,Expected,拧紧错误,Angle, q,Torque, T,Crossed Threads孔直径过大,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Torque Low Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,Expected,Angle, q,Torque, T,Joint Component Fails零部件连接错误,拧紧错误,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Torque Low Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,Expected,Angle, q,Torque, T,Stripped Threads多方面的滑扣,拧紧错误,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Torque Low Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,Expected,Angle, q,Torque, T,Warped Mating Parts要与外包部件匹配,拧紧错误,Effect on Torque/Angle End of Cycle Data: 扭矩/角最终的循环数据的作用:,Torque,Angle,Tightening Cycles,Torque High Limit,Angle High Limit,Angle Low Limit,Torque Low Limit,All final cycle data is good所有的数据是有效的,Expected期望,案例分析,客户 : Swaraj Engines Ltd S发动机有限公司 问题 : Cylinder Head Leakage缸盖渗漏 分析 : Method of Tightening : Run down with Impact Wrench, final tightening to 14 Kg.m.by manual Torque Wrench 方法:使用冲击扳手进行手动拧紧致14千克.米 Methodology: Sensor Expert set to JCS- Yield Mode with 4 degree capture angle, recorded Yield Torque data from 24 Cyl.Head Nuts & Studs of Two Engines. 没有翻译 Findings:Nuts yielded at Average of 13.5 Kg.m Torque. 结果:最终扭矩平均值为13.5 Kg.m Inference :Considering the effect of friction torque applied on this joint should not be more than 11 Kg.m. (Safety Factor of 0.81) 推论:考虑到摩擦效用的应用,这种联合不应超过11 Kg.m。(安全系数0.81)。,使用IR Sensor Expert力矩扳手实例,使用IR Sensor Expert力矩扳手实例,结论 The results Indicate usage of Low Grade of Nuts/ Studs.Swaraj Engine Confirmed that a few years ago the had changed the grade of stud from 8.8 to 10.9 and specified Torque was increased as per 10.9 grade. However Nuts grade was not changed. 结果表明没有翻译 行动 : Grades of Nut Changed, problem resolved.等级的改变,问题也随之解决。,Ingersoll -Rand,The Solution Providers 问题提供者,Pneumatic Tools Accessories Testing Equipments 气动工具配件的检测设备,Fastener Tightening Systems & Assembly Automation 紧固件紧固系统及装配自动化,Ergonomic Handling Systems 人机工程学处理系统,Line Application Survey线性供应调查,Turnkey Solutions 解决方案,Software & Integration软件与集成,After Sales Services售后服务,Tool Crib Management 工具管理,Calibration 校准,


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